City of Pueblo, Colorado Deploys Beam Global EV ARC™ Off-Grid Solar EV Charging Systems

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Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM) has announced that the City of Pueblo, Colorado has deployed their EV ARC™ off-grid, solar-powered electric vehicle charging systems. These systems will serve both the general public and city fleets, supporting Pueblo's goal of 100% renewable energy by 2035. The deployment was funded through a U.S. Department of Energy rebate and aligns with Colorado's target of 940,000 EVs on the road by 2030.

The EV ARC™ systems generate and store their own electricity using solar power, featuring the patented BeamTrak™ sun tracking system for increased energy production. Some units will offer free public charging until September 2024, while others will support various city departments' EV fleets. Beam Global's CEO, Desmond Wheatley, highlighted the benefits of their grid-independent, transportable systems for municipalities aiming to meet sustainability goals efficiently.

Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM) ha annunciato che la città di Pueblo, in Colorado, ha installato i loro sistemi di ricarica per veicoli elettrici EV ARC™ alimentati da energia solare e off-grid. Questi sistemi serviranno sia il pubblico generale che le flotte comunali, supportando l'obiettivo di Pueblo di raggiungere il 100% di energia rinnovabile entro il 2035. L'installazione è stata finanziata tramite un rimborso del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti e si allinea con l'obiettivo del Colorado di avere 940.000 veicoli elettrici sulla strada entro il 2030.

I sistemi EV ARC™ generano e immagazzinano la propria elettricità utilizzando energia solare, progettati con il sistema di tracciamento solare brevettato BeamTrak™ per aumentare la produzione di energia. Alcuni moduli offriranno ricarica pubblica gratuita fino a settembre 2024, mentre altri supporteranno le flotte EV dei vari dipartimenti della città. Il CEO di Beam Global, Desmond Wheatley, ha evidenziato i benefici dei loro sistemi trasportabili e indipendenti dalla rete per i comuni che vogliono raggiungere i propri obiettivi di sostenibilità in modo efficiente.

Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM) ha anunciado que la ciudad de Pueblo, Colorado, ha implementado sus sistemas de carga para vehículos eléctricos EV ARC™ alimentados por energía solar y fuera de la red. Estos sistemas servirán tanto al público en general como a las flotas municipales, apoyando el objetivo de Pueblo de alcanzar un 100% de energía renovable para 2035. La implementación fue financiada a través de un reembolso del Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos y está alineada con la meta de Colorado de tener 940,000 vehículos eléctricos en la carretera para 2030.

Los sistemas EV ARC™ generan y almacenan su propia electricidad utilizando energía solar, presentando el sistema de seguimiento solar patentado BeamTrak™ para aumentar la producción de energía. Algunas unidades ofrecerán carga pública gratuita hasta septiembre de 2024, mientras que otras apoyarán las flotas de vehículos eléctricos de varios departamentos de la ciudad. El CEO de Beam Global, Desmond Wheatley, destacó los beneficios de sus sistemas transportables e independientes de la red para los municipios que buscan cumplir de manera eficiente con sus objetivos de sostenibilidad.

Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM)는 콜로라도주 푸에블로 시가 오프그리드 태양광 전기차 충전 시스템 EV ARC™를 배치했다고 발표했습니다. 이 시스템은 일반 대중과 시의 차고 모두를 지원하며, 2035년까지 100% 재생 가능 에너지를 목표로 하는 푸에블로의 목표를 지원합니다. 배치는 미국 에너지부의 리베이트를 통해 자금을 조달하였고, 콜로라도의 2030년까지 도로에 940,000대의 전기차를 목표로 하는 계획과 일치합니다.

EV ARC™ 시스템은 태양광을 사용하여 스스로 전기를 생성하고 저장하며, 에너지 생산을 증가시키기 위해 특허받은 BeamTrak™ 태양 추적 시스템이 특징입니다. 일부 장비는 2024년 9월까지 무료 공공 충전 서비스를 제공하며, 다른 장비는 다양한 시 부서의 전기차 차고를 지원합니다. Beam Global의 CEO인 Desmond Wheatley는 지속 가능성 목표를 효율적으로 달성하려는 자치체를 위한 망 독립적이고 운반 가능한 시스템의 이점을 강조했습니다.

Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM) a annoncé que la ville de Pueblo, Colorado, a déployé ses systèmes de charge pour véhicules électriques EV ARC™ alimentés par énergie solaire et hors réseau. Ces systèmes serviront à la fois au grand public et aux flottes municipales, soutenant l'objectif de Pueblo d'atteindre 100 % d'énergie renouvelable d'ici 2035. Le déploiement a été financé par un remboursement du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis et est en alignement avec l'objectif du Colorado d'atteindre 940 000 VE sur les routes d'ici 2030.

Les systèmes EV ARC™ génèrent et stockent leur propre électricité grâce à l'énergie solaire, avec le système de suivi du soleil breveté BeamTrak™ pour augmenter la production d'énergie. Certaines unités offriront recharge publique gratuite jusqu'en septembre 2024, tandis que d'autres soutiendront les flottes de VE de divers services municipaux. Le PDG de Beam Global, Desmond Wheatley, a souligné les avantages de leurs systèmes transportables et indépendants du réseau pour les municipalités souhaitant atteindre efficacement leurs objectifs de durabilité.

Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM) hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Stadt Pueblo, Colorado, ihre EV ARC™ netzunabhängigen, solarbetriebenen Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge installiert hat. Diese Systeme dienen sowohl der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit als auch den Stadtflotten und unterstützen das Ziel von Pueblo, bis 2035 100% erneuerbare Energie zu erreichen. Die Installation wurde durch einen Rückerstattung des US-Energieministeriums finanziert und passt zu Colorados Ziel von 940.000 Elektrofahrzeugen auf den Straßen bis 2030.

Die EV ARC™ Systeme erzeugen und speichern ihren eigenen Strom durch Solarenergie und verfügen über das patentierte BeamTrak™ Sonnenverfolgungssystem zur Steigerung der Energieproduktion. Einige Einheiten bieten bis September 2024 kostenlose öffentliche Ladung an, während andere die Elektrofahrzeugflotten verschiedener Stadtdepartments unterstützen. Der CEO von Beam Global, Desmond Wheatley, hob die Vorteile ihrer netzunabhängigen, transportablen Systeme für Gemeinden hervor, die ihre Nachhaltigkeitsziele effizient erfüllen möchten.

  • Deployment of EV ARC™ systems in Pueblo, Colorado, expanding Beam Global's market presence
  • Systems funded through a U.S. Department of Energy rebate, reducing financial burden on the city
  • Alignment with Colorado's goal of 940,000 EVs by 2030, potentially leading to more opportunities in the state
  • EV ARC™ systems generate up to 25% more energy than fixed solar arrays due to BeamTrak™ technology
  • Grid-independent nature of EV ARC™ systems eliminates construction, electrical work, and utility bills for cities
  • Free public charging initiative in Pueblo only runs through September 2024, potentially limiting long-term revenue

The deployment of Beam Global's EV ARC™ systems in Pueblo marks a significant step towards sustainable urban infrastructure. These off-grid, solar-powered charging stations offer multiple benefits:

  • Energy independence, reducing strain on the local grid
  • Cost-effectiveness, with no construction or utility bills
  • Flexibility, being easily relocatable as needs change

This aligns perfectly with Pueblo's ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy by 2035. The BeamTrak™ technology's 25% increased energy production over fixed arrays is particularly impressive. This initiative not only supports Colorado's target of 940,000 EVs by 2030 but also sets a replicable model for other municipalities aiming to balance sustainability with practicality in their EV infrastructure planning.

This deployment represents a positive development for Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM), showcasing the company's ability to secure contracts through government initiatives like the EECBG program. The project's dual focus on public and fleet charging indicates a diversified market approach. While the financial terms aren't disclosed, such municipal contracts often lead to recurring business and referrals.

Investors should note the alignment with broader market trends:

  • Growing EV adoption rates
  • Increasing government support for green infrastructure
  • Rising demand for off-grid, resilient energy solutions

These factors position Beam Global favorably in the rapidly expanding EV charging market. However, the company's growth potential should be weighed against its current financial performance and market competition.

