Baidu Announces Proposed Offering of Exchangeable Bonds
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) has announced plans to offer up to US$2 billion in exchangeable bonds due 2032 in offshore transactions outside the United States. The bonds will reference Group ordinary shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Key features of the bonds include:
- No exchange permitted before first anniversary of issue date
- Between first anniversary and 6 months prior to maturity, exchange into cash allowed under certain conditions
- After that period, bonds can be exchanged into cash anytime until maturity
- Baidu may opt to deliver Shares or combination of cash and shares
The proceeds will be used for repaying existing debt, interest payments, and general corporate purposes. The company expects some bond purchasers to implement convertible arbitrage strategies through short positions in Shares/ADSs.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha annunciato piani per offrire fino a 2 miliardi di dollari USA in obbligazioni convertibili con scadenza nel 2032 in transazioni offshore al di fuori degli Stati Uniti. Le obbligazioni faranno riferimento alle azioni ordinarie di Group quotate alla Borsa di Hong Kong.
Le caratteristiche principali delle obbligazioni includono:
- Nessun cambio consentito prima del primo anniversario della data di emissione
- Tra il primo anniversario e 6 mesi prima della scadenza, il cambio in contante è consentito a determinate condizioni
- Dopo quel periodo, le obbligazioni possono essere scambiate in contante in qualsiasi momento fino alla scadenza
- Baidu può scegliere di consegnare azioni di o una combinazione di contante e azioni
I proventi saranno utilizzati per ripagare debiti esistenti, pagamenti di interessi e scopi aziendali generali. L'azienda si aspetta che alcuni acquirenti di obbligazioni implementino strategie di arbitraggio convertibile attraverso posizioni corte in azioni/ADS di
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha anunciado planes para ofrecer hasta 2 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses en bonos convertibles con vencimiento en 2032 en transacciones offshore fuera de los Estados Unidos. Los bonos harán referencia a las acciones ordinarias de Group que cotizan en la Bolsa de Hong Kong.
Las características clave de los bonos incluyen:
- No se permite el canje antes del primer aniversario de la fecha de emisión
- Entre el primer aniversario y 6 meses antes del vencimiento, se permite el canje por efectivo bajo ciertas condiciones
- Después de ese período, los bonos se pueden canjear por efectivo en cualquier momento hasta el vencimiento
- Baidu puede optar por entregar acciones de o una combinación de efectivo y acciones
Los ingresos se utilizarán para pagar deudas existentes, pagos de intereses y fines corporativos generales. La empresa espera que algunos compradores de bonos implementen estrategias de arbitraje convertible a través de posiciones cortas en acciones/ADS de
바이두 (NASDAQ: BIDU)는 미국 외의 해외 거래에서 2032년 만기까지 20억 달러의 교환 가능한 채권을 제공할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 채권은 홍콩 증권 거래소에 상장된 Group의 보통주를 기준으로 합니다.
채권의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:
- 발행일로부터 첫 번째 기념일 이전에는 교환이 허용되지 않음
- 첫 번째 기념일과 만기 6개월 전 사이에 특정 조건 하에 현금으로 교환 가능
- 그 기간 이후에는 만기까지 언제든지 현금으로 교환 가능
- 바이두는 주식 또는 현금과 주식의 조합을 제공할 수 있음
수익금은 기존 부채 상환, 이자 지급 및 일반 기업 목적에 사용될 예정입니다. 회사는 일부 채권 구매자가 주식/ADS의 공매도를 통해 전환 차익 거래 전략을 시행할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) a annoncé son intention d'offrir jusqu'à 2 milliards de dollars américains en obligations échangeables arrivant à échéance en 2032 dans des transactions offshore en dehors des États-Unis. Les obligations feront référence aux actions ordinaires de Group cotées à la Bourse de Hong Kong.
Les caractéristiques clés des obligations incluent:
- Aucun échange autorisé avant le premier anniversaire de la date d'émission
- Entre le premier anniversaire et 6 mois avant l'échéance, l'échange contre des liquidités est autorisé sous certaines conditions
- Après cette période, les obligations peuvent être échangées contre des liquidités à tout moment jusqu'à l'échéance
- Baidu peut choisir de livrer des actions ou une combinaison de liquidités et d'actions
Les produits seront utilisés pour rembourser des dettes existantes, des paiements d'intérêts et des fins générales d'entreprise. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que certains acheteurs d'obligations mettent en œuvre des stratégies d'arbitrage convertible par le biais de positions courtes sur les actions/ADS de
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) hat Pläne angekündigt, bis zu 2 Milliarden US-Dollar in umtauschbaren Anleihen mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2032 in Offshore-Transaktionen außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten anzubieten. Die Anleihen werden sich auf die Stammaktien der Group beziehen, die an der Hongkonger Börse notiert sind.
