2,200m Follow-up Drilling Complete at Tolmer Au-Ag Discovery
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) has completed 2,230 meters of RC drilling across 17 holes at the Tolmer prospect within its Tarcoola Gold Project in South Australia. The drilling campaign follows significant gold and silver discoveries from May-July 2024, which yielded impressive results of 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au and 82.8 g/t Ag from 95m depth, including 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au and 312 g/t Ag from 97m.
The recent drilling program targeted potential extensions of higher-grade quartz sulphide veining and areas below previous November 2024 aircore drilling that encountered gold but couldn't penetrate the underlying harder quartzite rock. Additionally, silver assays are pending for approximately 2,000m of aircore drilling conducted in November 2024.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) ha completato 2.230 metri di perforazioni RC su 17 fori presso il prospetto Tolmer all'interno del Tarcoola Gold Project in Australia Meridionale. La campagna di perforazione segue significative scoperte di oro e argento avvenute da maggio a luglio 2024, che hanno prodotto risultati impressionanti di 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au e 82.8 g/t Ag da una profondità di 95m, inclusi 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au e 312 g/t Ag da 97m.
Il recente programma di perforazione ha mirato a potenziali estensioni di vene di quarzo solforato di alta qualità e aree al di sotto delle precedenti perforazioni aircore di novembre 2024 che hanno trovato oro ma non sono riuscite a penetrare la roccia quarzosa sottostante. Inoltre, i risultati delle analisi dell'argento sono in attesa per circa 2.000m di perforazione aircore effettuata a novembre 2024.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) ha completado 2,230 metros de perforación RC a través de 17 agujeros en el prospecto Tolmer dentro de su Proyecto de Oro Tarcoola en Australia del Sur. La campaña de perforación sigue a importantes descubrimientos de oro y plata de mayo a julio de 2024, que arrojaron resultados impresionantes de 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au y 82.8 g/t Ag a partir de 95m de profundidad, incluyendo 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au y 312 g/t Ag a partir de 97m.
El reciente programa de perforación tuvo como objetivo extensiones potenciales de vetas de cuarzo sulfuros de mayor grado y áreas por debajo de las perforaciones aircore de noviembre de 2024 que encontraron oro pero no pudieron penetrar la roca cuarcita subyacente más dura. Además, los análisis de plata están pendientes para aproximadamente 2,000m de perforaciones aircore realizadas en noviembre de 2024.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF)는 남호주 Tarcoola Gold Project 내 Tolmer prospect에서 17개 구멍을 통해 2,230미터의 RC 드릴링을 완료했습니다. 이 드릴링 캠페인은 2024년 5월부터 7월까지의 중요한 금 및 은 발견 이후에 이루어졌으며, 95m 깊이에서 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au 및 82.8 g/t Ag의 인상적인 결과를 얻었습니다. 이에는 97m에서 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au 및 312 g/t Ag도 포함됩니다.
최근 드릴링 프로그램은 고등급 석영 황화 광맥의 잠재적 연장과 2024년 11월의 공기 코어 드릴링에서 발견된 금 아래의 지역을 목표로 했습니다. 그러나 이 드릴링은 아래의 단단한 석영암을 관통할 수 없었습니다. 또한, 2024년 11월에 수행된 약 2,000m의 공기 코어 드릴링에 대한 은 분석 결과는 대기 중입니다.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) a complété 2 230 mètres de forage RC à travers 17 trous sur le projet Tolmer, dans le cadre de son Projet d'Or de Tarcoola en Australie-Méridionale. La campagne de forage fait suite à d'importantes découvertes d'or et d'argent entre mai et juillet 2024, dont les résultats impressionnants incluent 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au et 82.8 g/t Ag à 95m de profondeur, y compris 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au et 312 g/t Ag à 97m.
Le programme de forage récent a visé des extensions potentielles de veines de quartz sulfureux de haute qualité et des zones situées sous les précédents forages aircore de novembre 2024, qui avaient rencontré de l'or mais n'avaient pas pu pénétrer à travers la roche quartzite plus dure en dessous. De plus, les analyses d'argent sont en attente pour environ 2 000 m de forage aircore effectué en novembre 2024.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) hat 2.230 Meter RC-Bohrungen in 17 Löchern im Tolmer-Projekt innerhalb seines Tarcoola-Goldprojekts in Südaustralien abgeschlossen. Die Bohrkampagne folgt auf bedeutende Gold- und Silberentdeckungen von Mai bis Juli 2024, die beeindruckende Ergebnisse von 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au und 82.8 g/t Ag in 95m Tiefe erbrachten, darunter 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au und 312 g/t Ag in 97m.
Das aktuelle Bohrprogramm zielte auf mögliche Erweiterungen von hochgradigen Quarzschwefeladern und Bereiche unterhalb der früheren Luftkernbohrungen im November 2024, die Gold trafen, jedoch das darunterliegende härtere Quarzit nicht durchdringen konnten. Darüber hinaus stehen die Silberanalysen für etwa 2.000m Luftkernbohrungen, die im November 2024 durchgeführt wurden, noch aus.
