Campbell Police Department Secures Groundbreaking Waiver for 24/7 Drone as First Responder (DFR) Operations

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Axon announced that the Campbell Police Department in California received a groundbreaking FAA waiver for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations in its Drone as First Responder (DFR) program. This first-of-its-kind approval includes nighttime operations and allows the department to fly missions using DedroneBeyond technology without visual observers.

The waiver enables 24/7 drone use, improving response times and safety. Campbell PD can now use DedroneBeyond's ground-based detect and avoid system for both daytime and nighttime operations, with drones deployed up to 400 feet altitude. The DFR program integrates technology from Dedrone by Axon, Axon Air Remote powered by DroneSense, and MatrixSpace, providing a unified view for airspace awareness and mission control.

Axon ha annunciato che il Dipartimento di Polizia di Campbell in California ha ricevuto un importante permesso FAA per operazioni oltre la linea visiva (BVLOS) nel suo programma Drone come Primo Rispondente (DFR). Questa approvazione unica nel suo genere include operazioni notturne e consente al dipartimento di effettuare missioni utilizzando la tecnologia DedroneBeyond senza osservatori visivi.

Il permesso consente un uso dei droni 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, migliorando i tempi di risposta e la sicurezza. Il Campbell PD può ora utilizzare il sistema di rilevamento e evitamento a terra di DedroneBeyond per operazioni sia diurne che notturne, con droni dispiegati fino a un'altitudine di 400 piedi. Il programma DFR integra la tecnologia di Dedrone di Axon, Axon Air Remote supportato da DroneSense e MatrixSpace, fornendo una visione unificata per la consapevolezza dello spazio aereo e il controllo delle missioni.

Axon anunció que el Departamento de Policía de Campbell en California recibió una autorización innovadora de la FAA para operaciones más allá de la línea visual (BVLOS) en su programa Drone como Primer Respondedor (DFR). Esta aprobación sin precedentes incluye operaciones nocturnas y permite que el departamento realice misiones utilizando la tecnología DedroneBeyond sin observadores visuales.

La autorización permite el uso de drones 24/7, mejorando los tiempos de respuesta y la seguridad. El Campbell PD puede ahora utilizar el sistema de detección y evitación basado en tierra de DedroneBeyond para operaciones tanto diurnas como nocturnas, con drones desplegados hasta una altitud de 400 pies. El programa DFR integra tecnología de Dedrone de Axon, Axon Air Remote potenciado por DroneSense y MatrixSpace, proporcionando una vista unificada para la conciencia del espacio aéreo y el control de misiones.

Axon은 캘리포니아 캠벨 경찰서가 드론을 최초 응답자로 사용하는 프로그램(DFR)에서 눈에 보이지 않는 선(BVLOS) 작전을 위한 획기적인 FAA 면허를 받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 유형의 최초 승인은 야간 작전을 포함하며, 부서가 시각 관찰자 없이 DedroneBeyond 기술을 사용하여 임무를 수행할 수 있게 합니다.

이 면허는 24/7 드론 사용을 가능하게 하여 응답 시간과 안전성을 향상시킵니다. 캠벨 PD는 이제 DedroneBeyond의 지상 기반 탐지 및 회피 시스템을 낮과 밤 모두 수행할 수 있으며, 드론이 최대 400피트 고도로 배치될 수 있습니다. DFR 프로그램은 Axon의 Dedrone 기술, DroneSense에 의해 구동되는 Axon Air Remote, 그리고 MatrixSpace의 기술을 통합하여 공역 인식과 임무 관리를 위한 통합된 관점을 제공합니다.

Axon a annoncé que le Département de police de Campbell en Californie a reçu une exception innovante de la FAA pour des opérations au-delà de la ligne de vue (BVLOS) dans son programme Drone comme Premier Intervenant (DFR). Cette approbation sans précédent inclut des opérations nocturnes et permet au département de réaliser des missions en utilisant la technologie DedroneBeyond sans observateurs visuels.

