New Consumer Report from Aware Reveals Widespread Trust in Biometrics

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Aware's '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics Report' reveals widespread adoption of biometric authentication, with over 50% of users authenticating daily using biometrics. Key findings include:

1. 62% of respondents have never refrained from using biometrics due to trust issues.
2. Security and convenience are the main drivers for biometric use.
3. Consumers seek clear policies on biometric data management.
4. Over 50% are comfortable using biometrics in public spaces.
5. Transparent communication about data use would increase trust for more than half of respondents.
6. Trust in biometrics is highest in banking and lowest in online gambling.

The report suggests a significant opportunity for brands to build trust by addressing consumer concerns about data usage and offering alternative authentication options.

Il rapporto '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics' di Aware rivela una diffusa adozione dell'autenticazione biometrica, con oltre il 50% degli utenti che si autenticano quotidianamente utilizzando le biometrie. I principali risultati includono:

1. Il 62% degli intervistati non ha mai esitato a utilizzare le biometrie a causa di problemi di fiducia.
2. La sicurezza e la comodità sono i principali motivi per l'uso delle biometrie.
3. I consumatori cercano politiche chiare sulla gestione dei dati biometrici.
4. Oltre il 50% si sente a proprio agio nell'utilizzare le biometrie in spazi pubblici.
5. Una comunicazione trasparente sull'uso dei dati aumenterebbe la fiducia per oltre la metà degli intervistati.
6. La fiducia nelle biometrie è più alta nel settore bancario e più bassa nel gioco d'azzardo online.

Il rapporto suggerisce un'importante opportunità per i brand di costruire fiducia affrontando le preoccupazioni dei consumatori sull'uso dei dati e offrendo opzioni di autenticazione alternative.

El informe '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics' de Aware revela una amplia adopción de la autenticación biométrica, con más del 50% de los usuarios autenticándose a diario utilizando biometría. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. El 62% de los encuestados nunca ha dejado de usar biometría debido a problemas de confianza.
2. La seguridad y la conveniencia son los principales motores del uso de biometría.
3. Los consumidores buscan políticas claras sobre la gestión de datos biométricos.
4. Más del 50% se siente cómodo usando biometría en espacios públicos.
5. Una comunicación transparente sobre el uso de datos aumentaría la confianza de más de la mitad de los encuestados.
6. La confianza en la biometría es más alta en el sector bancario y más baja en las apuestas en línea.

El informe sugiere una oportunidad significativa para que las marcas construyan confianza abordando las preocupaciones de los consumidores sobre el uso de datos y ofreciendo opciones de autenticación alternativas.

Aware의 '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics Report'는 생체 인식 인증의 광범위한 채택을 드러내며, 사용자의 50% 이상이 매일 생체 인식을 통해 인증을 받고 있습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 응답자의 62%는 신뢰 문제로 인해 생체 인식 사용을 주저한 적이 없다.
2. 보안과 편리함이 생체 인식 사용의 주요 동기입니다.
3. 소비자는 생체 데이터 관리에 대한 명확한 정책을 원합니다.
4. 50% 이상이 공공 장소에서 생체 인식을 사용하는 데 편안함을 느낍니다.
5. 데이터 사용에 대한 투명한 소통이 응답자의 절반 이상에게 신뢰를 높일 것입니다.
6. 생체 인식에 대한 신뢰는 금융 분야에서 가장 높고, 온라인 도박 분야에서 가장 낮습니다.

이 보고서는 브랜드가 데이터 사용에 대한 소비자의 우려를 해결하고 대체 인증 옵션을 제공함으로써 신뢰를 구축할 수 있는 중요한 기회가 있음을 시사합니다.

Le rapport '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics' d'Aware révèle une adoption généralisée de l'authentification biométrique, avec plus de 50 % des utilisateurs qui s'authentifient quotidiennement par le biais de la biométrie. Les principales conclusions incluent :

1. 62 % des répondants n'ont jamais hésité à utiliser la biométrie en raison de problèmes de confiance.
2. La sécurité et la commodité sont les principaux moteurs de l'utilisation de la biométrie.
3. Les consommateurs recherchent des politiques claires sur la gestion des données biométriques.
4. Plus de 50 % se sentent à l'aise d'utiliser la biométrie dans des espaces publics.
5. Une communication transparente sur l'utilisation des données augmenterait la confiance de plus de la moitié des répondants.
6. La confiance dans la biométrie est la plus élevée dans le domaine bancaire et la plus basse dans les jeux d'argent en ligne.

