Auddia Announces Higher Than Expected Success in User Retention and Shifts Focus to Optimizing Subscription Conversions

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Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) has exceeded its 30-day user retention goal for its faidr app, achieving 12% in September, up from 5% a year ago. This success is attributed to product enhancements and improved user experience. The company is now shifting focus to optimize subscription conversions, aiming to increase from the current 5% to 12% or more.

Auddia plans to improve subscription conversion by streamlining the paywall process and making subscriptions more active for users. With cost per install at or below $1.80 and improving retention and conversion rates, the company is approaching a transition from product development to revenue generation focus.

CEO Michael Lawless and CMO Theo Romeo expressed confidence in the company's progress, citing the value delivered to users and the potential for competing with other audio platforms in the US and internationally.

Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) ha superato il suo obiettivo di retention degli utenti a 30 giorni per la sua app faidr, registrando un 12% a settembre, rispetto al 5% di un anno fa. Questo successo è attribuito ai miglioramenti del prodotto e a un'esperienza utente migliora. L'azienda ora cambia focus per ottimizzare le conversioni degli abbonamenti, puntando ad aumentare dal 5% attuale al 12% o oltre.

Auddia prevede di migliorare la conversione degli abbonamenti semplificando il processo di paywall e rendendo gli abbonamenti più attivi per gli utenti. Con il costo per installazione a 1.80$ o meno e l'aumento dei tassi di retention e conversione, l'azienda si sta avvicinando a una transizione dallo sviluppo del prodotto a un focus sulla generazione di entrate.

Il CEO Michael Lawless e il CMO Theo Romeo hanno espresso fiducia nei progressi dell'azienda, citando il valore offerto agli utenti e il potenziale di competere con altre piattaforme audio negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale.

Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) ha superado su objetivo de retención de usuarios a 30 días para su aplicación faidr, logrando un 12% en septiembre, frente al 5% del año pasado. Este éxito se atribuye a las mejoras en el producto y a una mejor experiencia del usuario. La empresa ahora cambia su enfoque para optimizar las conversiones de suscripción, con el objetivo de aumentar del 5% actual al 12% o más.

Auddia planea mejorar la conversión de suscripciones simplificando el proceso de paywall y haciendo las suscripciones más atractivas para los usuarios. Con el costo por instalación en $1.80 o menos y mejorando las tasas de retención y conversión, la compañía está acercándose a una transición del desarrollo del producto a un enfoque en la generación de ingresos.

El CEO Michael Lawless y el CMO Theo Romeo expresaron confianza en el progreso de la empresa, citando el valor entregado a los usuarios y el potencial de competir con otras plataformas de audio en EE. UU. y a nivel internacional.

Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD)는 30일 사용자 유지 목표를 초과 달성했습니다 faidr 앱에 대해 9월에 12%를 기록했으며, 이는 작년 5%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 이 성공은 제품 개선과 향상된 사용자 경험 덕분입니다. 이제 회사는 구독 전환 최적화로 초점을 전환하고 있습니다, 현재 5%에서 12% 이상으로 증가하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Auddia는 사용자에게 보다 활성화된 구독 경험을 제공하기 위해 유료 벽 프로세스를 간소화하여 구독 전환을 개선할 계획입니다. 설치 비용이 1.80달러 이하이며, 유지 및 전환율이 개선되고 있는 가운데, 회사는 제품 개발에서 수익 창출로의 전환에 접근하고 있습니다.

CEO Michael Lawless 및 CMO Theo Romeo는 회사의 진행 상황에 대한 확신을 표명하며, 사용자에게 제공되는 가치와 미국 및 국제적으로 다른 오디오 플랫폼과 경쟁할 잠재력을 언급했습니다.

Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) a dépasse son objectif de rétention utilisateur à 30 jours pour son application faidr, atteignant 12% en septembre, contre 5% l'année dernière. Ce succès est attribué aux améliorations de produit et à une expérience utilisateur améliorée. L'entreprise change désormais son objectif pour optimiser les conversions d'abonnement, espérant passer de 5% actuellement à 12% ou plus.

Auddia prévoit d'améliorer la conversion d'abonnement en rationalisant le processus de paywall et en rendant les abonnements plus actifs pour les utilisateurs. Avec un coût par installation à 1,80 $ ou moins et des taux de rétention et de conversion en amélioration, l'entreprise se rapproche d'une transition du développement de produits à un focus sur la génération de revenus.

Le PDG Michael Lawless et le CMO Theo Romeo ont exprimé leur confiance dans les progrès de l'entreprise, en évoquant la valeur fournie aux utilisateurs et le potentiel de concurrence avec d'autres plateformes audio aux États-Unis et à l'international.

Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) hat sein Ziel der 30-tägigen Nutzerbindung übertroffen für die faidr-App und erreichte im September 12%, im Vergleich zu 5% vor einem Jahr. Dieser Erfolg wird auf Produktverbesserungen und ein besseres Nutzererlebnis zurückgeführt. Das Unternehmen verlagert nun den Fokus zur Optimierung der Abonnenten-Konversionen, mit dem Ziel, von den aktuellen 5% auf 12% oder mehr zu steigen.

Auddia plant, die Abonnenten-Konversion zu verbessern, indem der Bezahlschrankenprozess vereinfacht und die Abonnements für die Nutzer attraktiver gestaltet werden. Mit Installationskosten bei 1,80$ oder darunter sowie steigenden Bindungs- und Konversionsraten nähert sich das Unternehmen einem Übergang von der Produktentwicklung zur Einnahmengenerierung.

CEO Michael Lawless und CMO Theo Romeo äußerten Vertrauen in den Fortschritt des Unternehmens und hoben den Wert hervor, der den Nutzern geboten wird, und das Potenzial, mit anderen Audio-Plattformen in den USA und international zu konkurrieren.

  • 30-day user retention increased from 5% to 12% over the past year, exceeding the 10% goal
  • Cost per install maintained at or below $1.80
  • Company is transitioning from product development focus to revenue generation
  • Subscription conversion rate maintained at 5% across 2024
  • Current subscription conversion rate of 5% still needs improvement to reach 12% target


The improvement in faidr's 30-day retention rate from 5% to 12% over the past year is a significant achievement for Auddia. This 12% retention rate, exceeding their 10% target, indicates strong user engagement and product-market fit. The company's focus on enhancing user experience through features like ad-free podcast listening has clearly paid off.

Now, Auddia's pivot to optimizing subscription conversions is a critical next step. Their current 5% conversion rate leaves substantial room for improvement. The target of 12% subscription conversion is ambitious but could significantly boost revenue if achieved. The planned strategies, including streamlining the paywall process and increasing its visibility, are sound approaches to driving conversions.

With a cost per install at $1.80 or below, improving both retention and conversion rates could lead to a favorable customer acquisition cost to lifetime value ratio, potentially positioning Auddia for sustainable growth in the competitive audio streaming market.

Auddia's focus on improving key metrics is promising, but investors should note that the company is still in a growth phase with an emphasis on user acquisition rather than immediate profitability. The low market cap of $3,403,376 suggests the company is still considered speculative by the market.

The transition from product development to revenue generation is a critical inflection point for tech startups. If Auddia can achieve its targeted 12% subscription conversion rate, it could significantly accelerate revenue growth. However, the company's ability to scale while maintaining low customer acquisition costs will be crucial.

