Bion Supplies Organic Fertilizer Samples to Manufacturers
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) has produced and distributed samples of its organic nitrogen fertilizers to several major U.S. manufacturers and distributors. The company has developed two products: Bion AB10, an OMRI Listed 10% nitrogen fertilizer (10-0-0), and a new 7-0-0 product designed for western U.S. markets, pending California Department of Food and Agriculture organic certification.
The fertilizers are produced using Bion's Ammonia Recovery System (ARS), which captures over 90% of ammonia released during Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) production from organic waste. The system converts the captured ammonia into ammonium bicarbonate, creating a stabilized, readily-available source of plant nitrogen that can be efficiently transported and precision-applied.
The technology addresses environmental concerns by preventing ammonia escape while creating valuable organic fertilizer products, supporting both sustainable livestock operations and the renewable fuels industry.
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) ha prodotto e distribuito campioni dei suoi fertilizzanti organici a base di azoto a diversi importanti produttori e distributori negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda ha sviluppato due prodotti: Bion AB10, un fertilizzante azotato al 10% elencato nell'OMRI (10-0-0), e un nuovo prodotto 7-0-0 progettato per i mercati dell'ovest degli Stati Uniti, in attesa della certificazione organica del Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura della California.
I fertilizzanti sono prodotti utilizzando il Sistema di Recupero dell'Ammoniaca (ARS) di Bion, che cattura oltre il 90% dell'ammoniaca rilasciata durante la produzione di Gas Naturale Rinnovabile (RNG) da rifiuti organici. Il sistema converte l'ammoniaca catturata in bicarbonato di ammonio, creando una fonte stabilizzata e prontamente disponibile di azoto per le piante, che può essere trasportata in modo efficiente e applicata con precisione.
La tecnologia affronta le preoccupazioni ambientali prevenendo la fuoriuscita di ammoniaca, mentre crea prodotti fertilizzanti organici di valore, supportando sia le operazioni agricole sostenibili che l'industria dei combustibili rinnovabili.
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) ha producido y distribuido muestras de sus fertilizantes orgánicos a base de nitrógeno a varios importantes fabricantes y distribuidores en EE.UU. La compañía ha desarrollado dos productos: Bion AB10, un fertilizante de nitrógeno al 10% listado en OMRI (10-0-0), y un nuevo producto 7-0-0 diseñado para los mercados del oeste de EE.UU., que está a la espera de la certificación orgánica del Departamento de Agricultura de California.
Los fertilizantes se producen utilizando el Sistema de Recuperación de Amoníaco (ARS) de Bion, que captura más del 90% del amoníaco liberado durante la producción de Gas Natural Renovable (RNG) a partir de residuos orgánicos. El sistema convierte el amoníaco capturado en bicarbonato de amonio, creando una fuente estabilizada y fácilmente disponible de nitrógeno para las plantas, que puede transportarse de manera eficiente y aplicarse con precisión.
La tecnología aborda las preocupaciones ambientales al prevenir la fuga de amoníaco, al tiempo que crea productos de fertilizantes orgánicos valiosos, apoyando tanto las operaciones ganaderas sostenibles como la industria de biocombustibles.
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET)는 여러 주요 미국 제조업체와 유통업체에 유기 질소 비료 샘플을 생산하여 배포했습니다. 이 회사는 두 가지 제품을 개발했습니다: Bion AB10, OMRI 목록에 있는 10% 질소 비료(10-0-0)와 서부 미국 시장을 위해 설계된 새로운 7-0-0 제품이 있으며, 이는 캘리포니아 농업부의 유기 인증을 대기 중입니다.
비료는 Bion의 암모니아 회수 시스템(ARS)를 사용하여 생산되며, 이 시스템은 유기 폐기물로부터 재생 가능한 천연가스(RNG) 생산 중 방출되는 암모니아의 90% 이상을 포획합니다. 이 시스템은 포획된 암모니아를 중탄산암모늄으로 전환하여, 효율적으로 이동 및 정밀 적용할 수 있는 안정화된 식물 질소 공급원을 생성합니다.
이 기술은 암모니아의 누출을 방지하여 환경 문제를 해결하며, 동시에 지속 가능한 축산업과 재생 연료 산업을 지원하는 귀중한 유기 비료 제품을 만듭니다.
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) a produit et distribué des échantillons de ses engrais organiques à base d'azote à plusieurs grands fabricants et distributeurs américains. L'entreprise a développé deux produits : Bion AB10, un engrais azoté à 10 % inscrit sur la liste OMRI (10-0-0), et un nouveau produit 7-0-0 conçu pour les marchés de l'ouest des États-Unis, en attente de certification biologique du Département de l'Agriculture de Californie.
Les engrais sont produits à l'aide du Système de Récupération de l'Ammoniac (ARS) de Bion, qui capture plus de 90 % de l'ammoniac libéré lors de la production de Gaz Naturel Renouvelable (RNG) à partir de déchets organiques. Le système convertit l'ammoniac capturé en bicarbonate d'ammonium, créant une source d'azote pour les plantes qui est stabilisée et facilement accessible, pouvant être transportée de manière efficace et appliquée avec précision.
