BioNTech Highlights AI Capabilities and R&D Use Cases at Inaugural AI Day

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BioNTech and its AI subsidiary InstaDeep presented their AI strategy at the Company's Innovation Series AI Day. The event highlighted BioNTech's efforts to scale and deploy AI capabilities across its immunotherapy pipeline. Key updates include:

1. Introduction of InstaDeep's new near exascale supercomputer, Kyber, aimed at enabling large-scale computing.
2. Unveiling of novel AI Bayesian Flow Network (BFN) models for protein sequence generation.
3. Progress in deploying AI across BioNTech's pipeline, including in immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics, protein design, and lab functional validation.

The company also showcased its DeepChain™ multiomics design platform, now open for external partnerships. BioNTech aims to leverage AI to develop personalized vaccines and targeted therapies, positioning itself at the intersection of biotechnology and AI.

BioNTech e la sua sussidiaria AI InstaDeep hanno presentato la loro strategia AI durante l'AI Day della Serie Innovazione dell'azienda. L'evento ha messo in evidenza gli sforzi di BioNTech per ampliare e implementare le capacità AI in tutto il suo pipeline di immunoterapia. Gli aggiornamenti chiave includono:

1. Introduzione del nuovo supercomputer quasi exascale di InstaDeep, Kyber, progettato per abilitare l'elaborazione di grandi dimensioni.
2. Svelamento di nuovi modelli di Rete di Flusso Bayesiana (BFN) per la generazione di sequenze di proteine.
3. Progressi nell'implementazione dell'AI attraverso il pipeline di BioNTech, inclusi immunoistochimica, sequenziamento DNA/RNA, proteomica, progettazione di proteine e validazione funzionale di laboratorio.

L'azienda ha anche presentato la sua piattaforma di design multiomica DeepChain™, ora aperta a partnership esterne. BioNTech mira a sfruttare l'AI per sviluppare vaccini personalizzati e terapie mirate, posizionandosi all'intersezione tra biotecnologia e AI.

BioNTech y su subsidiaria de IA InstaDeep presentaron su estrategia de IA durante el AI Day de la Serie de Innovación de la compañía. El evento destacó los esfuerzos de BioNTech para escalar e implementar capacidades de IA en toda su línea de inmunoterapia. Las actualizaciones clave incluyen:

1. Introducción del nuevo superordenador casi exascale de InstaDeep, Kyber, diseñado para facilitar la computación a gran escala.
2. Presentación de nuevos modelos de Red Bayesiana de Flujo (BFN) para la generación de secuencias de proteínas.
3. Avances en la implementación de la IA a lo largo de la línea de BioNTech, incluyendo inmunohistoquímica, secuenciación de ADN/ARN, proteómica, diseño de proteínas y validación funcional en laboratorio.

La compañía también mostró su plataforma de diseño multiómico DeepChain™, ahora abierta para asociaciones externas. BioNTech tiene como objetivo aprovechar la IA para desarrollar vacunas personalizadas y terapias dirigidas, posicionándose en la intersección de la biotecnología y la IA.

BioNTech와 그 AI 자회사 InstaDeep가 회사의 혁신 시리즈 AI Day에서 AI 전략을 발표했습니다. 이 행사는 BioNTech가 면역요법 파이프라인 전반에 걸쳐 AI 능력을 확장 및 배포하기 위한 노력을 강조했습니다. 주요 업데이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 대규모 컴퓨팅을 가능하게 하기 위해 설계된 InstaDeep의 새로운 거의 엑사스케일 슈퍼컴퓨터 Kyber의 도입.
2. 단백질 서열 생성을 위한 새로운 AI 베이지안 흐름 네트워크(BFN) 모델 공개.
3. 면역조직화학, DNA/RNA 시퀀싱, 단백질체학, 단백질 설계 및 실험실 기능 검증을 포함하여 BioNTech의 파이프라인 전반에 AI를 배포하는 진전.

회사는 이제 외부 파트너십을 위해 열려 있는 DeepChain™ 다중오믹스 디자인 플랫폼도 선보였습니다. BioNTech는 AI를 활용하여 개인화된 백신 및 표적 치료법을 개발하려고 하며, 생명공학과 AI의 교차점에 자리 잡고 있습니다.

BioNTech et sa filiale IA InstaDeep ont présenté leur stratégie IA lors de la Journée IA de la Série d'Innovation de l'entreprise. L'événement a mis en lumière les efforts de BioNTech pour étendre et déployer des capacités IA dans son pipeline d'immunothérapie. Les mises à jour clés comprennent :

1. Introduction du nouveau superordinateur quasi exascale d'InstaDeep, Kyber, destiné à permettre un calcul à grande échelle.
2. Dévoilement de nouveaux modèles de Réseau de Flux Bayésien (BFN) pour la génération de séquences protéiques.
3. Progrès dans le déploiement de l'IA dans le pipeline de BioNTech, y compris en immunohistochimie, séquençage ADN/ARN, protéomique, conception de protéines et validation fonctionnelle en laboratoire.

