BankUnited Announces Election of Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh to its Board of Directors
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU) has announced the election of Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh to its Board of Directors. Dr. Baugh, with over 25 years of experience in executive leadership and nonprofit management, is the President and CEO of the Urban League of Broward County. Her expertise includes organizational development and enhancing equity and inclusion in the business community.
Under Dr. Baugh's leadership, the Urban League expanded to include the Entrepreneurship Center and Small Business Loan Fund, now designated as a Certified Development Financial by the U.S. Department of Treasury. She serves on various boards and has received numerous awards, including induction into the JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers and Broward County Women's Hall of Fame.
Dr. Baugh joins BankUnited's board alongside Chairman and CEO Rajinder P. Singh and nine other directors. BankUnited, with total assets of $37.2 billion as of March 31, 2023, operates in Florida, New York, Texas, and Atlanta.
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU) ha annunciato l'elezione della Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. La Dr. Baugh, con oltre 25 anni di esperienza nella leadership esecutiva e nella gestione delle organizzazioni nonprofit, è Presidente e CEO della Urban League di Broward County. La sua esperienza include lo sviluppo organizzativo e il miglioramento dell'equità e dell'inclusione nella comunità imprenditoriale.
Sotto la guida della Dr. Baugh, la Urban League ha ampliato la sua offerta includendo il Centro per l'Imprenditorialità e il Fondo di Prestiti per Piccole Imprese, ora designato come un'istituzione finanziaria di sviluppo certificata dal Dipartimento del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti. Fa parte di vari consigli e ha ricevuto numerosi premi, inclusa l'induzione nel JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers e nella Broward County Women's Hall of Fame.
La Dr. Baugh si unisce al consiglio di BankUnited insieme al Presidente e CEO Rajinder P. Singh e ad altri nove membri del consiglio. BankUnited, con attivi totali di 37,2 miliardi di dollari al 31 marzo 2023, opera in Florida, New York, Texas e Atlanta.
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU) ha anunciado la elección de la Dra. Germaine Smith-Baugh para su Junta Directiva. La Dra. Baugh, con más de 25 años de experiencia en liderazgo ejecutivo y gestión de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, es la Presidenta y CEO de la Urban League del Condado de Broward. Su experiencia incluye el desarrollo organizacional y el fomento de la equidad y la inclusión en la comunidad empresarial.
Bajo el liderazgo de la Dra. Baugh, la Urban League se expandió para incluir el Centro de Emprendimiento y el Fondo de Préstamos para Pequeñas Empresas, que ahora está designado como una Institución Financiera de Desarrollo Certificada por el Departamento del Tesoro de EE. UU. Forma parte de diversas juntas y ha recibido numerosos premios, incluida su inclusión en el JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers y el Salón de la Fama de Mujeres del Condado de Broward.
La Dra. Baugh se une a la junta de BankUnited junto al Presidente y CEO Rajinder P. Singh y otros nueve directores. BankUnited, con activos totales de 37.2 mil millones de dólares al 31 de marzo de 2023, opera en Florida, Nueva York, Texas y Atlanta.
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU)는 Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh를 이사회의 일원으로 선출했다고 발표했습니다. Baugh 박사는 25년 이상의 경영 리더십 및 비영리 관리 경험을 보유하고 있으며, 브라우어드 카운티의 Urban League의 회장 겸 CEO입니다. 그녀의 전문 분야는 조직 개발 및 비즈니스 커뮤니티에서의 형평성과 포용성을 증진하는 것입니다.
Baugh 박사의 지도 하에 Urban League는 창업 센터 및 소기업 대출 기금을 포함하도록 확대되었으며, 현재는 미국 재무부로부터 인증받은 개발 금융 기관으로 지정되었습니다. 그녀는 다양한 이사회에서 활동하며, JM Family Enterprises 아프리카계 미국인 성취자 및 브라우어드 카운티 여성 명예의 전당에 헌액되는 등 여러 상을 수상했습니다.
Baugh 박사는 BankUnited 이사회에 Rajinder P. Singh 회장 겸 CEO 및 다른 9명의 이사들과 함께 합류합니다. BankUnited는 2023년 3월 31일 기준 총 자산이 372억 달러에 달하며, 플로리다, 뉴욕, 텍사스, 애틀랜타에서 운영되고 있습니다.
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU) a annoncé l'élection de Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh à son Conseil d'Administration. Dr. Baugh, avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience en leadership exécutif et en gestion d'organisations à but non lucratif, est Présidente et PDG de l'Urban League du Comté de Broward. Son expertise inclut le développement organisationnel et la promotion de l'équité et de l'inclusion dans la communauté des affaires.
