Baidu Announces Completion of CNY10 Billion Offering of CNY-denominated Senior Notes
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) has successfully completed a CNY10 billion offering of CNY-denominated senior unsecured notes. The offering consists of:
- CNY7.5 billion of 2.70% notes due 2030
- CNY2.5 billion of 3.00% notes due 2035
The notes were sold in offshore transactions outside the United States to non-U.S. persons under Regulation S. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including repayment of existing debt and interest payments. The notes are expected to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange effective March 13, 2025.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha completato con successo un'emissione di 10 miliardi di CNY di obbligazioni senior non garantite in valuta cinese. L'emissione consiste in:
- 7,5 miliardi di CNY di obbligazioni al 2,70% in scadenza nel 2030
- 2,5 miliardi di CNY di obbligazioni al 3,00% in scadenza nel 2035
Le obbligazioni sono state vendute in transazioni offshore al di fuori degli Stati Uniti a persone non statunitensi ai sensi della Regola S. I proventi saranno utilizzati per scopi aziendali generali, inclusi il rimborso del debito esistente e i pagamenti degli interessi. Si prevede che le obbligazioni siano quotate alla Borsa di Hong Kong a partire dal 13 marzo 2025.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha completado con éxito una emisión de 10 mil millones de CNY de bonos senior no garantizados denominados en CNY. La emisión consiste en:
- 7,5 mil millones de CNY de bonos al 2,70% que vencen en 2030
- 2,5 mil millones de CNY de bonos al 3,00% que vencen en 2035
Los bonos se vendieron en transacciones offshore fuera de los Estados Unidos a personas no estadounidenses bajo la Regulación S. Los ingresos se utilizarán para fines corporativos generales, incluyendo el reembolso de deuda existente y pagos de intereses. Se espera que los bonos se coticen en la Bolsa de Hong Kong a partir del 13 de marzo de 2025.
바이두 (NASDAQ: BIDU)는 성공적으로 100억 CNY의 중국 위안화 표시 무담보 고급 채권을 발행했습니다. 이번 발행은 다음으로 구성됩니다:
- 2030년 만기 2.70%의 75억 CNY 채권
- 2035년 만기 3.00%의 25억 CNY 채권
채권은 미국 외의 지역에서 비미국인에게 Regulation S에 따라 해외 거래로 판매되었습니다. 수익금은 기존 부채 상환 및 이자 지급을 포함한 일반 기업 목적에 사용될 예정입니다. 채권은 2025년 3월 13일부터 홍콩 증권 거래소에 상장될 것으로 예상됩니다.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) a réussi à réaliser une émission de 10 milliards de CNY d'obligations senior non garanties libellées en CNY. L'émission se compose de :
- 7,5 milliards de CNY d'obligations à 2,70% arrivant à échéance en 2030
- 2,5 milliards de CNY d'obligations à 3,00% arrivant à échéance en 2035
Les obligations ont été vendues dans des transactions offshore en dehors des États-Unis à des personnes non américaines en vertu de la réglementation S. Les produits seront utilisés à des fins générales de l'entreprise, y compris le remboursement de la dette existante et les paiements d'intérêts. Les obligations devraient être cotées à la Bourse de Hong Kong à partir du 13 mars 2025.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) hat erfolgreich eine Emission von 10 Milliarden CNY an unbesicherten vorrangigen Anleihen in CNY abgeschlossen. Die Emission besteht aus:
- 7,5 Milliarden CNY von Anleihen mit 2,70% Fälligkeit 2030
- 2,5 Milliarden CNY von Anleihen mit 3,00% Fälligkeit 2035
Die Anleihen wurden in Offshore-Transaktionen außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten an Nicht-US-Personen gemäß Regulation S verkauft. Die Erlöse werden für allgemeine Unternehmenszwecke verwendet, einschließlich der Rückzahlung bestehender Schulden und Zinszahlungen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Anleihen ab dem 13. März 2025 an der Hongkonger Börse gelistet werden.
- Successful raising of CNY10 billion through senior notes offering
- Debt restructuring opportunity through repayment of existing indebtedness
- Dual-tranche offering with reasonable interest rates (2.70% and 3.00%)
- Increase in long-term debt obligations
- Additional interest payment burden over the next 10-15 years
The Notes Offering consists of
The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Notes Offering for general corporate purposes, including repayment of certain existing indebtedness, payment of interest and general corporate purposes.
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws. They may not be offered or sold in
The listing of and permission to deal in the Notes on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange") is expected to become effective on March 13, 2025.
This announcement shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities, in
About Baidu
Founded in 2000, Baidu's mission is to make the complicated world simpler through technology. Baidu is a leading AI company with strong Internet foundation, trading on Nasdaq under "BIDU" and HKEX under "9888". One Baidu ADS represents eight Class A ordinary shares.
Safe Harbor Statement
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the
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SOURCE Baidu, Inc.