Avista dispatches crews to assist Florida Power & Light with restoration efforts

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Avista has dispatched crews to assist Florida Power & Light with restoration efforts following Hurricane Helene and in preparation for Hurricane Milton. Three five-member line crews and additional personnel from Avista are en route to Lake City, Florida, to help repair electrical distribution infrastructure. The 12-vehicle, 19-person convoy left Avista's Coeur d'Alene office and is expected to arrive in Florida within 4-5 days, covering a distance of over 2,600 miles.

Avista is part of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Western Region Mutual Assistance Group (WRMAG), one of seven such groups in the United States. The company is joining other regional utilities in this volunteer mutual aid effort. Heather Rosentrater, President and Chief Operating Officer of Avista, expressed solidarity with those affected by the hurricanes and highlighted the importance of utility cooperation during disasters.

Avista ha inviato squadre per assistere Florida Power & Light negli sforzi di ripristino dopo l'uragano Helene e in preparazione per l'uragano Milton. Tre squadre di cinque membri e personale aggiuntivo di Avista sono in viaggio verso Lake City, Florida, per aiutare a riparare le infrastrutture di distribuzione elettrica. Il convoglio di 12 veicoli e 19 persone ha lasciato l'ufficio di Avista a Coeur d'Alene ed è previsto in Florida entro 4-5 giorni, coprendo una distanza di oltre 2.600 miglia.

Avista fa parte del Gruppo di Mutuo Soccorso della Western Region dell'Edison Electric Institute (EEI), uno dei sette gruppi dello stesso tipo negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda si unisce ad altre utility regionali in questo sforzo di aiuto reciproco volontario. Heather Rosentrater, Presidente e Chief Operating Officer di Avista, ha espresso solidarietà a coloro colpiti dagli uragani e ha sottolineato l'importanza della cooperazione tra le utility durante le calamità.

Avista ha enviado equipos para ayudar a Florida Power & Light en los esfuerzos de restauración tras el huracán Helene y en preparación para el huracán Milton. Tres equipos de cinco miembros y personal adicional de Avista están en camino a Lake City, Florida, para ayudar a reparar la infraestructura de distribución eléctrica. El convoy de 12 vehículos y 19 personas salió de la oficina de Avista en Coeur d'Alene y se espera que llegue a Florida en 4-5 días, cubriendo una distancia de más de 2,600 millas.

Avista es parte del Grupo de Asistencia Mutua de la Región Occidental del Instituto Edison de Electricidad (EEI), uno de los siete grupos de este tipo en los Estados Unidos. La empresa se une a otras empresas de servicios públicos regionales en este esfuerzo de ayuda mutua voluntaria. Heather Rosentrater, Presidenta y Directora de Operaciones de Avista, expresó su solidaridad con los afectados por los huracanes y destacó la importancia de la cooperación entre las utilidades durante desastres.

아비스타는 헬렌 허리케인 이후 플로리다 파워 앤 라이트의 복구 작업을 지원하고 밀턴 허리케인에 대비하기 위해 인력을 파견했습니다. 5명으로 구성된 3개의 전선 팀과 추가 인원이 전기 배급 인프라를 복구하기 위해 플로리다의 레이크 시티로 향하고 있습니다. 12대의 차량과 19명의 인원으로 구성된 호송대는 아비스타의 코어드 알레인 사무소를 출발했으며, 플로리다에 도착하는 데 4-5일이 걸릴 것으로 예상되며, 2600마일 이상의 거리를 이동하게 됩니다.

아비스타는 미국에 있는 7개의 상호 지원 그룹 중 하나인 에디슨 전력 연구소(EEI) 서부 지역 상호 지원 그룹(WRMAG)의 일원입니다. 이 회사는 자발적 상호 지원 노력에 참여하는 지역 유틸리티와 협력하고 있습니다. 헤더 로젠트레이터, 아비스타의 사장 겸 최고 운영 책임자는 허리케인의 영향을 받은 사람들에 대한 연대감을 표명하고, 재난 발생 시 유틸리티 간 협력의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Avista a déployé des équipes pour aider Florida Power & Light dans les efforts de restauration suite à l'ouragan Helene et en préparation pour l'ouragan Milton. Trois équipes de cinq membres et du personnel supplémentaire d'Avista sont en route vers Lake City, Floride, pour aider à réparer l'infrastructure de distribution électrique. Le convoi de 12 véhicules et 19 personnes a quitté le bureau d'Avista à Coeur d'Alene et devrait arriver en Floride dans 4 à 5 jours, parcourant une distance de plus de 2 600 miles.

