Missouri American Water Announces Recipients of 2024 Firefighter Grant Program

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Missouri American Water has announced the recipients of its 2024 Firefighter Grant Program, awarding over $46,000 to fire departments and emergency response organizations across the state. The annual program, which began in 2016, provides critical funding for equipment, training, and community education. 39 fire departments will receive grants this year, bringing the total number of grants awarded since the program's inception to nearly 290.

Rich Svindland, president of Missouri American Water, emphasized the importance of fire protection in community vitality. The company is investing more than $500 million this year to improve service and reliability, including upsizing older water mains to enhance fire protection. Missouri American Water also maintains and annually tests 44,000 fire hydrants throughout its service area.

Missouri American Water ha annunciato i destinatari del suo Programma di Sovvenzioni per Vigili del Fuoco 2024, assegnando oltre $46.000 a dipartimenti di vigili del fuoco e organizzazioni di risposta alle emergenze in tutto lo stato. Il programma annuale, avviato nel 2016, fornisce finanziamenti fondamentali per attrezzature, formazione ed educazione della comunità. 39 dipartimenti dei vigili del fuoco riceveranno sovvenzioni quest'anno, portando il numero totale di sovvenzioni assegnate dalla creazione del programma a quasi 290.

Rich Svindland, presidente di Missouri American Water, ha sottolineato l'importanza della protezione antincendio nella vitalità della comunità. L'azienda sta investendo più di $500 milioni quest'anno per migliorare il servizio e l'affidabilità, inclusa la sostituzione di vecchie condotte per migliorare la protezione antincendio. Missouri American Water mantiene e testa annualmente 44.000 idranti in tutta la sua area di servizio.

Missouri American Water ha anunciado los beneficiarios de su Programa de Subvenciones para Bomberos 2024, otorgando más de $46,000 a departamentos de bomberos y organizaciones de respuesta a emergencias en todo el estado. El programa anual, que comenzó en 2016, proporciona financiamiento crítico para equipos, capacitación y educación comunitaria. 39 departamentos de bomberos recibirán subvenciones este año, llevando el número total de subvenciones otorgadas desde el inicio del programa a casi 290.

Rich Svindland, presidente de Missouri American Water, enfatizó la importancia de la protección contra incendios en la vitalidad de la comunidad. La empresa está invirtiendo más de $500 millones este año para mejorar el servicio y la fiabilidad, incluyendo la ampliación de viejas tuberías para mejorar la protección contra incendios. Missouri American Water también mantiene y prueba anualmente 44,000 hidrantes en toda su área de servicio.

미주리 아메리칸 워터(Missouri American Water)는 2024 소방관 보조금 프로그램의 수혜자를 발표하고, 주 전역의 소방서와 응급 대응 조직에 $46,000 이상을 수여하였습니다. 2016년에 시작된 이 연례 프로그램은 장비, 교육, 그리고 지역 사회 교육을 위한 중요한 자금을 제공합니다. 올해 39개의 소방서가 보조금을 받을 예정으로, 프로그램 시작 이래로 총 보조금 수는 거의 290개에 이릅니다.

리치 스빈들랜드(Rich Svindland) 미주리 아메리칸 워터 사장은 지역 사회의 활력에 있어 화재 보호의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 회사는 올해 서비스와 신뢰성을 개선하기 위해 $500백만 이상의 투자를 하고 있으며, 이는 화재 보호를 강화하기 위해 오래된 수로를 확대하는 것을 포함합니다. 미주리 아메리칸 워터는 또한 제공 지역 내에서 44,000개의 소화전을 유지 관리하고 매년 점검합니다.

Missouri American Water a annoncé les bénéficiaires de son Programme de Subventions pour Pompiers 2024, attribuant plus de $46,000 à des départements de pompiers et à des organisations d'intervention d'urgence à travers l'État. Ce programme annuel, lancé en 2016, fournit un financement essentiel pour l'équipement, la formation et l'éducation communautaire. 39 départements de pompiers recevront des subventions cette année, portant le total des subventions accordées depuis le début du programme à près de 290.

Rich Svindland, président de Missouri American Water, a souligné l'importance de la protection contre les incendies dans la vitalité des communautés. L'entreprise investit plus de $500 millions cette année pour améliorer le service et la fiabilité, y compris l'agrandissement des anciennes conduites d'eau pour renforcer la protection incendie. Missouri American Water entretient également et teste chaque année 44,000 bouches d'incendie dans sa zone de service.

