Berry Global Receives EcoVadis Gold Medal for Sustainability
Berry Global (NYSE: BERY) has achieved a significant milestone by receiving a Gold medal from EcoVadis, ranking in the top 2% of companies overall and top 1% for plastic product manufacturers. The recognition highlights Berry's sustainability leadership across multiple areas.
The company demonstrated excellence in environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement. Notable achievements include:
- Reaching their 2025 goal of 25% reduction in operational emissions two years early
- Commitment to science-based GHG reduction targets and net-zero emissions by 2050
- Improvements in making lighter weight products while maintaining quality
- Increased use of post-consumer recycled plastic
- Innovation in recyclable package designs
In terms of safety and compliance, Berry Global conducts health and safety risk assessments across 100% of facilities and maintains safety committees at each location. The company plans to publish its annual sustainability report later this month with additional progress details.
Berry Global (NYSE: BERY) ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo ricevendo una medaglia d'oro da EcoVadis, posizionandosi nel top 2% delle aziende a livello globale e nel top 1% per i produttori di prodotti in plastica. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia la leadership di Berry nella sostenibilità in diversi ambiti.
L'azienda ha dimostrato eccellenza in ambiente, etica, lavoro e diritti umani, e approvvigionamento sostenibile. Tra i risultati notevoli ci sono:
- Raggiungimento del loro obiettivo del 2025 di ridurre le emissioni operative del 25% con due anni di anticipo
- Impegno verso obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra basati sulla scienza e zero emissioni nette entro il 2050
- Miglioramenti nella produzione di prodotti più leggeri mantenendo la qualità
- Aumento dell'uso di plastica riciclata post-consumo
- Innovazione nei design di imballaggi riciclabili
In termini di sicurezza e conformità, Berry Global conduce valutazioni dei rischi per la salute e la sicurezza in tutte le strutture e mantiene comitati per la sicurezza in ogni sede. L'azienda prevede di pubblicare il suo rapporto annuale sulla sostenibilità più avanti questo mese con ulteriori dettagli sui progressi.
Berry Global (NYSE: BERY) ha alcanzado un hito significativo al recibir una medalla de oro de EcoVadis, posicionándose en el top 2% de las empresas a nivel general y en el top 1% para los fabricantes de productos de plástico. Este reconocimiento destaca el liderazgo de Berry en sostenibilidad en múltiples áreas.
La empresa ha demostrado excelencia en medio ambiente, ética, trabajo y derechos humanos, y adquisiciones sostenibles. Entre los logros notables se incluyen:
- Alcanzar su objetivo de 2025 de reducir las emisiones operativas en un 25% con dos años de anticipación
- Compromiso con objetivos de reducción de GHG basados en la ciencia y emisiones netas cero para 2050
- Mejoras en la fabricación de productos más ligeros manteniendo la calidad
- Aumento del uso de plástico reciclado post-consumo
- Innovación en diseños de envases reciclables
En términos de seguridad y cumplimiento, Berry Global realiza evaluaciones de riesgos de salud y seguridad en el 100% de sus instalaciones y mantiene comités de seguridad en cada ubicación. La empresa planea publicar su informe anual de sostenibilidad a finales de este mes con detalles adicionales sobre el progreso.
베리 글로벌 (NYSE: BERY)는 에코바디스(EcoVadis)로부터 금메달을 수상하여 전체 기업 중 상위 2% 및 플라스틱 제품 제조업체 중 상위 1%에 랭크되는 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 인식은 여러 분야에서 베리의 지속 가능성 리더십을 강조합니다.
회사는 환경, 윤리, 노동 및 인권, 지속 가능한 조달에서 우수성을 입증했습니다. 주목할 만한 성과는 다음과 같습니다:
- 2025년 목표인 운영 배출량 25% 감축을 2년 일찍 달성
- 과학 기반의 온실가스 감축 목표 및 2050년까지 탄소 중립 목표에 대한 약속
- 품질을 유지하면서 더 가벼운 제품을 만드는 개선
- 소비 후 재활용 플라스틱 사용 증가
- 재활용 가능한 포장 디자인 혁신
안전 및 준수 측면에서 베리 글로벌은 모든 시설에서 건강 및 안전 위험 평가를 실시하고 각 위치에 안전 위원회를 유지합니다. 회사는 이달 말에 추가 진행 상황 세부 사항과 함께 연례 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표할 계획입니다.
