BEN Contracts with IntelliTek to Broaden Global Access to AI Solutions for Healthcare
Brand Engagement Network (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), has announced a contractual agreement with IntelliTek, a SmarTek21 subsidiary, to provide AI-driven healthcare solutions globally. The collaboration will offer a suite of AI technologies, including:
1. BEN's Healthcare AI Assistant, Sandy, for patient-facing resources.
2. IntelliTek Health's Personal Virtual Assistant (PVA) for post-discharge communications.
3. IntelliTek Health's Clinical Virtual Assistant (CVA) for reducing administrative burden.
4. IntelliTek Health's Document Search AI for swift information retrieval.
This partnership aims to address critical challenges in healthcare workforce and resource availability, potentially impacting the $70BN after-care communications market and the $103BN Patient Encounter workflow market. The collaboration is expected to improve patient experiences, healthcare professional productivity, and overall healthcare access and outcomes.
Il Brand Engagement Network (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), ha annunciato un accordo contrattuale con IntelliTek, una sussidiaria di SmarTek21, per fornire soluzioni sanitarie basate sull'IA a livello globale. La collaborazione offrirà un insieme di tecnologie AI, tra cui:
1. L'Assistente Sanitario AI di BEN, Sandy, per risorse destinate ai pazienti.
2. L'Assistente Virtuale Personale (PVA) di IntelliTek Health per le comunicazioni post-dimissione.
3. L'Assistente Virtuale Clinico (CVA) di IntelliTek Health per ridurre il carico amministrativo.
4. L'AI di Ricerca Documentale di IntelliTek Health per un recupero rapido delle informazioni.
Questa partnership mira ad affrontare sfide critiche nella disponibilità di personale e risorse nel settore sanitario, con potenziali impatti sul mercato delle comunicazioni post-cura da $70 miliardi e sul mercato del flusso di lavoro degli incontri con i pazienti da $103 miliardi. Si prevede che la collaborazione migliori le esperienze dei pazienti, la produttività dei professionisti sanitari e l'accesso complessivo alle cure e i risultati sanitari.
La Red de Compromiso de Marca (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), ha anunciado un acuerdo contractual con IntelliTek, una subsidiaria de SmarTek21, para proporcionar soluciones de atención médica impulsadas por IA a nivel global. La colaboración ofrecerá un conjunto de tecnologías de IA, que incluyen:
1. El Asistente de Salud AI de BEN, Sandy, para recursos orientados al paciente.
2. El Asistente Virtual Personal (PVA) de IntelliTek Health para comunicaciones post-alta.
3. El Asistente Virtual Clínico (CVA) de IntelliTek Health para reducir la carga administrativa.
4. La AI de Búsqueda de Documentos de IntelliTek Health para una recuperación rápida de información.
Esta asociación tiene como objetivo abordar desafíos críticos en la disponibilidad de fuerza laboral y recursos en el sector salud, con un impacto potencial en el mercado de comunicaciones post-cuidado de $70 mil millones y el mercado de flujos de trabajo de Encuentro con Pacientes de $103 mil millones. Se espera que esta colaboración mejore la experiencia del paciente, la productividad de los profesionales de la salud y el acceso general y los resultados en el cuidado de la salud.
브랜드 참여 네트워크(BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI),는 SmarTek21의 자회사인 IntelliTek와 글로벌 AI 기반 헬스케어 솔루션을 제공하기 위한 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 협업은 다음과 같은 AI 기술 모음을 제공합니다:
1. 환자 중심의 리소스를 위한 BEN의 헬스케어 AI 어시스턴트, Sandy.
2. 퇴원 후 의사소통을 위한 IntelliTek Health의 개인 가상 비서(PVA).
3. 행정 부담을 줄이기 위한 IntelliTek Health의 임상 가상 비서(CVA).
4. 빠른 정보 검색을 위한 IntelliTek Health의 문서 검색 AI.
이 파트너십은 의료 인력 및 자원 가용성의 중대한 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 700억 달러 규모의 사후 치료 커뮤니케이션 시장과 1,030억 달러의 환자 만남 작업 흐름 시장에 잠재적으로 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이 협업은 환자 경험, 의료 전문가의 생산성, 전반적인 의료 접근성 및 결과를 개선할 것으로 기대됩니다.
Le Brand Engagement Network (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), a annoncé un accord contractuel avec IntelliTek, une filiale de SmarTek21, pour fournir des solutions de santé pilotées par IA à l'échelle mondiale. La collaboration proposera un ensemble de technologies IA, y compris :
1. L'assistant AI de santé de BEN, Sandy, pour des ressources orientées vers les patients.
2. L'assistant virtuel personnel (PVA) d'IntelliTek Health pour les communications après sortie.
3. L'assistant virtuel clinique (CVA) d'IntelliTek Health pour réduire la charge administrative.
4. L'IA de recherche documentaire d'IntelliTek Health pour une récupération rapide des informations.
Ce partenariat vise à relever des défis critiques liés à la disponibilité de la main-d'œuvre et des ressources en santé, pouvant avoir un impact sur le marché des communications après soin de 70 milliards de dollars et le marché des flux de travail d'interaction avec les patients de 103 milliards de dollars. On s'attend à ce que cette collaboration améliore l'expérience des patients, la productivité des professionnels de santé et l'accès global ainsi que les résultats en matière de soins de santé.