Missouri American Water hat die Empfänger seines Förderprogramms für Feuerwehrleute 2024 bekanntgegeben und über $46.000 an Feuerwehrabteilungen und Notfallorganisationen im ganzen Bundesstaat vergeben. Das im Jahr 2016 gestartete jährliche Programm bietet entscheidende Mittel für Ausrüstung, Schulung und Gemeindeaufklärung. 39 Feuerwehrabteilungen werden in diesem Jahr Zuschüsse erhalten, was die Gesamtzahl der seit Beginn des Programms vergebenen Gelder auf fast 290 erhöht.

Rich Svindland, Präsident von Missouri American Water, betonte die Bedeutung des Brandschutzes für die Vitalität der Gemeinschaft. Das Unternehmen investiert in diesem Jahr über $500 Millionen, um den Service und die Zuverlässigkeit zu verbessern, einschließlich der Erweiterung alter Wasserleitungen zur Verbesserung des Brandschutzes. Missouri American Water wartet und testet auch regelmäßig 44.000 Hydranten in seinem Versorgungsgebiet.

  • Awarding over $46,000 in grants to fire departments and emergency organizations
  • Investing more than $500 million to improve service and reliability
  • Maintaining and annually testing 44,000 fire hydrants
  • None.

Annual program provides critical funding to Missouri fire departments and emergency organizations in the company’s service areas

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- More than $46,000 is being awarded to Missouri fire departments and emergency response organizations through Missouri American Water’s 2024 Firefighter Grant Program. The annual program provides supplemental funding for critical equipment, training, and community education. Nearly 290 grants have been awarded since the program began in 2016.

(Photo: Business Wire)

(Photo: Business Wire)

“As the water provider for one in four Missourians, we understand the role fire protection plays in the overall vitality of the communities we serve,” said Rich Svindland, president of Missouri American Water. “October is National Fire Prevention Month, and we’re proud to provide grants to provide training and equipment that will enhance the safety of firefighters, first responders and citizens throughout the state.”

Reliable water service is critical for fire protection, and Missouri American Water is investing more than $500 million this year to improve service and reliability. Many older water mains are upsized when replaced, increasing water flow to enhance fire protection. The company also maintains and annually tests 44,000 fire hydrants throughout the company’s footprint.

Grants will be distributed to 39 fire departments across Missouri. The recipients are:

Affton Fire Protection District


Lemay Fire Protection District

Berkeley Fire Department


Lincoln County Fire Protection District 1

Black Jack Fire Protection District


Metro North Fire Protection District

Branson Fire and Rescue


Monarch Fire Protection District

Brunswick Volunteer Fire Department


Northeast Ambulance and Fire District

Central Crossing Fire Protection District


Olivette Fire Department

City of Joplin Fire Department


Orrick Fire Protection District

City of Ladue Fire Department


Pattonville Fire Protection District

City of Maplewood Fire Department


Riverside Fire Department

Clayton Fire Department


Rock Community Fire Protection District

Community Fire Protection District


Rock Hill Fire Department

DeKalb Fire Protection District


St. Charles County Fire Rehab

Duenweg Volunteer Fire Department


St. Joseph Fire Department

Eureka Fire Protection District


Stewartsville Fire Department

Ferguson Fire Department


University City Fire Department

Florissant Valley Fire Protection District


Valley Park Fire Protection District

Frontenac Fire Department


Warrensburg Fire Department

Glendale Fire Department


West Overland EMS and Fire Protection District

Jefferson City Fire Department


Wheatland Fire d/b/a Central Hickory Fire Rescue

Kirkwood Fire Department


Missouri American Water
Missouri American Water, a subsidiary of American Water, is the largest regulated water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 1.6 million people. For more, visit and follow Missouri American Water on X, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.


Christie Barnhart

Senior Manager, External Communications

Cell: 417-529-9781

Source: Missouri American Water


How much is Missouri American Water (AWK) awarding in firefighter grants for 2024?

Missouri American Water is awarding over $46,000 in firefighter grants for 2024.

How many fire departments will receive grants from Missouri American Water (AWK) in 2024?

39 fire departments across Missouri will receive grants from Missouri American Water in 2024.

How much is Missouri American Water (AWK) investing in service and reliability improvements in 2024?

Missouri American Water is investing more than $500 million in 2024 to improve service and reliability.

How many fire hydrants does Missouri American Water (AWK) maintain and test annually?

Missouri American Water maintains and annually tests 44,000 fire hydrants throughout its service area.

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Utilities - Regulated Water
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United States of America