Auddia Announces Addition of New AI Model in its faidr Mobile Application
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) has announced the implementation of a new AI audio model in its faidr mobile application, designed to enhance user control over radio listening experience. The new 'binary AI model' enables subscribers to transform any FM music station into an uninterrupted music-only experience by allowing them to turn off both ads and DJ talk at will.
The feature is currently live on iOS devices and will be available on Android next week. Through a new set of radio preferences, subscribers can customize their listening experience by toggling ads and DJ talk on or off according to their preferences.
CTO Peter Shoebridge highlighted that this functionality helps transition radio listening from passive to active engagement. CMO Theo Romeo emphasized the company's goal to preserve radio's appeal while offering enhanced customization options. The company expects this well-tested feature to support their recent focus on subscription growth for faidr.
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) ha annunciato l'implementazione di un nuovo modello audio AI nella sua applicazione mobile faidr, progettato per migliorare il controllo dell'utente sull'esperienza di ascolto della radio. Il nuovo 'modello AI binario' consente agli abbonati di trasformare qualsiasi stazione musicale FM in un'esperienza musicale continua, disattivando sia la pubblicità che i commenti dei DJ a piacimento.
Questa funzionalità è attualmente attiva sui dispositivi iOS e sarà disponibile su Android la prossima settimana. Attraverso un nuovo set di preferenze radio, gli abbonati possono personalizzare la loro esperienza di ascolto attivando o disattivando pubblicità e commenti dei DJ in base alle loro preferenze.
Il CTO Peter Shoebridge ha sottolineato che questa funzionalità aiuta a trasformare l'ascolto della radio da un'attività passiva a un coinvolgimento attivo. Il CMO Theo Romeo ha enfatizzato l'obiettivo dell'azienda di preservare l'appeal della radio offrendo opzioni di personalizzazione avanzate. L'azienda si aspetta che questa funzionalità ben testata supporti il loro recente focus sulla crescita degli abbonamenti per faidr.
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) ha anunciado la implementación de un nuevo modelo de audio AI en su aplicación móvil faidr, diseñado para mejorar el control del usuario sobre la experiencia de escucha de la radio. El nuevo 'modelo AI binario' permite a los suscriptores transformar cualquier estación de música FM en una experiencia de música ininterrumpida, desactivando tanto los anuncios como las charlas de los DJ a voluntad.
La función está actualmente activa en dispositivos iOS y estará disponible en Android la próxima semana. A través de un nuevo conjunto de preferencias de radio, los suscriptores pueden personalizar su experiencia de escucha activando o desactivando anuncios y charlas de DJ según sus preferencias.
El CTO Peter Shoebridge destacó que esta funcionalidad ayuda a transformar la escucha de la radio de un compromiso pasivo a uno activo. El CMO Theo Romeo enfatizó el objetivo de la empresa de preservar el atractivo de la radio mientras ofrece opciones de personalización mejoradas. La empresa espera que esta función bien probada apoye su reciente enfoque en el crecimiento de suscripciones para faidr.
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD)는 사용자에게 라디오 청취 경험에 대한 제어를 향상시키기 위해 faidr 모바일 애플리케이션에 새로운 AI 오디오 모델을 구현했다고 발표했습니다. 새로운 '이진 AI 모델'을 통해 구독자는 광고와 DJ의 이야기를 원하는 대로 끌 수 있어 어떤 FM 음악 방송도 중단 없는 음악 전용 경험으로 변환할 수 있습니다.
이 기능은 현재 iOS 장치에서 사용 가능하며 다음 주에는 Android에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 새로운 라디오 선호 세트를 통해 구독자는 자신의 선호에 따라 광고 및 DJ 이야기를 켜거나 끌 수 있어 청취 경험을 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다.
CTO인 Peter Shoebridge는 이 기능이 라디오 청취를 수동적 참여에서 능동적 참여로 전환하는 데 도움이 된다고 강조했습니다. CMO인 Theo Romeo는 라디오의 매력을 유지하면서 향상된 맞춤 설정 옵션을 제공하는 것이 회사의 목표라고 강조했습니다. 회사는 이 잘 테스트된 기능이 faidr의 구독 성장에 대한 최근 초점을 지원할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) a annoncé la mise en œuvre d'un nouveau modèle audio AI dans son application mobile faidr, conçu pour améliorer le contrôle de l'utilisateur sur l'expérience d'écoute de la radio. Le nouveau 'modèle AI binaire' permet aux abonnés de transformer n'importe quelle station de musique FM en une expérience musicale ininterrompue, en leur permettant de désactiver à volonté les publicités et les interventions des DJ.
Cette fonctionnalité est actuellement disponible sur les appareils iOS et sera disponible sur Android la semaine prochaine. Grâce à un nouvel ensemble de préférences radio, les abonnés peuvent personnaliser leur expérience d'écoute en activant ou désactivant les publicités et les interventions des DJ selon leurs préférences.
Le CTO Peter Shoebridge a souligné que cette fonctionnalité aide à passer d'une écoute passive à un engagement actif. Le CMO Theo Romeo a souligné l'objectif de l'entreprise de préserver l'attrait de la radio tout en offrant des options de personnalisation améliorées. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que cette fonctionnalité bien testée soutienne son récent accent sur la croissance des abonnements pour faidr.
Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) hat die Implementierung eines neuen KI-Audiomodells in seiner faidr Mobile-Anwendung angekündigt, das darauf abzielt, die Kontrolle der Benutzer über das Radiohörerlebnis zu verbessern. Das neue 'binäre KI-Modell' ermöglicht es den Abonnenten, jeden FM-Musiksender in ein ununterbrochenes Musik-Erlebnis zu verwandeln, indem sie sowohl Werbung als auch DJ-Gespräche nach Belieben ausschalten können.
Die Funktion ist derzeit auf iOS-Geräten verfügbar und wird nächste Woche auf Android verfügbar sein. Durch eine neue Reihe von Radioeinstellungen können Abonnenten ihr Hörerlebnis anpassen, indem sie Werbung und DJ-Gespräche je nach Vorliebe ein- oder ausschalten.
CTO Peter Shoebridge hob hervor, dass diese Funktionalität hilft, das Radiohören von passivem zu aktivem Engagement zu verwandeln. CMO Theo Romeo betonte das Ziel des Unternehmens, die Attraktivität des Radios zu bewahren und gleichzeitig verbesserte Anpassungsoptionen anzubieten. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass diese gut getestete Funktion ihre jüngsten Bemühungen um das Wachstum von Abonnements für faidr unterstützen wird.
- New AI technology enhances product capabilities and user experience
- Feature already live on iOS with Android launch imminent
- Positive prototype testing results
- Strategic alignment with subscription growth focus
- Feature to paid subscribers only
Auddia's new binary AI model represents an evolutionary step for their faidr app, adding a significant user control feature that transforms FM radio stations into customizable experiences. The technology now enables subscribers to completely remove both advertisements and DJ commentary from music stations - essentially creating a wall-to-wall music experience that wasn't previously available through traditional radio.
This development addresses a specific friction point in radio consumption where listeners have historically been forced to accept the bundled package of music, talk, and advertisements. By decomposing these elements and making them optional, Auddia is effectively creating a new product category that sits between traditional radio and on-demand streaming services.
From a technical perspective, this indicates meaningful progress in Auddia's AI classification capabilities. Separating DJ talk from music requires more sophisticated audio recognition than simply identifying advertisement patterns, suggesting improved underlying technology. The staged rollout (iOS now, Android next week) follows standard industry practice for feature deployment.
For this micro-cap company (
The new proprietary algorithm will enable users to turn any FM music station into a “music-only” experience without ads or DJ talk
Subscribers will now be able to listen to their favorite stations with or without DJ Talk via a new set of radio-preference controls
BOULDER, Colo., March 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Auddia Inc. (NASDAQ: AUUD) (NASDAQ: AUUDW) (“Auddia” or the “Company”), an AI first technology company that has built a proprietary AI platform for audio identification and classification to reinvent how consumers engage with audio, today announced it will be implementing a new AI audio model within its faidr mobile application in order to provide users with even more control over their radio-listening experience.
The new model, dubbed the “binary AI model” internally, can allow subscribers to turn off both ads and DJ talk. This transforms any FM music station into wall-to-wall, uninterrupted music listening.
The new feature, available only to subscribers of the faidr platform, will be accessible through a new set of radio preferences. Subscribers can change these settings whenever they choose, turning ads and DJ talk off and on at will.
“We’re always striving to innovate within the radio space,” said Auddia’s CTO Peter Shoebridge. “This functionality, built on our new binary AI model, delivers more control and helps transition radio listening from a historically passive to a more active experience for users.”
The new model and advanced settings are now live in iOS and will be available on Android next week. The company is optimistic that this new feature, which tested well in prototyping, will bolster the recent focus on subscription growth for faidr.
“Radio has been a relatively stagnant landscape, especially when it comes to how fans can interact with content,” said Auddia’s CMO Theo Romeo. “Our goal has always been to preserve what fans love about radio but give them more customization over the experience. For some fans, a huge part of that experience is the DJ. For some, radio is a straightforward and effective curator of music. We want to ensure that, no matter where a fan finds themselves on that spectrum, they can engage with their favorite stations based on their personal preferences for listening.”
About Auddia Inc.
Auddia, through its proprietary AI platform for audio identification and classification, is reinventing how consumers engage with AM/FM radio, podcasts, and other audio content. Auddia’s flagship audio superapp, called faidr, brings multiple industry firsts to the audio streaming landscape that include:
- subscription based, ad free listening on any AM/FM radio station
- content skipping across any AM/FM station
- one touch skipping of entire podcast ad breaks
- subscription based, ad free listening to podcast partners
faidr also delivers exclusive content and playlists, and showcases exciting new artists, hand-picked by curators and DJs. For more information, visit:
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 about the Company's current expectations about future results, performance, prospects and opportunities. Statements that are not historical facts, such as "anticipates," "believes" and "expects" or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the Company's current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition. These and other risks and uncertainties are discussed more fully in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are encouraged to review the section titled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024, as well as other disclosures contained in the Annual Report and subsequent filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Investor Relations:
Kirin Smith, President
PCG Advisory, Inc.