Das Brand Engagement Network (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), hat eine vertragliche Vereinbarung mit IntelliTek, einer Tochtergesellschaft von SmarTek21, bekannt gegeben, um weltweit KI-gesteuerte Gesundheitslösungen bereitzustellen. Die Zusammenarbeit bietet eine Reihe von KI-Technologien, darunter:
1. BENS Gesundheits-KI-Assistentin Sandy für patientenorientierte Ressourcen.
2. Der persönliche virtuelle Assistent (PVA) von IntelliTek Health für die Kommunikation nach der Entlassung.
3. Der klinische virtuelle Assistent (CVA) von IntelliTek Health zur Reduzierung des administrativen Aufwands.
4. Die Dokumentensuche-KI von IntelliTek Health für eine schnelle Informationsbeschaffung.
Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, kritische Herausforderungen in der Verfügbarkeit von Gesundheitskräften und Ressourcen anzugehen, was potenzielle Auswirkungen auf den Markt für Nachsorgekommunikation im Wert von 70 Milliarden Dollar und den Markt für Patienteninteraktionen im Wert von 103 Milliarden Dollar haben könnte. Man erwartet, dass die Zusammenarbeit die Patientenerfahrungen, die Produktivität von Gesundheitsfachkräften sowie den allgemeinen Zugang zu Gesundheitsdiensten und deren Ergebnisse verbessert.
- Global expansion of AI-driven healthcare solutions through partnership with IntelliTek
- Potential to impact $70BN after-care communications market and $103BN Patient Encounter workflow market
- Comprehensive suite of AI solutions addressing various healthcare needs
- Potential for up to 50% reduction in administrative burden and 17% improvement in patient throughput with Clinical Virtual Assistant
- None.
The collaboration between BEN and IntelliTek marks a significant step in advancing AI-driven healthcare solutions. Their combined offerings address critical areas in the healthcare industry:
- Patient engagement and care coordination through BEN's Healthcare AI Assistant, Sandy
- Post-discharge communication via IntelliTek's Personal Virtual Assistant (PVA)
- Clinical workflow optimization with IntelliTek's Clinical Virtual Assistant (CVA)
- Efficient information retrieval using IntelliTek's Document Search AI
These AI solutions target substantial markets, including the
This partnership addresses important challenges in healthcare delivery and patient management. The AI-driven solutions offer:
- Improved patient access to care and information
- Enhanced post-discharge care and communication
- Reduced administrative burden on healthcare professionals
- Faster, more informed clinical decision-making
The integration of regionalized large language models and real-time speech recognition in clinical settings is particularly noteworthy. It suggests a potential leap in the accuracy and contextual relevance of AI-assisted healthcare. However, the effectiveness and safety of these AI solutions in real-world healthcare settings will need rigorous evaluation to ensure they meet stringent medical standards and regulations.
The BEN-IntelliTek partnership is strategically positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for AI in healthcare. Key market implications include:
- Expansion into multiple international markets, including the US, Australia, New Zealand, India and Europe
- Targeting of high-value markets, such as the
$70 billion after-care communications and$103 billion patient encounter workflow sectors - Potential for significant market disruption by offering comprehensive, integrated AI solutions
The collaboration leverages IntelliTek's existing reach of over 600 million global user endpoints and 2 billion automated interactions. This extensive network, combined with BEN's AI technology, could lead to rapid market penetration and adoption. However, success will depend on effective integration of their technologies and navigating complex healthcare regulations across different regions.
Agreement grants a worldwide license to provide AI-driven solutions to support healthcare operations and optimize patient engagement
JACKSON, Wyo., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brand Engagement Network (BEN), (Nasdaq: BNAI), is pleased to announce a contractual agreement has been reached between BEN, an up-and-coming supplier of safe, customized AI for consumer engagement, and IntelliTek, a SmarTek21 subsidiary that creates solutions for virtual assistants that interact with patients. Through the arrangement, BEN and IntelliTek will be able to work together to give healthcare organizations in the US, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Europe access to AI technology solutions.
Together, BEN and Intellitek will offer a suite of AI-driven healthcare solutions to support and execute a broad range of tasks and operations serving both professionals and patients. These solutions include:
- BEN’s Healthcare AI Assistant, Sandy, which serves as a patient-facing resource for individuals seeking medical care or information about treatments. Using the assistant, patients can identify and schedule appointments with in-network healthcare providers, and receive accurate and up-to-date information about prescription drugs.
