Blend Joins the Jack Henry™ Vendor Integration Program
Blend Labs has joined the Jack Henry™ Vendor Integration Program (VIP), enabling integration of Blend's digital platform with SilverLake System® and Symitar® core banking systems. The partnership provides Blend direct access to Jack Henry's technical resources and testing environments.
The integration works through jXchange™ for banks and SymXchange™ for credit unions, maintaining data integrity through a managed service layer. This collaboration aims to streamline deployment of Blend's solution for lenders using these core systems, allowing financial institutions to modernize their deposit account opening operations more rapidly.
The integration enables banks and credit unions to leverage data for personalizing applicant journeys and improving operational efficiency. According to Srini Venkatramani, Head of Product, Technology, and Client Operations at Blend, this partnership demonstrates their commitment to developing proven integrations for seamless banking operations.
Blend Labs ha aderito al Programma di Integrazione dei Fornitori (VIP) di Jack Henry™, consentendo l'integrazione della piattaforma digitale di Blend con i sistemi bancari core SilverLake System® e Symitar®. Questa collaborazione offre a Blend accesso diretto alle risorse tecniche e agli ambienti di testing di Jack Henry.
L'integrazione avviene tramite jXchange™ per le banche e SymXchange™ per le cooperative di credito, mantenendo l'integrità dei dati attraverso uno strato di servizio gestito. Questa collaborazione mira a semplificare il deployment della soluzione di Blend per i prestatori che utilizzano questi sistemi core, consentendo alle istituzioni finanziarie di modernizzare più rapidamente le operazioni di apertura dei conti deposito.
L'integrazione permette a banche e cooperative di credito di sfruttare i dati per personalizzare i percorsi degli applicant e migliorare l'efficienza operativa. Secondo Srini Venkatramani, Responsabile del Prodotto, Tecnologia e Operazioni Clienti di Blend, questa partnership dimostra il loro impegno nello sviluppo di integrazioni collaudate per operazioni bancarie senza soluzione di continuità.
Blend Labs se ha unido al Programa de Integración de Proveedores (VIP) de Jack Henry™, lo que permite la integración de la plataforma digital de Blend con los sistemas bancarios centrales SilverLake System® y Symitar®. Esta asociación proporciona a Blend acceso directo a los recursos técnicos y a los entornos de prueba de Jack Henry.
La integración se realiza a través de jXchange™ para bancos y SymXchange™ para cooperativas de crédito, manteniendo la integridad de los datos a través de una capa de servicio gestionada. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo agilizar el despliegue de la solución de Blend para prestamistas que utilizan estos sistemas centrales, permitiendo a las instituciones financieras modernizar más rápidamente sus operaciones de apertura de cuentas de depósito.
La integración permite a bancos y cooperativas de crédito aprovechar los datos para personalizar los recorridos de los solicitantes y mejorar la eficiencia operativa. Según Srini Venkatramani, Jefe de Producto, Tecnología y Operaciones de Clientes en Blend, esta asociación demuestra su compromiso con el desarrollo de integraciones probadas para operaciones bancarias sin problemas.
Blend Labs는 Jack Henry™ 공급업체 통합 프로그램(VIP)에 합류하여 Blend의 디지털 플랫폼과 SilverLake System® 및 Symitar® 코어 뱅킹 시스템의 통합을 가능하게 했습니다. 이 파트너십은 Blend에게 Jack Henry의 기술 리소스 및 테스트 환경에 대한 직접적인 접근을 제공합니다.
통합은 은행을 위한 jXchange™와 신용 조합을 위한 SymXchange™를 통해 이루어지며, 관리 서비스 계층을 통해 데이터 무결성을 유지합니다. 이 협력은 배포를 간소화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이러한 코어 시스템을 사용하는 대출자들을 위한 Blend의 솔루션을 더 빠르게 현대화할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
이 통합은 은행과 신용 조합이 데이터를 활용하여 신청자의 여정을 개인화하고 운영 효율성을 개선할 수 있게 합니다. Blend의 제품, 기술 및 고객 운영 책임자인 Srini Venkatramani에 따르면, 이 파트너십은 원활한 뱅킹 운영을 위한 검증된 통합 개발에 대한 그들의 의지를 보여줍니다.
