Sage Therapeutics and Biogen Announce Topline Results from Phase 2 KINETIC 2 Study of SAGE-324 (BIIB124) for the Treatment of Essential Tremor

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Sage Therapeutics and Biogen announced disappointing topline results from their Phase 2 KINETIC 2 study of SAGE-324 (BIIB124) for treating essential tremor (ET). The study failed to demonstrate a statistically significant dose-response relationship or any significant differences between SAGE-324 doses and placebo in reducing tremor severity. Key findings include:

- No statistically significant improvements in the primary endpoint (TETRAS Performance Subscale Item 4 total score) or secondary endpoint (TETRAS Activities of Daily Living Composite Score)
- 147 participants were randomized to placebo, 15 mg, 30 mg, or 60 mg doses
- Common side effects included somnolence, dizziness, and fatigue
- Dose-related increases in CNS depressant side effects were observed

As a result, Sage and Biogen will discontinue further clinical development of SAGE-324 for essential tremor.

Sage Therapeutics e Biogen hanno annunciato risultati deludenti dai dati preliminari del loro studio Fase 2 KINETIC 2 su SAGE-324 (BIIB124) per il trattamento del tremore essenziale (ET). Lo studio non è riuscito a dimostrare una relazione dose-risposta statisticamente significativa o differenze significative tra le dosi di SAGE-324 e placebo nella riduzione della gravità del tremore. Le scoperte chiave includono:

- Nessun miglioramento statisticamente significativo nel parametro primario (punteggio totale dell'Item 4 della Subscala di Prestazione TETRAS) o nel parametro secondario (Punteggio Composito delle Attività quotidiane TETRAS)
- 147 partecipanti sono stati randomizzati a placebo, dosi da 15 mg, 30 mg o 60 mg
- Gli effetti collaterali comuni includevano sonnolenza, vertigini e affaticamento
- Sono stati osservati aumenti correlati alla dose negli effetti collaterali depressivi del SNC

Di conseguenza, Sage e Biogen disconosceranno ulteriore sviluppo clinico di SAGE-324 per il tremore essenziale.

Sage Therapeutics y Biogen anunciaron resultados decepcionantes de los datos preliminares de su estudio de Fase 2 KINETIC 2 sobre SAGE-324 (BIIB124) para el tratamiento del temblor esencial (ET). El estudio no logró demostrar una relación dosis-respuesta estadísticamente significativa ni diferencias significativas entre las dosis de SAGE-324 y el placebo en la reducción de la severidad del temblor. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- No se observaron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el objetivo primario (puntuación total del ítem 4 de la subescala de rendimiento TETRAS) o en el objetivo secundario (puntuación compuesta de las actividades de la vida diaria TETRAS)
- 147 participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a placebo, dosis de 15 mg, 30 mg o 60 mg
- Los efectos secundarios comunes incluyeron somnolencia, mareos y fatiga
- Se observaron incrementos relacionados con la dosis en los efectos secundarios depresores del SNC

Como resultado, Sage y Biogen interrumpirán el desarrollo clínico adicional de SAGE-324 para el temblor esencial.

Sage Therapeutics와 Biogen은 필수 진전증(ET) 치료를 위한 SAGE-324 (BIIB124)의 Phase 2 KINETIC 2 연구에서 실망스러운 topline 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 통계적으로 유의미한 용량-반응 관계를 입증하지 못했습니다 및 진전 정도를 줄이기 위한 SAGE-324 용량과 위약 간의 유의미한 차이를 나타내지 못했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 주요 목표(프레포먼스 스케일 TETRAS 항목 4의 총점)와 보조 목표(생활 활동 종합 점수 TETRAS)에서 통계적으로 유의미한 개선이 없었습니다.
- 147명의 참가자가 위약, 15mg, 30mg 또는 60mg 용량으로 무작위 배정되었습니다.
- 일반적인 부작용으로는 졸음, 어지러움 및 피로가 포함되었습니다.
- CNS 억제제 부작용이 용량에 따라 증가하는 경향이 관찰되었습니다.

그 결과, Sage와 Biogen은 SAGE-324의 필수 진전증에 대한 추가 임상 개발을 중단할 것입니다.

Sage Therapeutics et Biogen ont annoncé des résultats décevants des données préliminaires de leur étude de Phase 2 KINETIC 2 sur SAGE-324 (BIIB124) pour le traitement du tremblement essentiel (ET). L'étude n'a pas réussi à démontrer une relation dose-réponse statistiquement significative ni des différences significatives entre les doses de SAGE-324 et le placebo dans la réduction de la gravité du tremblement. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- Aucune amélioration statistiquement significative dans l'objectif principal (score total de l'article 4 de l'échelle de performance TETRAS) ou dans l'objectif secondaire (score composite des activités de la vie quotidienne TETRAS)
- 147 participants ont été répartis aléatoirement en placebo, doses de 15 mg, 30 mg ou 60 mg
- Les effets secondaires courants comprenaient somnolence, vertiges et fatigue
- Des augmentations dépendantes de la dose des effets secondaires dépresseurs du SNC ont été observées

En conséquence, Sage et Biogen cesseront le développement clinique de SAGE-324 pour le tremblement essentiel.

