Brightcove Unveils the ‘Brightcove AI Suite’ with Solutions to Supercharge Content Creation, Engagement and Revenue

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Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV) has unveiled the 'Brightcove AI Suite', a new set of AI-powered capabilities integrated into their video cloud platform. This suite aims to enhance content creation, audience engagement, revenue generation, and cost efficiency for customers. The AI Suite includes five solutions: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer, and AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer.

Leveraging Generative AI models from Anthropic, AWS, and Google, Brightcove's new offerings address key customer needs such as maximizing content utilization, driving engagement, growing revenue, and optimizing cost-to-quality ratios. The company is piloting these solutions with select customers and plans for general availability later this year. Brightcove also introduced the 'AI Pledge', committing to secure and transparent handling of customer data.

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV) ha presentato la 'Brightcove AI Suite', un nuovo insieme di funzionalità basate sull'intelligenza artificiale integrate nella loro piattaforma video cloud. Questo pacchetto mira a migliorare la creazione di contenuti, l'engagement del pubblico, la generazione di entrate e l'efficienza dei costi per i clienti. La AI Suite include cinque soluzioni: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer e AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer.

Sfruttando i modelli di AI generativa di Anthropic, AWS e Google, le nuove offerte di Brightcove affrontano esigenze chiave dei clienti come massimizzare l'utilizzo dei contenuti, stimolare l'engagement, aumentare le entrate e ottimizzare i rapporti costo-qualità. L'azienda sta testando queste soluzioni con clienti selezionati e prevede una disponibilità generale entro la fine dell'anno. Brightcove ha anche introdotto il 'AI Pledge', impegnandosi a gestire i dati dei clienti in modo sicuro e trasparente.

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV) ha presentado la 'Brightcove AI Suite', un nuevo conjunto de capacidades impulsadas por IA integradas en su plataforma de video en la nube. Este paquete tiene como objetivo mejorar la creación de contenido, la participación de la audiencia, la generación de ingresos y la eficiencia de costos para los clientes. La AI Suite incluye cinco soluciones: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer y AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer.

Al aprovechar los modelos de IA generativa de Anthropic, AWS y Google, las nuevas ofertas de Brightcove abordan necesidades clave de los clientes como maximizar la utilización de contenido, impulsar el compromiso, aumentar los ingresos y optimizar las relaciones costo-calidad. La empresa está probando estas soluciones con clientes seleccionados y planea una disponibilidad general más adelante este año. Brightcove también introdujo el 'AI Pledge', comprometiéndose a manejar los datos de los clientes de manera segura y transparente.

브라이트코브(Brightcove, NASDAQ: BCOV)가 '브라이트코브 AI 스위트(Brightcove AI Suite)'를 발표했습니다. 이는 영상 클라우드 플랫폼에 통합된 AI 기반 기능의 새로운 집합입니다. 이 스위트는 고객을 위한 콘텐츠 제작, 관객 참여, 수익 창출 및 비용 효율성을 향상시키기 위한 것입니다. AI 스위트는 AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer 및 AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer의 다섯 가지 솔루션을 포함합니다.

안소픽(Anthropic), AWS 및 구글의 생성적 AI 모델을 활용하여 브라이트코브의 새로운 제공 사항은 고객의 주요 요구 사항인 콘텐츠 활용 극대화, 참여 유도, 수익 성장 및 비용-품질 비율 최적화를 해결합니다. 회사는 선택된 고객과 함께 이러한 솔루션을 파일럿하고 있으며, 올해 말 일반 공개를 계획하고 있습니다. 브라이트코브는 또한 고객 데이터의 안전하고 투명한 처리를 약속하는 'AI Pledge'를 도입했습니다.

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV) a dévoilé la 'Brightcove AI Suite', un nouvel ensemble de fonctionnalités basées sur l'intelligence artificielle intégrées à leur plateforme vidéo cloud. Suite vise à améliorer la création de contenu, l'engagement du public, la génération de revenus et l'efficacité des coûts pour les clients. La AI Suite comprend cinq solutions : AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer et AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer.

