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Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to combine its QTY Code protein design technology with Google's DeepMind AI program, AlphaFold2. This collaboration aims to enhance the development of novel cellular therapies by accurately predicting the 3D structures of protein receptors relevant to immuno-oncology and cellular medicine. A study published in the November 2021 issue of Life validated the effectiveness of this integration, showcasing its potential in addressing cytokine storms in conditions like COVID-19 and enhancing drug development.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) has co-developed a novel platform, S-layer coated emulsome technology (SLET), in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. This innovative platform aims to enhance drug delivery and cellular immunotherapy. Avalon and BOKU have filed patent applications to protect this technology. The SLET platform utilizes emulsomes for targeted delivery of drugs and genetic materials, potentially transforming cancer immunotherapy and various diagnostic applications. CEO David Jin emphasized the platform's promise for mRNA-based therapies, which could reshape treatment strategies.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced a collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna to develop a novel cell-free, in-silico technology for drug synthesis. This innovation aims to enhance drug design targeting cancer and immune-related diseases by efficiently expressing challenging cell membrane proteins. The study, published in the September 2021 issue of Membranes, enables high yield manipulation of druggable membrane proteins. Avalon anticipates that this method will significantly improve drug target identification and therapy development.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced its participation in the Benzinga Healthcare Small Cap Conference, taking place virtually from September 29-30, 2021. CEO David Jin and CFO Luisa Ingargiola will present on September 30 at 10:50 AM ET, followed by one-on-one meetings with investors. Avalon is a clinical-stage bio-developer focused on cell-based technologies and therapeutics, including immune effector cell therapies and COVID-19 diagnostics. Investors can register for the conference at the provided link.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) has partnered with UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and the University of Pittsburgh to enhance cancer immunotherapy manufacturing. This collaboration aims to expedite CAR T-cell therapies, using mRNA technology to reduce treatment time to just 1-2 days. It intends to make these therapies more accessible and affordable, targeting relapsed B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, with human trials set to commence in mid-2022. The research also explores universal CAR-based therapies, enabling faster patient treatment.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced a planned acquisition of SenlangBio, which has launched a first-in-human clinical trial for an innovative anti-EphA2 CAR T-cell therapy targeting recurrent glioblastoma, a serious cancer with limited treatment options. Initial safety data suggest the therapy is well-tolerated, while preliminary results show persistent T-cell activity. The acquisition is subject to stockholder approval and regulatory conditions, with Avalon’s directors collectively holding 64.1% of shares expected to support it.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced its agreement to acquire SenlangBio, a cell therapy company, enhancing its capabilities in cell and gene therapy. With a projected revenue of $5-$7 million for 2021, SenlangBio brings 15 cell therapy programs and a revenue-generating lab. Avalon secured $30 million from an institutional investor to support the acquisition, which is an all-stock transaction. The deal is aimed at integrating technology platforms to cut costs and accelerate clinical advancements.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) has signed an agreement to acquire Hebei Senlang Biotechnology Co. Ltd. for USD $30 million, gaining a 15.6% equity interest. SenlangBio is a leading cell therapy firm in Northern China with a diverse pipeline of CAR-T and CAR-γδT therapies targeting various malignancies. The acquisition will enhance Avalon's cell therapy portfolio and bio-manufacturing capabilities through SenlangBio's advanced GMP facility and clinical assets, including promising therapies with high remission rates.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced its participation in the Noble Capital Markets Investor Forum during the 16th Annual World Stem Cell Summit, scheduled for June 14-18, 2021. The company's President and CEO, David Jin, along with CFO Luisa Ingargiola, will present on June 17 at 3 PM EDT. Investors can access the presentation through the World Stem Cell Summit or the Investor Forum registration. Avalon focuses on advancing cell-based technologies and therapeutics, emphasizing immune effector cell therapy and exosome technology.
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) announced that CEO David Jin will chair a session at the 2021 Annual World Stem Cell Summit from June 14-18, focused on "Hot Topics and Future Trends." The session will highlight the company's S-layer nanotechnology and QTY code technology, developed in collaboration with MIT and BOKU University. These innovations aim to improve cellular therapy and regenerative medicine, particularly in addressing cytokine storms associated with COVID-19 and cancer treatments. The session is scheduled for June 17, 2021, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET.