Aspira Women’s Health Partners with Dorsata to Create New Clinical Workflow Tool for Adnexal Masses

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Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) has partnered with Dorsata, a healthcare software company, to develop a protocol workflow tool for the clinical treatment of adnexal masses. This custom care module will be integrated into Dorsata's electronic medical records (EMR) tool, which is used at over 300 clinical sites serving 2,500 clinical users. The module aims to improve the quality and consistency of patient care for women with adnexal masses and is expected to aggregate clinical data from a nationwide network of providers and patients.

Development of the module will begin immediately, with the goal of having the first provider contracted in Q4 2024 and completing all iterative design activities in Q1 2025. This collaboration is expected to help physicians more effectively identify patients who may benefit from innovative tools like biomarker blood tests.

Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) ha stretto una partnership con Dorsata, un'azienda di software sanitario, per sviluppare uno strumento di protocollo di flusso di lavoro per il trattamento clinico delle masse annessiali. Questo modulo di assistenza personalizzato sarà integrato negli strumenti di cartella clinica elettronica (EMR) di Dorsata, utilizzati in oltre 300 strutture cliniche che servono 2.500 utenti clinici. L'obiettivo del modulo è migliorare la qualità e la coerenza delle cure per le donne con masse annessiali e si prevede che aggrega dati clinici da una rete nazionale di fornitori e pazienti.

Lo sviluppo del modulo inizierà immediatamente, con l'obiettivo di avere il primo fornitore contratto nel Q4 2024 e di completare tutte le attività di design iterativo nel Q1 2025. Si prevede che questa collaborazione aiuterà i medici a identificare in modo più efficace i pazienti che potrebbero beneficiare di strumenti innovativi come i test del sangue per biomarcatori.

Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) ha colaborado con Dorsata, una empresa de software sanitario, para desarrollar una herramienta de flujo de trabajo de protocolo para el tratamiento clínico de masas anexiales. Este módulo de atención personalizado se integrará en la herramienta de registros médicos electrónicos (EMR) de Dorsata, que se utiliza en más de 300 sitios clínicos que atienden a 2,500 usuarios clínicos. El módulo tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad y consistencia de la atención al paciente para mujeres con masas anexiales y se espera que agregue datos clínicos de una red nacional de proveedores y pacientes.

El desarrollo del módulo comenzará de inmediato, con el objetivo de tener el primer proveedor contratado en Q4 2024 y completar todas las actividades de diseño iterativo en Q1 2025. Se espera que esta colaboración ayude a los médicos a identificar de manera más efectiva a los pacientes que podrían beneficiarse de herramientas innovadoras como las pruebas sanguíneas de biomarcadores.

Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH)는 의료 소프트웨어 회사인 Dorsata와 협력하여 부속기 질환의 임상 치료를 위한 프로토콜 워크플로우 도구를 개발하고 있습니다. 이 맞춤형 진료 모듈은 Dorsata의 전자 의료 기록(EMR) 도구에 통합될 예정이며, 300개 이상의 임상 사이트에서 2,500명의 임상 사용자가 사용하고 있습니다. 이 모듈의 목표는 부속기 질환을 가진 여성 환자의 치료 품질과 일관성을 개선하고, 전국의 공급자 및 환자로부터 임상 데이터를 집계하는 것입니다.

모듈 개발은 즉시 시작되며, 2024년 4분기에 첫 공급자 계약을 체결하고, 2025년 1분기에 모든 반복 설계 활동을 완료하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 협업은 의사가 바이오마커 혈액 검사와 같은 혁신적인 도구의 혜택을 받을 수 있는 환자를 더 효과적으로 식별하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 기대됩니다.

Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) a établi un partenariat avec Dorsata, une entreprise de logiciels de santé, pour développer un outil de flux de travail de protocole pour le traitement clinique des masses annexielles. Ce module de soins personnalisé sera intégré dans les dossiers médicaux électroniques (EMR) de Dorsata, utilisés dans plus de 300 sites cliniques servant 2 500 utilisateurs cliniques. Le module vise à améliorer la qualité et la cohérence des soins aux patientes souffrant de masses annexielles et devrait agréger des données cliniques provenant d'un réseau national de prestataires et de patients.