Blend Labs a rejoint le Programme d'Intégration des Fournisseurs (VIP) de Jack Henry™, permettant l'intégration de la plateforme numérique de Blend avec les systèmes bancaires centraux SilverLake System® et Symitar®. Ce partenariat offre à Blend un accès direct aux ressources techniques et aux environnements de test de Jack Henry.
L'intégration se fait via jXchange™ pour les banques et SymXchange™ pour les coopératives de crédit, tout en maintenant l'intégrité des données grâce à une couche de service gérée. Cette collaboration vise à simplifier le déploiement de la solution de Blend pour les prêteurs utilisant ces systèmes centraux, permettant aux institutions financières de moderniser plus rapidement leurs opérations d'ouverture de comptes de dépôt.
L'intégration permet aux banques et aux coopératives de crédit d'exploiter les données pour personnaliser les parcours des demandeurs et améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle. Selon Srini Venkatramani, Responsable Produit, Technologie et Opérations Client chez Blend, ce partenariat démontre leur engagement à développer des intégrations éprouvées pour des opérations bancaires sans faille.
Blend Labs ist dem Vendor Integration Program (VIP) von Jack Henry™ beigetreten, was die Integration der digitalen Plattform von Blend mit den Kernbankensystemen SilverLake System® und Symitar® ermöglicht. Die Partnerschaft bietet Blend direkten Zugang zu den technischen Ressourcen und Testumgebungen von Jack Henry.
Die Integration erfolgt über jXchange™ für Banken und SymXchange™ für Kreditgenossenschaften und gewährleistet die Datenintegrität durch eine verwaltete Service-Schicht. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Bereitstellungsprozess zu optimieren und die Lösung von Blend für Kreditgeber, die diese Kernsysteme nutzen, zu modernisieren, damit die Finanzinstitute ihre Eröffnungsprozesse für Einlagenkonten schneller modernisieren können.
Die Integration ermöglicht es Banken und Kreditgenossenschaften, Daten zu nutzen, um die Bewerberreisen zu personalisieren und die betriebliche Effizienz zu verbessern. Laut Srini Venkatramani, Leiter Produkt, Technologie und Kundenoperationen bei Blend, zeigt diese Partnerschaft ihr Engagement für die Entwicklung bewährter Integrationen für nahtlose Bankabläufe.
- Integration with major core banking systems expands market reach
- Accelerated deployment capabilities through direct access to technical resources
- Enhanced operational efficiency for financial institutions using the platform
- None.
Blend's announcement of joining Jack Henry's Vendor Integration Program (VIP) represents a strategic move to expand its distribution capabilities within the community banking and credit union segments. This technical integration with Jack Henry's core banking systems—SilverLake System and Symitar—addresses one of the fundamental challenges in financial technology: seamless connectivity with the legacy systems that power thousands of smaller financial institutions.
The significance of this integration goes beyond mere technical compatibility. Jack Henry serves approximately 8,000 financial institutions, primarily small to mid-sized banks and credit unions that have historically been challenging for fintechs like Blend to penetrate efficiently. By removing technical barriers to implementation, Blend potentially reduces its customer acquisition costs and shortens sales cycles for a substantial market segment.
This move aligns with Blend's broader strategic pivot away from heavy reliance on mortgage products toward a more diversified product mix including deposit account opening solutions. With mortgage volumes remaining challenged in the current high interest rate environment, Blend's focus on account opening represents a critical diversification strategy and pursuit of more stable, recurring revenue streams.
The technical mechanics of the integration—utilizing jXchange and SymXchange interfaces—ensure data integrity while allowing Blend's platform to access core system data. For financial institutions, this translates to faster deployment timeframes, reduced IT resource requirements, and lower implementation risks. These benefits address key adoption barriers that have historically slowed fintech implementation within smaller institutions.
While this integration creates potential for expanded market reach, investors should note several important caveats. First, technical integration capability doesn't automatically translate to sales—Blend will still need to convince Jack Henry customers to adopt their solutions in a competitive marketplace. Second, Jack Henry explicitly states that VIP inclusion is not an endorsement of Blend's product, maintaining vendor neutrality.
