Monetary Metals Delivers Over 1 Million Ounces in Silver Bond Financing to Bunker Hill Mining Corporation
Monetary Metals has provided over 1 million ounces in silver bond financing to Bunker Hill Mining (OTCQB: BHLL), marking the first silver bond issuance in over 200 years. The three-year bond pays a 12% annual coupon in silver and supports the restart of the Bunker Hill Mine in Idaho. The agreement allows for up to 1.2 million ounces of silver to be loaned in tranches, with 1,008,581 ounces already delivered. Investors include high-net-worth individuals, family offices, and institutions. This innovative financing mechanism represents a non-dilutive funding solution for the mining sector.
Monetary Metals ha fornito oltre 1 milione di once in finanziamento obbligazionario in argento a Bunker Hill Mining (OTCQB: BHLL), segnando la prima emissione di obbligazioni in argento in oltre 200 anni. L'obbligazione triennale paga un coupon annuale del 12% in argento e supporta la riapertura della Miniera di Bunker Hill in Idaho. L'accordo consente di prestare fino a 1,2 milioni di once d'argento in tranche, con 1.008.581 once già consegnate. Gli investitori includono individui ad alto patrimonio netto, family office e istituzioni. Questo meccanismo di finanziamento innovativo rappresenta una soluzione di finanziamento non diluitiva per il settore minerario.
Monetary Metals ha proporcionado más de 1 millón de onzas en financiación de bonos de plata a Bunker Hill Mining (OTCQB: BHLL), marcando la primera emisión de bonos de plata en más de 200 años. El bono a tres años paga un cupón anual del 12% en plata y apoya el reinicio de la Mina Bunker Hill en Idaho. El acuerdo permite el préstamo de hasta 1,2 millones de onzas de plata en tramos, con 1.008.581 onzas ya entregadas. Los inversores incluyen individuos de alto poder adquisitivo, oficinas familiares e instituciones. Este mecanismo de financiación innovador representa una solución de financiación no dilutiva para el sector minero.
머니터리 메탈스는 벙커 힐 마이닝 (OTCQB: BHLL)에 100만 온스 이상의 은 채권 금융을 제공하였으며, 이는 200년 이상 만에 처음으로 이루어진 은 채권 발행입니다. 3년 만기 채권은 연 12%의 은 화폐 쿠폰을 지급하며, 아이다호주 벙커 힐 광산의 재가동을 지원합니다. 이 계약은 최대 120만 온스의 은이 트랜치로 대여될 수 있으며, 그중 1,008,581 온스가 이미 전달되었습니다. 투자자는 고액 자산가, 가족 사무소 및 기관을 포함하고 있습니다. 이 혁신적인 금융 메커니즘은 광업 부문을 위한 비희석 자금 조달 솔루션을 나타냅니다.
Monetary Metals a fourni plus d'un million d'onces en financement obligataire en argent à Bunker Hill Mining (OTCQB: BHLL), marquant la première émission d'obligations en argent depuis plus de 200 ans. L'obligation de trois ans paie un coupon annuel de 12 % en argent et soutient le redémarrage de la mine de Bunker Hill dans l'Idaho. L'accord permet d'emprunter jusqu'à 1,2 million d'onces d'argent par tranches, dont 1 008 581 onces ont déjà été livrées. Les investisseurs comprennent des particuliers à fort patrimoine, des bureaux familiaux et des institutions. Ce mécanisme de financement innovant représente une solution de financement non dilutive pour le secteur minier.
Monetary Metals hat über 1 Million Unzen in Silberanleihe-Finanzierung an Bunker Hill Mining (OTCQB: BHLL) bereitgestellt, was die erste Emission von Silberanleihen seit über 200 Jahren markiert. Die dreijährige Anleihe zahlt einen jährlichen Coupon von 12 % in Silber und unterstützt den Neustart der Bunker Hill Mine in Idaho. Die Vereinbarung erlaubt die Ausleihe von bis zu 1,2 Millionen Unzen Silber in Tranchen, wobei bereits 1.008.581 Unzen geliefert wurden. Zu den Investoren gehören vermögende Privatpersonen, Family Offices und Institutionen. Dieser innovative Finanzierungsmechanismus stellt eine nicht verwässernde Finanzierungslösung für den Bergbausektor dar.
- Secured over 1 million ounces in silver bond financing
- Non-dilutive financing structure preserves shareholder value
- Potential for additional financing up to 1.2 million ounces of silver
- 12% annual coupon indicates strong project economics
- Significant debt obligation with physical silver repayment requirement
- High 12% interest rate indicates elevated financing costs
The silver bond has a three-year duration, with the principal denominated in silver, and pays investors an annual coupon of
Sam Ash, CEO of Bunker Hill, expressed his enthusiasm about the deal. "We are incredibly impressed with the professionalism and expertise that Monetary Metals has brought to the table," he stated. "Their innovative approach to financing supports our goals and aligns with our vision of sustainable and responsible mining. This deal represents a pivotal moment for Bunker Hill as we work towards revitalizing our operations and delivering value to our stakeholders."
Monetary Metals Vice President of Origination, Miranda Werstiuk, spearheaded the deal for Bunker Hill. She emphasized the importance of this bond for the mining industry, showcasing a creative mechanism and structure for non-dilutive financing. "This is a landmark transaction for Monetary Metals and an important signal to the mining sector—we have capital to deploy for qualified projects."
The bond holds broader historical implications as well. Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, noted, "This transaction marks a significant milestone as it represents the first silver bond issuance in over 200 years. Our first gold bond issuance in 2020 set the stage; now, we are continuing the momentum with the first silver bond to Bunker Hill Mining. By successfully bringing back the idea of gold and silver-denominated financing to capital markets, we are paving the way for a new era of precious metals investment, and we are just getting started."
According to the terms of the agreement, Monetary Metals can loan up to 1.2 million ounces of silver to Bunker Hill in one or more tranches. As of today, Monetary Metals has delivered 1,008,581 ounces of silver. For more information about Monetary Metals' gold and silver bond opportunities and financing solutions, please visit
About Monetary Metals
Monetary Metals® is Unlocking the Productivity of Gold™ by offering a Yield on Gold, Paid in Gold® to investors, and Gold Financing, Simplified™ to gold-using businesses (mints, miners, refiners, jewelers, etc.). The company brings both sides together in its Gold Yield Marketplace® platform where everyone can save, earn, and finance production in gold. In addition, the company's market analysis and proprietary charts, including the gold forward rate, are utilized by gold investors and gold-using businesses globally.
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