Buxton Helmsley Issues Letter to Assertio Stockholders Disclosing Inversion to Short Position Following Board Refusal to Address Product-Related Fraud

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Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG) has announced its transition from a long to a short position in Assertio Holdings (ASRT), citing serious concerns over alleged product-related fraud. The investment fund claims to have uncovered evidence from multiple former Spectrum executives-turned-whistleblowers regarding safety issues with Rolvedon, a product acquired through the Spectrum Pharmaceuticals merger. BHG alleges that Assertio's board has failed to properly investigate these concerns, despite reported inquiries from various federal health agencies. The fund suggests the Spectrum acquisition was rushed due to Assertio's flagship product Indocin facing imminent generic competition, potentially defrauding both Assertio and Spectrum stockholders.

Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG) ha annunciato la sua transizione da una posizione lunga a una corta in Assertio Holdings (ASRT), citando gravi preoccupazioni riguardo a presunti frodi legate ai prodotti. Il fondo d'investimento afferma di aver scoperto prove da parte di diversi ex dirigenti di Spectrum diventati informatori riguardo a problemi di sicurezza con Rolvedon, un prodotto acquisito attraverso la fusione con Spectrum Pharmaceuticals. BHG sostiene che il consiglio di amministrazione di Assertio non abbia indagato adeguatamente su queste preoccupazioni, nonostante le segnalazioni di indagini da parte di varie agenzie sanitarie federali. Il fondo suggerisce che l'acquisizione di Spectrum sia stata affrettata a causa della concorrenza generica imminente per il prodotto di punta di Assertio, Indocin, potenzialmente frodando sia gli azionisti di Assertio che quelli di Spectrum.

Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG) ha anunciado su transición de una posición larga a una corta en Assertio Holdings (ASRT), citando serias preocupaciones sobre presunta fraude relacionada con productos. El fondo de inversión afirma haber descubierto evidencia de varios exejecutivos de Spectrum convertidos en informantes con respecto a problemas de seguridad con Rolvedon, un producto adquirido a través de la fusión con Spectrum Pharmaceuticals. BHG alega que la junta de Assertio no ha investigado adecuadamente estas preocupaciones, a pesar de las consultas reportadas de varias agencias de salud federales. El fondo sugiere que la adquisición de Spectrum se realizó de manera apresurada debido a la competencia genérica inminente que enfrenta el producto insignia de Assertio, Indocin, lo que podría haber defraudado tanto a los accionistas de Assertio como a los de Spectrum.

Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG)Assertio Holdings (ASRT)의 장기 포지션에서 단기 포지션으로 전환한다고 발표했습니다. 이는 제품과 관련된 사기 혐의에 대한 심각한 우려 때문입니다. 투자 펀드는 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals 인수를 통해 획득한 Rolvedon 제품과 관련된 안전 문제에 대해 여러 전 Spectrum 임원들로부터 제보를 받은 사실을 밝혔습니다. BHG는 Assertio의 이사회가 이러한 우려를 적절히 조사하지 않았다고 주장하고 있으며, 여러 연방 보건 기관의 조사 요청에도 불구하고 이에 대한 조치가 없었다고 합니다. 이 펀드는 Assertio의 주력 제품인 Indocin이 임박한 제너릭 경쟁에 직면해 있었기 때문에 Spectrum 인수는 급하게 이루어졌다고 제안하며, 이는 Assertio와 Spectrum의 주주들을 잠재적으로 사기칠 수 있다고 경고합니다.

Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG) a annoncé sa transition d'une position longue à une position courte dans Assertio Holdings (ASRT), invoquant de graves préoccupations concernant des allégations de fraude liée aux produits. Le fonds d'investissement affirme avoir découvert des preuves de la part de plusieurs anciens dirigeants de Spectrum devenus lanceurs d'alerte concernant des problèmes de sécurité liés à Rolvedon, un produit acquis par le biais de la fusion avec Spectrum Pharmaceuticals. BHG allègue que le conseil d'administration d'Assertio n'a pas correctement enquêté sur ces préoccupations, malgré les demandes d'enquête signalées par diverses agences de santé fédérales. Le fonds suggère que l'acquisition de Spectrum a été précipitée en raison de la concurrence générique imminente à laquelle était confronté le produit phare d'Assertio, Indocin, ce qui pourrait avoir trompé les actionnaires d'Assertio et de Spectrum.

