BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. Announces Q3-24 Results

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

BE Semiconductor Industries (BESI) reported strong Q3-24 results with revenue of € 156.6 million (+27.0% YoY) and net income of € 46.8 million (+33.7% YoY). Orders reached € 151.8 million (+19.2% YoY) driven by increased hybrid bonding demand. The company's growth was primarily fueled by computing end-user markets for AI applications, though partially offset by weakness in automotive and Chinese markets. Gross margin stood at 64.7%, while net margin improved to 29.9%. Net cash position strengthened to € 110.7 million (+48.8% QoQ). For Q4-24, revenue is expected to remain flat (±10%) due to some hybrid bonding system shipment delays.

BE Semiconductor Industries (BESI) ha riportato risultati positivi per il terzo trimestre del 2024 con un fatturato di € 156,6 milioni (+27,0% rispetto all'anno precedente) e un reddito netto di € 46,8 milioni (+33,7% rispetto all'anno precedente). Gli ordini hanno raggiunto € 151,8 milioni (+19,2% rispetto all'anno precedente), sostenuti dalla crescente domanda di bondig ibrido. La crescita dell'azienda è stata principalmente alimentata dai mercati finali del computing per applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale, sebbene parzialmente compensata da debolezze nei mercati automotive e cinesi. Il margine lordo si è attestato al 64,7%, mentre il margine netto è migliorato al 29,9%. La posizione di cassa netta è migliorata a € 110,7 milioni (+48,8% rispetto al trimestre precedente). Per il quarto trimestre del 2024, si prevede un fatturato stabile (±10%) a causa di alcuni ritardi nella consegna dei sistemi di bonding ibrido.

BE Semiconductor Industries (BESI) reportó resultados sólidos para el tercer trimestre de 2024 con ingresos de € 156.6 millones (+27.0% interanual) y un ingreso neto de € 46.8 millones (+33.7% interanual). Los pedidos alcanzaron los € 151.8 millones (+19.2% interanual), impulsados por la creciente demanda de unión híbrida. El crecimiento de la empresa fue impulsado principalmente por los mercados de usuarios finales en computación para aplicaciones de IA, aunque parcialmente compensado por debilidades en el sector automotriz y en los mercados chinos. El margen bruto se situó en el 64.7%, mientras que el margen neto mejoró al 29.9%. La posición de caja neta se fortaleció a € 110.7 millones (+48.8% trimestral). Para el cuarto trimestre de 2024, se espera que los ingresos se mantengan estables (±10%) debido a algunos retrasos en el envío de sistemas de unión híbrida.

BE 반도체 산업 (BESI)는 2024년 3분기 강력한 실적을 발표했습니다. 수익은 1억 5천 6백 60만 유로(전년 대비 +27.0%)였으며, 순이익은 4천 6백 80만 유로(전년 대비 +33.7%)를 기록했습니다. 주문은 1억 5천 1백 80만 유로(전년 대비 +19.2%)에 달했으며, 이는 하이브리드 본딩 수요 증가에 힘입은 결과입니다. 회사의 성장은 AI 애플리케이션을 위한 컴퓨팅 최종 사용자 시장에서 주로 촉진되었지만, 자동차 및 중국 시장의 약세로 부분적으로 상쇄되었습니다. 총 마진은 64.7%로 유지되었고, 순 마진은 29.9%로 개선되었습니다. 순현금 보유액은 1억 1천 7백 만 유로(+48.8% 분기 대비)로 강화되었습니다. 2024년 4분기에는 하이브리드 본딩 시스템 출하 지연으로 수익이 평탄할 것으로 예상됩니다 (±10%).

BE Semiconductor Industries (BESI) a annoncé des résultats solides pour le troisième trimestre 2024 avec un chiffre d'affaires de 156,6 millions € (+27,0% par rapport à l'année précédente) et un bénéfice net de 46,8 millions € (+33,7% par rapport à l'année précédente). Les commandes ont atteint 151,8 millions € (+19,2% par rapport à l'année précédente), soutenues par une demande accrue de bonding hybride. La croissance de l'entreprise a été principalement alimentée par les marchés des utilisateurs finaux dans le secteur informatique pour les applications d'IA, bien que partiellement compensée par une faiblesse sur les marchés automobile et chinois. La marge brute s'élevait à 64,7%, tandis que la marge nette s'est améliorée à 29,9%. La position de trésorerie nette a été renforcée à 110,7 millions € (+48,8% par rapport au trimestre précédent). Pour le quatrième trimestre 2024, le chiffre d'affaires devrait rester stable (±10%) en raison de certains retards dans les expéditions de systèmes de bonding hybride.