La technologie répond aux préoccupations environnementales en empêchant l'évasion d'ammoniac tout en créant des produits d'engrais organiques précieux, soutenant à la fois les operations d'élevage durables et l'industrie des biocarburants.
Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) hat Proben seiner organischen Stickstoffdünger an mehrere große US-Hersteller und -Vertreiber produziert und verteilt. Das Unternehmen hat zwei Produkte entwickelt: Bion AB10, einen OMRI-Listeten Stickstoffdünger mit 10% Stickstoff (10-0-0), und ein neues 7-0-0-Produkt, das für die westlichen US-Märkte konzipiert ist und auf die organische Zertifizierung durch das kalifornische Landwirtschaftsministerium wartet.
Die Dünger werden mit Bions Ammoniak-Rückgewinnungssystem (ARS) produziert, das über 90% des während der Produktion von erneuerbarem Erdgas (RNG) aus organischen Abfällen freigesetzten Ammoniaks erfasst. Das System wandelt das erfasste Ammoniak in Ammoniumbicarbonat um und schafft so eine stabilisierte, leicht verfügbare Stickstoffquelle für Pflanzen, die effizient transportiert und präzise ausgebracht werden kann.
Die Technologie adressiert Umweltprobleme, indem sie das Entweichen von Ammoniak verhindert und gleichzeitig wertvolle organische Düngemittelprodukte schafft, die nachhaltige Viehzuchtbetriebe sowie die Industrie für erneuerbare Kraftstoffe unterstützen.
- Development of two marketable organic nitrogen fertilizer products (10-0-0 and 7-0-0)
- Successful production and distribution of samples to major manufacturers
- ARS technology captures over 90% of ammonia from waste streams
- Technology creates dual revenue streams from waste processing and fertilizer production
- Products still pending necessary certifications for western markets
- Commercial production and sales yet to begin
Billings, Montana, Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC QB: BNET), a leader in advanced livestock waste treatment and resource recovery technology, announced it has now produced samples of its organic nitrogen fertilizers that were sent to several fertilizer manufacturers and distributors at their request. Bion’s premium nitrogen fertilizers are unique, high-value, low-carbon, pathogen-free, and can be used in a wide range of organic farming applications.
Samples of Bion AB10, our OMRI Listed 10 percent nitrogen fertilizer (10-0-0), were requested by several major U.S. manufacturers and distributors, with which Bion has been in ongoing discussions. The group includes fertilizer industry leaders with broad geographical reach into both specialty and row crop markets. A new 7-0-0 product was also produced, that is tailored to the western U.S. markets. An application is being prepared to register the 7-0-0 product under the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) organic program.
Bion’s nitrogen fertilizers are produced from the ammonia released when Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is produced from organic waste, like animal manure. This process frees up large amounts of ammonia, more than half of which will be lost to contribute to a wide range of environmental impacts and health risks, including small particulate air pollution (PM2.5), groundwater contamination, and increasingly toxic algae blooms. Ammonia is also released when RNG is produced from other organic waste streams, such as food, food processing, and other industrial wastes, and municipal wastewater.
Bion’s proven Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) can capture over 90 percent of the ammonia, preventing its escape to the environment while maximizing its byproduct value by upcycling it into premium-priced organic fertilizers. In the ARS, the ammonia is isolated, then combined with CO2 also in the waste stream in a patented process. The ammonium bicarbonate that forms is a stabilized and readily-available source of plant nitrogen that can now be transported to where it is needed and precision applied when it is needed.
Craig Scott, Bion’s CEO, said, “These samples represent more than a decade of R&D and the dedication of both the Bion team and our shareholders. There is a growing demand in our world for circular and sustainable solutions that improve resource efficiencies and lessen environmental impacts. As we commercialize our technology, we look forward to providing meaningful economic and environmental solutions to livestock, food, and renewable fuels producers, and better food and fuels to the consumer.”
Bion Environmental Technologies’ patented Ammonia Recovery System produces organic and low-carbon nitrogen fertilizer products and clean water from animal manure waste and other organic waste streams. It supports sustainable livestock and biogas production by improving economics and minimizing environmental impacts. Bion is focused on developing projects that provide ammonia control and resource recovery solutions for livestock production, including Stovall Ranches in Montana, and in the fast-growing renewable natural gas and clean fuels industry. See Bion’s website at
This material includes forward-looking statements based on management's current reasonable business expectations. In this document, the words ‘can’, ‘is being’, ‘look forward to’ and similar expressions identify certain forward-looking statements. These statements are made in reliance on the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Section 27A of the Securities act of 1933, as amended. There are numerous risks and uncertainties that could result in actual results differing materially from expected outcomes.
Contact Information:
Craig Scott, CEO
(406) 281-8178 (direct)

What are the two new fertilizer products announced by BNET in January 2025?
How efficient is BNET's Ammonia Recovery System in capturing ammonia?
What certification is BNET pursuing for its 7-0-0 fertilizer product?
How does BNET's fertilizer production process contribute to environmental sustainability?