BlackBerry QNX Research Reveals Rising Pressure on Software Engineers Leads to Critical Trade-Offs in Safety and Security

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BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) has released new research highlighting the challenges faced by software engineers and developers in balancing rapid innovation with safety and security. The survey of 1,000 embedded software developers worldwide revealed:

- 75% of respondents admit that urgency often compromises functional safety requirements
- 74% of developers are considering switching operating systems due to challenges
- 61% of those required to meet international safety standards find it extremely or very challenging with their current OS
- Open-Source operating systems are preferred by 44% of developers but often lack necessary safety certifications
- 31% of respondents admitted their OS lacked or only partially covered necessary safety certifications
- 72% reported project delays due to security vulnerabilities in their OS

The research emphasizes the need for pre-certified, secure-by-design solutions to allow developers to focus on innovation while maintaining robust, secure systems.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) ha pubblicato una nuova ricerca che evidenzia le sfide affrontate dagli ingegneri del software e dai programmatori nel bilanciare l'innovazione rapida con la sicurezza. Il sondaggio, che ha coinvolto 1.000 sviluppatori di software embedded in tutto il mondo, ha rivelato:

- Il 75% degli intervistati ammette che l'urgenza compromette spesso i requisiti di sicurezza funzionale
- Il 74% degli sviluppatori sta considerando di cambiare sistema operativo a causa delle difficoltà
- Il 61% di coloro che devono soddisfare standard di sicurezza internazionali trovano estremamente o molto impegnativo l'attuale sistema operativo
- I sistemi operativi Open-Source sono preferiti dal 44% degli sviluppatori, ma spesso mancano delle necessarie certificazioni di sicurezza
- Il 31% degli intervistati ha ammesso che il proprio sistema operativo mancava o copriva solo parzialmente le necessarie certificazioni di sicurezza
- Il 72% ha riportato ritardi nei progetti a causa di vulnerabilità di sicurezza nel proprio sistema operativo

La ricerca sottolinea la necessità di soluzioni pre-certificate e sicure per design, per consentire agli sviluppatori di concentrarsi sull'innovazione mantenendo sistemi robusti e sicuri.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) ha lanzado una nueva investigación que destaca los desafíos que enfrentan los ingenieros de software y desarrolladores para equilibrar la rápida innovación con la seguridad. La encuesta a 1.000 desarrolladores de software embebido en todo el mundo reveló:

- El 75% de los encuestados admite que la urgencia a menudo compromete los requisitos de seguridad funcional
- El 74% de los desarrolladores está considerando cambiar de sistema operativo debido a los desafíos
- El 61% de aquellos que deben cumplir con estándares de seguridad internacionales encuentran extremadamente o muy desafiante su sistema operativo actual
- Los sistemas operativos Open-Source son preferidos por el 44% de los desarrolladores, pero a menudo carecen de las certificaciones de seguridad necesarias
- El 31% de los encuestados admitió que su sistema operativo carecía o solo cubría parcialmente las certificaciones de seguridad necesarias
- El 72% informó retrasos en los proyectos debido a vulnerabilidades de seguridad en su sistema operativo

La investigación enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones pre-certificadas y seguras por diseño, permitiendo a los desarrolladores enfocarse en la innovación mientras mantienen sistemas robustos y seguros.

블랙베리 (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB)는 소프트웨어 엔지니어와 개발자들이 빠른 혁신과 안전 및 보안 간의 균형을 맞추는 데 직면하는 문제를 강조하는 새로운 연구를 발표했습니다. 전 세계 1,000명의 임베디드 소프트웨어 개발자를 대상으로 한 설문 조사에서 다음과 같은 결과를 보였습니다:

- 응답자의 75%는 긴박감이 기능 안전 요구 사항을 종종 타협한다고 인정했습니다.
- 개발자 중 74%는 어려움 때문에 운영 체제를 변경하는 것을 고려하고 있습니다.
- 61%는 국제 안전 기준을 충족해야 하는 사람 중 현재 OS로 인해 매우 어렵거나 극히 어려운 상황이라고 생각하고 있습니다.
- 오픈 소스 운영 체제는 44%의 개발자에게 선호되지만 종종 필요한 안전 인증이 부족합니다.
- 응답자의 31%는 자신의 OS가 필요한 안전 인증을 결여하거나 부분적으로만 갖추고 있다고 인정했습니다.
- 72%는 자신의 OS에서 보안 취약점으로 인해 프로젝트 지연이 발생했다고 보고했습니다.