Cette exception permet un usage de drone 24/7, améliorant les temps de réponse et la sécurité. Le Campbell PD peut désormais utiliser le système de détection et d'évitement basé au sol de DedroneBeyond pour des opérations diurnes et nocturnes, avec des drones déployés jusqu'à une altitude de 400 pieds. Le programme DFR intègre la technologie de Dedrone par Axon, Axon Air Remote alimenté par DroneSense, et MatrixSpace, offrant une vue unifiée pour la sensibilisation à l'espace aérien et le contrôle des missions.

Axon gab bekannt, dass die Polizei von Campbell in Kalifornien eine bahnbrechende FAA-Genehmigung für Operationen außerhalb der Sichtlinie (BVLOS) in ihrem Programm „Drohne als Ersthelfer“ (DFR) erhalten hat. Diese einmalige Genehmigung umfasst nächtliche Operationen und erlaubt es der Dienststelle, Missionen mit DedroneBeyond-Technologie ohne visuelle Beobachter durchzuführen.

Die Genehmigung ermöglicht 24/7-Drohnenbetrieb, verbessert die Reaktionszeiten und die Sicherheit. Die Polizei von Campbell kann nun das bodengestützte Detektions- und Vermeidungssystem von DedroneBeyond sowohl tagsüber als auch nachts nutzen, wobei Drohnen bis zu einer Höhe von 400 Fuß eingesetzt werden. Das DFR-Programm integriert Technologien von Dedrone durch Axon, Axon Air Remote unterstützt von DroneSense und MatrixSpace, um einen einheitlichen Überblick über den Luftraum und die Missionskontrolle zu bieten.

  • FAA approval for 24/7 drone operations without visual observers
  • Improved emergency response capabilities and situational awareness
  • Integration of advanced technology from industry partners
  • Potential for faster and more effective emergency response
  • None.


This FAA waiver for Campbell Police Department marks a significant advancement in drone technology for law enforcement. The ability to operate drones 24/7 without visual observers using DedroneBeyond's AI-driven system is a game-changer for Drone as First Responder (DFR) programs. This technology allows for:

  • Faster emergency response times
  • Improved situational awareness for officers
  • More efficient resource allocation
  • Enhanced safety for both officers and the public

The integration of Dedrone by Axon, Axon Air Remote and MatrixSpace technologies creates a comprehensive system for airspace awareness and mission control. This could potentially lead to increased adoption of DFR programs nationwide, boosting demand for Axon's drone-related products and services. However, it's important to note that widespread implementation may face regulatory hurdles and public privacy concerns. The success of this program in Campbell could serve as a model for other departments, potentially expanding Axon's market in the law enforcement drone sector.

The FAA's groundbreaking waiver for Campbell PD sets a significant legal precedent in drone operations for law enforcement. This decision indicates a shift in regulatory approach, potentially paving the way for similar approvals nationwide. Key legal implications include:

  • Expanded operational capabilities under part 91.113(b)
  • Reduced liability concerns related to visual observer requirements
  • Potential challenges to privacy laws and Fourth Amendment considerations

While this waiver represents progress, it may also invite scrutiny from civil liberties groups concerned about surveillance. Axon and its partners must navigate these legal waters carefully, ensuring compliance with evolving regulations and addressing privacy concerns proactively. The success of this program could influence future legislation and policy-making regarding drone use in law enforcement, potentially creating new market opportunities for companies like Axon that can demonstrate responsible and effective implementation of advanced drone technologies.

FAA Waiver Allows Campbell PD to Deploy DedroneBeyond for Drone-Agnostic Day and Night DFR Operations Without a Visual Observer

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Axon (Nasdaq: AXON), the global leader in public safety technologies, today announced that the Campbell Police Department in California received a groundbreaking waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations as part of its Drone as a First Responder (DFR) program. This approval is the first of its kind to include nighttime operations and allows Campbell Police Department to fly missions using Dedrone by Axon's cutting-edge DedroneBeyond technology without the need for visual observers.

