Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC:BRSE) Invites Influencers and Creators to Dish Up the Next Big Thing in Food Delivery

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Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), a leader in digital restaurants and on-demand gourmet meals, is calling on social media influencers and content creators to collaborate on new delivery-first food brands in Southern California. CEO Alan Moore emphasizes the importance of consistently delicious, crave-worthy food delivered quickly.

The company boasts a track record of launching over fifty digital brands and serving more than 1,000,000 food deliveries in the past six years. Broadside is expanding its Hollywood location hours to 6 am - 4 am daily and launching new 24/7 kitchens in Downtown Los Angeles with a 30-kitchen facility. This strategic location allows easy access to Downtown, the Arts District, USC, and K Town.

Chief Development Officer Ken Scott highlights their ready-to-use kitchens, content creation space, culinary team, and established delivery network, making it easier for creators to launch food brands that resonate with their followers and community.

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), un leader nei ristoranti digitali e nei pasti gourmet on demand, sta invitando influencer dei social media e creatori di contenuti a collaborare su nuovi marchi alimentari focalizzati sulla consegna nel sud della California. Il CEO Alan Moore sottolinea l'importanza di un Cibo sempre delizioso e desiderabile consegnato rapidamente.

L'azienda vanta un'esperienza consolidata nel lanciare oltre cinquanta marchi digitali e nel servire più di 1.000.000 di consegne alimentari negli ultimi sei anni. Broadside sta ampliando l'orario della sua sede di Hollywood, che sarà aperta dalle 6 del mattino alle 4 del mattino ogni giorno, e sta lanciando nuove cucine aperte 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 nel centro di Los Angeles con una struttura di 30 cucine. Questa posizione strategica consente un facile accesso al centro, al Distretto delle Arti, all'USC e a K Town.

Il Chief Development Officer Ken Scott evidenzia le loro cucine pronte all'uso, lo spazio per la creazione di contenuti, il team culinario e la rete di consegna consolidata, rendendo più semplice per i creatori lanciare marchi alimentari che risuonano con i loro seguaci e la comunità.

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), un líder en restaurantes digitales y comidas gourmet a demanda, está llamando a influencers de redes sociales y creadores de contenido para colaborar en nuevas marcas de alimentos centradas en la entrega en el sur de California. El CEO Alan Moore enfatiza la importancia de comida siempre deliciosa y deseable entregada rápidamente.

La compañía tiene un historial de lanzar más de cincuenta marcas digitales y servir más de 1,000,000 entregas de comida en los últimos seis años. Broadside está ampliando el horario de su ubicación en Hollywood, que estará abierta de 6 am a 4 am todos los días, y lanzando nuevas cocinas 24/7 en el centro de Los Ángeles con una instalación de 30 cocinas. Esta ubicación estratégica facilita el acceso al centro, al Distrito de Artes, a USC y a K Town.

El Chief Development Officer Ken Scott destaca sus cocinas listas para usar, espacio para creación de contenido, equipo culinario y red de entrega establecida, facilitando que los creadores lancen marcas de alimentos que resuenen con sus seguidores y comunidad.

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE)는 디지털 레스토랑과 주문형 고급 식사 분야의 선두주자로서 소셜 미디어 인플루언서와 콘텐츠 제작자에게 남부 캘리포니아에서 새로운 배달 중심의 식품 브랜드 협업을 요청하고 있습니다. CEO 앨런 무어는 일관되게 맛있고 입에 침이 고이는 음식이 신속하게 배달되는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다.

회사는 지난 6년 동안 50개 이상의 디지털 브랜드를 출시하고 1,000,000건 이상의 음식 배달을 제공한 경력을 자랑합니다. Broadside는 할리우드 위치의 운영 시간을 매일 오전 6시부터 오전 4시까지로 연장하고, 다운타운 로스앤젤레스에 24시간 운영되는 새로운 주방을 출시합니다. 이 전략적 위치는 다운타운, 아트 지구, USC, K타운에 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 합니다.

최고 개발 책임자 켄 스콧은 즉시 사용할 수 있는 주방, 콘텐츠 제작 공간, 요리 팀 및 확립된 배달 네트워크를 강조하며, 이는 창작자들이 그들의 팔로워와 커뮤니티와 공감하는 식품 브랜드를 더욱 쉽게 런칭할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), un leader dans le domaine des restaurants numériques et des repas gastronomiques à la demande, appelle les influenceurs sur les réseaux sociaux et les créateurs de contenu à collaborer sur de nouvelles marques alimentaires axées sur la livraison dans le sud de la Californie. Le PDG Alan Moore souligne l'importance de repas toujours délicieux et irrésistibles livrés rapidement.