Le développement du module commencera immédiatement, avec l'objectif d'avoir le premier prestataire sous contrat au Q4 2024 et de compléter toutes les activités de conception itératives au Q1 2025. Cette collaboration devrait aider les médecins à identifier plus efficacement les patientes qui pourraient bénéficier d'outils innovants tels que les tests sanguins de biomarqueurs.

Aspira Women's Health Inc. (Nasdaq: AWH) hat eine Partnerschaft mit Dorsata, einem Gesundheitssoftwareunternehmen, geschlossen, um ein Protokoll-Workflow-Tool für die klinische Behandlung von Adnexmassen zu entwickeln. Dieses maßgeschneiderte Pflegemodul wird in die elektronische Patientenakte (EMR) von Dorsata integriert, die an über 300 Kliniken mit 2.500 klinischen Nutzern verwendet wird. Das Modul zielt darauf ab, die Qualität und Konsistenz der Patientenversorgung für Frauen mit Adnexmassen zu verbessern und soll klinische Daten aus einem landesweiten Netzwerk von Anbietern und Patienten aggregieren.

Die Entwicklung des Moduls beginnt sofort, mit dem Ziel, den ersten Anbieter im Q4 2024 zu kontaktieren und alle iterativen Designaktivitäten im Q1 2025 abzuschließen. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich Ärzten helfen, Patienten effektiver zu identifizieren, die von innovativen Werkzeugen wie Biomarker-Bluttests profitieren könnten.

  • Partnership with Dorsata to develop a new clinical workflow tool for adnexal masses
  • Integration into over 300 clinical sites serving 2,500 clinical users
  • Potential to improve quality and consistency of patient care
  • Expected to aggregate rich clinical data from a nationwide network
  • May help identify patients who could benefit from biomarker blood tests
  • First provider contract not expected until Q4 2024
  • Full completion of design activities delayed until Q1 2025

This partnership between Aspira Women's Health and Dorsata marks a significant step in improving clinical workflows for adnexal mass management. The development of a custom care module integrated into Dorsata's EMR tool has the potential to standardize care protocols across a wide network of over 300 clinical sites and 2,500 users.

The impact on patient care could be substantial, potentially leading to earlier detection of ovarian cancer and more consistent treatment approaches. However, the true value of this tool will depend on its adoption rate and the quality of the protocols developed. The aggregation of structured clinical data could also prove valuable for future research and improvements in care guidelines.

While this news is positive for Aspira, investors should note that the financial impact may not be immediate. The first provider contract is targeted for Q4 2024, with full implementation expected in Q1 2025. The long-term success will hinge on how effectively the tool improves patient outcomes and clinical efficiency.

The collaboration between Aspira and Dorsata represents a strategic move in the healthcare IT landscape. By integrating specialized clinical decision support directly into existing EMR systems, they're addressing a important pain point in women's health practices. This approach could significantly enhance workflow efficiency and reduce the cognitive load on healthcare providers.

The potential to aggregate rich, structured clinical data is particularly noteworthy. This could create a valuable data asset for future AI and machine learning applications in women's health. However, data privacy and security will be paramount and investors should look for details on how these aspects will be managed.

While the immediate revenue impact may be , this partnership positions Aspira to potentially expand its market presence and create additional revenue streams through data analytics or expanded clinical decision support tools in the future.

The innovative new tool will be made available for integration into Electronic Medical Records at over 300 clinical sites serving 2,500 clinical users

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aspira Women’s Health Inc. (“Aspira”) (Nasdaq: AWH), a bio-analytical based women’s health company focused on the development of gynecologic disease diagnostic tools, today signed a definitive agreement with Dorsata, a healthcare software company, to create a protocol workflow tool for the clinical treatment of adnexal masses.

Under terms of the agreement, Aspira and Dorsata will work together in collaboration with medical leadership from a 250+ obstetrics and gynecology physician group to develop a custom care module (the Module) to aid healthcare providers in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients with an adnexal mass. Once completed, the Module will be integrated into Dorsata’s electronic medical records (EMR) tool which is embedded in the clinical practices of its women’s health clients. Not only will the Module help improve the quality and consistency of patient care, but it is also expected to aggregate rich and structured clinical data from a nationwide network of providers and patients.