Die wichtigsten Merkmale der Anleihen umfassen:
- Kein Umtausch vor dem ersten Jahrestag des Ausgabetermins
- Zwischen dem ersten Jahrestag und 6 Monate vor der Fälligkeit ist der Umtausch unter bestimmten Bedingungen in Bargeld erlaubt
- Nach diesem Zeitraum können die Anleihen jederzeit bis zur Fälligkeit in Bargeld umgetauscht werden
- Baidu kann sich entscheiden, oder eine Kombination aus Bargeld und Aktien zu liefern
Die Erlöse werden zur Rückzahlung bestehender Schulden, Zinszahlungen und allgemeinen Unternehmenszwecken verwendet. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass einige Anleihekäufer konvertierbare Arbitrage-Strategien durch Leerverkäufe von umsetzen werden.
- Potential debt restructuring through $2B bond offering
- Flexibility in settlement options (cash or shares)
- Strategic timing controls on bond exchanges reduce immediate dilution risk
- Additional debt burden of up to $2B
- Expected short-selling pressure on shares due to hedging
- Restricted exchange options in first year may limit investor interest
Baidu's proposed
This financing structure is particularly strategic given Baidu's current market cap of
The stated use of proceeds focuses on refinancing existing debt, which could optimize Baidu's capital structure without significantly changing its overall leverage profile. This suggests a liability management exercise rather than raising capital for new initiatives or expansion.
The convertible arbitrage strategy mentioned in the announcement indicates awareness of potential market impacts. The company expects purchasers to establish short positions in shares as hedges, with bookrunners facilitating an initial delta placement. This acknowledgment shows financial sophistication and market awareness in managing the offering's secondary effects.
While this transaction introduces new debt, the seven-year maturity provides breathing room, and the exchangeable feature creates optionality around an existing investment rather than directly diluting Baidu shareholders.
The Bonds will reference ordinary shares of Group Limited that are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange") (HKEX: 9961) (" Shares"). Holders of the Bonds may not exchange their Bonds prior to the first anniversary of the issue date of the Bonds, except upon an event of default. Between the first anniversary of the issue date and the date falling 6 months prior to the maturity date of the Bonds, holders of the Bonds may exchange the Bonds into cash only upon the satisfaction of certain contingencies. Thereafter and until the second scheduled trading day preceding the maturity date, holders may exchange the Bonds into cash at any time. Subject to certain conditions, the Company may elect to deliver Shares held by the Company in lieu of cash or a combination of cash and Shares. The Bonds are not exchangeable for American depositary shares of Group Limited (Nasdaq: TCOM) (" ADSs"). The exchange ratio and other terms of the Bonds have not been finalized and will be determined at the time of pricing of the Bonds Offering.
The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Bonds Offering for repayment of certain existing indebtedness, payment of interest and general corporate purposes. The Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws. They may not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. The Shares currently held by the Company are "restricted securities" (within the meaning of Rule 144 under the Securities Act). Any Shares that the Company may elect to deliver upon exchange of the Bonds shall be freely transferable for the purposes of the Securities Act.
Investor Hedging Transactions
The Company expects that certain purchasers of the Bonds will employ a convertible arbitrage strategy through a short position in respect of Shares and/or ADSs to hedge their exposure to the Bonds, Shares and/or ADSs. Concurrently with the pricing of the Bonds, the bookrunners of the Bonds Offering expect to facilitate a sale of Shares (for the avoidance of doubt, not ADSs), representing the initial delta of such hedging investors, in off-market privately negotiated transactions (such sale, a "delta placement").
Other Matters
This announcement shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities, in
This announcement contains information about the pending Bonds Offering, and there can be no assurance that the Bonds Offering will be completed.
About Baidu
Founded in 2000, Baidu's mission is to make the complicated world simpler through technology. Baidu is a leading AI company with strong Internet foundation, trading on Nasdaq under "BIDU" and HKEX under "9888". One Baidu ADS represents eight Class A ordinary shares.
Safe Harbor Statement
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the
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SOURCE Baidu, Inc.
What is the size of Baidu's (BIDU) proposed exchangeable bond offering in 2025?
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