Investors should monitor the burn rate and cash position closely, as the company will likely need to demonstrate a clear path to profitability or secure additional funding to support its growth initiatives. The success of these optimization efforts could be a key factor in determining Auddia's valuation and future funding prospects.

faidr 30-day retention has grown from 5% to 12% in the last year, 2% above Auddia’s targeted 30-day retention goal

Company now shifts focus down funnel to optimize subscription conversion metrics to drive high margin revenue

BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ:AUUD) (NASDAQ:AUUDW) (“Auddia” or the “Company”), a proprietary AI platform for audio identification and classification and related technologies, reinventing how consumers engage with AM/FM radio, podcasts, and other audio content, today announced it has exceeded its 30-day user retention goal of 10%, achieving 12% in the month of September.

“This achievement is the result of continued focus on optimizations of our product offerings and overall stickiness within the faidr mobile app,” said Michael Lawless, Auddia’s CEO. “This achievement demonstrates the value we are delivering to users and allows us to focus downstream in the metrics funnel to subscription conversion. Accordingly, we have a set of new initiatives in motion, with multiple third-parties supporting us, that aim at our next key objective of achieving 12% subscription conversion in the coming months.”

Auddia has been laser focused on growing its user retention for the past year through a steady cadence of product enhancements that included new ad-free podcast listening experiences and numerous UX improvements under its faidr 3.1 initiative. These efforts have resulted in steady gains in 30-day retention, growing from 5% to 12% over the past year. Now that internal retention targets have been achieved the Company will focus on optimizing subscription conversions to drive high margin revenue.

Auddia has maintained a subscription conversion rate of 5% across 2024 but has not prioritized improving this metric until it had achieved at least 10% 30-day retention. With retention success achieved, the Company can now focus on optimizing subscription conversions. This will be accomplished by removing friction from the current paywall process, moving subscription from a passive operation to a more active one for users, and engaging in a series of tests to optimize the when, where, and frequency of paywall views to drive subscription conversion to 12% or more.

With cost per install at or below $1.80, 30-day retention at or above 10%, and subscription conversions driving towards 12%, the Company is rapidly approaching the point where management believes they will be transitioning from a focus on product development to a focus on revenue generation.

“Our efforts are clearly paying off in terms of driving measured interest in our product,” said Theo Romeo, Auddia’s CMO. “Our objective has always been achieving traction with the hundreds of millions of US consumers, and eventually international consumers, who are active users on other audio platforms. Our success relies on our ability to put a highly differentiated, easy-to-use competing product in the market. That’s been our aim since launching faidr, and our retention numbers are positive signs that we’re on the right path.”

About Auddia Inc.

Auddia, through its proprietary AI platform for audio identification and classification and related technologies, is reinventing how consumers engage with AM/FM radio, podcasts, and other audio content. Auddia’s flagship audio superapp, called faidr, brings two industry firsts to the audio-streaming landscape: subscription-based, ad-free listening on any AM/FM radio station and podcasts with interactive digital feeds that support deeper stories and open untapped revenue streams to podcasters. faidr also delivers exclusive content and playlists, and showcases exciting new artists, hand-picked by curators and DJs. Both differentiated offerings address large and rapidly growing audiences with strong purchase intent. For more information, visit:

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 about the Company's current expectations about future results, performance, prospects and opportunities. Statements that are not historical facts, such as "anticipates," "believes" and "expects" or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the Company's current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition. These and other risks and uncertainties are discussed more fully in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are encouraged to review the section titled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as other disclosures contained in the Annual Report and subsequent filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Investor Relations:

Kirin Smith, President
PCG Advisory, Inc.


What is Auddia's current 30-day user retention rate for the faidr app?

Auddia's current 30-day user retention rate for the faidr app is 12%, achieved in September 2024.

What is Auddia's target for subscription conversion rate?

Auddia is aiming to increase its subscription conversion rate from the current 5% to 12% or more in the coming months.

How has Auddia's 30-day retention rate changed over the past year?

Auddia's 30-day retention rate has grown from 5% to 12% over the past year.

What is the current cost per install for Auddia's faidr app?

The current cost per install for Auddia's faidr app is at or below $1.80.

Auddia Inc.


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