- IntelliTek Health’s Personal Virtual Assistant (PVA), a collaboration with Samsung Mobile Solutions, and leading US and multi-national telecommunications companies, is an AI-enabled communications platform for healthcare providers and patients to stay connected post-discharge. This
$70B N after care communications market will see IntelliTek Health’s PVA paired with BEN’s Healthcare AI Assistant enabling guided care pathways and the streamlining of communications and improvement of post-discharge processes, remote care spanning General Surgery, Oncology, Orthopedics, as well as rehab programs such as Remote Cardiac Rehab, Remote Pulmonary Rehab and also the emerging specialty of Surgical Avoidance & Pain Management. - IntelliTek Health’s Clinical Virtual Assistant (CVA) A fully integrated Ambient AI Scribe, AI Inbox Manager, with Referral and Revenue Automation making significant inroads into the
$103B N Patient Encounter workflow market. The CVA is specifically designed for clinical teams that need to reduce administrative burden by up to50% while making way for up to17% improvement in patient thru-put. The CVA leverages AI technology, real-time speech recognition, regionalized large language models, and in-depth clinical decision support processes to assist clinical teams in their diagnosis with real time, actionable and contextual medical information empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions quickly. - IntelliTek Health’s Document Search AI swiftly and securely searches for and retrieves specified information from a myriad of document formats and repositories. The solution is voice-enabled and device agnostic to provide hands-free access to healthcare information from structured and unstructured formats across digital systems, documents and third-party sources at any time.
“This cooperation with BEN will enable both companies to offer a comprehensive suite of AI solutions for the healthcare industry, which is experiencing critical challenges surrounding workforce and resource availability,” said Martyn Molnar, CEO, Intellitek Products. “By broadening our customer base with this collaboration, we’re also broadening the reach of our solutions to a larger range of healthcare providers and patients – increasing access to life-saving AI technology.”
IntelliTek delivers highly curated products that automate over 2 billion interactions reaching more than 600 million global user end points. Alongside its parent company, SmarTek21, the company ensures seamless connectivity, with over 100 pre-built integrations, and support for all its AI-driven solutions that provides intelligent workflow automation across Healthcare, Telecommunications, Aviation, Finance, and global eCommerce Platforms.
“We’re proud to have found a likeminded ally in IntelliTek, as we both strive to elevate patient experiences and healthcare professional productivity with innovative AI technology,” said Paul Chang, CEO of BEN. “Together, our platforms can serve as an end-to-end suite of solutions that offer round-the-clock, instant support to improve both healthcare access and outcomes.”
For more information about BEN please visit:
About BEN
Brand Engagement Network (BEN), NASDAQ: BNAI, is an emerging provider of safe and secure generative AI for businesses and consumers, headquartered in Jackson, WY. BEN’s full-stack platform, encompassing front-end, middleware, and back-end, is scalable, customizable, and can be fully optimized for superior CX, productivity, and performance. The backbone of BENs success is its rich portfolio of conversational AI applications, featuring 16+ perception, understanding and response modules that facilitate human-like engagements with consumers. BEN seeks to deploy scalable and sustainable AI solutions to businesses and partner with those with complimentary capabilities and networks in industries experiencing significant workforce gaps. In line with the vision of an AI-enhanced world, BEN strives to bring AI assistants to everyone who can benefit from them.
Intellitek, SmarTek21’s AI Product Subsidiary, is a global leader in Artificial Intelligence recognized by Gartner since 2018, offers Intelligent Technology Transformation for Fortune 500 clients and industry-leading enterprises worldwide. Our technology and services have driven billions in revenue for clients in Telecoms, Healthcare, Aviation, Retail, eCommerce, Insurance, and Banking. IntelliTek Health, a subsidiary of SmarTek21 LLC and a developer of clinical and patient-facing virtual assistant tools, focuses exclusively on bringing AI-enabled Productivity and Services to the healthcare industry. Find out more information at, and
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are not historical facts, and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of BEN to differ materially from those expected and projected. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the words “anticipates,” “believes,” “continue,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “may,” “plans,” “potential,” “predicts,” “projects,” “should,” “will,” or “would,” or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology.
These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. Most of these factors are outside BEN’s control and are difficult to predict. Factors that may cause such differences include, but are not limited to, the risk factors that are described under the section titled “Risk Factors” in BEN’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q subsequently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
BEN cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive. BEN cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. BEN does not undertake nor does it accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, and it does not intend to do so unless required by applicable law. Further information about factors that could materially affect BEN, including its results of operations and financial condition, is set forth under “Risk Factors” in BEN’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q subsequently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Media Contacts:
Dan Brennan, ICR

What is the new partnership announced by Brand Engagement Network (BNAI)?
What AI solutions will be offered through the BNAI and IntelliTek partnership?
How might the BNAI and IntelliTek partnership impact the healthcare market?