이 연구는 개발자들이 혁신에 집중하면서 강력하고 안전한 시스템을 유지할 수 있도록 사전 인증된, 설계상 안전한 솔루션의 필요성을 강조합니다.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) a publié une nouvelle recherche mettant en lumière les défis rencontrés par les ingénieurs logiciels et les développeurs pour équilibrer l'innovation rapide avec la sécurité. L'enquête auprès de 1 000 développeurs de logiciels embarqués dans le monde a révélé :

- 75% des répondants admettent que l'urgence compromet souvent les exigences de sécurité fonctionnelle
- 74% des développeurs envisagent de changer de système d'exploitation en raison des défis rencontrés
- 61% des personnes tenues de respecter des normes de sécurité internationales trouvent cela extrêmement ou très difficile avec leur système d'exploitation actuel
- Les systèmes d'exploitation Open-Source sont préférés par 44% des développeurs, mais manquent souvent des certificats de sécurité nécessaires
- 31% des répondants ont admis que leur système d'exploitation manquait ou couvrait seulement partiellement les certifications de sécurité nécessaires
- 72% ont signalé des retards dans les projets en raison de vulnérabilités de sécurité dans leur système d'exploitation.

La recherche souligne la nécessité de solutions pré-certifiées et sécurisées par conception pour permettre aux développeurs de se concentrer sur l'innovation tout en maintenant des systèmes robustes et sécurisés.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) hat eine neue Forschung veröffentlicht, die die Herausforderungen hervorhebt, vor denen Software-Ingenieure und Entwickler stehen, wenn es darum geht, schnelle Innovation mit Sicherheit und Schutz in Einklang zu bringen. Die Umfrage unter 1.000 Embedded-Softwareentwicklern weltweit ergab:

- 75% der Befragten geben zu, dass Dringlichkeit oft die funktionalen Sicherheitsanforderungen beeinträchtigt
- 74% der Entwickler ziehen in Erwägung, aufgrund der Herausforderungen das Betriebssystem zu wechseln
- 61% derjenigen, die internationalen Sicherheitsstandards entsprechen müssen, empfinden es mit ihrem aktuellen Betriebssystem als extrem oder sehr herausfordernd
- Open-Source-Betriebssysteme werden von 44% der Entwickler bevorzugt, fehlen jedoch oft die erforderlichen Sicherheitszertifizierungen
- 31% der Befragten gaben zu, dass ihr Betriebssystem erforderliche Sicherheitszertifizierungen nicht oder nur teilweise erfüllt
- 72% berichteten von Projektverzögerungen aufgrund von Sicherheitsanfälligkeiten in ihrem Betriebssystem.

Die Forschung betont die Notwendigkeit von vorab zertifizierten, sicherheitsorientierten Lösungen, damit Entwickler sich auf Innovationen konzentrieren und gleichzeitig robuste, sichere Systeme aufrechterhalten können.

  • BlackBerry QNX's research provides valuable insights into the embedded software development industry
  • The company offers pre-certified software solutions to help organizations meet goals without compromising safety and security
  • No specific financial or business performance data for BlackBerry is provided in the press release
  • The research highlights industry-wide challenges that could potentially impact BlackBerry's market position in the embedded software sector


This research highlights critical challenges in embedded software development, particularly the tension between rapid innovation and safety. The finding that 75% of developers compromise on safety due to deadlines is alarming, indicating a systemic issue in the industry. The widespread consideration (74%) to switch operating systems suggests significant dissatisfaction with current solutions.

The preference for open-source platforms (44%) is noteworthy, but their lack of safety certifications is a major concern. The average cost of $591,000 and 154 hours to meet safety standards is substantial, potentially impacting project viability. Security vulnerabilities causing delays for 72% of projects further compounds these issues.

For BlackBerry QNX, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Their focus on pre-certified, secure-by-design solutions directly addresses the pain points identified in the survey. However, the company needs to balance this advantage against the strong preference for open-source solutions in the market.

The security findings in this survey are concerning. With 46% of open-source and 40% of proprietary systems experiencing breaches, it's clear that security remains a significant challenge across the board. The average 5-week delay in applying security patches is particularly alarming, as it leaves systems vulnerable for extended periods.

The fact that 72% of projects face delays due to security vulnerabilities highlights the real-world impact of these issues. It's not just about potential breaches, but also about project timelines and overall efficiency. This underscores the need for robust, secure-by-design solutions that can minimize these risks and delays.

BlackBerry QNX's emphasis on security could be a strong selling point, especially if they can demonstrate tangible benefits in terms of reduced vulnerabilities and faster patch cycles. However, they'll need to address the preference for open-source solutions while maintaining their security advantages.

This research reveals significant market dynamics in the embedded software industry. The high percentage (74%) of developers considering switching operating systems indicates a market ripe for disruption. Key factors driving this potential shift include security concerns (36%) and performance issues (28%).

The tension between open-source preference and safety certification needs presents a unique market opportunity. While 44% prefer open-source, the challenges in meeting safety standards with these platforms suggest a gap that BlackBerry QNX could exploit with its pre-certified solutions.

The average project delay of one month due to OS-related issues represents significant potential cost savings for companies that can avoid these delays. BlackBerry QNX should quantify and emphasize these potential savings in their marketing efforts. However, they must also address the strong preference for open-source solutions, possibly by highlighting the hidden costs and risks associated with non-certified platforms.

