Talkiatry Expands Postpartum Depression Care Services to Close Gaps in Maternal Mental Healthcare

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Talkiatry, a leading provider of in-network psychiatric care, has announced a new pathway for postpartum depression (PPD) support. This initiative aims to improve access to care for women experiencing postpartum mental health challenges through virtual appointments with board-certified psychiatrists. The company has launched new educational resources to help women identify PPD symptoms and schedule virtual consultations if needed.

Approximately one in eight new mothers in the United States report experiencing PPD symptoms. Despite its prevalence, access to timely care remains challenging due to a shortage of psychiatrists and long wait times. Talkiatry's telehealth alternative, developed in partnership with Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), aims to address these gaps in maternal mental healthcare.

The new PPD page on Talkiatry's website offers educational information, an online assessment tool, and a scheduling system for appointments with psychiatrists. Talkiatry provides virtual psychiatry and therapy covered by over 60 health insurance plans across 43 states, with new patients seen within days of making an appointment.

Talkiatry, un fornitore leader di assistenza psichiatrica in rete, ha annunciato un nuovo percorso per il supporto alla depressione postpartum (PPD). Questa iniziativa mira a migliorare l'accesso alle cure per le donne che affrontano sfide di salute mentale postpartum attraverso appuntamenti virtuali con psichiatri certificati. L'azienda ha lanciato nuove risorse educative per aiutare le donne a identificare i sintomi della PPD e a programmare consultazioni virtuali se necessario.

Circa una nuova madre su otto negli Stati Uniti riporta di aver sperimentato sintomi di PPD. Nonostante la sua diffusione, l'accesso a cure tempestive rimane difficile a causa della carenza di psichiatri e delle lunghe attese. L'alternativa telemedica di Talkiatry, sviluppata in collaborazione con Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), mira a colmare queste lacune nell'assistenza mentale materna.

La nuova pagina PPD sul sito di Talkiatry offre informazioni educative, uno strumento di valutazione online e un sistema di prenotazione per appuntamenti con psichiatri. Talkiatry fornisce psichiatria e terapia virtuale coperte da oltre 60 piani di assicurazione sanitaria in 43 stati, con nuovi pazienti visti entro pochi giorni dalla prenotazione di un appuntamento.

Talkiatry, un proveedor líder de atención psiquiátrica en red, ha anunciado un nuevo camino para el apoyo a la depresión posparto (PPD). Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo mejorar el acceso a la atención para las mujeres que experimentan desafíos de salud mental posparto a través de citas virtuales con psiquiatras certificados. La empresa ha lanzado nuevos recursos educativos para ayudar a las mujeres a identificar los síntomas de la PPD y programar consultas virtuales si es necesario.

Aproximadamente una de cada ocho nuevas madres en los Estados Unidos informa haber experimentado síntomas de PPD. A pesar de su prevalencia, el acceso a una atención oportuna sigue siendo un reto debido a la escasez de psiquiatras y los largos tiempos de espera. La alternativa de telemedicina de Talkiatry, desarrollada en colaboración con Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), tiene como objetivo abordar estas brechas en la atención de salud mental materna.

La nueva página de PPD en el sitio web de Talkiatry ofrece información educativa, una herramienta de evaluación en línea y un sistema de programación de citas con psiquiatras. Talkiatry proporciona psiquiatría y terapia virtual cubiertas por más de 60 planes de seguro de salud en 43 estados, con nuevos pacientes atendidos en cuestión de días tras hacer una cita.

Talkiatry는 네트워크 정신과 치료의 선도적인 제공자로서 산후 우울증 (PPD) 지원을 위한 새로운 경로를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 산후 정신 건강 문제를 경험하는 여성들이 인증된 정신과 의사와의 가상 약속을 통해 치료에 보다 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 여성들이 PPD 증상을 식별하고 필요할 경우 가상 상담을 예약하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 새로운 교육 자료를 출시했습니다.

