Aspen Group Delivers Positive Cash Flow from Operations in Fiscal Q1 2025

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

Aspen Group (ASPU) reported Q1 fiscal 2025 results with revenue of $11.3 million, down 23% year-over-year. The company posted a net loss of $0.3 million or $0.01 per share, improving from a $0.6 million loss in the prior year. Gross margin remained stable at 66%.

Key operational highlights include transitioning from HCM2 to HCM1 financial aid payment method, restructuring debt, and implementing cost reductions projected to save over $1.5 million annually. The company completed its BSN Pre-licensure program teach-out in September 2024 and is now focusing on post-licensure nursing programs, particularly USU's MSN-FNP program with an LTV of $17,820 per enrollment.

Total active student body decreased to 6,622 from 8,591 year-over-year, while new student enrollments were down 19% year-over-year but increased 3% sequentially.

Aspen Group (ASPU) ha riportato i risultati del primo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2025, con ricavi di 11,3 milioni di dollari, in calo del 23% rispetto all'anno precedente. L'azienda ha registrato una perdita netta di 0,3 milioni di dollari, pari a 0,01 dollari per azione, migliorando rispetto a una perdita di 0,6 milioni di dollari dell'anno scorso. Il margine lordo è rimasto stabile al 66%.

I principali punti operativi includono la transizione dal metodo di pagamento per aiuti finanziari HCM2 a HCM1, la ristrutturazione del debito e l'implementazione di riduzioni dei costi previste per risparmiare oltre 1,5 milioni di dollari all'anno. L'azienda ha completato nel settembre 2024 il programma di insegnamento precorso di laurea in BSN e ora si sta concentrando sui programmi di nursing post-laurea, in particolare sul programma MSN-FNP di USU, con un valore totale di vita (LTV) di 17.820 dollari per iscrizione.

Il totale degli studenti attivi è diminuito a 6.622 rispetto a 8.591 dell'anno precedente, mentre le nuove iscrizioni di studenti sono scese del 19% anno su anno, ma sono aumentate del 3% sequenzialmente.

Aspen Group (ASPU) informó sobre los resultados del primer trimestre del año fiscal 2025, con ingresos de 11,3 millones de dólares, una disminución del 23% en comparación con el año anterior. La empresa registró una pérdida neta de 0,3 millones de dólares, es decir, 0,01 dólares por acción, mejorando con respecto a una pérdida de 0,6 millones de dólares en el año anterior. El margen bruto se mantuvo estable en el 66%.

Los aspectos operativos clave incluyen la transición del método de pago de ayuda financiera HCM2 a HCM1, la reestructuración de la deuda y la implementación de reducciones de costos previstas para ahorrar más de 1,5 millones de dólares anuales. La empresa completó en septiembre de 2024 su programa de enseñanza pre-licenciatura en BSN y ahora se centra en los programas de enfermería post-licenciatura, especialmente en el programa MSN-FNP de USU, con un valor de por vida (LTV) de 17.820 dólares por inscripción.

El total de estudiantes activos disminuyó a 6.622, desde 8.591 en comparación con el año anterior, mientras que las nuevas inscripciones de estudiantes cayeron un 19% en comparación con el año anterior, pero aumentaron un 3% secuencialmente.

아스펜 그룹 (ASPU)은 2025 회계연도 1분기 결과를 보고하며, 수익이 1,130만 달러로 전년 대비 23% 감소했습니다. 회사는 30만 달러의 순손실을 기록했으며, 주당 0.01달러로 전년 60만 달러의 손실에서 개선되었습니다. 총 마진은 66%로 안정적으로 유지되었습니다.

주요 운영 하이라이트에는 HCM2에서 HCM1 재정 지원 지급 방법으로의 전환, 부채 재구성, 연간 150만 달러 이상을 절감할 것으로 예상되는 비용 절감 조치가 포함됩니다. 회사는 2024년 9월 BSN 사전 자격 프로그램을 마치고 현재는 USU의 MSN-FNP 프로그램과 같은 면허 취득 후 간호 프로그램에 주력하고 있으며, 등록당 생애 가치(LTV)는 17,820달러입니다.