L'entreprise a fait ses preuves en lançant plus de cinquante marques numériques et en réalisant plus d'1 000 000 de livraisons alimentaires au cours des six dernières années. Broadside élargit ses heures d'ouverture à Hollywood, qui seront de 6h à 4h tous les jours, et lance de nouvelles cuisines ouvertes 24h/24 et 7j/7 au centre de Los Angeles avec une installation de 30 cuisines. Cet emplacement stratégique permet un accès facile au centre-ville, au quartier des Arts, à la USC et à K Town.

Le directeur du développement Ken Scott met en lumière leurs cuisines prêtes à l'emploi, l'espace de création de contenu, l'équipe culinaire et le réseau de livraison établi, facilitant ainsi aux créateurs le lancement de marques alimentaires qui résonnent avec leurs abonnés et leur communauté.

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich digitale Restaurants und auf Abruf angebotene Gourmetgerichte, ruft Social-Media-Influencer und Content-Creator zur Zusammenarbeit bei neuen lieferfokussierten Lebensmittelmarken in Südkalifornien auf. CEO Alan Moore betont die Bedeutung von ständig köstlichem, begehrenswertem Essen, das schnell geliefert wird.

Das Unternehmen kann auf eine Erfolgsbilanz im Starten von über fünfzig digitalen Marken und der Lieferung von mehr als 1.000.000 Lebensmittelbestellungen in den letzten sechs Jahren zurückblicken. Broadside erweitert die Öffnungszeiten seines Standortes in Hollywood auf täglich von 6 Uhr bis 4 Uhr und eröffnet neue 24/7-Küchen im Zentrum von Los Angeles mit einer Einrichtung von 30 Küchen. Dieser strategische Standort ermöglicht einen einfachen Zugang zu Downtown, dem Arts District, der USC und K Town.

Chief Development Officer Ken Scott hebt ihre einsatzbereiten Küchen, den Raum für die Erstellung von Inhalten, das kulinarische Team und das etablierte Liefernetzwerk hervor, was es den Kreativen erleichtert, Lebensmittelmarken zu gründen, die bei ihren Followern und in ihrer Gemeinschaft Anklang finden.

  • Expansion of Hollywood location hours to 6 am - 4 am daily
  • Launch of new 24/7 kitchens in Downtown Los Angeles with 30-kitchen facility
  • Strategic location providing access to multiple high-demand areas
  • Track record of launching over 50 digital brands
  • Served over 1,000,000 food deliveries in the past six years
  • None.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE), trailblazers of the digital restaurant scene and purveyors of gourmet meals on demand, is putting out the call to entrepreneurial social media tastemakers and content creators: Let's cook up the next wave of delivery-first food brands that'll have Southern California buzzing.

"Forget the hype and the algorithms. At the end of the day, the food has to be epic. It has to be crave-worthy, consistently delicious, and delivered fast. We're talking real food, real flavors, real hustle," states Alan Moore, CEO of Broadside.

The team has the credentials to back it up: Over the past six years, they've built, launched and actually cooked over fifty digital brands and served over 1,000,000 food deliveries. Broadside's Hollywood location hours are expanding to 6 am - 4 am daily and the Company is launching new 24/7 kitchens in Downtown Los Angeles in a brand new state-of-the-art 30-kitchen facility. Prime location? Check. Downtown, the Arts District, USC, and K Town are all within easy reach.

Ken Scott, Chief Development Officer of Broadside, adds, "We've got the kitchens, the space to create killer content, a culinary team that's ready to roll, and a delivery network that's dialed in. Launching a food brand is no joke, but we make it easy. We're here to collaborate with creators and turn their followers into a feast, building authentic brands that reflect their vibe and connect with their community. LA's the epicenter of the entertainment world. Everyone's hungry for what's next. Reach out and let's serve it up."

About Broadside Enterprises, Inc.:

Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC: BRSE) is a publicly traded company at the forefront of the next generation digital hospitality industry. Learn more at and 

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What is Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTC:BRSE) offering to influencers and content creators?

Broadside Enterprises is offering influencers and content creators the opportunity to collaborate on creating new delivery-first food brands in Southern California, leveraging the company's kitchens, culinary team, and delivery network.

How is Broadside Enterprises (OTC:BRSE) expanding its operations in Los Angeles?

Broadside is expanding its Hollywood location hours to 6 am - 4 am daily and launching new 24/7 kitchens in Downtown Los Angeles with a 30-kitchen facility, providing access to Downtown, the Arts District, USC, and K Town.

What is Broadside Enterprises' (OTC:BRSE) track record in the digital restaurant industry?

Over the past six years, Broadside Enterprises has built, launched, and operated over fifty digital brands and served more than 1,000,000 food deliveries.

How does Broadside Enterprises (OTC:BRSE) plan to support influencers in launching food brands?

Broadside offers kitchens, content creation space, a culinary team, and an established delivery network to help influencers easily launch food brands that reflect their style and connect with their community.



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