Berry Global (NYSE: BERY) a atteint une étape significative en recevant une médaille d'or d'EcoVadis, se classant dans le top 2% des entreprises en général et dans le top 1% des fabricants de produits en plastique. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière le leadership de Berry en matière de durabilité dans plusieurs domaines.
L'entreprise a démontré son excellence dans l'environnement, l'éthique, le travail et les droits de l'homme, et les achats durables. Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve :
- Atteinte de son objectif de 2025 de réduction de 25% des émissions opérationnelles avec deux ans d'avance
- Engagement envers des objectifs de réduction des GES basés sur la science et des émissions nettes nulles d'ici 2050
- Améliorations dans la fabrication de produits plus légers tout en maintenant la qualité
- Augmentation de l'utilisation de plastique recyclé post-consommation
- Innovation dans les conceptions d'emballages recyclables
En termes de sécurité et de conformité, Berry Global effectue des évaluations des risques pour la santé et la sécurité dans 100% de ses installations et maintient des comités de sécurité dans chaque emplacement. L'entreprise prévoit de publier son rapport annuel sur la durabilité plus tard ce mois-ci avec des détails supplémentaires sur les progrès réalisés.
Berry Global (NYSE: BERY) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es eine Goldmedaille von EcoVadis erhalten hat und sich unter den Top 2% der Unternehmen insgesamt sowie unter den Top 1% der Hersteller von Kunststoffprodukten befindet. Diese Auszeichnung hebt die Führungsrolle von Berry im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit in mehreren Bereichen hervor.
Das Unternehmen hat in den Bereichen Umwelt, Ethik, Arbeit und Menschenrechte sowie nachhaltige Beschaffung hervorragende Leistungen gezeigt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen gehören:
- Erreichung des Ziels von 25% Reduktion der Betriebsemissionen bis 2025 zwei Jahre früher
- Verpflichtung zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Zielen zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasen und Netto-Null-Emissionen bis 2050
- Verbesserungen bei der Herstellung leichterer Produkte bei gleichbleibender Qualität
- Erhöhter Einsatz von post-consumer recyceltem Kunststoff
- Innovation bei recycelbaren Verpackungsdesigns
In Bezug auf Sicherheit und Compliance führt Berry Global Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsrisikobewertungen in 100% der Einrichtungen durch und hält an jedem Standort Sicherheitskomitees aufrecht. Das Unternehmen plant, noch in diesem Monat seinen jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht mit weiteren Fortschrittsdetails zu veröffentlichen.
- None.
- None.
“We are excited to receive a Gold medal from EcoVadis for our extensive work to drive sustainability across our operations and our industry. Our customers rely upon EcoVadis to help them assess the sustainability leadership of their suppliers, and we are committed to continue partnering with these customers to help them achieve their goals,” said Kevin Kwilinski, CEO of Berry Global.
This was Berry Global’s first year receiving a Gold medal from EcoVadis. The company’s high scores were broad-based across the EcoVadis focus areas of environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement, demonstrating progress made and greater transparency for each topic as shared on the company’s website.
“This recognition from EcoVadis and recent scores from other benchmarks paint a clear picture: We are a company making strong and steady progress in sustainability and demonstrating leadership that matters,” said Robert Flores, Senior Vice President of Sustainability for Berry Global.
For the environment, the company has made excellent headway in contributing to a circular economy for plastics – making products lighter weight without compromising quality or function, consistently increasing use of post-consumer recycled plastic, and innovating package designs with improved recyclability.
Berry Global achieved its 2025 goal to reduce operational emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by
In the area of labor and human rights, Berry Global performs health and safety risk assessments at
More details and additional examples of progress made over the past year will be included in Berry Global’s upcoming annual sustainability report, due to be published later this month.
About Berry
At Berry Global Group, Inc. (NYSE: BERY), we create innovative packaging solutions that we believe make life better for people and the planet. We do this every day by leveraging our unmatched global capabilities, sustainability leadership, and deep innovation expertise to serve customers of all sizes around the world. Harnessing the strength in our diversity and industry-leading talent of over 40,000 global employees across more than 240 locations, we partner with customers to develop, design, and manufacture innovative products with an eye toward the circular economy. The challenges we solve and the innovations we pioneer benefit our customers at every stage of their journey. For more information, visit our website or connect with us on LinkedIn or X.
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Dustin Stilwell
T: +1 812 306 2964
Source: Berry Global Group, Inc.
What does Berry Global's EcoVadis Gold medal ranking mean for BERY's sustainability position?
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