Biomerica Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results

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Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA) reported financial results for Q1 fiscal 2025 ended August 31, 2024. Key highlights include:

1. Saudi FDA approval for Fortel® Prostate (PSA) Screening Test
2. Completion of inFoods® IBS pilot with 1,100 physician group
3. Ongoing discussions for potential distribution partnerships for inFoods® IBS
4. Progress on H. pylori product distribution

Financial results:
- Revenue increased 6% YoY to $1.8 million
- Gross margin at 16%, down from 24% in Q1 fiscal 2024
- Operating expenses rose to $1.7 million from $1.6 million
- Operating loss increased to $1.4 million from $1.2 million
- Net loss rose to $1.3 million from $1.1 million

The company implemented a cost-savings plan expected to reduce annual expenses by 16% to 23% ($1.0 to $1.4 million).

Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per il primo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2025, conclusosi il 31 agosto 2024. Principali punti salienti includono:

1. Approvazione della FDA saudita per il test di screening Fortel® Prostate (PSA)
2. Completamento del progetto pilota inFoods® IBS con un gruppo di 1.100 medici
3. Discussioni in corso per potenziali partnership di distribuzione per inFoods® IBS
4. Progresso nella distribuzione del prodotto H. pylori

Risultati finanziari:
- I ricavi sono aumentati del 6% rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo i 1,8 milioni di dollari
- Margine lordo al 16%, in calo rispetto al 24% del primo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2024
- Le spese operative sono aumentate a 1,7 milioni di dollari, rispetto a 1,6 milioni di dollari
- La perdita operativa è aumentata a 1,4 milioni di dollari, da 1,2 milioni di dollari
- La perdita netta è aumentata a 1,3 milioni di dollari, da 1,1 milioni di dollari

La società ha implementato un piano di riduzione dei costi che si prevede possa diminuire le spese annuali del 16% al 23% (da 1,0 a 1,4 milioni di dollari).

Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA) reportó los resultados financieros para el primer trimestre del año fiscal 2025, que finalizó el 31 de agosto de 2024. Aspectos destacados clave incluyen:

1. Aprobación de la FDA de Arabia Saudita para la prueba de detección Fortel® Prostate (PSA)
2. Finalización del piloto inFoods® IBS con un grupo de 1,100 médicos
3. Discusiones en curso para posibles asociaciones de distribución para inFoods® IBS
4. Progreso en la distribución del producto H. pylori

Resultados financieros:
- Los ingresos aumentaron un 6% interanual a 1,8 millones de dólares
- Margen bruto del 16%, en comparación con el 24% en el primer trimestre del año fiscal 2024
- Los gastos operativos aumentaron a 1,7 millones de dólares desde 1,6 millones de dólares
- La pérdida operativa aumentó a 1,4 millones de dólares desde 1,2 millones de dólares
- La pérdida neta aumentó a 1,3 millones de dólares desde 1,1 millones de dólares

La compañía implementó un plan de ahorro de costos que se espera reduzca los gastos anuales entre un 16% y un 23% (de 1,0 a 1,4 millones de dólares).

Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA)는 2024년 8월 31일로 종료되는 2025 회계연도 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 사우디 FDA의 Fortel® 전립선(PSA) 스크리닝 검사 승인
2. 1,100명의 의사 그룹과 함께 진행된 inFoods® IBS 파일럿 완료
3. inFoods® IBS의 잠재적 유통 파트너십에 대한 지속적인 논의
4. H. pylori 제품 유통에 대한 진행 상황

재무 결과:
- 수익은 전년 대비 6% 증가하여 180만 달러에 도달했습니다.
- 총 마진은 16%로, 2024 회계연도 1분기의 24%에서 감소했습니다.
- 운영 비용은 160만 달러에서 170만 달러로 증가했습니다.
- 운영 손실은 120만 달러에서 140만 달러로 증가했습니다.
- 순손실은 110만 달러에서 130만 달러로 증가했습니다.

회사는 연간 비용을 16%에서 23% 감소시킬 것으로 예상되는 비용 절감 계획을 시행했습니다 (100만 달러에서 140만 달러 사이).

Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA) a rapporté les résultats financiers du premier trimestre de l'exercice 2025, qui s'est terminé le 31 août 2024. Les points clés incluent :

1. Approbation par la FDA saoudienne pour le test de dépistage Fortel® Prostate (PSA)
2. Achèvement du projet pilote inFoods® IBS avec un groupe de 1 100 médecins
3. Discussions en cours pour des partenariats de distribution potentiels pour inFoods® IBS
4. Progrès dans la distribution du produit H. pylori

Résultats financiers :
- Les revenus ont augmenté de 6 % d'une année sur l'autre, atteignant 1,8 million de dollars
- Marge brute à 16 %, en baisse par rapport à 24 % au premier trimestre de l'exercice 2024
- Les charges d'exploitation ont augmenté à 1,7 million de dollars, contre 1,6 million de dollars précédemment
- La perte d'exploitation a augmenté à 1,4 million de dollars, contre 1,2 million de dollars
- La perte nette a augmenté à 1,3 million de dollars, contre 1,1 million de dollars

L'entreprise a mis en place un plan d'économie prévu pour réduire les dépenses annuelles de 16 % à 23 % (de 1,0 à 1,4 million de dollars).

Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das 1. Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025, das am 31. August 2024 endete, veröffentlicht. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

1. Genehmigung durch die saudische FDA für den Fortel® Prostata (PSA) Screening-Test
2. Abschluss des inFoods® IBS Pilotprojekts mit einer Gruppe von 1.100 Ärzten
3. Laufende Gespräche über potenzielle Vertriebspartnerschaften für inFoods® IBS
4. Fortschritte bei der Produktverteilung von H. pylori

Finanzielle Ergebnisse:
- Die Einnahmen stiegen im Jahresvergleich um 6 % auf 1,8 Millionen US-Dollar
- Bruttomarge bei 16 %, Rückgang von 24 % im 1. Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2024
- Die Betriebsausgaben stiegen auf 1,7 Millionen US-Dollar von 1,6 Millionen US-Dollar
- Der Betriebsverlust stieg auf 1,4 Millionen US-Dollar von 1,2 Millionen US-Dollar
- Der Nettverlust stieg auf 1,3 Millionen US-Dollar von 1,1 Millionen US-Dollar

Das Unternehmen hat einen Einsparungsplan implementiert, der voraussichtlich die jährlichen Ausgaben um 16 % bis 23 % (1,0 bis 1,4 Millionen US-Dollar) senken wird.

  • Revenue increased 6% year-over-year to $1.8 million
  • Saudi FDA approval received for Fortel® Prostate (PSA) Screening Test
  • Completion of inFoods® IBS pilot with 1,100 physician group
  • Cost-saving measures implemented, expected to reduce annual expenses by 16% to 23% ($1.0 to $1.4 million)
  • Gross margin decreased to 16% from 24% in Q1 fiscal 2024
  • Operating loss increased to $1.4 million from $1.2 million in the prior-year quarter
  • Net loss rose to $1.3 million from $1.1 million in the same period last year


Biomerica's Q1 fiscal 2025 results show mixed signals. The 6% year-over-year revenue increase to $1.8 million is positive, indicating growing demand and new contract manufacturing agreements. However, the gross margin dropped from 24% to 16%, primarily due to one-time reduction-in-force (RIF) costs.

The company's cost-saving measures are promising, with expected annual savings of $1.0 to $1.4 million, representing a 16% to 23% reduction in expenses. This could significantly improve profitability in the coming quarters. The operating loss increased to $1.4 million from $1.2 million and net loss rose to $1.3 million from $1.1 million, but these figures were impacted by the one-time RIF costs.

Long-term prospects look promising with the Saudi FDA approval for the at-home PSA screening test and potential distribution partnerships for inFoods® IBS. These developments could drive future revenue growth and market expansion.