From a competitive standpoint, this integration helps Blend keep pace with rivals like nCino and Q2 who already maintain similar integration capabilities with major core banking providers. Rather than creating a unique competitive advantage, this move primarily prevents Blend from being at a disadvantage when competing for business from Jack Henry customers.
For investors tracking Blend's progress, key metrics to watch in coming quarters include: 1) mentions of Jack Henry customer wins in earnings calls, 2) changes in customer acquisition costs, and 3) growth in the non-mortgage segments of Blend's business. The true value of this integration will be measured by Blend's ability to convert technical compatibility into actual customer relationships and revenue growth.
VIP enables Blend to integrate with SilverLake System® and Symitar®

(Graphic: Business Wire)
The Vendor Integration Program is designed to help ensure that Jack Henry’s customers can easily deploy third-party products.
Blend’s digital platform integrates with SilverLake System via jXchange™, a services-based programming interface that enables third-party vendors and banks to access the platform’s core data and business rules. The integrity of data is maintained throughout any data exchange, because access to business rules and data is managed through a service layer that governs these interactions.
In addition, Blend’s digital platform integrates with Symitar via SymXchange™, which performs the same functions to connect third-party vendors with credit unions. As a VIP member, Blend gains direct access to Jack Henry’s technical resources and testing environments, significantly streamlining the development and validation of robust integrations.
This translates to faster deployment of Blend’s solution for lenders using these core systems, empowering them to quickly modernize their operations, enhance the applicant experience, and realize the full benefits of the integrated platform more rapidly. Financial institutions can rapidly modernize their deposit account opening operations, offering a more seamless and efficient experience for their accountholders.
“This expanded collaboration with Jack Henry showcases Blend’s deep commitment to developing proven integrations that enable banks and credit unions to support accountholder needs seamlessly and efficiently,” said Srini Venkatramani, Head of Product, Technology, and Client Operations at Blend. “By connecting Blend’s account opening solutions with Jack Henry’s robust core systems, banks and credit unions can leverage data to personalize the applicant journey, streamline operations, and ultimately deliver a better lending experience for everyone.”
Jack Henry’s VIP takes the accountholder out of the middle, providing vendors with direct access to Jack Henry’s technical resources and test systems. VIP inclusion is not an endorsement of the vendor’s product.
About Blend Labs, Inc.
Blend Labs, Inc. (NYSE: BLND) is a leading origination platform for digital banking solutions. Financial providers—from large banks, fintechs, and credit unions to community and independent mortgage banks—use Blend’s platform to transform banking experiences for their customers. Better banking starts on Blend. To learn more, visit
About Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Jack Henry™ (Nasdaq: JKHY) is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens connections between financial institutions and the people and businesses they serve. We are an S&P 500 company that prioritizes openness, collaboration, and user centricity – offering banks and credit unions a vibrant ecosystem of internally developed modern capabilities as well as the ability to integrate with leading fintechs. For more than 48 years, Jack Henry has provided technology solutions to enable clients to innovate faster, strategically differentiate, and successfully compete while serving the evolving needs of their accountholders. We empower approximately 7,500 clients with people-inspired innovation, personal service, and insight-driven solutions that help reduce the barriers to financial health. Additional information is available at
Forward-Looking Disclaimer
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements generally relate to future events, future performance or expectations and involve substantial risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this press release may include, but are not limited to, our expectations regarding our product roadmap, future products/features, the timing of new product/feature introductions, market size and growth opportunities, macroeconomics and industry conditions, capital expenditures, plans for future operations, competitive position, technological capabilities and strategic relationships, as well as assumptions relating to the foregoing. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes to differ materially from the outcomes predicted. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “would,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential” or “continue” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology that concern Blend’s expectations, strategy, plans or intentions. You should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by which such performance or results will be achieved, if at all. Further information on these risks and uncertainties are set forth in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Blend and assumptions and beliefs as of the date hereof. New risks and uncertainties emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all risks and uncertainties that could have an impact on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Except as required by law, Blend does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise.
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Press Contact
Chloé Demeunynck
Corporate Communications
Source: Blend
What does Blend's (BLND) integration with Jack Henry mean for financial institutions?
How does Blend (BLND) integrate with Jack Henry's SilverLake System?
What benefits does the Jack Henry VIP program provide to Blend (BLND)?