BE Semiconductor Industries (BESI) berichtete für das dritte Quartal 2024 von starken Ergebnissen mit einem Umsatz von 156,6 Millionen € (+27,0% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr) und einem Nettogewinn von 46,8 Millionen € (+33,7% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr). Die Aufträge beliefen sich auf 151,8 Millionen € (+19,2% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr), was durch die steigende Nachfrage nach Hybridbonding getrieben wurde. Das Wachstum des Unternehmens wurde hauptsächlich durch Endverbrauchermärkte für KI-Anwendungen gefördert, war jedoch teilweise durch eine Schwäche im Automobil- und chinesischen Markt ausgeglichen. Die Bruttomarge betrug 64,7%, während sich die Nettomarge auf 29,9% verbesserte. Die Nettokassenposition stärkte sich auf 110,7 Millionen € (+48,8% im Vergleich zum Vorquartal). Für das vierte Quartal 2024 wird ein stabiler Umsatz (±10%) aufgrund einiger Verzögerungen bei der Auslieferung von Hybridbonding-Systemen erwartet.

  • Revenue increased 27.0% YoY to €156.6 million in Q3-24
  • Net income grew 33.7% YoY to €46.8 million
  • Orders increased 19.2% YoY to €151.8 million
  • Net cash position improved by 48.8% QoQ to €110.7 million
  • Gross margin remained strong at 64.7%
  • Total hybrid bonding orders exceeded 100 systems since 2021
  • Orders declined 18.0% QoQ due to fluctuations in hybrid bonding patterns
  • Ongoing weakness in automotive and Chinese end-user markets
  • Q4-24 shipment delays for certain hybrid bonding systems
  • YTD-24 net margin decreased to 27.0% from 29.1% in YTD-23

Q3-24 Revenue of € 156.6 Million and Net Income of € 46.8 Million Up 27.0% and 33.7%, Respectively, vs. Q3-23
Orders of € 151.8 Million Up 19.2% vs. Q3-23. Hybrid Bonding Adoption Continues

YTD-24 Revenue of € 454.1 Million and Net Income of € 122.7 Million
Orders of € 464.8 Million Up 21.7% vs. YTD-23

DUIVEN, the Netherlands, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. (the “Company" or "Besi") (Euronext Amsterdam: BESI; OTC markets: BESIY), a leading manufacturer of assembly equipment for the semiconductor industry, today announced its results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Key Highlights Q3-24

  • Revenue of € 156.6 million up 3.6% vs. Q2-24 and 27.0% vs. Q3-23 due to increased demand by computing end user markets for hybrid bonding, photonics and other AI applications partially offset by ongoing weakness in automotive and Chinese end user markets
  • Orders of € 151.8 million up 19.2% vs. Q3-23 due to increased hybrid bonding orders. Down 18.0% vs. Q2-24 due primarily to fluctuations in hybrid bonding order patterns by customers
  • Gross margin of 64.7% decreased by 0.3 points vs. Q2-24 but was up 0.1 point vs. Q3-23. Gross margin development in the comparable periods was adversely affected by net forex influences
  • Net income of € 46.8 million increased 11.7% vs. Q2-24 and 33.7% vs. Q3-23 primarily due to higher revenue levels and cost control efforts which limited baseline operating expense growth. Q3-24 net margin rose to 29.9% vs. 27.7% in Q2-24 and 28.4% reported in Q3-23
  • Net cash of € 110.7 million at quarter-end increased by € 36.3 million (48.8%) vs. Q2-24 and € 20.5 million (22.7%) vs. Q3-23

