Aurania Commissions Environmental Impact Study in Corsica

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Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) announces its subsidiary, Corsica Ressources, has commissioned an environmental impact study for nickel beach placer projects at Nonza and Albo beaches in Corsica. The study, which began in January, aims to assess terrestrial and marine environments and identify potential impacts of proposed activities.

The beaches, artificially created from waste rock from the former Canari mine (1948-1965), contain high concentrations of magnetite and awaruite, a nickel-rich magnetic mineral. The company plans to extract sand underwater using suction dredge and separate magnetic fraction with electromagnets, focusing only on particles less than 1mm containing 98% of awaruite. The extracted material will contain approximately 40% Ni and could be used for stainless steel production or potentially processed into battery-grade nickel sulphate.

The company emphasizes environmental protection and community benefits, planning to operate only in off-season to preserve tourism. Transportation will be via sea barges to minimize local disruption. Additionally, an agreement has been secured with Paris officials to ensure royalties are distributed locally.

Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) annuncia che la sua controllata, Corsica Ressources, ha commissionato uno studio di impatto ambientale per i progetti di sedimentazione di nichel sulle spiagge di Nonza e Albo in Corsica. Lo studio, iniziato a gennaio, ha lo scopo di valutare gli ambienti terrestrial e marini e identificare i potenziali impatti delle attività proposte.

Le spiagge, create artificialmente dai materiali di scarto della ex miniera di Canari (1948-1965), contengono alte concentrazioni di magnetite e awaruite, un minerale magnetico ricco di nichel. L'azienda prevede di estrarre sabbia sotto acqua utilizzando un dragamine a depressione e separare la frazione magnetica con elettromagneti, concentrandosi solo su particelle di dimensioni inferiori a 1 mm contenenti il 98% di awaruite. Il materiale estratto conterrà circa il 40% di Ni e potrebbe essere utilizzato per la produzione di acciaio inossidabile o potenzialmente lavorato in solfato di nichel di grado per batterie.

L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza della protezione ambientale e dei benefici per la comunità, pianificando di operare solo nella bassa stagione per preservare il turismo. Il trasporto avverrà tramite chiatte marittime per ridurre al minimo i disagi locali. Inoltre, è stato stipulato un accordo con le autorità di Parigi per garantire che le royalties siano distribuite a livello locale.

Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) anuncia que su subsidiaria, Corsica Ressources, ha encargado un estudio de impacto ambiental para los proyectos de arena de níquel en las playas de Nonza y Albo en Córcega. El estudio, que comenzó en enero, tiene como objetivo evaluar los entornos terrestres y marinos e identificar los posibles impactos de las actividades propuestas.

Las playas, creadas artificialmente a partir de residuos de la antigua mina de Canari (1948-1965), contienen altas concentraciones de magnetita y awaruita, un mineral magnético rico en níquel. La empresa planea extraer arena submarina utilizando dragas de succión y separar la fracción magnética con electromagnetos, enfocándose solo en partículas de menos de 1 mm que contengan el 98% de awaruita. El material extraído contendrá aproximadamente un 40% de Ni y podría ser utilizado para la producción de acero inoxidable o potencialmente procesado en sulfato de níquel de grado para baterías.

La empresa enfatiza la protección ambiental y los beneficios para la comunidad, planeando operar solo en temporada baja para preservar el turismo. El transporte se realizará a través de barcazas marítimas para minimizar las interrupciones locales. Además, se ha asegurado un acuerdo con las autoridades de París para garantizar que las regalías se distribuyan localmente.

Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF)는 그 산하 회사인 Corsica Ressources가 코르시카의 논자(Nonza) 및 알보(Albo) 해변에 있는 니켈 해변 플라세르 프로젝트를 위한 환경 영향 연구를 시작했다고 발표했습니다. 1월에 시작된 이 연구는 육상 및 해양 환경을 평가하고 제안된 활동의 잠재적 영향을 식별하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

해변은 이전의 카나리 광산(1948-1965)에서 나온 폐석으로 인공적으로 만들어졌으며, 자철석과 아와루이트라는 니켈이 풍부한 자성 광물이 높은 농도를 포함하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 흡입식 드레지를 사용하여 수중에서 모래를 추출하고, 전자석으로 자성 분획을 분리할 계획이며, 98%의 아와루이트가 포함된 1mm 이하의 입자에만 집중하고 있습니다. 추출된 물질은 약 40%의 Ni를 포함하고 있으며, 스테인리스 스틸 생산에 사용되거나 배터리 등급 니켈 황산염으로 가공될 가능성이 있습니다.

회사는 환경 보호와 지역 사회 이익을 강조하며, 관광을 보호하기 위해 비수기에만 운영할 계획입니다. 운송은 지역 혼잡을 최소화하기 위해 해상 바지선을 통해 이루어집니다. 또한, 파리 당국과 체결된 협약을 통해 로열티가 지역 사회에 분배될 수 있도록 하고 있습니다.

Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) annonce que sa filiale, Corsica Ressources, a commandé une étude d'impact environnemental pour les projets de sables de nickel sur les plages de Nonza et Albo en Corse. L'étude, qui a débuté en janvier, vise à évaluer les environnements terrestres et marins et à identifier les impacts potentiels des activités proposées.

Les plages, créées artificiellement à partir de déchets de l'ancienne mine de Canari (1948-1965), contiennent de fortes concentrations de magnétite et d'awaruite, un minéral magnétique riche en nickel. L'entreprise prévoit d'extraire du sable sous l'eau en utilisant des dragueurs à aspiration et de séparer la fraction magnétique avec des électroaimants, en se concentrant uniquement sur des particules de moins de 1 mm contenant 98% d'awaruite. Le matériau extrait contiendra environ 40% de Ni et pourrait être utilisé pour la production d'acier inoxydable ou potentiellement transformé en sulfate de nickel de qualité pour batteries.

L'entreprise met l'accent sur la protection de l'environnement et les bénéfices pour la communauté, prévoyant d'opérer uniquement hors saison pour préserver le tourisme. Le transport se fera par des barges maritimes afin de minimiser les perturbations locales. De plus, un accord a été conclu avec les autorités de Paris pour garantir que les redevances soient distribuées localement.

Aurania Resources (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) gibt bekannt, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft, Corsica Ressources, eine Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung für Nickel-Sandabbauprojekte an den Stränden von Nonza und Albo in Korsika beauftragt hat. Die im Januar begonnene Studie soll die terrestrischen und marinen Umgebungen bewerten und potenzielle Auswirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Aktivitäten identifizieren.

Die Strände wurden künstlich aus Abraum der ehemaligen Mine Canari (1948-1965) angelegt und enthalten hohe Konzentrationen von Magnetit und Awaruit, einem nickelreichen magnetischen Mineral. Das Unternehmen plant, Sand unter Wasser mit einer Saugbagger zu gewinnen und die magnetische Fraktion mit Elektromagneten zu trennen, wobei nur Partikel mit weniger als 1 mm, die 98% Awaruit enthalten, fokussiert werden. Das gewonnene Material wird etwa 40% Ni enthalten und könnte zur Herstellung von rostfreiem Stahl verwendet oder möglicherweise in Batterie-nickelsulfat verarbeitet werden.

Das Unternehmen betont den Umweltschutz und die Vorteile für die Gemeinschaft und plant, nur in der Nebensaison zu operieren, um den Tourismus zu erhalten. Der Transport erfolgt über See-Barge, um lokale Störungen zu minimieren. Zudem wurde mit den Pariser Behörden eine Vereinbarung getroffen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Lizenzgebühren lokal verteilt werden.

  • Project contains high-grade nickel (40% Ni) in easily extractable form
  • Extraction process requires no chemicals, reducing environmental impact
  • Agreement secured for local distribution of royalties
  • Simple and cost-effective extraction method using magnetic separation
  • Project still in early environmental study phase
  • Operations to off-season periods, affecting potential production capacity
  • Additional processing facility needed for battery-grade nickel sulphate production

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 29, 2025) - Aurania Resources Ltd. (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) (FSE: 20Q) ("Aurania" or the "Company") announces that its subsidiary company, Corsica Ressources, has commissioned a French environmental engineering firm to undertake an environmental impact study at Nonza and Albo beaches in Corsica. The study commenced in early January by a bibliographic review, currently in progress.

The impact study is one part of the nickel beach placer project at the Nonza and Albo beaches. The goal of the study is to assess the terrestrial and marine environments of the beaches, identify any potential impact of the Company's proposed activities, and identify and propose solutions to eliminate or mitigate them if necessary. Corsica Ressources is keen to develop this project whilst ensuring appropriate measures are taken to preserve the original status of the environment and the local population. This objective is facilitated by the unique nature of the beaches themselves.

During the operation of the Canari mine (1948-1965), waste rock was discharged into the sea. Over time, this material migrated to the areas of Albo and Nonza, resulting in a globally unique situation.

Albo and Nonza beaches are artificially created beaches composed of serpentinite debris and black sand, which contain high concentrations of magnetite and awaruite. Awaruite (Ni₃Fe) is a nickel-rich magnetic mineral found in meteorites and certain serpentinite formations. See link to October 3, 2024 press release announcing the opportunity/discovery of the nickel-rich beach sands.

Aurania's Chairman, CEO, and President, Dr. Keith Barron, commented, "Europe needs responsible sources of key metals for its energy transition. Corsica can play a vital role in this transition without compromising its environment or identity. This innovative project, extracting nickel without chemicals, not only preserves the beauty of the beaches in Corsica but also ensures that local communities benefit economically. Aurania and its subsidiary, Corsica Ressources are fully committed to a development model that respects both nature and the people who depend on it."

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Figure 1: The beaches are composed mainly of serpentinite in the form of pebbles, gravel and sand (left photo). The magnetic fraction of the sand from Albo and Nonza contains awaruite, a high-grade nickel-containing mineral (right photo).