미국에서 약 8명의 신규 어머니 중 1명이 PPD 증상을 경험했다고 보고합니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 정신과 의사의 부족과 긴 대기 시간 때문에 적시에 치료를 받을 수 있는 접근이 여전히 어려운 상황입니다. Talkiatry의 원격 의료 대안은 Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB)와의 파트너십을 통해 개발되어, 모성 정신 건강 관리의 이러한 격차를 해소하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Talkiatry 웹사이트의 새로운 PPD 페이지에서는 교육 정보를 제공하고 온라인 평가 도구와 정신과 의사와의 약속을 예약할 수 있는 시스템을 제공합니다. Talkiatry는 43개 주에 걸쳐 60개 이상의 건강 보험 계획으로 보장되는 가상 정신과 및 치료를 제공하며, 새로운 환자는 약속을 잡은 후 며칠 이내에 진료를 받게 됩니다.

Talkiatry, un fournisseur de premier plan de soins psychiatriques en réseau, a annoncé un nouveau chemin pour le soutien à la dépression postpartum (PPD). Cette initiative vise à améliorer l'accès aux soins pour les femmes rencontrant des défis de santé mentale postpartum grâce à des rendez-vous virtuels avec des psychiatres certifiés. L'entreprise a lancé de nouvelles ressources éducatives pour aider les femmes à identifier les symptômes de la PPD et à programmer des consultations virtuelles si nécessaire.

Environ une nouvelle mère sur huit aux États-Unis rapporte avoir éprouvé des symptômes de PPD. Bien que la prévalence de ce problème soit élevée, l'accès à des soins rapides reste un défi en raison du manque de psychiatres et des longs délais d'attente. L'alternative de télémédecine de Talkiatry, développée en partenariat avec Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), vise à combler ces lacunes dans les soins de santé mentale maternelle.

La nouvelle page PPD sur le site web de Talkiatry propose des informations éducatives, un outil d'évaluation en ligne et un système de prise de rendez-vous avec des psychiatres. Talkiatry offre une psychiatrie et une thérapie virtuelles couvertes par plus de 60 plans de soins de santé dans 43 États, avec des nouveaux patients vus dans les jours suivant la prise de rendez-vous.

Talkiatry, ein führender Anbieter von psychiatrischer Versorgung im Netzwerk, hat einen neuen Weg für die Unterstützung von postpartalen Depressionen (PPD) angekündigt. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu Pflege für Frauen zu verbessern, die im Wochenbett mit psychischen Herausforderungen kämpfen, indem sie virtuelle Termine mit zertifizierten Psychiatern anbietet. Das Unternehmen hat neue Bildungsressourcen ins Leben gerufen, um Frauen bei der Identifizierung von PPD-Symptomen zu helfen und falls nötig virtuelle Konsultationen zu vereinbaren.

Ungefähr eine von acht neuen Müttern in den Vereinigten Staaten berichtet von PPD-Symptomen. Trotz ihrer Häufigkeit ist der Zugang zu zeitnaher Behandlung aufgrund eines Mangels an Psychiatern und langen Wartezeiten nach wie vor eine Herausforderung. Die Telemedizin-Alternative von Talkiatry, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB) entwickelt wurde, zielt darauf ab, diese Lücken in der mütterlichen psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung zu schließen.

Die neue PPD-Seite auf der Website von Talkiatry bietet Bildungsinformationen, ein Online-Bewertungswerkzeug und ein Terminbuchungssystem für Termine mit Psychiatern. Talkiatry bietet virtuelle Psychiatrie und Therapie, die von über 60 Gesundheitsversicherungsplänen in 43 Bundesstaaten abgedeckt sind, wobei neue Patienten innerhalb weniger Tage nach der Terminvereinbarung gesehen werden.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Approximately one in eight U.S. women report experiencing postpartum depression symptoms1 yet care pathways remain complex, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment

  • Talkiatry to offer new resources and expand access to care for women experiencing postpartum mental health challenges by virtually connecting them with a provider from the comfort of their own home

NEW YORK, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Talkiatry, a leading provider of high-quality, in-network psychiatric care, today announced a new pathway for postpartum mental health support that can help improve access to care for women in need. Through the launch of Talkiatry's new educational resources, women can learn about the signs and symptoms of PPD and, if appropriate, schedule a virtual appointment with a board-certified psychiatrist who can assess, diagnose, and prescribe treatment as needed. As a nationwide practice with full-time, licensed psychiatrists trained in treating PPD, Talkiatry is uniquely positioned to integrate psychiatry as part of a parent's care team.

