EuroPacific Announces Drill Assay Results Targeting High-Grade Copper Zone to 350m at Miguel Vacas Confirming Significant Mineralization at Depth

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EuroPacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF) has announced drill program results at its Miguel Vacas copper deposit in Portugal. The company completed 11 holes totaling 1,410m, with significant results including:

- Hole #1: 22.8m grading 2.76% Cu, including 9.0m at 7.49% Cu
- Hole #4: 10.5m grading 2.56% Cu, including 5.0m at 4.52% Cu
- Hole #8: 14.1m grading 1.06% Cu, including 6.9m at 1.81% Cu

The mineralized system extends at least 2km along strike and is open at depth. EuroPacific plans further drilling to define a shallow open pit resource of oxide copper mineralization recoverable by hydrometallurgical methods.

EuroPacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF) ha annunciato i risultati del programma di perforazione presso il suo giacimento di rame Miguel Vacas in Portogallo. L'azienda ha completato 11 fori per un totale di 1.410 metri, con risultati significativi tra cui:

- Foro #1: 22,8m con un grado di 2,76% Cu, inclusi 9,0m a 7,49% Cu
- Foro #4: 10,5m con un grado di 2,56% Cu, inclusi 5,0m a 4,52% Cu
- Foro #8: 14,1m con un grado di 1,06% Cu, inclusi 6,9m a 1,81% Cu

Il sistema mineralizzato si estende per almeno 2 km lungo il fronte ed è aperto in profondità. EuroPacific prevede ulteriori perforazioni per definire una risorsa superficiale di minerali di rame ossidato recuperabile mediante metodi idrometallurgici.

EuroPacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF) ha anunciado los resultados del programa de perforación en su depósito de cobre Miguel Vacas en Portugal. La compañía completó 11 perforaciones que suman 1,410 m, con resultados significativos que incluyen:

- Perforación #1: 22.8m con un grado de 2.76% Cu, incluyendo 9.0m a 7.49% Cu
- Perforación #4: 10.5m con un grado de 2.56% Cu, incluyendo 5.0m a 4.52% Cu
- Perforación #8: 14.1m con un grado de 1.06% Cu, incluyendo 6.9m a 1.81% Cu

El sistema mineralizado se extiende al menos 2 km a lo largo del yacimiento y está abierto en profundidad. EuroPacific planea realizar más perforaciones para definir un recurso de mineral de cobre oxídico recuperable mediante métodos hidrometalúrgicos.

유로퍼시픽 메탈스 Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF)가 포르투갈의 미구엘 바카스 구리 광산에서 시추 프로그램 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 1,410m에 달하는 11개의 구멍을 완료했으며, 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 구멍 #1: 22.8m에서 2.76% Cu 등급, 그 중 9.0m는 7.49% Cu
- 구멍 #4: 10.5m에서 2.56% Cu 등급, 그 중 5.0m는 4.52% Cu
- 구멍 #8: 14.1m에서 1.06% Cu 등급, 그 중 6.9m는 1.81% Cu

광물화된 시스템은 최소 2km 이상 뻗어 있으며 깊이에서도 열려 있습니다. 유로퍼시픽은 수산화 구리 광물의 얕은 개방형 광상을 정의하기 위해 추가 시추를 계획하고 있습니다.

EuroPacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF) a annoncé les résultats du programme de forage de son gisement de cuivre Miguel Vacas au Portugal. L'entreprise a complété 11 forages totalisant 1 410 m, avec des résultats significatifs comprenant :

- Forage #1 : 22,8 m avec une teneur de 2,76 % Cu, incluant 9,0 m à 7,49 % Cu
- Forage #4 : 10,5 m avec une teneur de 2,56 % Cu, incluant 5,0 m à 4,52 % Cu
- Forage #8 : 14,1 m avec une teneur de 1,06 % Cu, incluant 6,9 m à 1,81 % Cu

Le système minéralisé s'étend sur au moins 2 km en longueur et reste ouvert en profondeur. EuroPacific prévoit des forages supplémentaires pour définir une ressource superficielle de minéralisation de cuivre oxydé récupérable par des méthodes hydrométallurgiques.

EuroPacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP, OTCQB:AUCCF) hat die Ergebnisse des Bohrprogramms an seiner Kupferlagerstätte Miguel Vacas in Portugal bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat 11 Bohrlöcher mit einer Gesamtlänge von 1.410 m abgeschlossen, darunter folgende bedeutende Ergebnisse:

- Bohrloch #1: 22,8m mit 2,76% Cu, einschließlich 9,0m mit 7,49% Cu
- Bohrloch #4: 10,5m mit 2,56% Cu, einschließlich 5,0m mit 4,52% Cu
- Bohrloch #8: 14,1m mit 1,06% Cu, einschließlich 6,9m mit 1,81% Cu

Das mineralisierte System erstreckt sich mindestens 2 km entlang der Störung und ist in der Tiefe offen. EuroPacific plant weitere Bohrungen, um eine flache offene Mineralressource von oxidischen Kupferablagerungen zu definieren, die durch hydrometallurgische Verfahren gewonnen werden kann.

  • High-grade copper intersections in multiple drill holes
  • Mineralized system extends at least 2km along strike and is open at depth
  • Potential for shallow open pit operation with non-expensive hydrometallurgical copper plant
  • Successful intersection of breccia zone over 1.1km strike length
  • Deeper drilling confirms significant sulphide mineralization below supergene zone
  • Assays from 3 holes, including the deep undercut hole, are still pending
  • Further drilling required to extend known deposit and assess primary sulphide zone

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / Europacific Metals Inc. (TSX-V:EUP)(OTCQB:AUCCF) (the "Company" or "EuroPacific") announces drill program results at Miguel Vacas with an additional 350m hole targeting the high grade zone below the fourth hole where we intersected a mineralized section of 10.5m grading 2.56% Cu, including 5.9m grading 4.52% Cu. This zone lies at approximately 80m to the NNE of the first hole comprising 22.8m grading 2.76% Cu, including 9.0 m grading 7.49% Cu.

The Miguel Vacas mine area is located approximately 180km east by road from Lisbon and approximately 70km east from Évora, the Alentejo region capital.

The mineralized system extends at least 2km along strike and is open at depth. Mineralization is hosted on a polymict breccia with a quartz-carbonate matrix and quartz, grey shales and graphitic phyllite clasts, and it strikes NNE-SSW approximately.

The surficial part of this system includes a supergene blanket consisting of copper carbonates, sulphates and oxides down to 80m. Below this depth primary sulphides (chalcopyrite and pyrite) are the main metallic-mineral constituents of the mineralized system.

The initial program tested the section on the supergene blanket which is thought to extend down to 80m below surface and represents an immediate target for a shallow open cut operation with a non-expensive hydrometallurgical Copper plant.

The plan included a shallow drilling campaign to assess the potential for an open pit heap leaching operation. In addition to this, a decision was made to extend the drilling program with an undercut inclined 350m hole to test the "fresh" mineralization below the oxidized rich material in the same section of hole EBMV004.


The Company has completed 11 holes at the Miguel Vacas copper deposit totaling 1,410m. Most of the holes intercepted a wide quartz-breccia zone varying from approximately 5m up to more than 30m thick. An undercut > 350m hole was completed in addition to the initial plan.

Copper mineralization is hosted in a polyphase steeply dipping hydrothermal quartz breccia-oriented NNE-SSW. The shallower part of the breccia zone (<80m) has been mined by open pit methods and minor underground methods on the upper 80m of a supergene blanket and cupper was recovered through a heap leaching operation using sulphuric acid followed copper electrodeposition in pools with iron scrab.

Results have been received for eight of the eleven holes drilled to date. All holes have successfully intersected the breccia zone over a strike length of 1.1km and confirmed it is open along strike both to the north and south.

Significant results include (further details are summarized in the table below):

  • Hole # 1 - 22.8m grading 2.76 % Cu, from 49.4m with 9.0m grading 7.49% Cu from 57.8m

  • Hole # 3 - 12.3m grading 1.55% Cu, from 66.6m.

  • Hole #4 - 10.5m grading 2.56 % Cu, from 62.0m, with 5.0m grading 4.52% Cu, from 62.0m

  • Hole #8 - 14.1 m grading 1.06% Cu from 47.0m, with 6.9m grading 1.81% Cu, from 52.2m

Based on these good results, a decision was made to drill a deeper hole (Hole #11) to investigate the primary ore at depth and to compare it with shallow intercepts regarding mineralogy, grades and thickness. Assays are pending from 3 holes including the undercut hole #11 which intersected significant sulphide mineralization at depth well below the supergene zone and represents by itself an additional target for follow-up.

Table 1 - Highlights of main drill core assay results

Figure1 - Miguel Vacas. Hole locations

Figure 2 - Interpreted drill hole section including EBMV 04
and EMBV 11 (results pending)

Assays from the remaining holes are currently being analyzed at ALS Laboratories. However, based on the visual observation of the core it is now confirmed the presence of the mineralized breccia in all holes drilled which shows good indications for further follow-up drilling.