Sage Therapeutics und Biogen haben enttäuschende Ergebnisse aus ihrer Phase 2 KINETIC 2-Studie zu SAGE-324 (BIIB124) zur Behandlung des essentiellen Tremors (ET) veröffentlicht. Die Studie konnte keine statistisch signifikante Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung oder signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Dosen von SAGE-324 und Placebo bei der Reduzierung der Tremorschwere nachweisen. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- Keine statistisch signifikanten Verbesserungen im primären Endpunkt (TETRAS Performance Subscale Item 4 Gesamtpunktzahl) oder im sekundären Endpunkt (TETRAS Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens Zusammensetzender Punktestand)
- 147 Teilnehmer wurden zufällig auf Placebo, 15 mg, 30 mg oder 60 mg Dosen randomisiert
- Häufige Nebenwirkungen waren Somnolenz, Schwindel und Müdigkeit
- Dosisabhängige Erhöhungen der zentralnervösen depressiven Nebenwirkungen wurden beobachtet

Infolgedessen werden Sage und Biogen die klinische Entwicklung von SAGE-324 für den essentiellen Tremor einstellen.

  • None.
  • SAGE-324 failed to show statistically significant efficacy in treating essential tremor
  • No significant differences between SAGE-324 doses and placebo in reducing tremor severity
  • Dose-related increases in CNS depressant side effects were observed
  • Further clinical development of SAGE-324 for essential tremor will be discontinued
  • Ongoing open label safety study of SAGE-324 in ET will be closed


The results from the Phase 2 KINETIC 2 study for SAGE-324 (BIIB124) are quite disappointing for both Sage Therapeutics and Biogen. The lack of statistically significant efficacy in treating essential tremor (ET) is a significant setback. This outcome implies that the drug does not produce a meaningful clinical benefit over a placebo, which is a critical determinant in the drug development process. Given the limited innovation in ET treatments over the past 50 years, the failure of SAGE-324 to show efficacy leaves a substantial unmet need in the market unaddressed.

From a medical research perspective, this outcome can guide future studies and methodologies. The data, even though negative, contribute to the knowledge base surrounding ET and may help refine future therapeutic approaches. The decision to halt further development of SAGE-324 in ET underscores the importance of robust clinical trial results before a drug can move forward in the development pipeline. The noted CNS-related adverse events (e.g., somnolence, dizziness) also suggest that even if efficacy had been demonstrated, the drug's safety profile might have posed challenges.

For investors in Sage Therapeutics and Biogen, the Phase 2 trial results for SAGE-324 will likely be viewed negatively. The fact that the drug failed to show statistically significant efficacy in any dose is a significant blow. This not only affects investor confidence but also impacts the companies' future revenue projections associated with this drug. Biogen and Sage had likely invested substantial resources in developing SAGE-324 and the failure to meet primary endpoints suggests a sunk cost with no return. The immediate reaction in the stock market could be a drop in share prices as investors reassess the companies' pipelines and potential future earnings.

From a broader financial perspective, this result may lead to a reallocation of resources within both companies. They may need to focus on other drugs in their pipelines that show more promise and this shift could take time to reflect positively in their financial results. Investors should monitor how the companies communicate their next steps and how they plan to mitigate this setback.

The failure of SAGE-324 in the KINETIC 2 study to show efficacy in treating essential tremor highlights a significant gap in the market. Essential tremor remains an area with high unmet medical needs and the lack of effective new treatments continues to be a concern. The market for ET treatments remains virtually unchanged for decades and this latest trial result from Sage and Biogen reaffirms the challenges in developing new pharmacological interventions for this condition.

This result might also influence the strategic decisions of other companies researching treatments for ET or similar neurological disorders. Competitors might perceive this as an opportunity to capture market share by advancing their own research, or it could discourage investment in similar compounds, leading to a more conservative approach in drug development for ET.