Approximately one in eight new mothers in the United States report experiencing PPD symptoms, which can include prolonged feelings of hopelessness, anger, guilt, and anxiety. Despite PPD being one of the most common complications associated with childbirth, urgent access to care for women in need can be a challenge, in part due to a decreased number of psychiatrists and often months-long wait times for intake appointments. In partnership with Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), Talkiatry recognized the need for a telehealth alternative that can help close these gaps through virtual care specifically designed for women experiencing PPD symptoms.

The PPD page on Talkiatry's website includes educational information to learn more about the medical condition, an online assessment to help facilitate matching with the appropriate board-certified psychiatrist and a scheduling tool to make an appointment with a psychiatrist, if needed. Biogen will also be making these resources available through a link on their patient website to help support women with PPD symptoms. Biogen and Sage Therapeutics (Nasdaq: SAGE) have been collaborating on a treatment for PPD since 2020.

"The statistics don't lie— too many women are suffering from maternal mental health issues but are not receiving accurate diagnoses or timely treatment. With these expanded services, we aim to facilitate an effective and efficient care pathway for parents who need support, ensuring they receive urgent, safe care from a licensed psychiatrist," said Georgia Gaveras, DO, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Talkiatry. "Talkiatry has dedicated itself to developing innovative care models and partnerships that unlock new ways to access treatment, and women's health is a specific focus of ours. Mothers face enough challenges adjusting to life with a newborn; accessing quality mental healthcare shouldn't be one of them."

"Women suffering from postpartum depression need greater acknowledgement and support during this pivotal time in their lives. Together with Talkiatry, we want to offer women the opportunity to connect to care virtually, from the comfort of their own home," said Jason Hawbecker, Head of External Growth and Innovation at Biogen. "At Biogen, we believe telehealth has the potential to change the future of healthcare across many disease areas. Our partnership with Talkiatry is one way we are helping support access to reliable virtual care options for the patients and caregivers we serve."

Talkiatry provides virtual psychiatry and therapy covered by more than 60 health insurance plans covering over 70% of commercial lives across 43 states nationwide. New patients can be seen within days of making an appointment and see the same psychiatrist every time. Since its launch in 2020, Talkiatry has surpassed one million patient visits.

The PPD resource page on can be accessed here.

About Talkiatry
Talkiatry is a national mental health practice that provides in-network psychiatry and therapy. They were co-founded by a patient and a triple-board-certified psychiatrist to solve the problems both groups face in accessing and providing the highest quality mental healthcare. 60% of adults in the U.S. with a diagnosable mental illness go untreated every year because care is inaccessible, while 45% of clinicians are out of network with insurers because reimbursement rates are low and paperwork is unduly burdensome. With innovative technology and a human-centered philosophy, Talkiatry provides patients with the care they need—and allows psychiatrists to focus on why they got into medicine. Learn more at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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1 Bauman BL, Ko JY, Cox S, et al. Vital signs: postpartum depressive symptoms and provider discussions about perinatal depression - United States, 2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020;69(19):575-581.

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SOURCE Talkiatry


What new service has Talkiatry launched for postpartum depression care?

Talkiatry has launched a new pathway for postpartum depression (PPD) support, offering virtual appointments with board-certified psychiatrists and educational resources to help women identify PPD symptoms and access care from home.

How common is postpartum depression among new mothers in the United States?

According to the press release, approximately one in eight new mothers in the United States report experiencing postpartum depression symptoms.

What company has partnered with Talkiatry for this postpartum depression initiative?

Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB) has partnered with Talkiatry to develop this telehealth alternative for postpartum depression care.

How many health insurance plans cover Talkiatry's virtual psychiatry and therapy services?

Talkiatry's virtual psychiatry and therapy services are covered by more than 60 health insurance plans, covering over 70% of commercial lives across 43 states nationwide.

What resources does Talkiatry's new PPD page offer?

Talkiatry's new PPD page offers educational information about postpartum depression, an online assessment tool to match patients with appropriate psychiatrists, and a scheduling tool to make appointments with psychiatrists if needed.

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