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Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE: BRMK) announced on January 5, 2023 that NYSE Regulation will begin delisting proceedings for its warrants due to low selling price levels, with immediate trading suspension. The Company’s common stock will remain traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Broadmark is a specialty real estate finance firm, offering loans in the range of $5 million to $75 million across various property types in the U.S., including multifamily and commercial real estate.
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) announced a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital announced a $75 million stock repurchase plan to enhance shareholder value while navigating economic challenges. In Q3 2022, the company reported total revenue of $27.1 million, net income of $2.6 million, and significant loan activities, including $137.9 million in new originations. Despite non-performing loans totaling $115.4 million, Broadmark maintains robust liquidity with $196.1 million available, allowing for strategic repositioning. The CEO emphasized a disciplined approach to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE: BRMK) has appointed Jeffrey Pyatt as Interim CEO and Kevin Luebbers as Interim President, following the resignation of Brian Ward from these positions. The Board is actively seeking a permanent CEO. Additionally, Jonathan Hermes will serve as Chief Financial Officer effective December 1, 2022, succeeding David Schneider, who will assist in the transition. The leadership change aims to enhance financial discipline and effectively navigate changing economic conditions while maintaining strong performance in the real estate finance arena.
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) announced it will release its Q3 2022 financial results after market close on
Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) announced the resignation of David Schneider, Chief Financial Officer, effective December 31, 2022. His departure is due to a new opportunity at a non-competing private firm. Schneider will assist in the transition until a successor is appointed. The CEO lauded Schneider's contributions and highlighted the company's strong leadership team. The resignation is not linked to any disputes over accounting or financial practices. Broadmark will initiate a search for a new CFO.
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has launched its new logo and website, marking a significant branding evolution under CEO Brian Ward. The company announced its first mezzanine loan of
Broadmark Realty Capital (NYSE: BRMK) has declared a cash dividend of
Broadmark is a specialty real estate finance firm, offering financing solutions in the range of