En s'appuyant sur des modèles d'IA générative d'Anthropic, AWS et Google, les nouvelles offres de Brightcove répondent à des besoins clés des clients tels que maximiser l'utilisation des contenus, stimuler l'engagement, augmenter les revenus et optimiser les ratios coûts-qualité. L'entreprise pilote ces solutions avec des clients sélectionnés et prévoit une disponibilité générale plus tard cette année. Brightcove a également introduit le 'AI Pledge', s'engageant à traiter les données clients de manière sécurisée et transparente.

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV) hat die 'Brightcove AI Suite' vorgestellt, ein neues Set von KI-gestützten Funktionen, die in ihre Video-Cloud-Plattform integriert sind. Diese Suite zielt darauf ab, die Inhaltserstellung, das Publikum Engagement, die Einnahmengenerierung und die Kosten-Effizienz für die Kunden zu verbessern. Die AI Suite umfasst fünf Lösungen: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer und AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer.

Durch die Nutzung generativer KI-Modelle von Anthropic, AWS und Google adressieren die neuen Angebote von Brightcove wesentliche Kundenbedürfnisse wie die Maximierung der Inhalt-Nutzung, die Steigerung des Engagements, das Wachstum der Einnahmen und die Optimierung des Kosten-Qualitäts-Verhältnisses. Das Unternehmen testet diese Lösungen mit ausgewählten Kunden und plant eine allgemeine Verfügbarkeit später in diesem Jahr. Brightcove hat auch das 'AI Pledge' eingeführt, in dem es sich verpflichtet, die Daten seiner Kunden sicher und transparent zu behandeln.

  • Introduction of AI-powered capabilities to enhance content creation, engagement, and revenue
  • Collaboration with industry leaders like Anthropic, AWS, and Google for Generative AI models
  • Pilot program offering AI solutions to existing customers at no additional cost
  • Potential for increased efficiency and cost savings in video content management and delivery
  • None.

Brightcove's new AI Suite marks a significant leap in video technology. The integration of Generative AI models from industry leaders like Anthropic, AWS and Google into Brightcove's platform could be a game-changer for content creators and businesses. The suite's focus on content creation, management, engagement and efficiency addresses key pain points in the industry.

The AI Content Multiplier and Universal Translator could dramatically increase content output and reach, potentially boosting revenue streams for Brightcove's clients. The AI Metadata Optimizer's ability to enhance content discoverability could lead to improved engagement metrics. However, the real innovation lies in the AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer, which could significantly reduce operational costs for streaming services without compromising quality.

While promising, the success of this suite will depend on its real-world performance and adoption rate. Brightcove's commitment to data security through its AI Pledge is crucial, but may also limit the AI's learning capabilities. Overall, this move positions Brightcove at the forefront of AI-driven video technology, potentially strengthening its market position.

Brightcove's AI Suite launch is a strategic move to capitalize on the growing demand for AI-powered video solutions. This could potentially boost Brightcove's revenue by offering higher-value services to its existing 2,000+ global customers and attracting new clients. The focus on cost efficiency and revenue maximization for clients could lead to increased customer retention and upselling opportunities.

The company's collaboration with tech giants like Anthropic, AWS and Google for AI models adds credibility and scalability to their offering. However, investors should note that significant R&D investments may be required to maintain and enhance these AI capabilities, potentially impacting short-term profitability.

The $1.13 billion video streaming market is expected to grow at a 18.8% CAGR through 2030. If Brightcove can capture a significant share with this AI Suite, it could substantially improve its financial performance. However, competition in this space is intense and the success of this initiative will be important for Brightcove's future growth trajectory.

Brightcove's AI Suite launch is well-timed to capitalize on the surging demand for AI-powered video solutions. The market's response to this offering will be crucial, as it addresses key pain points in content creation, engagement and monetization. The suite's ability to breathe new life into existing content libraries could be particularly appealing to media companies and content creators struggling with content saturation.

The AI Universal Translator's capability to provide accurate translations across 130 languages could significantly expand global reach for Brightcove's clients, potentially opening new markets. The AI Engagement Maximizer and Revenue Maximizer solutions align well with the industry's focus on personalization and revenue optimization.