75% of Developers Admit Deadline Urgency Often Compromises Functional Safety, Highlighting the Tension Between Rapid Innovation and Maintaining Certified, Robust Systems

WATERLOO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / BlackBerry Limited (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB), today unveiled new research highlighting the mounting pressure on software engineers and developers to balance rapid innovation with safety and security. The comprehensive survey of 1,000 embedded software developers and engineers from around the world revealed the growing tension between meeting tight project deadlines and maintaining functional safety, with 75% of respondents acknowledging that urgency often forces them to compromise on key safety requirements.

Widespread Frustration Leads 74% of Developers to Consider Switching Operating Systems

While developers cite security (54%), cost control (52%) and safety certifications (48%) as their ‘top' considerations when selecting an operating system, the survey also highlights significant downstream challenges in each of these areas that have made the vast majority (74%) of respondents open to changing their existing OS. Indeed, of those required to meet international safety standards, 61% say it is extremely or very challenging to meet these specific standards with their current OS. Security concerns (36%) and lackluster performance issues (28%) are the two main reasons respondents are considering changing their current OS.

Open-Source Platforms Preferred Yet Fall Short on Safety Standards

Open-Source operating systems are the preferred foundational platform for almost half (44%) of developers, with an additional 25% indicating no preference for either Open-Source or proprietary offerings. Open-Source platforms are often adopted within development environments due to widespread familiarity with the technology and their open availability, but critically, they do not carry the same safety certifications as many proprietary options which go through rigorous verification and testing to achieve; validating and verifying each stage of the development process to ensure stringent international safety requirements are met.

"As we enter the era of 'Software-Defined Everything,' where devices and infrastructure increasingly rely on software for operations, new features, and innovation, the importance of functional safety (FuSa) and security are paramount," said John Wall, SVP and Head of BlackBerry QNX. "While 90% of organizations surveyed recognize this as a priority, developers are under growing pressure to meet deadlines and budgets, which is why pre-certified software is so important to enabling organizations to not only meet their goals but do so without compromise."

Safety Certification Gaps Cause Costly Delays and Compliance Issues

Worryingly, the survey also revealed that nearly a third (31%) of all respondents admitted that their OS lacked the necessary safety certifications or only had ‘some' of them covered. This gap has no doubt contributed to delays for two-thirds of organizations as they grapple with the complexity, time, and cost-averaging $591,000 and 154 hours of company resources-needed to meet evolving safety standards.

Security Vulnerabilities and Breaches Lead to Project Delays

Security also remains a pain point for developers, particularly for Open-Source operating systems, which are more likely to experience a breach (46% vs. 40% for proprietary systems). Of those who have encountered a security breach or vulnerability in their OS, 72% reported delays in project timelines directly due to security vulnerabilities, further exacerbating the challenges of maintaining both innovation and robust, secure systems.

"To thrive in a software-driven world, developers need an OS that prioritizes safety and security," added Wall. "Pre-certified, secure-by-design solutions allow teams to focus on innovation rather than troubleshooting. Choosing the right OS can significantly transform your business by minimizing headaches and enhancing efficiency."

Other key findings include:

  • While 73% of organizations prioritize operating system security, the frequency of applying security patches varies, with a notable average of 5 weeks between updates.

  • Operating system issues can have a significant impact on project timelines, with 34% of organizations reporting that they have missed deadlines due to OS-related problems, with the average delay globally being one month.

For more information on how BlackBerry QNX's portfolio of embedded software solutions can help accelerate safety-certification, ensure reliability and reduce development time, visit BlackBerry QNX.

Methodology: Research was conducted in from July to September by Coleman Parkes and commissioned by BlackBerry QNX, surveying 1,000 embedded software developers and engineers across North America (USA and Canada), Europe (UK, France, and Germany), and APAC (Japan, South Korea).

About BlackBerry

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments around the world. The company's software powers over 235M vehicles. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety, and data privacy solutions, and is a leader in the areas of endpoint management, endpoint security, encryption, and embedded systems. BlackBerry's vision is clear - to secure a connected future you can trust.

Trademarks, including but not limited to BLACKBERRY and EMBLEM Design, are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BlackBerry is not responsible for any third-party products or services.

Media Contacts:

BlackBerry Media Relations
+1 (519) 597-7273

SOURCE: BlackBerry QNX

View the original press release on


What percentage of developers admit to compromising functional safety due to deadline pressure according to BlackBerry's (BB) research?

According to BlackBerry's (BB) research, 75% of developers admit that deadline urgency often forces them to compromise on key functional safety requirements.

How many embedded software developers are considering switching operating systems based on BlackBerry's (BB) survey?

BlackBerry's (BB) survey reveals that 74% of embedded software developers are considering changing their existing operating system due to various challenges.

What percentage of organizations have missed deadlines due to OS-related problems according to BlackBerry's (BB) research?

BlackBerry's (BB) research shows that 34% of organizations have missed deadlines due to operating system-related problems, with an average delay of one month globally.

How much does it cost organizations on average to meet evolving safety standards according to BlackBerry's (BB) survey?

According to BlackBerry's (BB) survey, organizations spend an average of $591,000 and 154 hours of company resources to meet evolving safety standards.

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