Le rapport suggère une opportunité significative pour les marques de renforcer la confiance en répondant aux préoccupations des consommateurs concernant l'utilisation des données et en offrant des options d'authentification alternatives.

Der Bericht '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics' von Aware zeigt eine weit verbreitete Akzeptanz biometrischer Authentifizierung, wobei über 50 % der Nutzer täglich biometrische Verfahren zur Authentifizierung nutzen. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

1. 62 % der Befragten haben nie aus Vertrauensgründen auf biometrische Verfahren verzichtet.
2. Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind die Hauptgründe für die Nutzung von Biometrie.
3. Verbraucher suchen nach klaren Richtlinien zur Verwaltung biometrischer Daten.
4. Über 50 % fühlen sich in öffentlichen Räumen wohl, wenn sie Biometrie verwenden.
5. Eine transparente Kommunikation über die Datennutzung würde das Vertrauen von mehr als der Hälfte der Befragten stärken.
6. Das Vertrauen in Biometrie ist im Bankwesen am höchsten und im Online-Glücksspiel am niedrigsten.

Der Bericht deutet auf eine bedeutende Möglichkeit für Marken hin, Vertrauen aufzubauen, indem sie die Bedenken der Verbraucher hinsichtlich der Datennutzung ansprechen und alternative Authentifizierungsoptionen anbieten.

  • Over 50% of users authenticate with biometrics daily, indicating mass adoption
  • 62% of respondents have never refrained from using biometrics due to trust issues
  • Over 50% of respondents are comfortable using biometric technology in public places
  • 60% stated that opt-out alternatives and user-controlled privacy settings would increase trust in biometrics
  • Trust in biometrics is highest in the banking sector
  • Over 40% of respondents are neutral, uncomfortable, or very uncomfortable with using biometrics in public places
  • Majority of respondents felt neutral or uninformed about how their biometric data is used and stored
  • Trust in biometrics is lowest in the online gambling sector
  • Trust in biometrics is lower among older generations compared to Gen Z


The Aware Consumer Trust in Biometrics Report reveals significant trends in biometric adoption and consumer attitudes. Over 50% of users now authenticate with biometrics daily, indicating a clear path to mass adoption. This widespread acceptance presents substantial growth opportunities for Aware (AWRE) and other biometric technology providers.

Key findings include:

  • 62% of respondents have never refrained from using biometrics due to trust issues
  • Over 50% are comfortable using biometrics in public spaces
  • Transparent communication about data use would increase trust for more than half of respondents
  • 60% stated opt-out alternatives and user-controlled privacy settings would boost trust

These insights suggest a growing market for biometric solutions, particularly those emphasizing data security and user control. For Aware, this presents opportunities to develop products that address consumer concerns while capitalizing on the increasing acceptance of biometric technology.

However, the report also highlights challenges, such as lower trust among older generations and in certain sectors like online gambling. Aware may need to tailor its marketing and product development strategies to address these specific demographic and industry concerns to maximize market penetration.

The widespread adoption of biometric authentication, as revealed in Aware's report, signals a significant shift in the tech landscape. With over 50% of users authenticating biometrically daily, we're witnessing a tipping point in user behavior that could reshape the entire digital security paradigm.

This trend is likely driven by the integration of biometric sensors in smartphones and laptops, making the technology accessible and convenient. For Aware (AWRE), this presents a substantial opportunity to expand its market share and develop more sophisticated biometric solutions.

However, the report also highlights a critical challenge: the majority of respondents feel uninformed about how their biometric data is used and stored. This knowledge gap represents both a risk and an opportunity for Aware. By addressing these concerns through transparent communication and robust data protection measures, Aware could differentiate itself in a competitive market.

The generational divide in trust levels is another important factor. Aware may need to develop tailored solutions and marketing strategies to appeal to older demographics, potentially focusing on ease of use and enhanced security features to overcome skepticism.

Comprehensive Survey Highlights Widespread Biometric Adoption, Yet Calls for Better Data Security Practices

BURLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Consumers are increasingly adopting biometrics as this technology becomes more integrated into everyday devices like smartphones and laptops. More than 50 percent of all users now authenticate with biometrics daily, signaling a clear path toward mass adoption. However, consumers have a keen awareness of the sensitivity of their biometric data and are looking to use biometrics with providers who have clear policies around data management.

These trends are among the key findings from Aware’s newly released '2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics Report,' which reveals important insights into consumers’ perceptions and usage of biometric authentication. Aware’s team conducted a diverse survey of U.S. consumers with questions aimed at uncovering their perceptions, knowledge, usage and concerns about biometric authentication.