Biomerica's recent developments in diagnostic products are noteworthy. The Saudi FDA approval for the Fortel® Prostate (PSA) Screening Test is a significant milestone. This at-home test could revolutionize early prostate cancer detection, potentially improving patient outcomes and expanding Biomerica's market reach in the Middle East.

The completion of the inFoods® IBS pilot program with a 1,100-physician group is crucial. If this leads to a system-wide launch, it could significantly boost adoption of this personalized approach to IBS management. The product's potential to identify individual food triggers for IBS symptoms addresses a major unmet need in gastroenterology.

Progress on the hp+detect™ product for H. pylori detection is also promising. Given the prevalence of H. pylori infections and their link to gastric cancer, a cost-effective and superior performance test could gain significant traction in clinical laboratories.

These advancements position Biomerica well in the growing market for personalized diagnostics and at-home testing solutions.

  • Total Revenue Increases 6% Over Same Period Last Year
  • Cost-Saving Measures Now Implemented, Expected to Reduce Annual Expenses by 16% to 23%, Representing $1.0 to $1.4 Million Reduction
  • Biomerica's At-Home PSA Screening Test Receives Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) Approval for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Biomerica, Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRA), (the “Company”) a global provider of advanced medical diagnostic and therapeutic products today reported financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2025 ended August 31, 2024.

Key Highlights:

  1. Saudi FDA Approval for At-Home PSA Screening Test
    Biomerica's Fortel® Prostate (PSA) Screening Test has received approval from the SFDA. This at-home diagnostic tool enables men to detect early signs of prostate cancer using a simple finger-prick blood sample. Elevated PSA levels, a potential indicator of prostate conditions such as cancer, can be detected, with results available in just 10 minutes. This user-friendly test is poised to make early detection more accessible, contributing to improved prostate cancer outcomes globally.
  2. inFoods® IBS Pilot with 1,100 Physician Group Completed
    Biomerica’s pilot program for its groundbreaking inFoods® IBS product, conducted with a select number of physicians from a large physician group comprising of 1,100 members, has been completed. We anticipate this large physician group will utilize the results of this study to evaluate a possible system-wide launch of inFoods® IBS across all physicians in the group. inFoods® IBS aims to identify individual food triggers for IBS symptoms, offering a personalized approach to symptom relief that has shown strong success in clinical studies and demonstrated significant potential in improving patient outcomes.
  3. Potential Distribution Partnerships for inFoods® IBS
    Biomerica is actively engaging in discussions with several potential distribution partners, both within the United States and internationally, to expand the availability of inFoods® IBS.
  4. Progress on H. pylori Product Distribution
    The Company is in active discussions with major clinical laboratories and distributors for its hp+detect™ product. This diagnostic test offers significant cost savings for clinical labs and provides superior performance in detecting Helicobacter pylori, a leading cause of stomach ulcers and a risk factor for stomach cancer.

First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results

Biomerica delivered a 6% year-over-year revenue increase in the first quarter of fiscal 2025, with net sales rising to $1.8 million from $1.7 million in the prior year’s quarter. This growth was primarily driven by a higher demand from new and existing customers as well as new contract manufacturing agreements.

During the fiscal quarter, we implemented our previously announced cost-savings plan, which is expected to reduce expenses by 16% to 23% representing $1.0 million to $1.4 million in savings for the current fiscal year. As part of this plan, we incurred one-time reduction-in-force (RIF) costs aimed at streamlining operations for long-term profitability. These RIF-related expenses impacted both gross margins and operating expenses for the period. Gross margin for the quarter was 16%, compared to 24% in the first quarter of fiscal 2024. Adjusting for the RIF costs, the gross margins were consistent with historical levels.

Operating expenses for the quarter were $1.7 million, a slight increase from $1.6 million in the prior year. The rise was primarily due to one-time severance costs associated with the RIF, as well as expenses related to the introduction of our sales force, which was not in place during the previous year. Excluding these one-time RIF costs, operating expenses would have decreased by 2%, reaffirming our continued focus on operational efficiency and disciplined cost management.

