Special Report Uncovers New Trends in Spontaneous Giving
The Blackbaud Institute has released a new report titled 'First Impressions: Spontaneous Giving Insights', revealing key trends in spontaneous giving. The study defines spontaneous donors as those making unplanned first-time donations within the last 12 months. Key findings include:
- Spontaneous giving is 25% higher among Millennial, Gen Z, and Black donors
- 72% of spontaneous gifts went to familiar organizations
- Gen Z primarily learns about giving opportunities through social media
- 75% of spontaneous donors prioritize trust, reputation, and ease of donation for repeat giving
- 44% of potential repeat donors want regular updates
The report aims to help nonprofits secure and retain spontaneous givers, particularly younger donors and donors of color.
L'Istituto Blackbaud ha pubblicato un nuovo rapporto intitolato 'Prime Impressioni: Approfondimenti sulle Donazioni Spontanee', rivelando tendenze chiave nelle donazioni spontanee. Lo studio definisce i donatori spontanei come coloro che effettuano donazioni non pianificate per la prima volta negli ultimi 12 mesi. I principali risultati includono:
- Le donazioni spontanee sono superiori del 25% tra i donatori Millennial, Gen Z e neri
- Il 72% dei regali spontanei è andato a organizzazioni conosciute
- La Gen Z apprende principalmente delle opportunità di donazione attraverso i social media
- Il 75% dei donatori spontanei dà priorità alla fiducia, alla reputazione e alla facilità di donazione per le donazioni future
- Il 44% dei potenziali donatori abituali desidera aggiornamenti regolari
Il rapporto mira ad aiutare le organizzazioni non profit a garantire e trattenere i donatori spontanei, in particolare i donatori più giovani e i donatori di colore.
El Instituto Blackbaud ha publicado un nuevo informe titulado 'Primeras Impresiones: Perspectivas sobre Donaciones Espontáneas', que revela tendencias clave en las donaciones espontáneas. El estudio define a los donantes espontáneos como aquellos que realizan donaciones no planificadas por primera vez en los últimos 12 meses. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Las donaciones espontáneas son un 25% más altas entre los donantes Millennials, Gen Z y negros
- El 72% de los regalos espontáneos se destinaron a organizaciones familiares
- La Gen Z aprende principalmente sobre oportunidades de donación a través de las redes sociales
- El 75% de los donantes espontáneos prioriza la confianza, la reputación y la facilidad de donación para futuros aportes
- El 44% de los posibles donantes recurrentes desea actualizaciones regulares
El informe tiene como objetivo ayudar a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro a asegurar y retener a los donantes espontáneos, especialmente a los más jóvenes y a los donantes de color.
블랙바우드 연구소가 '첫 인상: 자발적인 기부 통찰'이라는 제목의 새로운 보고서를 발표하며 자발적 기부의 주요 트렌드를 밝혔습니다. 이 연구는 최근 12개월 이내에 계획되지 않은 첫 기부를 한 사람들을 자발적 기부자로 정의합니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 자발적인 기부는 밀레니얼, Z세대 및 흑인 기부자들 사이에서 25% 더 높습니다
- 자발적인 기부의 72%는 익숙한 기관에 전달되었습니다
- Z세대는 주로 소셜 미디어를 통해 기부 기회를 알게 됩니다
- 자발적 기부자의 75%는 반복 기부를 위해 신뢰, 명성 및 기부의 용이성을 중요시합니다
- 잠재적인 반복 기부자의 44%는 정기적인 업데이트를 원합니다
이 보고서는 비영리 단체가 자발적인 기부자, 특히 젊은 기부자 및 유색인종 기부자를 확보하고 유지하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 작성되었습니다.
Institut Blackbaud a publié un nouveau rapport intitulé 'Premières Impressions : Informations sur les dons spontanés', révélant des tendances clés dans les dons spontanés. L'étude définit les donateurs spontanés comme ceux effectuant des dons non planifiés pour la première fois au cours des 12 derniers mois. Les principaux résultats incluent :
- Les dons spontanés sont 25% plus élevés chez les donateurs Millénaire, Gen Z et noirs
- 72% des dons spontanés sont allés à des organisations familières
- La Gen Z apprend principalement les opportunités de dons via les réseaux sociaux
- 75% des donateurs spontanés privilégient la confiance, la réputation et la facilité de donation pour les futurs dons
- 44% des donateurs potentiels récurrents souhaitent des mises à jour régulières
Le rapport vise à aider les organisations à but non lucratif à sécuriser et à fidéliser les donateurs spontanés, en particulier les jeunes donateurs et les donateurs de couleur.
