BranchOut Food Shareholder Update: Projects $15M Run Rate and Positive Cash Flow for Q1 2025 Amid Surge in New Orders as Peru Factory Opens

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BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF) projects $15M run rate and positive cash flow for Q1 2025, driven by its newly operational Peru facility. The company expects $3.8M in Q1 revenue, up 150% year-over-year. Major developments include a $1.7M reorder from the nation's largest warehouse club, launch of three private-label products nationwide, and advanced discussions with a potential exclusive sales partner targeting $5M+ in 2025 revenues. The new 50,000-square-foot Peru facility, utilizing proprietary GentleDry™ technology, supports $40M production capacity. BranchOut aims to be debt-free by Q4 2025.

BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF) prevede un tasso di fatturato di $15M e un flusso di cassa positivo per il primo trimestre del 2025, grazie al suo nuovo impianto in Perù. L'azienda si aspetta $3,8M di ricavi nel Q1, con un aumento del 150% rispetto all'anno precedente. Tra i principali sviluppi figurano un riordino di $1,7M da parte del più grande club di magazzini del paese, il lancio di tre prodotti a marchio privato a livello nazionale e discussioni avanzate con un potenziale partner di vendita esclusivo, mirato a generare $5M+ di ricavi nel 2025. Il nuovo impianto in Perù di 50.000 piedi quadrati, che utilizza la tecnologia proprietaria GentleDry™, supporta una capacità di produzione di $40M. BranchOut punta a essere senza debiti entro il quarto trimestre del 2025.

BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF) proyecta un ritmo de ingresos de $15M y un flujo de caja positivo para el primer trimestre de 2025, impulsado por su nueva instalación en Perú. La compañía espera $3.8M en ingresos para el Q1, un incremento del 150% interanual. Los principales desarrollos incluyen un nuevo pedido de $1.7M del club de almacenes más grande del país, el lanzamiento de tres productos de marca privada a nivel nacional, y discusiones avanzadas con un posible socio de ventas exclusivo, con proyección de $5M+ en ingresos para 2025. La nueva instalación de 50,000 pies cuadrados en Perú, que utiliza la tecnología patentada GentleDry™, soporta una capacidad de producción de $40M. BranchOut tiene la intención de estar libre de deudas para el cuarto trimestre de 2025.

BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF)는 새롭게 가동된 페루 시설 덕분에 2025년 1분기에 1500만 달러의 연매출과 긍정적인 현금 흐름을 예상하고 있습니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기에 380만 달러의 매출을 기대하고 있으며, 이는 전년 동기 대비 150% 증가한 수치입니다. 주요 개발 사항으로는 국내 최대 창고 클럽으로부터의 170만 달러의 재주문, 3종의 자사 상표 제품을 전국적으로 출시, 2025년 매출 500만 달러 이상의 목표를 가진 잠재적인 독점 판매 파트너와의 진전된 논의가 포함됩니다. 5만 평방피트 규모의 새로운 페루 시설은 독점 기술인 GentleDry™를 활용하여 4000만 달러의 생산 용량을 지원합니다. BranchOut는 2025년 4분기까지 채무 없는 상태를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF) prévoit un chiffre d'affaires de 15 millions de dollars et un flux de trésorerie positif pour le premier trimestre 2025, grâce à son nouvel établissement au Pérou. L'entreprise s'attend à 3,8 millions de dollars de revenus au Q1, soit une augmentation de 150 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Parmi les développements majeurs figurent une commande de 1,7 million de dollars du plus grand club d'entrepôts du pays, le lancement de trois produits de marque distributeur à l'échelle nationale, et des discussions avancées avec un partenaire de vente exclusif potentiel visant plus de 5 millions de dollars de revenus en 2025. Le nouvel établissement de 50 000 pieds carrés au Pérou, utilisant la technologie propriétaire GentleDry™, supporte une capacité de production de 40 millions de dollars. BranchOut vise à être sans dette d'ici le quatrième trimestre 2025.