La société a également présenté sa plateforme de design multiomique DeepChain™, maintenant ouverte aux partenariats externes. BioNTech vise à tirer parti de l'IA pour développer des vaccins personnalisés et des thérapies ciblées, se positionnant à l'intersection de la biotechnologie et de l'IA.

BioNTech und ihre AI-Tochter InstaDeep haben ihre AI-Strategie beim Innovationsreihe AI Day des Unternehmens vorgestellt. Die Veranstaltung hob die Bemühungen von BioNTech hervor, AI-Fähigkeiten in seiner Immuntherapie-Pipeline zu skalieren und bereitzustellen. Zu den wichtigsten Aktualisierungen gehören:

1. Einführung des neuen nahezu exascale Supercomputers Kyber von InstaDeep, der darauf abzielt, großangelegte Berechnungen zu ermöglichen.
2. Enthüllung neuartiger AI Bayesischer Flussnetzwerk (BFN) Modelle zur Generierung von Proteinsequenzen.
3. Fortschritte bei der Bereitstellung von AI in der BioNTech-Pipeline, insbesondere in den Bereichen Immunhistochemie, DNA/RNA-Sequenzierung, Proteomik, Protein-Design und funktionale Laborvalidierung.

Das Unternehmen stellte auch seine DeepChain™ Multiomics-Designplattform vor, die nun für externe Partnerschaften geöffnet ist. BioNTech verfolgt das Ziel, AI zu nutzen, um personalisierte Impfstoffe und gezielte Therapien zu entwickeln, und positioniert sich an der Schnittstelle zwischen Biotechnologie und AI.

  • Introduction of Kyber, a near exascale supercomputer, to enable large-scale computing
  • Development of novel AI Bayesian Flow Network (BFN) models for protein sequence generation
  • Progress in deploying AI across multiple areas of BioNTech's immunotherapy pipeline
  • Opening of DeepChain™ multiomics design platform for external partnerships
  • Positioning at the intersection of biotechnology and AI, potentially accelerating innovation
  • None.


BioNTech's AI Day showcases significant advancements in integrating AI across their immunotherapy pipeline. The introduction of the near exascale supercomputer Kyber is a game-changer, potentially accelerating drug discovery and development processes dramatically. The novel AI Bayesian Flow Network (BFN) models for protein sequence generation represent a cutting-edge approach in computational biology, which could lead to more efficient and accurate protein design.

The DeepChain™ multiomics design platform, now open for external partnerships, signals BioNTech's commitment to collaborative innovation. This platform's successful application to projects like the mRNA-encoded antibody RiboMab™ platform demonstrates its practical value in accelerating biotechnology research.

While these AI advancements are impressive, their real-world impact on BioNTech's product pipeline and financial performance remains to be seen. Investors should closely monitor how these AI capabilities translate into tangible results in terms of drug development timelines, success rates and ultimately, marketable products.

BioNTech's integration of AI across its immunotherapy pipeline is a significant step towards personalized medicine. The company's focus on AI-driven approaches in immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics and protein design could potentially revolutionize how we develop vaccines and cancer treatments.

The BFN generative protein model is particularly intriguing. If successful, it could dramatically accelerate the discovery of novel protein-based therapeutics, potentially leading to more effective and targeted treatments for various diseases. This could give BioNTech a significant competitive edge in the rapidly evolving field of personalized medicine.

However, it's important to note that while these AI advancements are promising, the path from computational models to clinically proven therapies is long and complex. Investors should temper their expectations with the understanding that it may take years before these AI-driven approaches translate into approved products and revenue streams.

  • Provides updates on BioNTech’s strategy to scale and deploy AI-capabilities across the immunotherapy pipeline
  • Highlights InstaDeep’s new near exascale supercomputer, Kyber, with the aim of enabling BioNTech to compute at scale
  • Unveils novel AI Bayesian Flow Network (“BFN”) models for protein sequence generation
  • Highlights progress in deploying AI across BioNTech’s immunotherapy pipeline, including in immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics, protein design, and lab functional validation

LONDON, United Kingdom, October 1, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX, “BioNTech” or “the Company”), alongside its artificial intelligence (“AI”) subsidiary InstaDeep Ltd. (“InstaDeep”), today presents an overview of its AI approach during an edition of the Company’s Innovation Series, AI Day.