Pueblo's implementation of Beam Global's EV ARC™ systems is a shrewd urban planning move. The key advantages from a city planning perspective include:

  • Rapid deployment without disruptive construction
  • Flexibility to relocate charging points as usage patterns evolve
  • Resilience during grid outages or emergencies

The initiative cleverly combines public access with municipal fleet support, maximizing infrastructure utilization. The no-cost public charging trial until September 2024 is an excellent strategy to encourage EV adoption among residents. This approach allows the city to gather valuable data on charging patterns and user behavior, informing future infrastructure decisions. It's a model that other cities could emulate, balancing immediate EV support with long-term adaptability in urban planning.

PUEBLO, Colo., Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beam Global (Nasdaq: BEEM), a leading provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, announced the City of Pueblo, Colorado has deployed Beam Global EV ARC™ off-grid, solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging systems for use both by the general public and city fleets. The systems were provided through a rebate from the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program, which is designed to assist states, local governments and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions and improve energy efficiency.

Some Beam Global EV ARC™ systems will be available to the general public for free as part of Pueblo’s no-cost charging station initiative, running through September 2024. Others will support the City’s fleet of EVs used by the Pueblo Police Department, Parks and Recreation and the Fleet Department, with more vehicles expected to be received in the coming months.

The deployment of Beam Global EV ARC™ systems supports Pueblo’s commitment to being powered by 100% renewable energy by 2035. The grid-independent EV ARC™ product generates and stores its own electricity using solar power and is equipped with the patented BeamTrak™ sun tracking system enabling each system to produce up to 25% more energy than a fixed solar array.

“More and more municipalities across the U.S. are seeing the benefits our EV ARC products have to offer as they work to meet sustainability goals laid out by their states,” said Desmond Wheatley, CEO of Beam Global. “EV ARC systems are an ideal charging infrastructure choice because they are not tied to the grid, which means they require no construction work, electric work or utility bill and therefore reduce cities’ overall costs. Because they are transportable, the systems can be relocated during emergencies or as public charging patterns emerge and change.”

The state of Colorado set a goal of 940,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030 to accelerate the electrification of cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles. This is part of Colorado’s broader efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and promote sustainable transportation options.

To learn more about Beam Global’s sustainable charging solutions visit

About Beam Global
Beam Global is a clean technology innovator which develops and manufactures sustainable infrastructure products and technologies. We operate at the nexus of clean energy and transportation with a focus on sustainable energy infrastructure, rapidly deployed and scalable EV charging solutions, safe energy storage and vital energy security. With operations in the U.S. and Europe, Beam Global develops, patents, designs, engineers and manufactures unique and advanced clean technology solutions that power transportation, provide secure sources of electricity, save time and money and protect the environment. Headquartered in San Diego with facilities in Chicago, Belgrade and Kraljevo, Beam Global has a deep patent portfolio and is listed on Nasdaq under the symbol BEEM. For more information visit, LinkedIn, YouTube and X (formerly Twitter).

Forward-Looking Statements
This Beam Global Press Release may contain forward-looking statements. All statements in this Press Release other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally accompanied by terms or phrases such as “estimate,” “project,” “predict,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “target,” “plan,” “intend,” “seek,” “goal,” “will,” “should,” “may,” or other words and similar expressions that convey the uncertainty of future events or results. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause Beam Global's actual results to be materially different from these forward-looking statements. Except to the extent required by law, Beam Global expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

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What is the EV ARC™ system deployed by Beam Global in Pueblo, Colorado?

The EV ARC™ is an off-grid, solar-powered electric vehicle charging system that generates and stores its own electricity. It features a patented BeamTrak™ sun tracking system for increased energy production.

How is Pueblo, Colorado funding the deployment of Beam Global's EV charging systems?

The EV ARC™ systems in Pueblo are funded through a rebate from the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program.

What is Pueblo's renewable energy goal that the Beam Global EV ARC™ systems support?

The deployment of Beam Global EV ARC™ systems supports Pueblo's commitment to being powered by 100% renewable energy by 2035.

How long will Pueblo offer free public charging using the Beam Global EV ARC™ systems?

Pueblo will offer free public charging using some of the Beam Global EV ARC™ systems through September 2024 as part of their no-cost charging station initiative.

What is Colorado's electric vehicle goal that aligns with Beam Global's EV ARC™ deployment in Pueblo?

Colorado has set a goal of having 940,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030 to accelerate the electrification of transportation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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