AV Introduces New Washington Operations Team

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AeroVironment (AV) is strengthening its presence in Arlington, Virginia by establishing a new government relations team. Led by Senior VP Church Hutton, the team includes Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers, and Rocky Checca, all with extensive experience in national security and government roles. This move aims to broaden AV's reach within the executive branch and Capitol Hill, leveraging the team's combined decades of service and deep understanding of the national security landscape. The initiative underscores AV's commitment to maintaining its leadership in the uncrewed systems defense sector and effectively communicating its innovative contributions to national security stakeholders.

AeroVironment (AV) sta rafforzando la sua presenza ad Arlington, Virginia con la creazione di un nuovo team per le relazioni governative. Guidato da Church Hutton, VP Senior, il team è composto da Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers e Rocky Checca, tutti con una vasta esperienza nei ruoli di sicurezza nazionale e governativi. Questa iniziativa mira a ampliare la portata di AV all'interno del ramo esecutivo e del Campidoglio, sfruttando i decenni di servizio combinato e la profonda comprensione del panorama della sicurezza nazionale del team. L'iniziativa sottolinea l'impegno di AV a mantenere la sua leadership nel settore della difesa dei sistemi senza pilota e a comunicare efficacemente i suoi contributi innovativi agli stakeholder della sicurezza nazionale.

AeroVironment (AV) está fortaleciendo su presencia en Arlington, Virginia al establecer un nuevo equipo de relaciones gubernamentales. Dirigido por Church Hutton, VP Senior, el equipo incluye a Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers y Rocky Checca, todos con una amplia experiencia en seguridad nacional y roles gubernamentales. Este movimiento tiene como objetivo ampliar el alcance de AV dentro del poder ejecutivo y Capitol Hill, aprovechando las décadas de servicio combinado y una profunda comprensión del panorama de la seguridad nacional del equipo. La iniciativa subraya el compromiso de AV de mantener su liderazgo en el sector de defensa de sistemas no tripulados y comunicar eficazmente sus innovadoras contribuciones a las partes interesadas en seguridad nacional.

AeroVironment (AV)가 버지니아 주 알링턴에서의 존재감을 강화하고 있습니다. 수석 부사장 처치 허튼이 이끄는 새로운 정부 관계 팀을 구성했습니다. 이 팀에는 국가 안보 및 정부 역할에서 풍부한 경험을 가진 레이첼 립시, 빌 펜닝턴, 크리스 마이어스, 로키 체카가 포함되어 있습니다. 이번 조치는 행정부와 국회에서 AV의 영향력을 넓히는 것을 목표로 하며, 팀의 수십 년에 걸친 서비스와 국가 안보 분야에 대한 깊은 이해를 활용합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 무인 시스템 방어 분야에서의 AV의 리더십 유지와 국가 안보 이해관계자들에게 혁신적인 기여를 효과적으로 전달하려는 AV의 의지를 강조합니다.

AeroVironment (AV) renforce sa présence à Arlington, Virginie en établissant une nouvelle équipe de relations gouvernementales. Dirigée par Church Hutton, VP Senior, l'équipe comprend Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers et Rocky Checca, tous dotés d'une vaste expérience dans les rôles de sécurité nationale et gouvernementaux. Ce mouvement vise à élargir la portée d'AV au sein de l'administration et du Capitole, en tirant parti des décennies de service combiné et de la compréhension approfondie du paysage de la sécurité nationale. L'initiative souligne l'engagement d'AV à maintenir son leadership dans le secteur de défense des systèmes non pilotés et à communiquer efficacement ses contributions innovantes aux parties prenantes de la sécurité nationale.

AeroVironment (AV) stärkt seine Präsenz in Arlington, Virginia, indem es ein neues Team für Regierungsbeziehungen einrichtet. Unter der Leitung von Senior VP Church Hutton umfasst das Team Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers und Rocky Checca, die alle umfangreiche Erfahrungen im Bereich nationale Sicherheit und Regierungsfunktionen haben. Diese Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, AVs Reichweite innerhalb der Exekutive und des Kapitols zu erweitern, wobei die kombinierten Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung und das tiefgehende Verständnis des Sicherheitsumfelds genutzt werden. Die Initiative unterstreicht AVs Engagement, seine Führungsrolle im Bereich der unbemannten Verteidigungssysteme aufrechtzuerhalten und seine innovativen Beiträge an die Akteure der nationalen Sicherheit effektiv zu kommunizieren.

  • Establishment of a new government relations team to strengthen presence in Washington D.C.
  • Team members bring extensive experience from military, government, and defense industry backgrounds
  • Strategic move to enhance engagement with Department of Defense and Congress
  • Reinforces commitment to leadership in uncrewed systems defense sector
  • None.

AeroVironment Strengthens Washington D.C. Presence with New Government Relations Team

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In line with AeroVironment's (AV) continuous growth trajectory, the company is bolstering its presence at its global headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, by establishing a robust government relations team. Led by Senior Vice President of Government Relations Church Hutton, the new team comprises seasoned professionals Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers and Rocky Checca.