“At BioNTech, we are at the forefront of integrating advanced AI to revolutionize individualized medicine. With our in-house AI specialist, InstaDeep, we are pioneering the use of artificial intelligence to develop personalized vaccines and targeted therapies,” said Prof. Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-Founder of BioNTech. “By introducing state-of-the-art technologies such as our BFN generative protein model and incorporating AI capabilities across our immunotherapy pipeline, we are unlocking the full potential of AI to deliver innovative vaccines and cancer treatments to patients worldwide”.

“BioNTech and InstaDeep, as a biotechnology powerhouse with a dedicated AI unit, are uniquely positioned at the intersection of biotechnology and AI,” said Karim Beguir, CEO and Co-Founder of InstaDeep, a BioNTech company. “Working closely together and combining expertise from AI research, high performance computing, software and biology is accelerating innovation. A key focus of this collaboration is our DeepChain™ multiomics design platform. DeepChain™ is now open for external partnerships, after successful application to several projects, including the mRNA-encoded antibody RiboMab™ platform. We are excited to harness breakthroughs in both AI and biotechnology synergistically.’’

As part of the event, BioNTech will showcase the Company’s approach to AI capability scaling and deployment across BioNTech’s pipeline. These updates will cover the introduction of a new near exascale supercomputer, the launch of a novel BFN generative model, and multiple updates on the deployment of AI across BioNTech’s immunotherapy pipeline.

The live webcast of the event will be available via this link and will begin at 3:00 pm CEST (2:00 pm BST, 9:00 am EDT). A replay of the webcast will be available shortly after the event’s conclusion and archived on BioNTech’s website for one year.

About BioNTech
Biopharmaceutical New Technologies (BioNTech) is a global next generation immunotherapy company pioneering novel therapies for cancer and other serious diseases. BioNTech exploits a wide array of computational discovery and therapeutic drug platforms for the rapid development of novel biopharmaceuticals. Its broad portfolio of oncology product candidates includes individualized and off-the-shelf mRNA-based therapies, innovative chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, several protein-based therapeutics, including bispecific immune checkpoint modulators, targeted cancer antibodies and antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapeutics, as well as small molecules. Based on its deep expertise in mRNA vaccine development and in-house manufacturing capabilities, BioNTech and its collaborators are developing multiple mRNA vaccine candidates for a range of infectious diseases alongside its diverse oncology pipeline. BioNTech has established a broad set of relationships with multiple global and specialized pharmaceutical collaborators, including Biotheus, DualityBio, Fosun Pharma, Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, Genevant, Genmab, MediLink, OncoC4, Pfizer and Regeneron.

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Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including, but not limited to, statements concerning the impact of, and expectations regarding, BioNTech’s AI capabilities and future research and development activities. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “may,” “should,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “aims,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based on BioNTech’s current expectations and beliefs of future events, and are neither promises nor guarantees. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond BioNTech’s control and which could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the uncertainties inherent in research and development,; competition from other product candidates BioNTech’s and its counterparties’ ability to manage and source necessary energy resources; BioNTech’s ability to identify research opportunities and discover and develop investigational medicines; the ability and willingness of BioNTech’s third-party collaborators to continue research and development activities relating to BioNTech's development candidates and investigational medicines; BioNTech’s ability to manage its development; regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; BioNTech’s ability to effectively scale its production capabilities and manufacture its products and product candidates; risks relating to the global financial system and markets; and other factors not known to BioNTech at this time.

You should review the risks and uncertainties described under the heading “Risk Factors” in BioNTech’s Report on Form 6-K for the period ended June 30, 2024 and in subsequent filings made by BioNTech with the SEC, which are available on the SEC’s website at These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Except as required by law, BioNTech disclaims any intention or responsibility for updating or revising any forward-looking statements contained in this press release in the event of new information, future developments or otherwise.


Investor Relations
Michael Horowicz

Media Relations
Jasmina Alatovic
+49 (0)6131 9084 1513


What is BioNTech's new AI supercomputer called and what is its purpose?

BioNTech's new AI supercomputer is called Kyber. It's a near exascale supercomputer aimed at enabling BioNTech (BNTX) to compute at scale, supporting the company's AI-driven research and development efforts.

What is the Bayesian Flow Network (BFN) model introduced by BioNTech (BNTX)?

The Bayesian Flow Network (BFN) is a novel AI model introduced by BioNTech (BNTX) for protein sequence generation. This model is part of BioNTech's efforts to leverage AI in developing personalized vaccines and targeted therapies.

In which areas of its immunotherapy pipeline is BioNTech (BNTX) deploying AI?

BioNTech (BNTX) is deploying AI across several areas of its immunotherapy pipeline, including immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics, protein design, and lab functional validation.

What is DeepChain™ and how is BioNTech (BNTX) using it?

DeepChain™ is BioNTech's (BNTX) multiomics design platform. It has been successfully applied to several projects, including the mRNA-encoded antibody RiboMab™ platform. BioNTech has now opened DeepChain™ for external partnerships to accelerate innovation.

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