However, the success of this suite will depend on its ease of integration and demonstrable ROI for clients. The pilot program offered at no additional cost is a smart move to drive adoption and gather real-world feedback. If successful, this AI Suite could redefine Brightcove's market position and potentially expand its addressable market beyond traditional video streaming clients.

The new AI suite is integrated into Brightcove’s award-winning video cloud platform to deliver customer ROI through expanded content creation, deeper engagement, increased revenue, and enhanced cost-to-quality efficiency

The Brightcove AI Suite leverages Generative AI models from Anthropic, AWS, and Google

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV), the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, today announced the introduction of the Brightcove AI Suite, a multi-faceted product launch designed to shape the future of video and engagement technology. The new AI-powered capabilities, developed in collaboration with customers, will address their growth-driving and cost-saving needs, including content creation, audience growth and engagement, increased revenue, and improved business efficiency.

Brightcove announces the introduction of the Brightcove AI Suite, a multi-faceted product launch designed to shape the future of video and engagement technology. The new AI-powered capabilities, developed in collaboration with customers, address growth-driving and cost-saving needs, including content creation, audience growth and engagement, increased revenue, and improved business efficiency. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Brightcove announces the introduction of the Brightcove AI Suite, a multi-faceted product launch designed to shape the future of video and engagement technology. The new AI-powered capabilities, developed in collaboration with customers, address growth-driving and cost-saving needs, including content creation, audience growth and engagement, increased revenue, and improved business efficiency. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“Generative AI is transforming how companies create content and how users engage, and we believe it will drive a boom in video content and its consumption. To enable our customers to take full advantage of these next-generation creation and engagement capabilities, we are enhancing our platform with a suite of AI-driven solutions to deliver on these opportunities,” said Marc DeBevoise, CEO of Brightcove. “By listening to our customers and analyzing their businesses and use cases, we built the Brightcove AI Suite to address their needs, especially in key focus areas, including maximizing content utilization, driving engagement, growing revenue, and solving the cost-to-quality equation.”

Building on 20 years at the forefront of video technology and engagement, the Brightcove AI Suite will integrate seamlessly into Brightcove’s two-time Emmy Award-winning video cloud platform and customer experiences so companies can optimize and accelerate their video content strategy and processes, all within the platform. The Brightcove AI Suite will launch with five new AI-powered solutions: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer, and AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer. Each solution is available to existing customers to pilot, with general availability planned for later this year. These solutions will help customers create and optimize content, grow engagement and monetization, and reduce the costs of creating, managing, and delivering content without sacrificing quality.

As part of this initiative, Brightcove is strengthening its platform by using models from industry leaders like Anthropic, AWS, and Google to deliver excellence and speed of innovation by adding the power of their Generative AI models to Brightcove’s solutions. Additionally, Brightcove is integrating AI solutions from other partners, including CaptionHub and Frammer.

The Brightcove AI Suite will initially focus on solutions in four key areas that Brightcove customers shared as their most significant priorities and business needs. The solutions within these areas are designed to accelerate customers’ engagement and video AI capabilities across industries and use cases. The four priority areas are:

  • Content Creation: These generative solutions will help customers breathe new life into existing content libraries by enabling the creation of more videos quickly and easily to engage audiences. Solutions within this area include the AI Content Multiplier, which uses Gen AI to automate time-consuming tasks within the platform through actions like reformatting horizontal to vertical content, auto-clipping, auto-summarization, and creating highlight reels from longer content, and the AI Universal Translator, which will allow companies to deliver accurate translations across 130 languages with the ability to fine-tune, plus dubbing in over 80 languages and hundreds of voices with the ability to edit pronunciations and timing.

  • Content Management and Optimization: These solutions will help customers accelerate workflows and significantly simplify managing content libraries. This includes turning content libraries into a foundational data layer and optimizing those libraries for large language models (LLMs) to improve discoverability and engagement. As part of this effort, Brightcove is launching an AI Metadata Optimizer, which will generate descriptions and automatically transform content into searchable and AI-optimizable data sets to help make it more discoverable and monetizable. This solution will minimize the task of sorting through hundreds of hours of content by hand and adding necessary descriptors and tags.

