Blink Charging Surpasses 100,000 Charger Milestone

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(Very Positive)

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) has surpassed 100,000 chargers sold, deployed, or contracted globally. This milestone is attributed to the company's turnkey model, emphasis on charger uptime, and strategic placement of charging solutions. Blink's President and CEO, Brendan Jones, highlighted the company's focus on understanding customer needs and tailoring charger placement accordingly.

Key factors contributing to this achievement include:

  • Streamlined project management through Blink's turnkey model
  • Optional preventative maintenance care programs like Blink Care
  • Availability as a vetted provider through cooperative contracts for government agencies and educational institutions
  • Achievement of 'In Process' FedRamp® status for providing cloud-based EV charging solutions to the U.S. government

Mike Battaglia, COO and CEO-Elect, emphasized the collaborative effort behind this landmark and expressed motivation to provide another 100,000 fast, reliable Blink chargers to the growing EV driver base.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) ha superato i 100.000 charger venduti, distribuiti o contrattati a livello globale. Questo traguardo è attribuito al modello chiavi in mano dell'azienda, all'attenzione sulla disponibilità dei caricabatterie e alla posizione strategica delle soluzioni di ricarica. Il Presidente e CEO di Blink, Brendan Jones, ha sottolineato l'importanza di capire le esigenze dei clienti e di adattare la posizione dei caricabatterie di conseguenza.

I fattori chiave che hanno contribuito a questo risultato includono:

  • Gestione dei progetti semplificata grazie al modello chiavi in mano di Blink
  • Programmi di manutenzione preventiva opzionali come Blink Care
  • Disponibilità come fornitore accreditato attraverso contratti cooperativi per agenzie governative e istituzioni educative
  • Raggiungimento dello status 'In Process' FedRamp® per la fornitura di soluzioni di ricarica EV basate su cloud per il governo degli Stati Uniti

Mike Battaglia, COO e CEO-Eletto, ha enfatizzato il contributo collaborativo dietro a questo traguardo e ha espresso motivazione nel fornire altri 100.000 caricabatterie Blink veloci e affidabili per la crescente base di conducenti di veicoli elettrici.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) ha superado los 100,000 cargadores vendidos, desplegados o contratados a nivel mundial. Este hito se atribuye al modelo llave en mano de la compañía, al énfasis en la operatividad de los cargadores y a la colocación estratégica de las soluciones de carga. Brendan Jones, presidente y CEO de Blink, destacó el enfoque de la empresa en comprender las necesidades del cliente y adaptar la colocación de los cargadores en consecuencia.

Los factores clave que contribuyeron a este logro incluyen:

  • Gestión de proyectos simplificada a través del modelo llave en mano de Blink
  • Programas opcionales de mantenimiento preventivo como Blink Care
  • Disponibilidad como proveedor verificado a través de contratos cooperativos para agencias gubernamentales e instituciones educativas
  • Logro del estado 'In Process' FedRamp® para proporcionar soluciones de carga EV basadas en la nube al gobierno de EE. UU.

Mike Battaglia, COO y CEO Electo, enfatizó el esfuerzo colaborativo detrás de este hito y expresó su motivación por proporcionar otros 100,000 cargadores Blink rápidos y confiables a la base creciente de conductores de vehículos eléctricos.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK)는 전 세계적으로 판매, 배포 또는 계약된 100,000개의 충전기를 초과했습니다. 이 이정표는 회사의 턴키 모델, 충전기 가동 시간에 대한 강조, 그리고 충전 솔루션의 전략적 배치에 기인합니다. Blink의 사장 겸 CEO인 Brendan Jones는 고객의 요구를 이해하고 그에 맞게 충전기 배치를 조정하는 데 중점을 두고 있다고 강조했습니다.