“Physicians who treat women with adnexal masses often tell us that consistent care for patients is important for the improvement of outcomes. This is particularly true as women’s health practices merge and grow in size and scale, relying on both physicians and non-physician staff to properly distinguish between patients with reason for concern and those with benign conditions. We are in a unique position to help solve for this critical unmet need given our extensive knowledge of - and experience with - adnexal masses and ovarian cancer risk. We are pleased to support Dorsata in the creation of a new adnexal mass module, based on leading practices of experienced gynecologists, to drive improved patient care,” said Dr. Sandra Milligan, President of Aspira Women’s Health. “Moreover, we believe the module and its integration into practices throughout the country will also help physicians more effectively identify patients that are likely to benefit from the use of innovative tools like biomarker blood tests.”

Dorsata’s platform is used at over 300 clinical sites serving over 2,500 clinical users. Development of the Module will begin immediately, with the goal of having the first provider contracted in the fourth quarter of 2024 and completion of all iterative design activities in the first quarter of 2025.

“Dorsata’s mission is to empower healthcare providers with best-in-market tools for clinical documentation, quality, and safety. We are eager to partner with Aspira in the development of the adnexal mass module and to expand Dorsata’s clinical and administrative decision support capabilities to new areas of women’s health,” said David Fairbrothers, co-founder and CEO of Dorsata.

About Aspira Women’s Health Inc.
Aspira Women’s Health Inc. is dedicated to the discovery, development, and commercialization of noninvasive, AI-powered tests to aid in the diagnosis of gynecologic diseases.   

OvaWatch® and Ova1Plus® are offered to clinicians as OvaSuiteSM. Together, they provide the only comprehensive portfolio of blood tests to aid in the detection of ovarian cancer for the 1.2+ million American women diagnosed with an adnexal mass each year. OvaWatch provides a negative predictive value of 99% and is used to assess ovarian cancer risk for women where initial clinical assessment indicates the mass is indeterminate or benign, and thus surgery may be premature or unnecessary. Ova1Plus is a reflex process of two FDA-cleared tests, Ova1® and Overa®, to assess the risk of ovarian malignancy in women planned for surgery.    

Our in-development test pipeline is designed to expand our ovarian cancer portfolio and addresses the tremendous need for noninvasive diagnostics for endometriosis, a debilitating disease that impacts millions of women worldwide. In ovarian cancer, our OvaMDx risk assessment is designed to combine microRNA and protein biomarkers with patient data to further enhance the sensitivity and specificity of our current tests. In endometriosis, EndoCheckSM is the first-ever noninvasive test designed to identify endometriomas, one of the most commonly occurring forms of endometriosis. Aspira’s other in-development endometriosis test is designed to combine microRNA and protein biomarkers with patient data to identify all endometriosis.  

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding, among other things, the timing and completion of any products in the pipeline development and other statements that are predictive in nature. Actual results could differ materially from those discussed due to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of words such as “designed to,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “may,” “intend,” “will,” “continue,” “future,” other words of similar meaning and the use of future dates. Forward-looking statements in this press release and other factors that may cause such differences include the satisfaction of customary closing conditions related to the offering and the expected timing of the closing of the offering. These and additional risks and uncertainties are described more fully in the company’s filings with the SEC, including those factors identified as “Risk Factors” in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. If any of these risks materialize or our assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that Aspira presently does not know, or that Aspira currently believes are immaterial, that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect Aspira’s expectations, plans, or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this press release. Subsequent events and developments may cause the Company’s assessments to change. However, while Aspira may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Aspira expressly disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Aspira’s assessments of any date after the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

Investor Relations Contact: 
Nicole Sandford 
Chief Executive Officer


What is the purpose of Aspira Women's Health's partnership with Dorsata?

Aspira Women's Health (AWH) has partnered with Dorsata to create a protocol workflow tool for the clinical treatment of adnexal masses, aiming to improve the quality and consistency of patient care.

How many clinical sites and users will the new adnexal mass module potentially reach?

The new adnexal mass module will potentially reach over 300 clinical sites serving 2,500 clinical users through Dorsata's electronic medical records (EMR) tool.

When is the adnexal mass module expected to be implemented?

The first provider is expected to be contracted in Q4 2024, with completion of all iterative design activities planned for Q1 2025.

How might the new module benefit Aspira Women's Health (AWH) and its products?

The module may help physicians more effectively identify patients who could benefit from innovative tools like biomarker blood tests, potentially increasing the use of Aspira's diagnostic products.

Aspira Women's Health Inc.


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Diagnostics & Research
In Vitro & in Vivo Diagnostic Substances
United States of America