Buxton Helmsley Group (BHG) hat seinen Wechsel von einer Long- in eine Short-Position bei Assertio Holdings (ASRT) angekündigt und erhebt ernsthafte Bedenken hinsichtlich angeblicher produktbezogener Betrügereien. Der Investmentfonds gibt an, Beweise von mehreren ehemaligen Führungskräften von Spectrum, die zu Whistleblowern wurden, hinsichtlich Sicherheitsprobleme mit Rolvedon gefunden zu haben, einem Produkt, das durch die Fusion mit Spectrum Pharmaceuticals erworben wurde. BHG behauptet, dass der Vorstand von Assertio versäumt hat, diese Bedenken angemessen zu untersuchen, trotz gemeldeter Anfragen von verschiedenen Bundesgesundheitsbehörden. Der Fonds schlägt vor, dass die Übernahme von Spectrum hastig erfolgte, da das Hauptprodukt von Assertio, Indocin, einer bevorstehenden generischen Konkurrenz gegenüberstand, was möglicherweise sowohl die Aktionäre von Assertio als auch von Spectrum betrogen hat.

  • None.
  • Multiple whistleblowers report serious safety concerns with Rolvedon product
  • Board allegedly failed to properly investigate product-related fraud claims
  • Company faces potential regulatory scrutiny from HHS, CMS, and FDA
  • Risk of net asset insolvency highlighted by major investor
  • Indocin product facing imminent generic competition
  • Massive write-down of Spectrum acquisition immediately after purchase


This whistleblower allegation regarding product-related fraud at Assertio presents significant legal and financial risks. The claims center on the Rolvedon biologic acquisition from Spectrum Pharmaceuticals and alleged safety concerns affecting cancer patients. Multiple whistleblowers, including former Spectrum executives, have reportedly provided evidence and raised concerns with regulatory bodies including the FDA, HHS and CMS.

The allegations suggest potential securities fraud related to the Spectrum acquisition and ongoing product safety issues. If substantiated, this could trigger regulatory investigations, product liability claims and securities class action lawsuits. The company's alleged failure to properly investigate whistleblower claims and apparent "hush money" offers could compound legal exposure. The board's fiduciary duties and disclosure obligations may have been compromised.

The conversion of a significant investor from long to short position sends a concerning signal about Assertio's financial outlook. The allegations raise questions about the valuation and due diligence of the Spectrum acquisition, particularly the subsequent write-down. With Indocin facing patent expiration and generic competition and Rolvedon now under scrutiny, both major revenue streams are at risk.

The potential for regulatory action, litigation costs and product liability could create substantial financial strain. Market cap of $95.3M appears vulnerable given these risks. The suggestion of potential insolvency by a previously supportive investor warrants serious consideration. Balance sheet strength and cash flows could be severely impacted if these allegations prove true.

Well-Documented Evident Product-Related Fraud Related to the Acquisition of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals' Rolvedon Biologic Illuminates the Basis for Assertio's Massive Write-Down of Spectrum Immediately After Acquisition

Assertio Board Has Overseen Evident "Hush Money" Offers to Whistleblowers who Have Privately Raised Concerns and Evidence Relating to Rolvedon

Extensive Evident Fraud, Coupled with Assertio Chairman Peter Staple's Continued Refusal to Speak with BHG, Implicating Evident Liability at Parent Company Level, Has Driven BHG to Invert to Short Position

Warns Assertio Stockholders to Conduct Appropriate Diligence and to Consider Abandoning Stock Ownership

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Buxton Helmsley Group, Inc. (together with certain of its affiliates, “BHG” or “we”), a New York City-based investment fund manager that has now inverted its long equity position into that of a short interest in the publicly traded securities of Assertio Holdings, Inc. (“Assertio” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ASRT), today released an open letter to Assertio stockholders.

“Today, BHG has sadly been forced to issue a letter to Assertio stockholders, in light of the board of directors’ refusal to engage over evident product-related fraud and misconduct uncovered by multiple former Spectrum executives-turned-whistleblowers, who have continued sounding the alarm over severe and ongoing safety matters that are continuing to put cancer patients at risk,” said Alexander Parker, Senior Managing Director of BHG.