이 성과에 기여한 주요 요소는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 블링크의 턴키 모델을 통한 프로젝트 관리 간소화
  • Blink Care와 같은 선택적 예방 유지 관리 프로그램
  • 정부 기관 및 교육 기관을 위한 협력 계약을 통한 검증된 공급자로의 가용성
  • 미국 정부에 클라우드 기반 EV 충전 솔루션을 제공하기 위한 'In Process' FedRamp® 상태의 달성

Mike Battaglia COO 겸 CEO-elect는 이 이정표 뒤에 있는 협력적 노력을 강조하며 증가하는 EV 운전자의 수를 위해 빠르고 신뢰할 수 있는 Blink 충전기 100,000대를 추가로 제공할 동기를 표현했습니다.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) a dépasse les 100 000 chargeurs vendus, déployés ou sous contrat dans le monde entier. Ce jalon est attribué au modèle clés en main de l'entreprise, à l'accent mis sur le temps de disponibilité des chargeurs et à la placement stratégique des solutions de recharge. Brendan Jones, président et PDG de Blink, a souligné l'importance de comprendre les besoins des clients et d'adapter la position des chargeurs en conséquence.

Les facteurs clés ayant contribué à cette réalisation comprennent :

  • Gestion de projet simplifiée grâce au modèle clés en main de Blink
  • Programmes de maintenance préventive optionnels comme Blink Care
  • Disponibilité en tant que fournisseur vérifié grâce à des contrats de coopération pour les agences gouvernementales et les établissements d'enseignement
  • Obtention du statut 'In Process' FedRamp® pour fournir des solutions de recharge EV basées sur le cloud au gouvernement des États-Unis

Mike Battaglia, COO et PDG élu, a souligné l'effort collaboratif derrière ce jalon et a exprimé la motivation de fournir 100 000 chargeurs Blink rapides et fiables à la base croissante de conducteurs de VE.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) hat die Marke von 100.000 verkauften, installierten oder vertraglich vereinbarten Ladegeräten weltweit überschritten. Dieser Meilenstein wird dem schlüsselfertigen Modell des Unternehmens, dem Fokus auf die Betriebszeit der Ladegeräte und der strategischen Platzierung von Ladelösungen zugeschrieben. Brendan Jones, Präsident und CEO von Blink, hob den Fokus des Unternehmens darauf hervor, die Bedürfnisse der Kunden zu verstehen und die Platzierung der Ladegeräte entsprechend anzupassen.

Die Schlüsselfaktoren, die zu diesem Erfolg beigetragen haben, sind:

  • Vereinfachtes Projektmanagement durch Blinks schlüsselfertiges Modell
  • Optionale präventive Wartungsprogramme wie Blink Care
  • Verfügbarkeit als geprüfter Anbieter durch Kooperationsverträge für Regierungsbehörden und Bildungseinrichtungen
  • Erreichung des Status 'In Process' FedRamp® zur Bereitstellung cloudbasierter EV-Ladelösungen für die US-Regierung

Mike Battaglia, COO und CEO-Elekt, betonte die Zusammenarbeit, die hinter diesem Meilenstein steht, und äußerte die Motivation, weitere 100.000 schnelle, zuverlässige Blink-Ladegeräte für die wachsende EV-Fahrerbasis bereitzustellen.

  • Surpassed 100,000 chargers sold, deployed, or contracted globally
  • Achieved 'In Process' FedRamp® status for U.S. government cloud-based EV charging solutions
  • Streamlined access for state and local government agencies through cooperative contracts
  • None.


Surpassing 100,000 chargers is a significant milestone for Blink Charging, reflecting strong growth in the EV charging infrastructure sector. This achievement demonstrates Blink's expanding market presence and ability to capitalize on the increasing demand for EV charging solutions. The company's turnkey model and focus on strategic placement likely contribute to its success in securing contracts and deployments.

However, it's important to note that while 100,000 chargers is impressive, the market cap of $171 million suggests investors may have concerns about profitability or future growth prospects. The upcoming CEO transition in January 2025 could bring strategic shifts, which investors should monitor closely.

The "In Process" FedRamp® status for providing cloud-based EV charging solutions to the U.S. government is a potential growth catalyst, opening doors to lucrative government contracts. This, combined with Blink's vetted status for state and local agencies, positions the company well in the public sector market.

While the 100,000 charger milestone is noteworthy, the financial implications are not clearly stated in the article. Blink's current market cap of $171 million suggests the market is cautious about its valuation. The lack of specific financial figures or revenue projections related to this achievement makes it difficult to assess the immediate impact on the company's financial health.

Investors should look for upcoming financial reports to gauge how this milestone translates into revenue growth and profitability. The company's focus on uptime and maintenance programs like Blink Care could potentially lead to recurring revenue streams, which are valuable for long-term stability.