- SAGE-324 (BIIB124) did not demonstrate a statistically significant dose-response relationship on the primary endpoint in participants with essential tremor

- No statistically significant differences were demonstrated between any dose of SAGE-324 and placebo in the change from baseline for the primary endpoint

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sage Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: Sage) and Biogen Inc. (NASDAQ: BIIB) announced topline results from the Phase 2 KINETIC 2 dose-range study of the oral investigational drug SAGE-324 (BIIB124) as a potential treatment in essential tremor (ET). The KINETIC 2 Study did not demonstrate a statistically significant dose-response relationship in change from baseline to Day 91 based on the primary endpoint, The Essential Tremor Rating Assessment Scale (TETRAS) Performance Subscale (PS) Item 4 (upper limb) total score, in participants with ET. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences demonstrated for any dose of SAGE-324 versus placebo in the change from baseline to Day 91 on the TETRAS PS Item 4 Total Score or the TETRAS Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Composite Score. Given these results, Sage and Biogen will close the ongoing open label safety study of SAGE-324 in ET and do not plan to conduct further clinical development of SAGE-324 in ET. The companies are evaluating next steps, if any, for other potential indications.

“There has been little innovation in the pharmacological treatment of essential tremor over the past 50 years, and people living with this debilitating condition have a pressing need for new treatment options. We are disappointed that the results of the KINETIC 2 Study do not support further development of SAGE-324 in ET. We are grateful to the essential tremor community and study investigators for their contributions to this research,” said Laura Gault, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Sage Therapeutics. “As always, Sage remains steadfast in our work to develop new treatments for people suffering from brain health conditions.”

“We wish to thank the study participants and investigators who made this important research possible. While we share in their disappointment, we believe that the findings add to the collective understanding of this debilitating condition and may help inform the field on potential future research and therapeutic approaches,” said Katherine Dawson, MD, Head of Therapeutics Development Unit, Biogen.

KINETIC 2 Study Results

The KINETIC 2 Study was designed to evaluate the dose-response relationship of different doses of SAGE-324 on upper limb tremor. The study also evaluated the safety and tolerability of SAGE-324. The primary outcome measure was TETRAS PS Item 4 Total Score at Day 91, and the primary analysis assessed the dose-response relationship across SAGE-324 doses on this measure. Additional analyses evaluated the change from baseline to Day 91 on the TETRAS PS Item 4 Total Score and the secondary endpoint, TETRAS ADL Composite Score, for each dose of SAGE-324 versus placebo.

In the study, 147 participants (129 monotherapy and 18 adjunct therapy, on a stable dose of propranolol prior to and during the study) were randomized in approximately equal proportions to placebo, 15 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg (with uptitration) for a three-month treatment period.

  • SAGE-324 did not demonstrate a statistically significant dose-response relationship on the primary endpoint in participants with ET.
  • No statistically significant differences were demonstrated between any dose of SAGE-324 and placebo in the change from baseline at Day 91 on the TETRAS PS Item 4 Total Score or TETRAS ADL Composite Score.
  • Overall, there was a dose-relationship observed in the incidence of CNS depressant treatment emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and in the frequency of TEAEs leading to study drug discontinuation.
  • The most common TEAEs reported in any treatment group were somnolence, dizziness, fatigue, feeling abnormal, headache, and balance disorder. The majority of TEAEs were mild or moderate in intensity.

About SAGE-324 / BIIB124

SAGE-324 is an investigational oral neuroactive steroid (NAS) GABAA receptor positive allosteric modulator (PAM). NAS GABAA receptor PAMs bind to both synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors, enhancing inhibitory activity of the GABAergic system, the major inhibitory neurotransmission system in the brain. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and plays a critical role in maintaining balanced neuronal activity in the brain. GABA dysregulation has been implicated in the pathophysiology of ET. The safety and effectiveness of SAGE-324 have not been established.

About Sage Therapeutics

Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) is a biopharmaceutical company committed to our mission of pioneering solutions to deliver life-changing brain health medicines, so every person can thrive. Sage developed the only two FDA-approved treatments indicated for postpartum depression and is advancing a robust pipeline to target unmet needs in brain health. Sage was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Mass.

Find out more at or engage with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X.

About Biogen

Founded in 1978, Biogen is a leading biotechnology company that pioneers innovative science to deliver new medicines to transform patients’ lives and to create value for shareholders and our communities. We apply deep understanding of human biology and leverage different modalities to advance first-in-class treatments or therapies that deliver superior outcomes. Our approach is to take bold risks, balanced with return on investment to deliver long-term growth.

The company routinely posts information that may be important to investors on its website at Follow Biogen on social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, X, YouTube.