“Despite extensive attempts by BHG to persuade Assertio’s leadership to address these serious matters, the board of directors and management team have continued to opt for a ‘head in the sand’ approach to avoid admitting colossal due diligence failures as part of the Spectrum acquisition, at the expense of Assertio’s stockholders and to the detriment of cancer patients. We believe the timeline for the Spectrum acquisition was rushed because Assertio’s leadership was aware that its own flagship product, Indocin, was at imminent risk of losing exclusivity and facing generic competition. It is well-known in the pharmaceutical industry when the ‘patent cliff’ of a branded product is about to expire. To be clear, it appears to us that both Assertio stockholders and Spectrum stockholders were defrauded as part of the Assertio-Spectrum merger, and that the fraud is continuing, as is thoroughly detailed within today’s open letter. To ensure the validity of these corroborating allegations from multiple former Spectrum executives-turned-whistleblowers, BHG engaged outside counsel to conduct an independent investigation, which included the review of substantial non-public evidence related to these matters.

“Assertio’s board has continued with a ‘head in the sand’ approach, even after being notified by BHG that the whistleblowers had received inquiries regarding Rolvedon from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the U.S. FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). The board has claimed a ‘thorough investigation’ of the whistleblower allegations, even though they have never asked for the whistleblowers’ extensive non-public evidence supporting their allegations, making clear that a sham investigation occurred, at best. Assertio’s leadership has continued to receive non-public evidence from the whistleblowers via e-mails since BHG’s investigation began, and has never responded to any of those e-mails, other than a non-substantive effective autoreply.

“Had Assertio’s leadership acted in accordance with its fiduciary duties, stockholders would not have been exposed to this evident imminent catastrophe. We urge all stockholders to read the below-linked open letter very carefully, and consider the implications of net asset insolvency on the value of their investment in Assertio. BHG intends to donate a portion of any profits to the Cancer Research Institute of New York, a nonprofit organization. Although our initial intent was to create value by seeking change to the Assertio board, subsequently identified information has led us to conclude that it would require an utter miracle for Assertio’s equity value to have any value now, following the board’s endless betrayals and failures to address such well-documented and evident product-related fraud,” ended Parker.

The full letter to Assertio’s stockholders, issued today, in addition to the extensive private correspondence between BHG and Assertio’s leadership, may be found at:

About Buxton Helmsley

The Buxton Helmsley Group, Inc. is a New York City-based investment advisory firm and fund manager, engaging both active and passive investment strategies across a range of asset classes, with a general focus on opportunities in North America and Europe. The investment approach is based on deep fundamental analysis and risk management, with a focus on ensuring disclosure obligations are being upheld under applicable accounting standards and securities laws.

Disclosure: We hold a short position in the securities of ASSERTIO HOLDINGS, INC. (NASDAQ:ASRT)

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The information herein contains “forward-looking statements.” Specific forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and include, without limitation, words such as “may,” “will,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential,” “targets,” “forecasts,” “seeks,” “could,” “should” or the negative of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties and assumptions. There can be no assurance that any idea or assumption herein is, or will be proven, correct or that any of the objectives, plans or goals stated herein will ultimately be undertaken or achieved. If one or more of such risks or uncertainties materialize, or if BHG’s underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, the actual results may vary materially from outcomes indicated or suggested by these statements. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by BHG that the future plans, estimates or expectations contemplated will ever be achieved.


Buxton Helmsley Group

Source: The Buxton Helmsley Group, Inc.


Why did Buxton Helmsley Group change its position in ASRT from long to short?

BHG changed its position due to alleged product-related fraud concerns with Rolvedon, the board's failure to address whistleblower complaints, and potential regulatory issues that could significantly impact Assertio's value.

What are the main allegations against Assertio Holdings (ASRT)?

The main allegations include product-related fraud concerning Rolvedon, failure to properly investigate whistleblower claims, rushed acquisition of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, and potential defrauding of both Assertio and Spectrum stockholders.

Which regulatory agencies are reportedly inquiring about ASRT's Rolvedon product?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the U.S. FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) are reportedly making inquiries about Rolvedon.

Assertio Holdings Inc


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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
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United States