Sous la direction de Dr. Baugh, l'Urban League a élargi son offre pour inclure le Centre d'Entrepreneuriat et le Fonds de Prêts pour Petites Entreprises, désormais désigné comme une Institution Financière de Développement Certifiée par le Département du Trésor des États-Unis. Elle siège à plusieurs conseils et a reçu de nombreux prix, y compris son induction au JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers et au Temple de la renommée des femmes du Comté de Broward.
Dr. Baugh rejoint le conseil de BankUnited aux côtés du Président et PDG Rajinder P. Singh et de neuf autres directeurs. BankUnited, ayant des actifs totaux de 37,2 milliards de dollars au 31 mars 2023, opère en Floride, à New York, au Texas et à Atlanta.
BankUnited Inc. (NYSE: BKU) hat die Wahl von Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh in seinen Vorstand bekannt gegeben. Dr. Baugh, die über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Führungsposition und im Management von Non-Profit-Organisationen verfügt, ist Präsidentin und CEO der Urban League von Broward County. Ihre Expertise umfasst die organisatorische Entwicklung sowie die Förderung von Chancengleichheit und Inklusion in der Geschäftswelt.
Unter der Leitung von Dr. Baugh hat die Urban League ihr Angebot um das Entrepreneurship Center und den Small Business Loan Fund erweitert, die nun vom US-Finanzministerium als zertifizierte Entwicklungsfinanzierungsinstitute anerkannt sind. Sie ist Mitglied in verschiedenen Aufsichtsräten und wurde mit zahlreichen Auszeichnungen geehrt, darunter die Aufnahme in die JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers und die Broward County Women's Hall of Fame.
Dr. Baugh tritt dem Vorstand von BankUnited zusammen mit Vorsitzendem und CEO Rajinder P. Singh sowie neun weiteren Direktoren bei. BankUnited, mit insgesamt 37,2 Milliarden US-Dollar an Vermögenswerten zum 31. März 2023, ist in Florida, New York, Texas und Atlanta tätig.
- Addition of experienced board member with expertise in nonprofit management and financial administration
- Potential for enhanced community engagement and economic empowerment initiatives
- Possible expansion of small business lending capabilities through Dr. Baugh's CDFI experience
- None.

Germaine Smith-Baugh, Ed.D. has joined the BankUnited Board of Directors. (Photo: Business Wire)
“Dr. Baugh has more than 25 years of experience in executive leadership, nonprofit management, board governance and financial administration,” said Rajinder P. Singh, BankUnited President, Chairman and CEO. “We have collaborated with her in her capacity as President and CEO of the Urban League of
Since taking on leadership of the Urban League affiliate in 2002, Dr. Baugh has been a champion for economic empowerment, with a depth of expertise in organizational development and enhancing equity and inclusion within the business community. Through its subsidiary, the Central County Community Development Corporation (CCCDC), Baugh expanded the reach of the Urban League to include the Entrepreneurship Center and Small Business Loan Fund, which is now designated as a Certified Development Financial Corporation (CDFI) by the United States Department of Treasury.
Dr. Baugh currently serves on local, statewide, and national boards and holds leadership roles including second vice chair and chair, respectively, at the Florida Community Loan Fund and Grounded Solutions Network as well as the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance. Dr. Baugh serves on local and regional advisories and has provided insight and testimony to influence policy and macro issues at the federal and state level.
Her numerous awards and recognitions include induction into the JM Family Enterprises African American Achievers and Broward County Women's Hall of Fame as well as being featured as a South Florida Business Journal Ultimate CEO and National Urban League Woman of Power. She has been awarded distinguished leadership and service honors from National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials, Delta Sigma Theta and United Way of
Dr. Baugh earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Florida State University and a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University.
Dr. Baugh joins Mr. Singh on the board and fellow directors Tere Blanca, John N. DiGiacomo. Michael J. Dowling, A. Gail Prudenti, William S. Rubenstein, Sanjiv Sobti, Ph.D., Lynne Wines and lead independent director Douglas J. Pauls.
For more information visit or call (877) 779-2265.
About BankUnited, Inc.
BankUnited, Inc., with total assets of
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Donna Crump-Butler, (305) 231-6707
Savannah Whaley, (954) 776-1999, x225
Source: BankUnited Inc.
Who is the new board member elected to BankUnited's (BKU) Board of Directors?
What is Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh's current role outside of BankUnited (BKU)?
How many years of experience does Dr. Smith-Baugh bring to BankUnited's (BKU) board?