  • Content Engagement and Monetization: These solutions are designed to help customers seeking to exceed their growth and revenue goals by finding the best ways to maximize their content's engagement and revenue. As part of this, the Brightcove AI Engagement Maximizer will deliver new capabilities like AI-powered automated video interactivity, personalization, and recommendations to deeply engage audiences and build loyalty. Brightcove is also working on an industry-transforming AI Revenue Maximizer solution that will optimize ad placements and durations to automatically maximize revenue without impacting viewer satisfaction.

  • Quality and Efficiency: These solutions will help customers manage costs without compromising quality. With Brightcove’s AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer, companies can drive down the cost of encoding, storage, and content delivery without sacrificing the viewer experience. The solution will continuously optimize content ingestion and delivery by using a combination of Brightcove’s Emmy Award-winning Context Aware Encoding (CAE) technology, market-leading delivery engine, and Quality of Experience (QoE) insights benchmarks. These will work in tandem to manage costs automatically for a company based on their choice of quality levels.

The Brightcove AI Suite is a collaborative, customer-focused initiative being tested with more than a dozen customers, including Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), Major League Fishing, Italiaonline, and OneValley. For a limited time, the company is expanding its AI pilot program to all customers at no additional cost.

“As a trusted partner to more than 2,000 global customers, we are also launching the Brightcove AI Pledge: a commitment to securely handling customer data with transparency and responsibility,” said Scott Levine, Chief Product Officer at Brightcove. “Part of our differentiation will be our ability to advance Generative AI securely, protecting our customers' most valuable assets, including transparent guiding principles to protect customer data and content integrity. We will only use data and content to train our AI models with explicit permission from our customers so they can decide their level of inclusion and security.”

Brightcove is committed to building the world’s smartest, fastest, and most reliable automated engagement platform, anchored in video, to revolutionize how customers engage and grow their audience, increase revenue, and improve business efficiency. The Brightcove AI Suite will continue to launch new capabilities in the near and long term based on customer feedback and use.

For more information about becoming a pilot customer, visit

About Brightcove Inc.

Brightcove creates the world’s most reliable, scalable, and secure streaming technology solutions to build a greater connection between companies and their audiences, no matter where they are or on which devices they consume content. In more than 60 countries, Brightcove’s intelligent video platform enables businesses to sell to customers more effectively, media leaders to stream and monetize content more reliably, and every organization to communicate with team members more powerfully. With two Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards for innovation, uptime that consistently leads the industry, and unmatched scalability, we continuously push the boundaries of what video can do. Follow Brightcove on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube. Visit


Joseph J. Nuñez

Director of Global Communications and Public Relations

Source: Brightcove


What is the Brightcove AI Suite and when will it be available?

The Brightcove AI Suite is a set of AI-powered solutions integrated into Brightcove's video cloud platform. It includes five tools: AI Content Multiplier, AI Universal Translator, AI Metadata Optimizer, AI Engagement Maximizer, and AI Cost-to-Quality Optimizer. The suite is currently available for pilot testing by existing customers, with general availability planned for later in 2024.

How does Brightcove (BCOV) plan to protect customer data with its new AI Suite?

Brightcove has introduced the 'AI Pledge', committing to securely handle customer data with transparency and responsibility. They will only use data and content to train AI models with explicit permission from customers, allowing clients to decide their level of inclusion and security.

What are the main benefits of Brightcove's (BCOV) new AI Suite for customers?

The Brightcove AI Suite aims to help customers create and optimize content, grow engagement and monetization, and reduce costs of creating, managing, and delivering content without sacrificing quality. It addresses needs in content creation, management, optimization, engagement, monetization, and efficiency.

Which companies is Brightcove (BCOV) collaborating with for its AI Suite?

Brightcove is strengthening its platform by using Generative AI models from industry leaders like Anthropic, AWS, and Google. Additionally, they are integrating AI solutions from other partners, including CaptionHub and Frammer.

Brightcove, Inc.


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