BranchOut Food (NASDAQ: BOF) prognostiziert für das erste Quartal 2025 einen Umsatz von 15 Millionen US-Dollar und einen positiven Cashflow, angetrieben durch seine neu in Betrieb genommene Einrichtung in Peru. Das Unternehmen erwartet 3,8 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz im Q1, was eine Steigerung von 150% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr darstellt. Zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen gehören eine Nachbestellung von 1,7 Millionen US-Dollar von dem größten Lagerhausclub des Landes, die Einführung von drei Eigenmarkenprodukten auf nationaler Ebene und fortgeschrittene Gespräche mit einem potenziellen exklusiven Vertriebspartner, der mehr als 5 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz im Jahr 2025 anstrebt. Die neue Anlage in Peru mit einer Fläche von 50.000 Quadratfuß, die die proprietäre GentleDry™-Technologie nutzt, unterstützt eine Produktionskapazität von 40 Millionen US-Dollar. BranchOut strebt an, bis zum vierten Quartal 2025 schuldenfrei zu sein.

  • Q1 2025 revenue projected at $3.8M, representing 150% YoY growth
  • Secured $1.7M in reorders from major warehouse club retailer
  • New Peru facility operational with $40M production capacity
  • Potential $5M+ revenue from ingredient market partnership in 2025
  • Expected positive cash flow beginning Q1 2025
  • Projected debt-free status by Q4 2025
  • None.


The operational launch of BranchOut's Peru facility marks a significant financial inflection point. The projected $3.8M Q1 2025 revenue represents a 150% YoY growth, with the facility's $40M production capacity and potential expansion to $50M providing substantial scalability. The $1.7M reorder from a major warehouse club and expanded SKUs demonstrate strong market validation.

Key financial metrics signal a robust trajectory:

  • Transition to positive cash flow in Q1 2025
  • Debt-free status targeted by Q4 2025
  • High-margin in-house production capability
  • Potential $5-6M ingredient channel commitment
The vertical integration through the Peru facility, combined with cost advantages in raw materials and labor, positions BOF for significant margin expansion and sustainable profitability.

BranchOut's market positioning shows remarkable strength through multi-channel diversification. The company is executing a sophisticated market penetration strategy across retail, private label and ingredients segments. The 200% over-performance in per-store sales at major retailers validates product-market fit. The expansion into ingredient sales through a potential exclusive partnership demonstrates strategic channel development.

The innovative product portfolio, including unique offerings like Brussels Sprout Crisps and Carrot Sticks, differentiates BOF in the competitive healthy snack market. The proprietary GentleDry™ technology creates significant barriers to entry, while the ability to produce hard-to-manufacture items like avocado chips provides a compelling competitive advantage in the growing healthy snack segment.

BranchOut Peru Facility Now Operational, Driving Profitability Through High-Margin Production

Key Highlights:

  • Projecting $3.8M in Q1 revenue, with strong growth throughout the year
  • Inflecting to Positive Cash Flow Beginning in Q1 2025
  • Peru Facility Now Operational, Producing Initial Orders and Capturing High Margins
  • Nation’s Largest Warehouse Club Reorders $1.7M After Strong Per-Store Sales, Expanding Regions and Tripling SKUs.
  • Planning 2025 Sales Strategy for the Ingredient Channel; in talks with Exclusive Sales Partner on a $5-6M commitment for 2025.
  • Debt-Free Target by Q4 2025

BEND, Ore., Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BranchOut Food Inc. (NASDAQ: BOF), a cutting-edge leader in food technology, today unveiled transformative developments that position the company for a banner year of growth and profitability. With the commissioning of its state-of-the-art production facility in Peru and a surge of major customer reorders, BranchOut is projecting $3.8M in net revenue for Q1 2025—up 150% from the prior year—and expects to achieve positive cash flow in the same quarter.

BranchOut’s new Peru facility, with its innovative GentleDry™ technology, marks a significant milestone for BranchOut, allowing the company to take production in-house, driving higher margins and enabling immediate profitability.