Key Highlights YTD-24

  • Revenue of € 454.1 million increased 8.3% vs. YTD-23 principally due to higher demand by computing end user markets, particularly for hybrid bonding and photonics applications and by Taiwanese and Korean subcontractors partially offset by weakness in mobile and automotive markets
  • Orders of € 464.8 million increased 21.7% vs. YTD-23 due to increased demand for hybrid bonding and photonics applications partially offset by lower bookings for automotive and, to a lesser extent, mobile applications and ongoing weakness in Chinese end user markets
  • Gross margin of 65.6% increased by 0.8 points vs. YTD-23 due to more favorable AI advanced packaging product mix
  • Net income of € 122.7 million was approximately equal to YTD-23 as higher revenue and gross margins were offset by higher R&D spending and share-based compensation expense. Besi’s net margin decreased to 27.0% vs. 29.1% in YTD-23

Q4-24 Outlook

  • Revenue expected to be flat plus or minus 10% vs. the € 156.6 million reported in Q3-24 partially due to shipment delays by a customer for certain hybrid bonding systems scheduled for delivery in Q4-24
  • Gross margin expected to range between 63-65% vs. the 64.7% realized in Q3-24
  • Operating expenses expected to be flat to up 5% vs. the € 46.2 million reported in Q3-24
(€ millions, except EPS)Q3-
Gross Margin64.7%65.0%-0.3
Operating Income55.149.3+11.8%42.7+29.0%145.0147.3-1.6%
Net Income*46.841.9+11.7%35.0+33.7%122.7122.2+0.4%
Net Margin*29.9%27.7%+2.2
EPS (basic)0.590.53+11.3%0.45+31.1%1.561.57-0.6%
EPS (diluted)0.590.53+11.3%0.45+31.1%1.551.54+0.6%
Net Cash and Deposits110.774.4+48.8%90.2+22.7%110.790.2+22.7%

* Excluding share-based compensation expense, net income (net margin) would have been € 50.2 million (32.1%), € 48.5 million (32.1%) and € 36.6 million (29.7%) in Q3-24, Q2-24 and Q3-23, respectively and € 148.8 million (32.8%) in YTD-24 vs. € 137.6 million (32.8%) in YTD-23

Richard W. Blickman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Besi, commented:

“Besi reported significant growth in revenue, orders and net income in Q3-24 versus the comparable quarter of last year as we continue to benefit from strength in our advanced packaging product portfolio for AI applications despite continued headwinds in mainstream and Chinese assembly equipment markets. For the quarter, revenue of € 156.6 million and orders of € 151.8 million grew by 27.0% and 19.2%, respectively, versus Q3-23 due primarily to strong growth by computing end user markets including hybrid bonding, photonics and other AI applications. Such growth was partially offset by weakness in automotive and Chinese end user markets continuing trends we have experienced this year. Net income of € 46.8 million grew by € 11.8 million, or 33.7%, reflecting a number of favorable trends including increased advanced packaging system revenue, increased gross margins related thereto and better than forecast operating expense levels despite continued growth in R&D spending for next generation hybrid bonding and TCB systems.

For the first nine months of 2024, revenue of € 454.1 million and orders of € 464.8 million increased by 8.3% and 21.7%, respectively. Growth was due to significantly higher demand by computing end user markets, particularly for AI-related hybrid bonding and photonics applications and from Taiwanese and Korean subcontractors. Net income of € 122.7 million was approximately equal to YTD-23 as higher revenue and gross margins this year were offset by higher R&D spending in support of wafer level assembly development and share-based compensation expense.

Our financial position improved as well in Q3-24 with net cash increasing to € 110.7 million at quarter-end, an improvement of € 36.3 million (+48.8%) versus Q2-24 and € 20.5 million (+22.7%) versus Q3-23 despite increased share buy-back activity. Total cash and deposits at quarter end grew to € 637.4 million including net proceeds from our Senior Note offering in July 2024 which positions us favorably for anticipated growth in the next market upcycle.

During Q3-24, Besi continued to receive substantial orders for hybrid bonding systems from existing and new customers. At quarter-end, total revenue producing hybrid bonding orders since 2021 exceeded 100 systems highlighting the importance of this new technology for 3-D AI-related assembly applications. We anticipate additional orders in Q4-24 from a variety of customers as adoption continues to expand globally. We have also received increased interest for Besi’s TCB Next system from leading logic and memory customers which positions us favorably for anticipated growth in next generation 2.5D and HBM applications.