Figure 3 - Pictures of main mineralized section of hole EBMV09

Core samples are cut in half on site and dispatched to the ALS Laboratories for analysis (Gold by Fire Assay and multielement ME-MS for 48 elements). Certified blanks/standards (CDN-BL10 and CDN-CM41) are inserted approximately every 20 samples for quality control.

The 2024 drill program totaled 1,410 m in 11 holes and showed very encouraging results. The goal of this ongoing program is to further define a shallow open pit resource of oxide copper mineralization recoverable by hydrometallurgical methods. Further follow-up drilling is planned to extend the strike length of the known deposit to approximately 2km, initially focused on the supergene copper blanket. Step-out drilling will be undertaken on a later stage focused on the assessment of the sulphide rich (> 80m) part of the deposit below the supergene blanket into the primary sulphide zone bearing chalcopyrite, chalcocite and pyrite.

Figure 4 - NNE-SSW longitudinal section with EUP drilling impacts and planned follow-up

Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer commented, "We are very pleased with the results to date, we continue to hit mineralization targeting the High-Grade Zone at Miguel Vacas. Recent drilling below the fourth hole intersected a mineralized section of 10.5m grading 2.56% Cu, including 5.9m grading 4.52% Cu. This zone lies at approximately 80m to the NNE of the first hole comprising 22.8m grading 2.76% Cu, including 9.0 m grading 7.49% Cu." Mr. Rayani further states, "Phase 1 drill results are still pending, which were completed towards the end of the campaign. Once these results are available, we look to move forward to an initial resource estimation of the drilled section of the supergene blanket and expand the campaign to investigate strike and depth extensions to the mineralization."

About Europacific Metals Inc

EuroPacific Metals Inc. is a Canadian public company listed on TSXV and in US on OTCQB. The Company holds brownfield gold, and copper-gold projects located in Portugal. The Company is focused on exploration in highly prospective geological settings in European jurisdictions. EuroPacific Metals ("EUP") owns a total of 100% equity interest in EVX Portugal, a private Portugal based company, that holds the legal exploration rights from the Portugal Government on the Borba 2 ("Borba 2") exploration properties, covering approximately 328 square kilometers in the Alentejo region in Southern Portugal. Miguel Vacas is the most advanced prospect within the Borba 2 license.

Qualified Person

Technical information in this PR has been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and approved for inclusion by Mr. José Mario Castelo Branco, EuroGeol, who is a "Qualified Person" with over 35 years' experience in the Exploration and Mining Geology industry. Mr. Castelo Branco holds a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Porto in Portugal. He is also a member of the Portuguese Association of Geologists, the European Federation of Geologists, Member of the Prospectors and Developers of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Europacific Metals Inc.

Mr. Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer
11th Floor - 1111 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6

This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the exploration potential of the Company's properties. Generally forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "anticipate", "will", "expect", "may", "continue", "could", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential" and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties relating to, among other things, results of future exploration and development activities, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, changes in commodity prices and unanticipated environmental impacts on operations. Although the Company believes current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered are appropriate and that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct or enduring. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this release. Except as required by law, the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any forward-looking statements that are contained or incorporated in this press release. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The readers should not rely on any historical estimates. The Company and the QP has not done sufficient work to classify historical estimate as a current resource. Company is not treating the historical estimate as a current resource. Additional work including drilling will be required to verify and upgrade historical estimates.

SOURCE: Europacific Metals Inc.

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What are the key drill results from EuroPacific's Miguel Vacas copper project?

Key results include Hole #1 with 22.8m grading 2.76% Cu (including 9.0m at 7.49% Cu), Hole #4 with 10.5m grading 2.56% Cu (including 5.0m at 4.52% Cu), and Hole #8 with 14.1m grading 1.06% Cu (including 6.9m at 1.81% Cu).

What is the extent of the mineralized system at Miguel Vacas for EuroPacific (AUCCF)?

The mineralized system at Miguel Vacas extends at least 2km along strike and is open at depth, with the breccia zone successfully intersected over a strike length of 1.1km.

What are EuroPacific's (AUCCF) plans for the Miguel Vacas copper project?

EuroPacific plans to conduct further drilling to define a shallow open pit resource of oxide copper mineralization recoverable by hydrometallurgical methods, and to investigate strike and depth extensions of the mineralization.

How many drill holes has EuroPacific (AUCCF) completed at Miguel Vacas in 2024?

EuroPacific has completed 11 holes totaling 1,410 meters at the Miguel Vacas copper deposit in 2024.



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