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BBVA USA Bancshares reported a net income of $334 million for Q4 2020, a significant recovery from a net loss of $331 million in Q4 2019. Excluding goodwill impairments, adjusted net income was $139 million in Q4 2019. Total revenue rose to $969 million, an 18% increase from Q3 2020, while net interest income reached $667 million. However, the company recorded a full-year net loss of $1.9 billion due to previous goodwill impairment charges. Total loans decreased by 4% from Q3 2020, though total deposits rose by 15% from Q4 2019, highlighting strong liquidity despite challenges.
The BBVA Research team has released its Economic Outlook for Q1 2021, emphasizing the ongoing economic challenges due to COVID-19 and a sluggish vaccine rollout necessitating further stimulus. The report highlights the struggles of the mining, hospitality, and transportation sectors, while noting support for residential real estate from low interest rates. Political uncertainty and corporate defaults pose risks for the economy, particularly impacting labor participation and unemployment rates, especially among Black, Hispanic, and women workers. The analysis also discusses the Biden Administration's proposed fiscal stimulus and its potential inflationary effects.
BBVA Research's latest analysis reveals that U.S. unemployment figures indicate a weakening labor market as the pandemic situation worsens and fiscal support declines. In November, nonfarm payrolls increased by only 245,000, a sharp drop from 610,000 in October, and below market forecasts. A total of 56% of jobs lost since the pandemic began have been recovered, but unemployment remains nearly double pre-pandemic levels. Key sectors such as retail and professional services weakened, while education and health services showed some growth.
BBVA has agreed to sell its U.S. subsidiary to PNC for $11.6 billion (€9.7 billion), equating to 19.7 times the unit's 2019 earnings. This deal, almost 50% of BBVA's market capitalization, significantly boosts BBVA's CET1 ratio by approximately 300 basis points, generating about €8.5 billion of CET1. Post-sale, BBVA anticipates enhanced financial flexibility for investments and shareholder distributions, including potential buybacks. The transaction is expected to close mid-2021, pending regulatory approvals.
BBVA Research's latest economic analysis reveals a significant drop in the U.S. unemployment rate to 6.9% in October from 7.9% in September, driven by strong job gains, especially in the leisure and hospitality sector. However, employment remains 3.5 million below pre-pandemic levels. The analysis projects continued improvement in labor market conditions, though risks persist due to rising COVID-19 cases and economic uncertainties surrounding the 2020 election. Weekly earnings showed a 0.4% monthly increase, suggesting resilience in the job market.
BBVA USA has launched a digital Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) powered by Prosper, enhancing customer access and experience. This initiative allows customers in select states to complete online applications in minutes and receive instant offers. Early results show this platform closes HELOCs an average of 14 days faster than traditional methods. BBVA is the first bank to utilize Prosper's technology, reflecting a commitment to improving customer experience and adapting to changing consumer expectations, particularly in home financing during the pandemic.
BBVA USA has announced its sponsorship of the 2020 Iron Bowl, the annual football game between Alabama and Auburn universities, slated for November 28. The sponsorship includes naming rights and a community initiative named the Virtual Iron Bowl, benefiting Children's of Alabama. Tickets for the virtual event start at $1, with proceeds going to support the hospital's operations. The initiative emphasizes BBVA's commitment to community support while enhancing fan engagement through a charitable rivalry. Fans can purchase tickets starting November 9, and donations will be accepted until November 29.
What is the current stock price of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA)?