The results: an in-depth understanding of consumer sentiment and experiences surrounding biometric authentication usage.

“An overwhelming majority of respondents agree that biometric technology will become more prevalent over the next five years. This isn’t altogether surprising, given that consumers generally recognize biometrics’ superiority to passwords in the areas of security, convenience, and speed of access,” says Heidi Hunter, Chief Product Officer, Aware.

“However, what’s remarkable is that a large percentage of respondents stated they are more willing to trust some organizations than others, based on a demonstrated ability to responsibly collect and manage biometric data. Clearly, the desire for convenience and speed is winning out, because the rise in use cases is expanding. But we think there’s a huge opportunity for brands to build on the benefits of offering biometrics by clearly communicating with consumers, addressing their concerns about data usage and offering alternative authentication options.”

Other key findings from the survey include:

  • Consumers are more comfortable with biometrics than you think: over half of those polled indicated they use biometric authentication technology regularly; nearly 50 percent state they use biometric authentication “often” or “always” to access mobile apps.
  • Security and convenience are the two main reasons for using biometric authentication, and they tend to hold more clout than trust concerns - 62 percent of respondents noted they have never refrained from using the technology as a result of trust issues.
  • Still, significant concerns linger, especially when it comes to data breaches and trust in supporting technologies. An overwhelming majority of respondents felt neutral or uninformed about how their biometric data is used and stored by companies.
  • While over 50 percent of respondents are either very comfortable or comfortable with using biometric technology in public places like airports and stadiums, over 40 percent are still either neutral, uncomfortable, or very uncomfortable with this idea.
  • For more than one half of respondents, transparent communications from companies about biometric data use would change their trust in biometrics. In addition, 60 percent of all respondents stated that offering opt-out alternatives and user-controlled privacy settings would increase their trust in biometric technologies.
  • Across industries, trust is lowest in the online gambling sector and highest in banking; also trust in biometrics is higher among Gen Z and lower across older generations including Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers.

“Companies are looking for ways to drive brand loyalty by delivering great user experiences combined with the utmost in security. Biometric authentication can be the answer, and if they’re hesitating because they’re unsure if it will be accepted, that should not be a concern,” concludes Hunter. “Our survey clearly demonstrates that consumers are very comfortable with biometrics, and companies can reap further customer loyalty benefits if they work with the right partners and position themselves as excellent stewards of biometric data.”

For more information on the survey, visit here.

About Aware
Aware is a global biometric platform company that uses data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to tackle everyday business and identity challenges through biometrics. For over 30 years we’ve been a trusted name in the field. Aware’s offerings address the growing challenges that government and commercial enterprises face in knowing, authenticating and securing individuals through frictionless and highly secure user experiences. Our algorithms are based on diverse operational data sets from around the world, and we prioritize making biometric technology in an ethical and responsible manner. Aware is a publicly held company (NASDAQ: AWRE) based in Burlington, Massachusetts. To learn more, visit our website or follow us on LinkedIn and X.

Safe Harbor Warning
Portions of this release contain forward-looking statements regarding future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties, such as our expectations regarding our new product. Aware wishes to caution you that there are factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results indicated by such statements, including the risks that i) a significant commercial market for biometrics technology may not develop, and if it does, we may not be successful in that market; ii) the biometrics market may not experience significant growth or our products may not achieve broad acceptance; iii) we face intense competition from other biometrics solution providers; iv) our business is subject to rapid technological change; v) our software products may have errors, defects or bugs which could harm our business; and vi) part of our future business is dependent on market demand for, and acceptance of, the cloud-based model for the use of software. We refer you to the documents Aware files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the section titled Risk Factors in our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and other reports and filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Company Contact
Delaney Gembis
Aware, Inc.


What percentage of users authenticate with biometrics daily according to Aware's 2024 report?

According to Aware's 2024 Consumer Trust in Biometrics Report, more than 50% of users authenticate with biometrics daily.

What are the main reasons consumers use biometric authentication, as per Aware's report?

The report indicates that security and convenience are the two main reasons for using biometric authentication.

How many respondents in Aware's survey have never refrained from using biometrics due to trust issues?

62% of respondents noted they have never refrained from using biometric technology as a result of trust issues.

In which industry sector is trust in biometrics highest, according to Aware's 2024 report?

According to the report, trust in biometrics is highest in the banking sector.

What percentage of respondents would increase their trust in biometrics with opt-out alternatives and user-controlled privacy settings?

60% of all respondents stated that offering opt-out alternatives and user-controlled privacy settings would increase their trust in biometric technologies.

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