As such, we have taken steps recently to expand our advanced packaging production capacity in anticipation of future growth. In 2025, we intend to approximately double the cleanroom capacity of our Malaysian production facilities and increase R&D and process development for our hybrid bonding and thermo compression bonding capabilities and customer support at our Singapore facility.

Looking forward to Q4-24, we expect expanded adoption for hybrid bonding applications to be mitigated by ongoing weakness in mainstream assembly markets. For Q4-24, we forecast that revenue will be flat plus or minus 10% versus Q3-24 partially due to shipment delays by a customer for certain hybrid bonding systems scheduled for delivery in Q4-24. In addition, gross margins are anticipated to range between 63-65% based on our projected product mix. Aggregate operating expenses are forecast to be flat to up 5% versus Q3-24.”

Share Repurchase Activity

During the quarter, Besi repurchased approximately 230,000 of its ordinary shares at an average price of € 120.45 per share or a total of € 27.8 million. In August 2024, Besi completed its prior € 60 million share repurchase program and initiated a new € 100 million share repurchase program with an anticipated completion date of October 2025. Cumulatively, as of September 30, 2024, a total of € 7.0 million has been purchased under the new share repurchase program at an average price of € 110.55 per share. As of September 30, 2024, Besi held approximately 1.6 million shares in treasury equal to 2.0% of its shares outstanding.

Investor and media conference call
A conference call and webcast for investors and media will be held today at 4:00 pm CET (10:00 am EDT). To register for the conference call and/or to access the audio webcast and webinar slides, please visit
Important Dates 
•  Publication Q4/Full year 2024 resultsFebruary 20, 2025
•  Publication Q1-2025 resultsApril 23, 2025
•  Besi’s 2025 AGMApril 23, 2025

Basis of Presentation

The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as adopted by the European Union. Reference is made to the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as included in our 2023 Annual Report, which is available on


Richard W. Blickman, President & CEO
Andrea Kopp-Battaglia, Senior Vice President Finance        
Claudia Vissers, Executive Secretary/IR coordinator
Edmond Franco, VP Corporate Development/US IR coordinator

Tel. (31) 26 319 4500          

About Besi

Besi is a leading supplier of semiconductor assembly equipment for the global semiconductor and electronics industries offering high levels of accuracy, productivity and reliability at a low cost of ownership. The Company develops leading edge assembly processes and equipment for leadframe, substrate and wafer level packaging applications in a wide range of end-user markets including electronics, mobile internet, cloud server, computing, automotive, industrial, LED and solar energy. Customers are primarily leading semiconductor manufacturers, assembly subcontractors and electronics and industrial companies. Besi’s ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam (symbol: BESI). Its Level 1 ADRs are listed on the OTC markets (symbol: BESIY) and its headquarters are located in Duiven, the Netherlands. For more information, please visit our website at

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements about management's future expectations, plans and prospects of our business that constitute forward-looking statements, which are found in various places throughout the press release, including, but not limited to, statements relating to expectations of orders, net sales, product shipments, expenses, timing of purchases of assembly equipment by customers, gross margins, operating results and capital expenditures. The use of words such as “anticipate”, “estimate”, “expect”, “can”, “intend”, “believes”, “may”, “plan”, “predict”, “project”, “forecast”, “will”, “would”, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. The financial guidance set forth under the heading “Outlook” contains such forward-looking statements. While these forward-looking statements represent our judgments and expectations concerning the development of our business, a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, including any inability to maintain continued demand for our products; failure of anticipated orders to materialize or postponement or cancellation of orders, generally without charges; the volatility in the demand for semiconductors and our products and services; the extent and duration of the COVID-19 and other global pandemics and the associated adverse impacts on the global economy, financial markets, global supply chains and our operations as well as those of our customers and suppliers; failure to develop new and enhanced products and introduce them at competitive price levels; failure to adequately decrease costs and expenses as revenues decline; loss of significant customers, including through industry consolidation or the emergence of industry alliances; lengthening of the sales cycle; acts of terrorism and violence; disruption or failure of our information technology systems; consolidation activity and industry alliances in the semiconductor industry that may result in further increased customer concentration, inability to forecast demand and inventory levels for our products; the integrity of product pricing and protection of our intellectual property in foreign jurisdictions; risks, such as changes in trade regulations, conflict minerals regulations, currency fluctuations, political instability and war, associated with substantial foreign customers, suppliers and foreign manufacturing operations, particularly to the extent occurring in the Asia Pacific region where we have a substantial portion of our production facilities; potential instability in foreign capital markets; the risk of failure to successfully manage our diverse operations; any inability to attract and retain skilled personnel, including as a result of restrictions on immigration, travel or the availability of visas for skilled technology workers; those additional risk factors set forth in Besi's annual report for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other key factors that could adversely affect our businesses and financial performance contained in our filings and reports, including our statutory consolidated statements. We expressly disclaim any obligation to update or alter our forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Consolidated Statements of Operations

