BioCryst Reports Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX) has announced the granting of stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs) to 21 newly-hired employees as inducement awards. The compensation committee of BioCryst's board of directors approved these grants on September 30, 2024, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The inducement package includes:

  • Stock options to purchase 71,175 shares of BioCryst common stock
  • RSUs covering 50,025 shares of BioCryst common stock

The stock options have an exercise price of $7.60 per share, equal to the closing price of BioCryst common stock on the grant date. Both options and RSUs will vest in four equal annual installments, beginning on the one-year anniversary of the grant date, subject to continued employment. The stock options have a 10-year term.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX) ha annunciato l'assegnazione di opzioni su azioni e unità di azioni vincolate (RSU) a 21 nuovi assunti come premi di incentivazione. Il comitato compensation del consiglio di amministrazione di BioCryst ha approvato queste assegnazioni il 30 settembre 2024, in conformità con la Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Il pacchetto di incentivazione include:

  • Opzioni su azioni per acquistare 71.175 azioni ordinarie di BioCryst
  • RSU che coprono 50.025 azioni ordinarie di BioCryst

Le opzioni su azioni hanno un prezzo di esercizio di $7.60 per azione, equivalente al prezzo di chiusura delle azioni ordinarie di BioCryst alla data di assegnazione. Sia le opzioni che le RSU matureranno in quattro rate annuali uguali, a partire dal primo anniversario della data di assegnazione, subordinato al mantenimento dell'impiego. Le opzioni su azioni hanno un termine di 10 anni.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX) ha anunciado la concesión de opciones sobre acciones y unidades de acciones restringidas (RSU) a 21 empleados recién contratados como premios de inducción. El comité de compensación de la junta directiva de BioCryst aprobó estas concesiones el 30 de septiembre de 2024, de acuerdo con la regla de cotización de Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

El paquete de inducción incluye:

  • Opciones sobre acciones para comprar 71,175 acciones comunes de BioCryst
  • RSU que cubren 50,025 acciones comunes de BioCryst

Las opciones sobre acciones tienen un precio de ejercicio de $7.60 por acción, igual al precio de cierre de las acciones comunes de BioCryst en la fecha de concesión. Tanto las opciones como las RSU se consolidarán en cuatro cuotas anuales iguales, comenzando en el primer aniversario de la fecha de concesión, sujeto a la continuidad del empleo. Las opciones sobre acciones tienen un plazo de 10 años.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX)는 21명의 신규 채용 직원에게 유인상으로 주식 옵션과 제한된 주식 단위(RSU)를 부여했다고 발표했습니다. BioCryst 이사회 보상 위원회는 2024년 9월 30일에 이러한 부여를 승인했으며, 이는 나스닥 상장 규정 5635(c)(4)에 따릅니다.

유인 패키지에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • BioCryst 보통주 71,175주를 구매할 수 있는 주식 옵션
  • BioCryst 보통주 50,025주를 포함하는 RSU

주식 옵션의 행사가격은 $7.60 per 주로, 부여일 기준 BioCryst 보통주 종가와 같습니다. 옵션과 RSU는 모두 4개의 동일한 연간 할부로 분할 되어, 부여일로부터 1주년이 되는 날부터 시작되며, 계속 고용되는 조건입니다. 주식 옵션은 10년 기간을 갖습니다.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX) a annoncé l'octroi d'options d'achat d'actions et d'unités d'actions restreintes (RSU) à 21 nouveaux employés comme primes d'encouragement. Le comité des rémunérations du conseil d'administration de BioCryst a approuvé ces attributions le 30 septembre 2024, conformément à la règle de cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4).

Le package d'incitation comprend :

  • Options d'achat d'actions pour acquérir 71,175 actions ordinaires de BioCryst
  • RSU couvrant 50,025 actions ordinaires de BioCryst

Les options d'achat d'actions ont un prix d'exercice de 7,60 $ par action, égal au prix de clôture des actions ordinaires de BioCryst à la date d'octroi. Les options et les RSU acquerront des droits en quatre versements annuels égaux, commençant à l'anniversaire d'un an de la date d'octroi, sous réserve d'une poursuite de l'emploi. Les options d'achat d'actions sont d'une durée de 10 ans.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: BCRX) hat die Gewährung von Aktienoptionen und beschränkten Aktieneinheiten (RSUs) an 21 neu eingestellte Mitarbeiter als Anreizpreise bekannt gegeben. Der Vergütungsausschuss des Vorstands von BioCryst genehmigte diese Gewährungen am 30. September 2024, gemäß der Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Das Anreizpaket umfasst:

  • Aktienoptionen zum Kauf von 71.175 Aktien der Stammaktien von BioCryst
  • RSUs für 50.025 Aktien der Stammaktien von BioCryst

Die Aktienoptionen haben einen Ausübungspreis von 7,60 $ pro Aktie, was dem Schlusskurs der Stammaktien von BioCryst am Gewährungsdatum entspricht. Sowohl die Optionen als auch die RSUs werden in vier gleichen jährlichen Raten fällig, beginnend am einjährigen Jubiläum des Gewährungsdatums, vorbehaltlich der fortgesetzten Beschäftigung. Die Aktienoptionen haben eine Laufzeit von 10 Jahren.

  • Attraction of new talent with 21 newly-hired employees
  • Alignment of employee interests with shareholders through equity-based compensation
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders' stakes due to new stock options and RSUs

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: BCRX) today announced that the compensation committee of BioCryst’s board of directors granted 21 newly-hired employees stock options to purchase an aggregate of 71,175 shares, and restricted stock units (RSUs) covering an aggregate of 50,025 shares, of BioCryst common stock. The options and RSUs were granted as of September 30, 2024, as inducements material to each employee entering into employment with BioCryst. The options and RSUs were granted in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The options have an exercise price of $7.60 per share, which is equal to the closing price of BioCryst common stock on the grant date. The options and RSUs vest in four equal annual installments beginning on the one-year anniversary of the grant date, in each case subject to the new employee’s continued service with the company. Each stock option has a 10-year term. The options and RSUs are subject to the terms and conditions of BioCryst’s Inducement Equity Incentive Plan and a stock option agreement or restricted stock unit agreement, as applicable, covering the grant.

About BioCryst Pharmaceuticals
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals is a global biotechnology company with a deep commitment to improving the lives of people living with complement-mediated and other rare diseases. BioCryst leverages its expertise in structure-guided drug design to develop first-in-class or best-in-class oral small-molecule and protein therapeutics to target difficult-to-treat diseases. BioCryst has commercialized ORLADEYO® (berotralstat), the first oral, once-daily plasma kallikrein inhibitor, and is advancing a pipeline of small-molecule and protein therapies. For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn.


John Bluth
+1 919 859 7910


How many new employees received stock options and RSUs from BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX) on September 30, 2024?

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX) granted stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs) to 21 newly-hired employees on September 30, 2024.

What is the exercise price of the stock options granted by BioCryst (BCRX) in this inducement award?

The stock options granted by BioCryst (BCRX) have an exercise price of $7.60 per share, which is equal to the closing price of BioCryst common stock on the grant date, September 30, 2024.

How do the stock options and RSUs vest for the new employees of BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX)?

The stock options and RSUs granted by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX) vest in four equal annual installments, beginning on the one-year anniversary of the grant date, subject to the new employee's continued service with the company.

What is the term of the stock options granted by BioCryst (BCRX) in this inducement award?

The stock options granted by BioCryst (BCRX) as part of this inducement award have a 10-year term.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc


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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
United States of America