Avista fait partie du Groupe d'Assistance Mutuelle de la Région Ouest de l'Edison Electric Institute (EEI), un des sept groupes de ce type aux États-Unis. L'entreprise se joint à d'autres services publics régionaux dans cet effort d'entraide volontaire. Heather Rosentrater, Présidente et Directrice des opérations d'Avista, a exprimé sa solidarité avec les personnes touchées par les ouragans et a souligné l'importance de la coopération entre les services publics pendant les désastres.

Avista hat Teams entsandt, um Florida Power & Light bei den Wiederherstellungsarbeiten nach dem Hurrikan Helene und zur Vorbereitung auf den Hurrikan Milton zu unterstützen. Drei fünfköpfige Leitungsteams und zusätzliches Personal von Avista sind auf dem Weg nach Lake City, Florida, um die elektrische Verteilungsinfrastruktur zu reparieren. Der Konvoi mit 12 Fahrzeugen und 19 Personen verließ das Büro von Avista in Coeur d'Alene und wird in 4-5 Tagen in Florida erwartet, nachdem über 2.600 Meilen zurückgelegt wurde.

Avista ist Teil der Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Western Region Mutual Assistance Group (WRMAG), einer von sieben solchen Gruppen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Unternehmen schließt sich anderen regionalen Versorgungsunternehmen in diesem freiwilligen gegenseitigen Unterstützungs-Engagement an. Heather Rosentrater, Präsidentin und Chief Operating Officer von Avista, äußerte Solidarität mit den vom Hurrikan betroffenen Personen und hob die Bedeutung der Kooperation zwischen den Versorgungsunternehmen in Katastrophenzeiten hervor.

  • Demonstrates Avista's commitment to mutual assistance and industry cooperation
  • Showcases Avista's ability to mobilize resources quickly for disaster response
  • Potential for positive public relations and brand image enhancement
  • Temporary reduction in available workforce for Avista's own service area
  • Potential increased operational costs due to long-distance deployment

SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Avista today sent three, five-member line crews and other personnel to Lake City, Florida to assist in electrical distribution infrastructure repairs as Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall.

Avista is a member of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Western Region Mutual Assistance Group (WRMAG) which is one of seven mutual assistance groups in the United States. The Avista crews are among several other regional utilities that have been deployed to assist in the volunteer mutual aid effort.

Two Avista crews from Spokane and one crew from Coeur d’Alene will travel more than 2,600 miles to Lake City, Florida.

The 12-vehicle, 19-person convoy left Avista’s Coeur d’Alene office at approximately 7:00 a.m. and is scheduled to arrive in Lake City, Florida within 4-5 days. They will join numerous other utilities from across the country that are also supporting Hurricane restoration efforts. The return date for the crews has not yet been determined.

“Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the hurricanes,” said Heather Rosentrater, President and Chief Operating Officer. “In times of disaster, the unity among utilities is truly inspiring. We’re honored to be part of this mutual assistance effort, dedicated to restoring power swiftly and safely to those impacted. Having experienced devastating storms in our own service area, we understand the importance of support from fellow utilities. Now, it’s our turn to extend that same support.”

About Avista Utilities
Avista Utilities is involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy. We provide energy services and electricity to 418,000 customers and natural gas to 382,000 customers in a service territory that covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.7 million. Avista Utilities is an operating division of Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA). For more information, please visit

The Avista logo is a trademark of Avista Corporation. SOURCE: Avista Corporation

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How many crew members has Avista sent to assist with hurricane restoration efforts in Florida?

Avista has sent a total of 19 personnel, including three five-member line crews and additional support staff, to assist with restoration efforts in Florida.

Where are the Avista crews (AVA) being deployed for hurricane assistance?

The Avista crews are being deployed to Lake City, Florida to assist with electrical distribution infrastructure repairs following Hurricane Helene and in preparation for Hurricane Milton.

How long will it take for Avista's crews to reach their destination in Florida?

The Avista crews are expected to arrive in Lake City, Florida within 4-5 days, traveling more than 2,600 miles from their starting point in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

What organization is Avista (AVA) a part of for mutual assistance in disaster situations?

Avista is a member of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Western Region Mutual Assistance Group (WRMAG), which is one of seven mutual assistance groups in the United States.

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