- High-grade gold and silver intercepts: 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au and 82.8 g/t Ag, including 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au and 312 g/t Ag
- Completion of substantial 2,230m RC drilling program across 17 holes
- Additional potential from pending silver assays from 2,000m aircore drilling
- None.
Testing strike extensions near grades of 83.6 g/t Au and 312 g/t Ag
ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA / ACCESS Newswire / February 5, 2025 / Barton Gold Holdings Limited
Significant gold and silver assays from May - July 2024 RC drilling include assays of 4m @ 24.6 g/t Au and 82.8 g/t Ag from 95m depth (incl. 1m @ 83.6 g/t Au and 312 g/t Ag from 97m) [1]
Silver assays also remain outstanding for ~2,000m aircore (AC) drilling during November 2024 1
Barton Gold Holdings Limited (ASX:BGD)(FRA:BGD3)(OTCQB:BGDFF) (Barton or Company) is pleased to confirm that further RC drilling has been completed at the Tarcoola Gold Project's (Tarcoola) Tolmer prospect in South Australia. 17 RC holes were drilled for a total of 2,230 metres completed. 1 Drilling targeted potential extensions of higher-grade quartz sulphide veining, and below November 2024 aircore (AC ) drilling which intersected gold but was unable to penetrate the underlying harder quartzite rock. 1

Figure 1 - Tolmer plan map with 2024 RC and AC drill collars, new RC drill collars, and key assays 1
Commenting on recent drilling at the Tolmer prospect, Barton MD Alexander Scanlon said:
"We are excited to quickly follow up drilling at the Tolmer prospect, having recently identified high-grade silver alongside the previously reported high-grade gold intercepts. We are also looking forward to receiving the results of further silver assays from our November 2024 aircore drilling, which are now underway."
Authorised by the Managing Director of Barton Gold Holdings Limited.
For further information, please contact:
Alexander Scanlon | Jade Cook |
About Barton Gold
Barton Gold is an ASX, OTCQB and Frankfurt Stock Exchange listed Australian gold developer targeting future gold production of 150,000oz annually, with ~1.6Moz Au JORC Mineral Resources (52.3Mt @ 0.94 g/t Au), multiple advanced exploration projects and brownfield mines, and

Competent Persons Statement & Previously Reported Information
The information in this announcement that relates to the historic Exploration Results and Mineral Resources as listed in the table below is based on, and fairly represents, information and supporting documentation prepared by the Competent Person whose name appears in the same row, who is an employee of or independent consultant to the Company and is a Member or Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) or a Recognised Professional Organisation (RPO). Each person named in the table below has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he has undertaken to quality as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code 2012 (JORC).
Activity | Competent Person | Membership | Status |
Tarcoola Mineral Resource (Stockpiles) | Dr Andrew Fowler (Consultant) | AusIMM | Member |
Tarcoola Mineral Resource (Perseverance Mine) | Mr Ian Taylor (Consultant) | AusIMM | Fellow |
Tarcoola Exploration Results (until 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Colin Skidmore (Consultant) | AIG | Member |
Tarcoola Exploration Results (after 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Marc Twining (Employee) | AusIMM | Member |
Tunkillia Exploration Results (until 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Colin Skidmore (Consultant) | AIG | Member |
Tunkillia Exploration Results (after 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Marc Twining (Employee) | AusIMM | Member |
Tunkillia Mineral Resource | Mr Ian Taylor (Consultant) | AusIMM | Fellow |
Challenger Mineral Resource | Mr Dale Sims (Consultant) | AusIMM / AIG | Fellow / Member |
The information relating to historic Exploration Results and Mineral Resources in this announcement is extracted from the Company's Prospectus dated 14 May 2021 or as otherwise noted in this announcement, available from the Company's website at www.bartongold.com.au or on the ASX website www.asx.com.au. The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the Exploration Results and Mineral Resource information included in previous announcements and, in the case of estimates of Mineral Resources, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates, and any production targets and forecast financial information derived from the production targets, continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the applicable Competent Persons' findings are presented have not been materially modified from the previous announcements.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This document may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "expect", "target" and "intend" and statements than an event or result "may", "will", "should", "would", "could", or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. Forward-looking information is subject to business, legal and economic risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks relating to property interests, the global economic climate, commodity prices, sovereign and legal risks, and environmental risks. Forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and opinions at the date the statements are made. Barton undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to such dates or to update or keep current any of the information contained herein. Any estimates or projections as to events that may occur in the future (including projections of revenue, expense, net income and performance) are based upon the best judgment of Barton from information available as of the date of this document. There is no guarantee that any of these estimates or projections will be achieved. Actual results will vary from the projections and such variations may be material. Nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to the past or future. Any reliance placed by the reader on this document, or on any forward-looking statement contained in or referred to in this document will be solely at the readers own risk, and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty thereof.
[1] Refer to ASX announcements dated 27 August 2024 and 30 January 2025
* Refer to Barton Prospectus dated 14 May 2021 and ASX announcements dated 4 March and 16 July 2024. Total Barton JORC (2012) Mineral Resources include 833koz Au (26.9Mt @ 0.96 g/t Au) in Indicated and 754koz Au (25.4Mt @ 0.92 g/t Au) in Inferred categories.
SOURCE: Barton Gold Holdings Limited
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