Sage Forward-Looking Statements

Various statements in this release concern future expectations, plans and prospects, including without limitation statements regarding: Sage’s work to develop new treatments for people suffering from brain health conditions; plans to evaluate next steps for the program and the mission, goals, opportunity and potential for Sage’s business. These statements constitute forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees of future performance, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Sage’s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements, including the risks that: Sage and Biogen may, jointly or individually, decide not to pursue any further development of SAGE-324 in any indication; the results of ongoing, planned or future clinical studies or nonclinical work with respect to any of Sage’s product candidates may be negative like the results announced today from the KINECTIC 2 Study of SAGE-324 in essential tremor; results of earlier trials of any of Sage’s other product candidates may not be replicated in ongoing or future trials; clinical and nonclinical data Sage generates in the course of any development program may not be sufficient to move to the next phase of development for an indication or may not support further development at all; additional analysis of clinical trial results may not result in a path forward for development; Sage may encounter adverse results or adverse events at any stage of development that negatively impact further development or that require additional nonclinical and clinical work which may not yield positive results; Sage may encounter delays in initiation, conduct or completion of ongoing or future clinical trials or reporting of clinical trial results, including as the result of the need to meet with regulatory authorities, or as a result of actions arising from those meetings, that may impact Sage’s ability to meet its expected time-lines; the FDA may not agree with Sage’s view of the data Sage generates from its development efforts at any stage; decisions or actions of the FDA or other regulatory agencies may affect the initiation, timing, design, size, or progress of ongoing or future clinical trials or the regulatory pathway for any of Sage’s product candidates in an indication or its ability to proceed with further development; the FDA may ultimately decide that the design or results of completed, ongoing and planned clinical trials, even if positive, are not sufficient for the next phase of development or ultimately for regulatory approval of such product candidates in any indication or of any of Sage’s product candidates in any indications that are the focus of development programs and plans; the internal and external costs required for ongoing and planned activities may cause Sage to change or curtail some of its plans; Sage may encounter technical and other unexpected hurdles in the development and manufacture of its product candidates which may delay its timing or change its plans; as well as those risks more fully discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Sage’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Sage’s views only as of today, and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Sage explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

Biogen Safe Harbor

This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, relating to the potential, benefits, safety and efficacy of SAGE-324; the potential clinical effects of SAGE-324; the clinical development program, clinical trials, data readouts and presentations related to SAGE-324; the treatment of essential tremor; the potential of Biogen’s commercial business and pipeline programs, including SAGE-324; the anticipated benefits and potential of Biogen’s collaboration arrangements with Sage; and risks and uncertainties associated with drug development and commercialization. These forward-looking statements may be accompanied by words such as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “hope,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “possible,” “will,” “would” and other words and terms of similar meaning. Drug development and commercialization involve a high degree of risk and only a small number of research and development programs result in commercialization of a product. Results in early-stage clinical trials may not be indicative of full results or results from later stage or larger scale clinical trials and do not ensure regulatory approval. You should not place undue reliance on these statements, or the scientific data presented.

These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such statements, including without limitation, uncertainty of success in the development and potential commercialization of SAGE-324; unexpected concerns may arise from additional data, analysis or results obtained during the KINETIC Study; regulatory authorities may require additional information or further studies, or may fail or refuse to approve or may delay approval of Biogen’s drug candidates, including SAGE-324; the occurrence of adverse safety events; the risks of other unexpected hurdles, costs or delays; uncertainty of success in the development of SAGE-324; failure to protect and enforce data, intellectual property and other proprietary rights and uncertainties relating to intellectual property claims and challenges; the direct and indirect impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Biogen’s business, results of operations and financial condition; product liability claims; and third party collaboration risks. The foregoing sets forth many, but not all, of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from Biogen’s expectations in any forward-looking statement. Investors should consider this cautionary statement as well as the risk factors identified in Biogen’s most recent annual or quarterly report and in other reports Biogen has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements are based on Biogen’s current beliefs and expectations and speak only as of the date of this news release. Biogen does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.


Sage Therapeutics

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Jack Cox

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Sage Therapeutics

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Source: Sage Therapeutics, Inc.


What were the results of the KINETIC 2 study for SAGE-324 in essential tremor?

The KINETIC 2 study of SAGE-324 (BIIB124) failed to demonstrate a statistically significant dose-response relationship or any significant differences between SAGE-324 doses and placebo in reducing tremor severity in patients with essential tremor.

Will Sage Therapeutics (SAGE) continue developing SAGE-324 for essential tremor?

No, Sage Therapeutics and Biogen have decided to discontinue further clinical development of SAGE-324 for essential tremor based on the disappointing results from the KINETIC 2 study.

What were the common side effects reported in the SAGE-324 KINETIC 2 trial?

The most common side effects reported in the KINETIC 2 trial for SAGE-324 were somnolence, dizziness, fatigue, feeling abnormal, headache, and balance disorder. A dose-related increase in CNS depressant side effects was observed.

How many participants were involved in the SAGE-324 KINETIC 2 study?

The KINETIC 2 study involved 147 participants with essential tremor, with 129 on monotherapy and 18 on adjunct therapy with a stable dose of propranolol.

Biogen Inc.


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