Operating loss for the quarter increased to $1.4 million, compared to $1.2 million in the prior-year quarter, largely driven by the one-time RIF costs mentioned earlier. While these strategic actions were necessary to streamline operations and position the Company for future profitability, they temporarily impacted our financial results. Net loss also rose to $1.3 million, compared to $1.1 million in the same period last year. Excluding the RIF-related expenses, both operating loss and net loss would have been favorable versus prior year, reflecting our ongoing efforts to invest in key growth initiatives while managing costs.

Selected Financial Results Three Months EndedThree Months Ended
  August 31, 2024 August 31, 2023
($ in millions, except percentages)    
Revenue $1.8 $1.7
Gross margin 16% 24%
Operating expenses $1.7 $1.6
Operating loss ($1.4) ($1.2)
Net Loss ($1.3) ($1.1)

About Biomerica (NASDAQ: BMRA)

Biomerica, Inc. ( is a global biomedical technology company that develops, patents, manufactures and markets advanced diagnostic and therapeutic products used at the point-of-care (in home and in physicians' offices) and in hospital/clinical laboratories for detection and/or treatment of medical conditions and diseases. The Company's products are designed to enhance the health and well-being of people, while reducing total healthcare costs. Biomerica primarily focuses on gastrointestinal and inflammatory diseases where the Company has multiple diagnostic and therapeutic products in development.

About inFoods®
The inFoods IBS test involves a simple blood collection procedure and is designed to assess a patient’s above normal immunoreactivity to specific foods. Instead of difficult to manage broad dietary restrictions, physicians can now use the inFoods IBS information to make targeted, patient-specific recommendations about specific foods that, when removed from the diet, may alleviate IBS symptoms such as pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. Further information about Biomerica’s patented inFoods® Technology Platform can be found at: The inFoods IBS clinical study was performed at several prominent centers including Mayo Clinic, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Inc. - a Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, Houston Methodist Hospital, and the University of Michigan. The clinical results for improvement in the Abdominal Pain Intensity (API) responder endpoint of >30%, for IBS patients in the treatment diet arm had a statistically significant improvement over patients in the placebo diet arm (p-value of 0.0246). The improvement for patients in the treatment arm versus the placebo arm is considered clinically significant and is similar and, in some cases, better than the current drugs in the market.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release contains statements that are forward-looking, such as statements relating to the Company’s current and future cash position, balance sheet, cost savings, sales, revenues, overhead, expenses, cost of goods, operations, and earnings; the Company's need for raising additional capital; the Company's expected sales growth for the Company's inFoods IBS product, Hp Detect product and other existing products; and diversification of the Company's revenue streams. Such forward-looking information is based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and involves important risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect anticipated results. In addition, these forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions with respect to future business strategies and decisions that are subject to change. Accordingly, such results may differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Biomerica. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in the forward-looking statements are discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other reports filed with the SEC, and available on the SEC's website (

The Company is under no obligation to update any forward-looking statements after the date of this release.

Corporate Contact:

Zack Irani

Source: Biomerica, Inc.


What was Biomerica's (BMRA) revenue growth in Q1 fiscal 2025?

Biomerica (BMRA) reported a 6% year-over-year revenue increase in Q1 fiscal 2025, with net sales rising to $1.8 million from $1.7 million in the prior year's quarter.

What regulatory approval did Biomerica (BMRA) receive for its PSA Screening Test?

Biomerica (BMRA) received approval from the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) for its Fortel® Prostate (PSA) Screening Test, an at-home diagnostic tool for early detection of prostate cancer.

How much is Biomerica (BMRA) expecting to save annually from its cost-saving measures?

Biomerica (BMRA) expects its implemented cost-saving measures to reduce annual expenses by 16% to 23%, representing $1.0 to $1.4 million in savings for the current fiscal year.

What was Biomerica's (BMRA) net loss in Q1 fiscal 2025?

Biomerica (BMRA) reported a net loss of $1.3 million in Q1 fiscal 2025, compared to $1.1 million in the same period last year.



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Medical Devices
In Vitro & in Vivo Diagnostic Substances
United States of America