Members of AV’s Washington Operations team, pictured left to right: Rocky Checca, Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington and Chris Meyers. (Photo: Business Wire)

Members of AV’s Washington Operations team, pictured left to right: Rocky Checca, Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington and Chris Meyers. (Photo: Business Wire)

“AV has been a cutting-edge company for over 50 years and is trusted by the national security enterprise to deliver innovative solutions and advanced technologies for critical missions and rapidly evolving demands. Our exponential growth and expanding influence are a testament to our innovation and reliability,” said Hutton. “We are reinforcing this momentum by investing in a stellar team capable of effectively broadening AV’s reach within the executive branch and on Capitol Hill. Our newly formed team has decades of combined experience in service to our country, both in uniform and within our government, and they bring a deep understanding of the national security landscape and today’s complex global threat matrix.”

Rachel Lipsey, Senior Director for Washington Operations overseeing congressional affairs, joined AV from The Boeing Company, where she led congressional engagement and strategic advocacy on defense acquisition. Prior to her tenure at Boeing, Lipsey held staff positions in the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and state government, advising on defense policy and national security matters.

Bill Pennington, also a Senior Director for Washington Operations focusing on congressional affairs, has extensive experience with federal appropriations and congressional relations. Pennington held a variety of increasingly prominent roles in the U.S. Navy before joining AV, including commanding aviation units at the squadron and wing levels. He most recently served as the Director of the Navy and Marine Corps Congressional Appropriations Matters Office, bringing vast expertise in defense resourcing and requirements.

Chris Meyers, Senior Director for Washington Operations, works with the Executive Branch in support of domestic business development. Before joining AV, Meyers served as the Director of Business Development for government programs at CesiumAstro. His distinguished military career in the Marine Corps saw him command units at all levels within the armor community, retiring as a Colonel. Meyers also served as a Congressional Fellow, Legislative Liaison, Budget Programmer, and Director of the Marine Liaison Office to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rounding out the team is Rocky Checca, Director for Washington Operations, who works closely with the Legislative and Executive branches, foreign embassies, industry associations, and think tanks in support of AV’s international affairs. Checca retired from the Marine Corps as a Lieutenant Colonel and served as a Presidential helicopter pilot in Marine Helicopter Squadron One. He conducted deployments to Iraq in direct support of combat operations. He also served as a Congressional Defense Fellow for Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42) and Deputy Director of the Marine Liaison Office to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Leading the team is Church Hutton, who joined AV in December 2023 and oversees the company’s strategic engagement with the Department of Defense (DoD) and Congress. “Our team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to AV and has already hit the ground running on increasing and enhancing awareness of AV with our government customers and elected officials,” continued Hutton.

This strategic investment reinforces AV's commitment to maintaining its leadership in the uncrewed systems defense sector and ensures the company’s innovative contributions to national security are effectively communicated to all stakeholders.


AeroVironment (NASDAQ: AVAV) is a global leader in intelligent multi-domain robotic systems, uncrewed aircraft and ground systems, sensors, software analytics and connectivity. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, AeroVironment delivers actionable intelligence so our customers can proceed with certainty. For more information, visit


Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are made on the basis of current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors outside of our control, that may cause our business, strategy or actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, our ability to perform under existing contracts and obtain additional contracts; changes in the regulatory environment; the activities of competitors; failure of the markets in which we operate to grow; failure to expand into new markets; failure to develop new products or integrate new technology with current products; and general economic and business conditions in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For a further list and description of such risks and uncertainties, see the reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not intend, and undertake no obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Ashley Riser

AeroVironment, Inc.

+1 (805) 750-6176

Source: AeroVironment, Inc.


Who are the key members of AeroVironment's new Washington Operations team?

The key members of AeroVironment's new Washington Operations team are Church Hutton (Senior VP of Government Relations), Rachel Lipsey, Bill Pennington, Chris Meyers, and Rocky Checca, each bringing extensive experience in national security and government roles.

What is the purpose of AeroVironment's new government relations team?

The purpose of AeroVironment's new government relations team is to broaden the company's reach within the executive branch and on Capitol Hill, enhancing awareness of AV with government customers and elected officials, and effectively communicating its innovative contributions to national security.

How does the new Washington Operations team benefit AeroVironment (AVAV)?

The new Washington Operations team benefits AeroVironment (AVAV) by strengthening its presence in Washington D.C., enhancing engagement with the Department of Defense and Congress, and reinforcing its leadership position in the uncrewed systems defense sector through effective communication of its innovative contributions to national security.

What is Church Hutton's role in AeroVironment's new Washington Operations team?

Church Hutton is the Senior Vice President of Government Relations at AeroVironment, leading the new Washington Operations team. He oversees the company's strategic engagement with the Department of Defense (DoD) and Congress.

AeroVironment, Inc.


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