(€ thousands, except share and per share data)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Cost of sales55,32543,709156,276147,374
Gross profit101,24579,611297,784271,853
Selling, general and administrative expenses27,31823,31097,47381,679
Research and development expenses18,87413,61455,29642,907
Total operating expenses46,19236,924152,769124,586
Operating income55,05342,687145,015147,267
Financial expense, net1,5601,7583,1944,974
Income before taxes53,49340,929141,821142,293
Income tax expense6,7195,88919,12320,104
Net income46,77435,040122,698122,189
Net income per share – basic0.590.451.561.57
Net income per share – diluted0.590.451.551.54
Number of shares used in computing per share amounts:    
- basic79,630,78777,374,93378,701,28777,656,542
- diluted181,876,50582,444,35881,978,11283,038,212

1) The calculation of diluted income per share assumes the exercise of equity settled share based payments and the conversion of all Convertible Notes outstanding

Consolidated Balance Sheets

(€ thousands)September
30, 2024

30, 2024
31, 2024
31, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents307,448127,234232,053188,477
Trade receivables169,266174,601150,192143,218
Other current assets44,73136,34634,75639,092
Total current assets955,548567,472731,385688,292
Property, plant and equipment44,22043,57141,32837,516
Right of use assets16,41916,82116,90118,242
Other intangible assets94,85592,62790,24193,668
Deferred tax assets8,6109,51711,44412,217
Other non-current assets1,3161,2391,2521,216
Total non-current assets210,698209,485206,779208,261
Total assets1,166,246776,957938,164896,553
Current portion of long-term debt2,2413,0339843,144
Trade payables49,21151,62052,38246,889
Other current liabilities87,73973,023100,60687,200
Total current liabilities139,191127,676153,972137,233
Long-term debt524,527179,801265,142297,353
Lease liabilities13,03313,44813,62514,924
Deferred tax liabilities11,61910,39612,13612,959
Other non-current liabilities12,44911,35212,91412,671
Total non-current liabilities561,628214,997303,817337,907
Total equity465,427434,284480,375421,413
Total liabilities and equity1,166,246776,957938,164896,553


Consolidated Cash Flow Statements

(€ thousands)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Cash flows from operating activities:    
Income before income tax53,49340,929141,821142,293
Depreciation and amortization7,3886,24821,18119,155
Share based payment expense3,4001,57527,21616,300
Financial expense, net1,5601,7583,1944,974
Changes in working capital6,03115,697(43,914)(2,581)
Interest (paid) received(1,996)(2,649)(19,513)(27,948)
Income tax paid2,1561,5827,2183,075
Net cash provided by operating activities72,03265,140137,203155,268
Cash flows from investing activities:    
Capital expenditures(2,099)(1,990)(10,965)(5,448)
Capitalized development expenses(4,415)(4,700)(13,990)(15,341)
Repayments of (investments in) deposits(200,000)-(105,000)(5,268)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities(206,514)(6,690)(129,955)(26,057)
Cash flows from financing activities:    
Proceeds from notes350,000-350,000-
Transaction costs related to notes(6,395)-(6,395)-
Payments of lease liabilities(1,080)(995)(3,186)(3,207)
Purchase of treasury shares(27,829)(45,537)(57,418)(190,264)
Dividends paid to shareholders--(171,534)(222,109)
Net cash used in financing activities314,696(46,532)111,467(415,580)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents180,21411,918118,715(286,369)
Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period307,448205,025307,448205,025


Supplemental Information (unaudited)
(€ millions, unless stated otherwise)