Driving Growth Through Key Strategic Partnerships

  • The nation’s largest warehouse club has expanded its relationship with BranchOut following exceptional sales across the Bay Area and Southeast regions, where per store performance exceeded retailer expectations by more than 200%. A total of $1.7M reorders for Q1 2025 have been secured, with expectations of additional orders in Q2. As a result, the retailer has expanded its product offerings, ordering three BranchOut products—Pineapple Chips, Organic Chewy Bananas, and Bell Pepper Crisps.
  • This October, BranchOut successfully launched three new private-label products at the nation’s largest retailer, including its novel Brussels Sprout Crisps and Carrot Sticks. These innovative products are now available nationwide, with the retailer already placing follow-up reorders to meet demand.
  • BranchOut has signed an initial $175k order with the nation’s top salad kit producer, supplying them with crunchy cherry tomatoes, a new innovation for the category. Additionally, BranchOut is engaged with a top online grocery retailer to produce and private-label its avocado chips and chewy banana bites—products difficult to manufacture with legacy technologies.
  • Lastly, BranchOut has been finalizing its sales strategy for the ingredient market, which could be as large or larger than the snack market. Discussions are far advanced with a potential exclusive sales partner - which already has established relationships with all major CPG companies - targeting 2025 revenues of $5+ million.

Peru Facility Now Fully Operational, Supporting $40M Production Capacity

BranchOut’s newly commissioned 50,000-square-foot facility in Peru is now operational, producing Brussels Sprout Crisps and Carrot Sticks to fulfill reorders from the nation’s largest retailer. Production for the nation’s largest warehouse club will begin in November, featuring large-scale batches of Organic Chewy Bananas, Pineapple Chips, and Bell Pepper Crisps. This advanced facility, with a capacity of 800 metric tons, utilizes BranchOut’s proprietary GentleDry™ technology, which is disrupting and replacing legacy dehydration methods by delivering superior quality, nutrition, and efficiency. Combined with Peru’s abundant supply of affordable raw materials and labor, BranchOut is positioned as a global leader in innovative, cost-effective food production, driving record top-line revenue and profitability.

A Transformative Year Ahead

“Bringing our Peru facility online marks a pivotal moment for BranchOut,” said Eric Healy, CEO of BranchOut Food. “We are well-positioned to scale operations efficiently while driving profitability. As we look ahead to 2025 and beyond, we see tremendous growth opportunities fueled by increasing demand from major retailers, ingredient customers and large CPG brands. Given the rapid growth, we are exploring the acquisition of a fourth large scale machine in 2025, which would increase our production capacity from $40M to approximately $50M and support our current and future sales goals for the next two years.”

BranchOut remains laser-focused on expanding growth while maintaining disciplined financial management. With a strong pipeline of customer orders and industry-leading technology, the company is on track to eliminate all outstanding debt by Q4 2025, setting the stage for a debt-free, high-margin growth phase.

About BranchOut Food Inc.

BranchOut Food is a leading international food technology company, specializing in the production of high-quality dehydrated fruit and vegetable-based products through its proprietary GentleDry Technology. This next-generation dehydration method preserves up to 95% of the original nutrition of fresh produce, offering superior quality and taste. Protected by over 17 patents, BranchOut’s technology enables it to stand out as a trusted brand, ingredient and a private-label supplier. For more information, visit or follow us on social media here.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements relate to expectations or forecasts of future events. Forward-looking statements may be identified using words such as "forecast," "intend," "seek," "target," "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "estimate", "plan," “position”, "outlook," and "project" and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Forward-looking statements with respect to the operations of BranchOut Food, Inc., (the Company) strategies, prospects and other aspects of the business of the Company are based on current expectations that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from expectations expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Although it may voluntarily do so from time to time, the Company undertakes no commitment to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

For more information:

Investor Contact:

Jeff Ramson
PCG Advisory


What is BranchOut Food's (BOF) projected revenue for Q1 2025?

BranchOut Food projects $3.8M in revenue for Q1 2025, representing a 150% increase from the prior year.

When will BranchOut Food (BOF) achieve positive cash flow?

BranchOut Food expects to achieve positive cash flow beginning in Q1 2025.

What is the production capacity of BranchOut Food's (BOF) new Peru facility?

The new Peru facility has a production capacity of 800 metric tons, supporting up to $40M in production value.

When does BranchOut Food (BOF) expect to become debt-free?

BranchOut Food aims to eliminate all outstanding debt by Q4 2025.

BranchOut Food Inc.


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Packaged Foods
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United States of America