Beacon Announces Annual Supplier Partner Award Winners
Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN), the leading publicly-traded specialty wholesale distributor of roofing and exterior products, has announced its 2024 supplier partner awards. The company recognized five outstanding partners for their exceptional service commitment:
- CertainTeed won Supplier of the Year for outstanding support across all aspects, particularly in inventory management and technology implementation
- AccuLynx received the Integration Partner Award for superior software integration and customer support
- Louisiana-Pacific earned the Trail Blazer Award for innovative partnership approaches
- Owens Corning was awarded the TRI-BUILT® Award for supporting Beacon's exclusive brand growth
- Penske received the BUILDING BETTER Award for sustainability initiatives and community engagement
These partnerships have contributed to Beacon exceeding its Ambition 2025 revenue and shareholder return targets in 2023, supported by over 3,000 supplier partners.
Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN), il principale distributore all'ingrosso specializzato di prodotti per coperture e esterni quotato in borsa, ha annunciato i premi per i partner fornitori del 2024. L'azienda ha riconosciuto cinque partner eccezionali per il loro impegno nel servizio:
- CertainTeed ha vinto il premio come Fornitore dell'Anno per il supporto straordinario in tutti gli aspetti, in particolare nella gestione dell'inventario e nell'implementazione della tecnologia
- AccuLynx ha ricevuto il premio come Partner di Integrazione per l'eccellente integrazione del software e il supporto clienti
- Louisiana-Pacific ha ottenuto il Trail Blazer Award per approcci innovativi alla partnership
- Owens Corning ha ricevuto il TRI-BUILT® Award per aver supportato la crescita del marchio esclusivo di Beacon
- Penske ha ottenuto il premio BUILDING BETTER per le iniziative di sostenibilità e il coinvolgimento della comunità
Queste partnership hanno contribuito a far superare a Beacon gli obiettivi di fatturato e ritorno per gli azionisti di Ambition 2025 nel 2023, supportati da oltre 3.000 partner fornitori.
Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN), el principal distribuidor mayorista especializado en productos de techado y exteriores que cotiza en bolsa, ha anunciado sus premios a socios proveedores para 2024. La empresa ha reconocido a cinco socios destacados por su excepcional compromiso con el servicio:
- CertainTeed ganó el premio al Proveedor del Año por su apoyo excepcional en todos los aspectos, particularmente en la gestión de inventarios y la implementación de tecnología
- AccuLynx recibió el Premio al Socio de Integración por su superior integración de software y soporte al cliente
- Louisiana-Pacific obtuvo el Trail Blazer Award por enfoques innovadores en las asociaciones
- Owens Corning fue galardonado con el TRI-BUILT® Award por apoyar el crecimiento de la marca exclusiva de Beacon
- Penske recibió el premio BUILDING BETTER por sus iniciativas de sostenibilidad y participación comunitaria
Estas asociaciones han contribuido a que Beacon supere sus objetivos de ingresos y retorno para accionistas de Ambition 2025 en 2023, respaldados por más de 3,000 socios proveedores.
비콘 (Nasdaq: BECN), 상장된 지붕 및 외부 제품 전문 도매 유통업체의 선두주자가 2024년 공급업체 파트너상을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 뛰어난 서비스 헌신으로 다섯 명의 탁월한 파트너를 인정했습니다:
- CertainTeed는 재고 관리 및 기술 구현에서 특별한 지원으로 올해의 공급업체 상을 수상했습니다
- AccuLynx는 우수 소프트웨어 통합 및 고객 지원으로 통합 파트너 상을 받았습니다
- Louisiana-Pacific는 혁신적인 파트너십 접근 방식으로 Trail Blazer 상을 수상했습니다
- Owens Corning은 비콘의 독점 브랜드 성장 지원으로 TRI-BUILT® 상을 받았습니다
- Penske는 지속 가능성 이니셔티브 및 지역 사회 참여로 BUILDING BETTER 상을 수상했습니다
이들 파트너십은 비콘이 2023년에 Ambition 2025의 수익 및 주주 수익 목표를 초과 달성하는 데 기여했으며, 3,000명 이상의 공급업체 파트너가 지원했습니다.
Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN), le principal distributeur en gros spécialisé en toiture et produits extérieurs cotés en bourse, a annoncé ses prix partenaires fournisseurs 2024. L'entreprise a reconnu cinq partenaires exceptionnels pour leur engagement exceptionnel au service :
- CertainTeed a remporté le prix du Fournisseur de l'Année pour un soutien exceptionnel dans tous les domaines, notamment dans la gestion des stocks et la mise en œuvre de technologies
- AccuLynx a reçu le prix du Partenaire d'Intégration pour son intégration logicielle supérieure et son support client
- Louisiana-Pacific a été honoré du Trail Blazer Award pour ses approches innovantes en matière de partenariat
- Owens Corning a reçu le TRI-BUILT® Award pour avoir soutenu la croissance de la marque exclusive de Beacon
- Penske a reçu le prix BUILDING BETTER pour ses initiatives de durabilité et son engagement communautaire
Ces partenariats ont contribué à ce que Beacon dépasse ses objectifs de revenus et de retour sur les actions pour Ambition 2025 en 2023, soutenu par plus de 3 000 partenaires fournisseurs.
Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN), der führende börsennotierte Fachgroßhändler für Dach- und Außenprodukte, hat seine Supplier Partner Awards 2024 bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen würdigte fünf herausragende Partner für ihr außergewöhnliches Engagement im Service:
- CertainTeed gewann den Supplier of the Year Award für herausragende Unterstützung in allen Aspekten, insbesondere im Bestandsmanagement und in der Implementierung von Technologie
- AccuLynx erhielt den Integration Partner Award für eine überlegene Softwareintegration und Kundenbetreuung
- Louisiana-Pacific wurde mit dem Trail Blazer Award für innovative Partnerschaftsansätze ausgezeichnet
- Owens Corning erhielt den TRI-BUILT® Award für die Unterstützung des Wachstums von Beacons exklusivem Markensortiment
- Penske wurde mit dem BUILDING BETTER Award für Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen und das Engagement in der Gemeinschaft ausgezeichnet
Diese Partnerschaften haben dazu beigetragen, dass Beacon seine Umsatz- und Aktionärsrenditezielvorgaben für Ambition 2025 im Jahr 2023 übertreffen konnte, unterstützt von über 3.000 Lieferantenpartnern.
- None.
- None.

CertainTeed (Graphic: Business Wire)
"We are proud to provide customers with the best products and service. Exceptional partnerships with all our suppliers allow us to jointly help contractors find more ways to grow and innovate their businesses," said Jake Gosa, Beacon’s Chief Commercial Officer. "Top suppliers partner with Beacon because of our
- CertainTeed was recognized with the Supplier of the Year Award. This award goes to a supplier that stands out in every aspect of supporting our mission to help customers build more. In 2024, a company-wide survey of branches and sales leadership put CertainTeed on top. From combined marketing efforts to sharing our passion for relentless customer service, they worked tirelessly as partners with shared values and goals. CertainTeed Roofing also stood out in the challenging market to meet our inventory needs and assisting us in implementing new product management technology.
- AccuLynx was recognized with the Integration Partner Award. This award goes to a software integration partner that collaborates to create the best experience for customers. They exceed growth objectives and look for ways to strengthen the partnership to benefit shared customers. In 2024, AccuLynx stood out with dedicated and responsive customer sales and support, new feature development and promotions featuring the integration.
- Louisiana-Pacific (“LP”) was recognized with the Trail Blazer Award. This award goes to a supplier who looks for new ways to innovate and partner, even when the path is not clear. They have the fortitude and desire to go further. In 2024, LP came to us with a comprehensive plan to grow with Beacon. Their energy in executing the plan translated to both companies realizing incremental growth.
- Owens Corning was recognized with the TRI-BUILT® Award. This award goes to a supplier who shares Beacon’s vision for building our premium-quality exclusive brand. In 2024, Owens Corning provided ways for Beacon to differentiate our value in the marketplace and outperform the competition. By delivering high-quality products and service, they helped us to achieve a record TRI-BUILT year.
- Penske was recognized with the BUILDING BETTER Award. This award goes to a supplier who shares our values and is committed to people and the planet. They not only have a sustainable mindset in their own operations, but partner with us to advance Beacon’s corporate social responsibility journey. In 2024, Penske was instrumental in helping us operate a more optimized and stronger fleet while also joining us to give back in the communities where we operate.
With the support of over 3,000 supplier partners, Beacon exceeded its Ambition 2025 revenue and shareholder return targets in 2023 and continues to unlock its long-term potential.
About Beacon
Founded in 1928, Beacon is a Fortune 500, publicly traded distributor of building products, including roofing materials and complementary products, such as siding and waterproofing. The company operates over 580 branches throughout all 50 states in the
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Binit Sanghvi
VP, Capital Markets and Treasurer
Jennifer Lewis
VP, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility
Source: Beacon
What companies received Beacon's supplier partner awards in 2024?
Why did CertainTeed win BECN's Supplier of the Year award for 2024?
How did BECN's supplier partnerships impact its 2023 performance?
What is the significance of the TRI-BUILT® Award given to Owens Corning by BECN?