Per geography:              
Asia Pacific (excl. China)51.633%54.136%43.630%57.936%42.334%59.236%58.244%
EU / USA / Other59.538%39.626%44.230%39.725%40.233%38.424%37.628%
Per geography:              
Asia Pacific (excl. China)69.346%72.039%45.035%36.622%40.932%33.229%71.350%
EU / USA / Other37.124%69.938%31.625%58.735%40.432%28.025%35.225%
Per customer type:              
HEADCOUNTSep 30, 2024Jun 30, 2024Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023Mar 31, 2023
Fixed staff (FTE)1,80787%1,78386%1,76088%1,73693%1,72587%1,68986%1,68284%
Temporary staff (FTE)27113%27914%23612%1347%24813%27914%31216%
OTHER FINANCIAL DATAQ3-2024Q2-2024Q1-2024Q4-2023Q3-2023Q2-2023Q1-2023
Gross profit101.264.7%98.365.0%98.367.2%103.965.1%79.664.6%106.665.6%85.764.2%
Selling, general and admin expenses:              
As reported27.317.4%30.520.2%39.627.1%24.315.2%23.318.9%29.418.1%29.021.7%
Share-based compensation expense(3.4)-2.1%(6.9)-4.6%(16.9)-11.6%(2.8)-1.7%(1.6)-1.3%(5.5)-3.4%(9.3)-7.0%
SG&A expenses as adjusted23.915.3%23.615.6%22.715.5%21.513.5%21.717.6%23.914.7%19.714.8%
Research and development expenses:              
As reported18.912.1%18.512.2%17.912.2%13.58.5%13.611.0%14.38.8%15.011.2%
Capitalization of R&D charges4.42.8%4.93.2%4.73.2%5.73.6%4.73.8%5.33.3%5.44.0%
Amortization of intangibles(3.9)-2.5%(3.6)-2.3%(3.6)-2.4%(3.3)-2.1%(3.3)-2.6%(3.5)-2.2%(3.5)-2.6%
R&D expenses as adjusted19.412.4%19.813.1%19.013.0%15.910.0%15.012.2%16.19.9%16.912.7%
Financial expense (income), net:              
Interest income(5.2) (3.0) (4.0) (3.6) (2.9) (3.1) (2.6) 
Interest expense5.7 2.1 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.9 
Net cost of hedging1.9 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 2.0 1.6 
Foreign exchange effects, net(0.8) 0.5 0.2 (0.4) 0.2 (0.1) (0.4) 
Total1.6 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.8 1.7 1.5 
Gross cash637.4 257.2 447.1 413.5 391.2 378.3 644.9 
Operating income (as % of net sales)55.135.2%49.332.6%40.727.8%66.141.4%42.734.6%62.938.7%41.731.3%
EBITDA (as % of net sales)62.439.8%56.237.2%47.532.5%72.745.6%48.939.7%69.342.6%48.236.1%
Net income (as % of net sales)46.829.9%41.927.7%34.023.2%54.934.4%35.028.4%52.632.4%34.525.9%
Effective tax rate12.6% 13.0% 15.3% 16.1% 14.4% 14.0% 14.0% 
Income per share              
Basic0.59 0.53 0.44 0.71 0.45 0.68 0.44 
Diluted0.59 0.53 0.44 0.68 0.45 0.66 0.44 
Average shares outstanding (basic)79,630,78779,281,53377,181,32677,070,08277,374,93377,634,19777,946,873
Shares repurchased              
Amount27.8 14.8 14.8 23.1 45.5 66.9 77.7 
Number of shares230,807105,042101,049226,572447,829761,9371,120,327


What was BESIY's revenue growth in Q3 2024?

BESIY's revenue grew 27.0% year-over-year to €156.6 million in Q3 2024.

How many hybrid bonding systems has BESIY delivered since 2021?

BESIY has delivered over 100 revenue-producing hybrid bonding systems since 2021.

What is BESIY's Q4 2024 revenue guidance?

BESIY expects Q4 2024 revenue to be flat plus or minus 10% compared to Q3-24's €156.6 million.

What was BESIY's net cash position in Q3 2024?

BESIY's net cash position was €110.7 million at the end of Q3 2024, up 48.8% from Q2 2024.



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Semiconductor Equipment & Materials
United States of America