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Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital has reported its Q4 and full year 2022 operating results, revealing a net loss of $153 million for Q4, largely attributed to a $137 million goodwill impairment. The company's total revenue for Q4 was $21.1 million, with distributable earnings of $12.3 million. As of December 31, 2022, loans in default totaled $250.4 million across 40 loans, reflecting the impact of increased market volatility. The company declared cash dividends of $0.035 per common share for January and February 2023. The pending merger with Ready Capital is notable, as it will not include a conference call to discuss these results.
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) will release its Q4 and full year 2022 financial results on February 27, 2023, after market close. The company will host a webcast and conference call at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the same day to discuss the results. Investors can access the call by dialing 1-877-407-9039 domestically or 1-201-689-8470 internationally. The conference call will be available for playback until March 13, 2023. Broadmark specializes in financing solutions ranging from $5 million to $75 million, investing in various real estate asset classes across the U.S.
Broadmark Realty Capital announced the tax treatment for its 2022 cash dividends on common stock (NYSE: BRMK). Stockholders are advised to consult tax advisors for specifics. The total dividend for the year was $0.81 per share, with $0.43 classified as ordinary dividends and $0.38 as return of capital. Monthly dividends of $0.070 per share were consistently paid from January to October 2022, with a reduced payment of $0.035 in November. Key payment dates ranged from January 14, 2022, to December 15, 2022, highlighting the company’s commitment to providing returns to its shareholders.
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of