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Because awaruite is magnetic, it can be extracted simply using a magnet and, in this form, it is the only nickel mineral found in the world that can be recovered without the use of chemicals. Corsica Ressources plans to extract the sand underwater using a suction dredge, and then separate the magnetic fraction with an electromagnet, leaving the non-magnetic sand and pebbles on the beach to ensure the natural preservation of the beaches. It must be emphasized that tests have shown that 98% of the awaruite is contained in the size fraction of less than 1 mm. The screening process being proposed at Nonza and Albo will return all sand material that is non-magnetic and greater than 1 mm back to the beach. There is only interest in the magnetic fraction of less than 1 mm in particle size. It has been erroneously reported that the Company will crush and process serpentinite pebbles. All pebbles will be rejected untouched in the plant and placed back on the beaches.

The entire process will take place underwater, preventing the dispersion of any residual material into the air. To eliminate any potential disruption on local roads, the Company plans to transport the extracted magnetic product by sea using barges This material will contain circa 40% Ni and be suitable for furnace feed for any of the seven stainless steel producers in France. However, the laboratory has established the feasibility to separate the material further into a nominally pure awaruite concentrate using flotation technology. It can then be synthesized into battery-grade nickel sulphate for the manufacture of EV batteries. If it is considered appropriate and economically feasible, the magnetic concentrate produced at Nonza will be shipped by barge to a remote warehouse facility for further processing.

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Figure 2: The extraction of awaruite will be carried out by inexpensive and non-polluting mechanical and physical methods.

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Environmental protection and preservation are key aspects of the project. Corsica Ressources also aims to consider local communities by preserving tourism activities by working only in off season and ensuring that local populations benefit from the project. These topics were discussed with local stakeholders well before announcing the intentions of the project in October 2024. Together, the Company has worked to secure an agreement with officials in Paris to ensure that any royalties would be distributed locally. Corsica Ressources continues to meet with local stakeholders to address concerns and find appropriate solutions to ensure that the project benefits everyone. When the results of the impact study are known, Corsica Ressources will organize information for stakeholders and the population.

Update on Activities in Ecuador

The IP geophysical survey at the Company's Kuri-Yawi gold target was completed in late 2024. The purpose of the survey is to define targets for a drill program. The final report from GexplOre is pending and as soon as the final report is received, Aurania's geologists will work to complete their review and interpretation of the data. Key findings are expected to be published next month (February).

About Aurania

Aurania is a mineral exploration company engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition, and exploration of mineral property interests, with a focus on precious metals and copper in South America. Its flagship asset, The Lost Cities - Cutucu Project, is located in the Jurassic Metallogenic Belt in the eastern foothills of the Andes mountain range of southeastern Ecuador.

Information on Aurania and technical reports are available at and, as well as on Facebook at, Twitter at, and LinkedIn at

For further information, please contact:

Carolyn Muir
VP Corporate Development & Investor Relations
Aurania Resources Ltd.
(416) 367-3200

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Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking information as such term is defined in applicable securities laws, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. The forward-looking information includes Aurania's objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the tonnage and grade of mineralization which has the potential for economic extraction and processing, the merits and effectiveness of known process and recovery methods, the corporation's portfolio, treasury, management team and enhanced capital markets profile, the estimation of mineral resources, exploration, timing of the commencement of operations, the Company's teams being on track ahead of any drill program, the commencement of any drill program and estimates of market conditions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to Aurania, including the assumption that, there will be no material adverse change in metal prices, all necessary consents, licenses, permits and approvals will be obtained, including various local government licenses and the market. Investors are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected. Risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking information include, among other things: failure to identify mineral resources; failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves; the inability to complete a feasibility study which recommends a production decision; the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results; the inability to recover and process mineralization using known mining methods; the presence of deleterious mineralization or the inability to process mineralization in an environmentally acceptable manner; commodity prices, supply chain disruptions, restrictions on labour and workplace attendance and local and international travel; a failure to obtain or delays in obtaining the required regulatory licenses, permits, approvals and consents; an inability to access financing as needed; a general economic downturn, a volatile stock price, labour strikes, political unrest, changes in the mining regulatory regime governing Aurania; a failure to comply with environmental regulations; a weakening of market and industry reliance on precious metals and base metals; and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR+. Aurania cautions the reader that the above list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

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What is the nickel content of Aurania's (AUIAF) Corsica beach project?

The extracted magnetic material from the Nonza and Albo beaches will contain approximately 40% Ni in the form of awaruite.

How will Aurania (AUIAF) extract nickel from Corsica beaches?

The company will use underwater suction dredging and electromagnetic separation to extract awaruite, focusing on particles less than 1mm in size, without using chemicals.

When did Aurania (AUIAF) start the environmental impact study in Corsica?

The environmental impact study commenced in early January 2025 with a bibliographic review.

How will local communities benefit from Aurania's (AUIAF) Corsica nickel project?

The company has secured an agreement with Paris officials to ensure royalties are distributed locally, and operations will be to off-season to preserve tourism activities.

What is the source of nickel in Aurania's (AUIAF) Corsica beach project?

The nickel comes from waste rock discharged into the sea during the operation of the Canari mine (1948-1965), which migrated to form the Albo and Nonza beaches.

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