Drone as First Responder (DFR) programs are changing how emergencies are handled by providing real-time situational awareness that improves response times and safety. With DFR, police can deploy drones as soon as 911 calls are received, giving them a clear picture of the situation before officers arrive. Until now, operating drones at night has been restricted due to visibility issues, limiting the full potential of DFR programs after dark.

Since starting its DFR program in 2022, Campbell Police Department has used a human visual observer with a daytime waiver for BVLOS operations. This has allowed the agency to get critical information from the air, helping them allocate resources more effectively and improve safety. With the FAA's latest approval under part 91.113(b), Campbell Police Department can now use DedroneBeyond's ground-based detect and avoid system for both daytime and nighttime operations, removing the need for human observers and enabling 24/7 drone use.

Acting as the virtual visual observer, DedroneBeyond operates with a remote pilot from a control center nearby and enables drones to be rapidly deployed, ascend to an approved altitude of up to 400 feet, and travel the most efficient route to incidents at any time of day and in any weather. AI-driven sensor fusion technology safely detects and avoids crewed aircraft without false alarms interrupting the mission. Once at the scene, the drone can either land or monitor from a safe and approved altitude.

The Campbell Police Department's DFR program integrates advanced technology from leading industry partners, including Dedrone by Axon, Axon Air Remote powered by DroneSense, and MatrixSpace. This collaboration gives remote drone operators a unified view for airspace awareness, deconfliction and mission control.

Chief Gary Berg of the Campbell Police Department said: "This FAA approval is a major milestone for our department and our community. With the ability to conduct drone operations day or night without the need for visual observers, we can respond faster and more effectively to emergencies, improving both officer and public safety. This technology is a game changer in ensuring we have the tools to support our community when it matters most."

Aaditya Devarakonda, Chief Executive Officer of Dedrone by Axon, said: "Dedrone is excited to partner with the Campbell Police Department as they take this significant step forward in enhancing public safety with their DFR program. The FAA's approval for BVLOS operations is a transformative moment, not only for Campbell PD but for law enforcement nationwide. We commend the FAA for its forward-thinking approach to unlock cutting-edge technologies that enhance safety within the National Airspace System (NAS)."

Axon will be showcasing its latest technology, including innovative solutions for Drone as First Responder programs, at the IACP Annual Conference in Boston from October 19-22. To learn more about the Intelligence Revolution Axon is leading in public safety, stay tuned to Axon's blog.

About Axon
Axon is the global technology leader in public safety, building the operating system of the future through integrated hardware devices and cloud software solutions that drive modern policing, defense and enterprise security. Axon's growing customer base spans international, federal, state and local law enforcement, fire, corrections, emergency medical services, and the justice sector, as well as commercial enterprises and consumers.

Dedrone by Axon is the leader in airspace security, providing a comprehensive command and control solution that protects against the rising threat of unauthorized drones while enabling approved drones to operate. Hundreds of commercial, government, and military customers rely on Dedrone's autonomous, multi-sensor and multi-mitigation system for continuous drone monitoring and defense.

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What is the significance of Campbell Police Department's FAA waiver for drone operations?

The FAA waiver allows Campbell PD to conduct 24/7 drone operations without visual observers, including nighttime flights, using DedroneBeyond technology. This is a first-of-its-kind approval, enabling more efficient and effective emergency response.

How does the DedroneBeyond technology enhance Campbell PD's Drone as First Responder program?

DedroneBeyond acts as a virtual visual observer, allowing drones to be rapidly deployed up to 400 feet altitude. It uses AI-driven sensor fusion technology to safely detect and avoid crewed aircraft, enabling efficient drone operations without human observers.

What partners are involved in Campbell Police Department's DFR program?

Campbell PD's DFR program integrates technology from Dedrone by Axon, Axon Air Remote powered by DroneSense, and MatrixSpace. This collaboration provides a unified view for airspace awareness, deconfliction, and mission control.

How might this FAA waiver impact other law enforcement agencies' drone programs?

This waiver sets a precedent for other law enforcement agencies, potentially leading to more widespread adoption of 24/7 drone operations without visual observers, improving emergency response capabilities nationwide.

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