Das Blackbaud Institute hat einen neuen Bericht mit dem Titel 'Erste Eindrücke: Einblicke in spontane Spenden' veröffentlicht, der Schlüsseltrends im Bereich der spontanen Spenden aufzeigt. Die Studie definiert spontane Spender als Personen, die in den letzten 12 Monaten ungeplante Erstspenden getätigt haben. Wesentliche Ergebnisse sind:
- Spontane Spenden sind bei Millennials, Gen Z und schwarzen Spendern um 25% höher
- 72% der spontanen Geschenke gingen an vertraute Organisationen
- Gen Z erfährt hauptsächlich über soziale Medien von Spendenmöglichkeiten
- 75% der spontanen Spender legen Wert auf Vertrauen, Reputation und die Leichtigkeit der Spende für weitere Spenden
- 44% der potenziellen Wiederholungsspendenden wünschen regelmäßige Updates
Der Bericht zielt darauf ab, gemeinnützige Organisationen dabei zu unterstützen, spontane Geber zu sichern und zu halten, insbesondere jüngere Spender und Spender mit Migrationshintergrund.
- Report provides valuable insights for nonprofits to attract and retain spontaneous donors
- Identifies higher spontaneous giving rates among younger generations and minority donors
- Reveals factors influencing repeat donations, helping organizations improve retention strategies
- Aligns with industry trends and complements other research on revitalizing giving in America
- None.
"First Impressions: Spontaneous Giving Insights" Reveals the Secrets to Securing and Retaining Spontaneous Givers, Particularly Younger Donors and Donors of Color
"Spontaneous giving may be challenging to predict – but it's not random," said Lori Poer, Director of the Blackbaud Institute. "Our data shows that spontaneous giving plays a more important role in the philanthropic activity of younger generations and minority donors, and that organizations that want to maximize the opportunity of spontaneous giving should focus on telling a compelling story that carries through from social media to their websites and donation forms."
The study defined "spontaneous donors" as those who made a first-time donation to an organization within the last 12 months and had not planned to give to the organization beforehand.
Key Findings
Spontaneous Giving is Substantially Higher Among Younger and Minority Givers
The rate of spontaneous giving among Millennial, Gen Z and Black donors is
Giving May Be Spontaneous, But It Isn't Random
Older Donors Learn of Giving Opportunities Through Word of Mouth; Younger Donors Through Social Media
For Millennials and older generations, the most common way spontaneous donors learned about giving opportunities was from a friend, family member, or colleague (
First Time Donors Say These Factors Matter Most When Deciding to Give Again
- They trust that the organization will do the right thing
- The organization has a good reputation
- It's easy to donate
- The organization uses their money wisely
- Support will help those in need right now
Potential Repeat Donors Want to Hear from You Regularly
The Blackbaud Institute gives social impact professionals fresh data to understand broader industry trends, benchmark success, and take fundraising to new levels. This survey was conducted by Edge Research who interviewed more than 1,000 adult consumers from June 4–21, 2024.
Alongside the Generosity Commission's recently released, major report "Everyday Actions, Extraordinary Potential: The Power of Giving and Volunteering," which provided a call to action to revitalize giving in America and emphasized the need for further research and study, these findings from the Blackbaud Institute provide important insights to help nonprofits strengthen their relational pathways to new donor support.
For more information on spontaneous giving trends, the full report can be accessed here. All Blackbaud Institute resources are offered for free, as part of Blackbaud's commitment to accelerating social impact.
About Blackbaud Institute
The Blackbaud Institute develops leading-edge research and convenes expert voices to equip the social impact community with knowledge, insight, and confidence. The Blackbaud Institute draws from Blackbaud's data set, the most comprehensive in the social impact community. In addition, the Institute facilitates public research studies to drive original qualitative and quantitative insight. Our research agenda is grounded in a commitment to topics that social impact organizations can apply immediately to better understand, benchmark, and improve their essential business operations. We are guided by our commitment to the social impact sector to provide timely, transparent, and well-rounded research that is free to access. From how organizations run to how donors give, we're
About Blackbaud
Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB) is the leading software provider exclusively dedicated to powering social impact. Serving the nonprofit and education sectors, companies committed to social responsibility and individual change makers, Blackbaud's essential software is built to accelerate impact in fundraising, nonprofit financial management, digital giving, grantmaking, corporate social responsibility and education management. With millions of users and over
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Except for historical information, all of the statements, expectations and assumptions contained in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding expected benefits of products and product features. Although Blackbaud attempts to be accurate in making these forward-looking statements, it is possible that future circumstances might differ from the assumptions on which such statements are based. In addition, other important factors that could cause results to differ materially include the following: general economic risks; uncertainty regarding increased business and renewals from existing customers; continued success in sales growth; management of integration of acquired companies and other risks associated with acquisitions; risks associated with successful implementation of multiple integrated software products; the ability to attract and retain key personnel; risks associated with management of growth; lengthy sales and implementation cycles; technological changes that make our products and services less competitive; and the other risk factors set forth from time to time in the SEC filings for Blackbaud, copies of which are available free of charge at the SEC's website at www.sec.gov or upon request from Blackbaud's investor relations department. All Blackbaud product names appearing herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackbaud, Inc.
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SOURCE Blackbaud
What are the key findings of Blackbaud's (BLKB) spontaneous giving report?
How does Blackbaud (BLKB) define spontaneous donors in their recent study?
What factors do spontaneous donors consider important for repeat giving, according to Blackbaud's (BLKB) report?