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Atalaya Mining Plc announced its Q1 2023 operations update, showing significant improvements in copper production and operational efficiency. Key metrics include:
- Ore mined: 3.4 million tonnes, down from 4.0 million in Q1 2022.
- Waste mined: 6.5 million tonnes, slightly down from 6.8 million.
- Copper production reached 12,139 tonnes, up from 11,461 tonnes year-over-year.
- Average realized copper price was $4.00/lb, compared to $4.50/lb in Q1 2022.
- The company's cash reserves stood at €119.3 million as of March 31, 2023.
Atalaya remains optimistic regarding its 2023 guidance, attributing lower electricity costs and ongoing projects such as the 50 MW solar plant to its positive outlook.
Atalaya Mining Plc has filed a new Technical Report for its Proyecto Riotinto operation in Spain, revealing a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) that indicates substantial economic potential. The PEA estimates an after-tax NPV(8%) of $1.07 billion at base case metal prices, and $1.57 billion under sensitivity scenarios. The report includes the Cerro Colorado mine and adjacent San Dionisio and San Antonio deposits, aiming to integrate these into a new mine plan. This assessment particularly highlights the anticipated improvements in production and the reduction in cash costs.
Atalaya Mining Plc (AIM:ATYM) reported its audited consolidated results for FY2022, showing a robust operational performance despite external challenges. Highlights include a 52.3 kt copper production and EBITDA of €55.3 million, despite rising electricity costs. The net cash position was strong at €53.1 million. The proposed final dividend of $0.0385 per ordinary share would bring the total for FY2022 to $0.0745. For 2023, Atalaya anticipates higher copper production of 53-55 kt and a decrease in AISC to $3.00-$3.20 per lb, supported by lower electricity prices. Investments will focus on cost reductions and decarbonization initiatives.
Atalaya Mining Plc (AIM:ATYM)(TSX:AYM) will disclose its 2022 Annual Results on March 22, 2023. The announcement will include audited consolidated financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2022. CEO Alberto Lavandeira and CFO César Sánchez will present the results live via the Investor Meet Company platform at 12:00pm GMT. Investors can submit questions beforehand until 9:00am GMT on March 21, 2023. The presentation is accessible to all shareholders. Atalaya operates the Proyecto Riotinto in Spain, producing copper and silver. For more details, visit www.atalayamining.com.
Atalaya Mining plc has updated its voluntary delisting from the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), now set for March 20, 2023, instead of March 7. Shares will continue trading on the AIM market under the symbol ATYM. No shareholder approval is necessary for this delisting, as AIM is an accepted alternative market. Canadian shareholders can trade their shares on AIM by making them eligible for transfer through the UK-based CREST system. The company will maintain CDS eligibility until April 7, 2023, to facilitate this process. For queries, shareholders can contact Computershare Trust Company.