The upcoming CEO transition in January 2025 adds an element of uncertainty. While continuity seems likely with the COO taking over, any shifts in strategy could affect investor sentiment. The company's ability to secure government contracts through its FedRamp® status could be a significant revenue driver, but concrete numbers will be important for accurate valuation.

Blink’s charging solutions have empowered drivers, hosts, and fleets to transition smoothly to electric transportation, contributing to EV charging infrastructure worldwide.

Bowie, Md., Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) (“Blink” or the “Company”), a leading global manufacturer, owner, operator and provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, today announced it has surpassed 100,000 chargers sold, deployed, or contracted globally.

“We’re proud to reach this significant accomplishment through dedicated pursuit of our mission to advance the energy transition through Blink’s innovative charging solutions,” said Brendan Jones, Blink’s President and CEO. “By prioritizing, listening to, and understanding our customers’ needs and expectations, we have learned to strategically tailor charger placement and installation, so that the right charger is in the right place at the right time for every EV driver.”

Jones added that Blink’s 100,000 charger benchmark accomplishment is largely due to several factors, including the Company’s turnkey model, which enables streamlined project management from start to installation with Blink experts. Blink has also placed a strong emphasis on ensuring charger uptime by offering optional preventative maintenance care programs, such as Blink Care.

Blink is offered as a vetted EV charging products and services provider through several cooperative contracts, streamlining access for state and local government agencies, as well as education institutions, to develop and grow their EV charging infrastructure. Earlier this year, Blink announced the Company achieved “In Process” FedRamp® status to provide cloud-based EV charging solutions across the U.S. government.

“This landmark is truly a collaborative effort shared among every member of the Blink team, each of our customers, and the demand from the EV community, all of whom share Blink’s vision to enable independence for all through the global electrification of transportation,” said Mike Battaglia, Chief Operating Officer and CEO-Elect at Blink. Battaglia, who is slated to take up the mantle of CEO upon Brendan Jones’s retirement in January 2025, added, “We’re inspired by the rapid advancement of EV adoption and are motivated to provide the growing EV driver base with another 100,000 fast, reliable, Blink chargers.”


About Blink Charging

Blink Charging Co. (Nasdaq: BLNK) is a global leader in electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, enabling drivers, hosts, and fleets to easily transition to electric transportation through innovative charging solutions. Blink’s principal line of products and services include Blink’s EV charging network (“Blink Network”), EV charging equipment, and EV charging services. The Blink Network uses proprietary, cloud-based software that operates, maintains, and tracks the EV charging stations connected to the network and the associated charging data. Blink has established key strategic partnerships for rolling out adoption across numerous location types, including parking facilities, multifamily residences and condos, workplace locations, health care/medical facilities, schools and universities, airports, auto dealers, hotels, mixed-use municipal locations, parks and recreation areas, religious institutions, restaurants, retailers, stadiums, supermarkets, and transportation hubs.

For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements, and terms such as “anticipate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” “should” or other comparable terms, involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. These statements include statements regarding the intent, belief, or current expectations of Blink and members of its management, as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, including the possibility that its planned cost reduction actions will not result in the operational efficiencies as anticipated by management and the risk factors described in Blink’s periodic reports filed with the SEC and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Except as required by federal securities law, Blink Charging undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed conditions.

Blink Media Contact  
Nipunika Coe
305-521-0200 ext. 266

Blink Investor Relations Contact  
Vitalie Stelea   
305-521-0200 ext. 446


How many chargers has Blink Charging (BLNK) sold, deployed, or contracted globally?

Blink Charging (BLNK) has surpassed 100,000 chargers sold, deployed, or contracted globally.

What is Blink Charging's (BLNK) status regarding FedRamp® certification?

Blink Charging (BLNK) has achieved 'In Process' FedRamp® status to provide cloud-based EV charging solutions across the U.S. government.

Who will be the new CEO of Blink Charging (BLNK) in January 2025?

Mike Battaglia, currently the Chief Operating Officer, is slated to become the new CEO of Blink Charging (BLNK) in January 2025 upon Brendan Jones's retirement.

What is Blink Care offered by Blink Charging (BLNK)?

Blink Care is an optional preventative maintenance care program offered by Blink Charging (BLNK) to ensure charger uptime.

Blink Charging Co.


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Engineering & Construction
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