전체 재학생 수는 전년 대비 8,591명에서 6,622명으로 감소했으며, 신규 학생 등록은 전년 대비 19% 감소했지만 이전 분기 대비 3% 증가했습니다.

Aspen Group (ASPU) a publié les résultats du premier trimestre de l'exercice 2025, avec des revenus de 11,3 millions de dollars, en baisse de 23 % par rapport à l'année précédente. L'entreprise a enregistré une perte nette de 0,3 million de dollars, soit 0,01 dollar par action, s'améliorant par rapport à une perte de 0,6 million de dollars l'année précédente. La marge brute est restée stable à 66 %.

Les points clés des opérations incluent le passage de la méthode de paiement d'aide financière HCM2 à HCM1, la restructuration de la dette et la mise en œuvre de réductions de coûts qui devraient permettre d'économiser plus de 1,5 million de dollars par an. L'entreprise a terminé en septembre 2024 son programme de préparation au diplôme de BSN et se concentre désormais sur les programmes de soins infirmiers post-licence, en particulier le programme MSN-FNP de USU, avec une valeur totale de vie (LTV) de 17 820 dollars par inscription.

Le nombre total d'étudiants actifs a diminué à 6 622 contre 8 591 l'année précédente, tandis que les nouvelles inscriptions d'étudiants ont chuté de 19 % par rapport à l'année précédente mais ont augmenté de 3 % par rapport au trimestre précédent.

Aspen Group (ASPU) berichtete über die Ergebnisse des ersten Quartals des Geschäftsjahres 2025 mit einem Umsatz von 11,3 Millionen Dollar, was einem Rückgang von 23% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen Nettverlust von 0,3 Millionen Dollar oder 0,01 Dollar pro Aktie, eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zu einem Verlust von 0,6 Millionen Dollar im Vorjahr. Die Bruttomarge blieb stabil bei 66%.

Wichtige betriebliche Höhepunkte umfassen den Übergang von der HCM2- zur HCM1-Zahlungsmethode für finanzielle Hilfe, die Umstrukturierung der Schulden und die Umsetzung von Kostensenkungen, die voraussichtlich Einsparungen von über 1,5 Millionen Dollar jährlich bringen werden. Das Unternehmen hat im September 2024 sein BSN-Vorqualifizierungsprogramm abgeschlossen und konzentriert sich nun auf die postlizenzierenden Pflegeprogramme, insbesondere auf das MSN-FNP-Programm von USU mit einem Lebenserwartungswert (LTV) von 17.820 Dollar pro Einschreibung.

Die Gesamtzahl der aktiven Studierenden ging von 8.591 im Vorjahr auf 6.622 zurück, während die neuen Studierendenanmeldungen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 19% sanken, jedoch im Vergleich zum vorherigen Quartal um 3% zunahmen.

  • Net loss improved to $0.3 million from $0.6 million year-over-year
  • Maintained strong gross margin at 66%
  • Successfully transitioned from HCM2 to HCM1 financial aid payment method
  • Implemented cost reductions expected to save over $1.5 million annually
  • Resolved key regulatory challenges including removal of show cause directive
  • Revenue declined 23% to $11.3 million year-over-year
  • Total active student body decreased 23% to 6,622 from 8,591
  • New student enrollments down 19% year-over-year
  • Aspen University revenue decreased 38%
  • USU revenue decreased 5%
  • Reports Revenue of $11.3 Million in Fiscal Q1 2025
  • Further restructured operating expenses and debt to preserve cash and position the company for sustained positive EBITDA
  • Successfully resolved outstanding regulatory issues during calendar year 2024
  • Completion of teach-out for all AU BSN Pre-licensure students as of September 2024
  • Demand for post-licensure nursing degrees remains strong

PHOENIX, Dec. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aspen Group, Inc. (OTC Markets: ASPU) (“AGI”), an education technology holding company, today announced financial results for its first quarter of fiscal year 2025 ended July 31, 2024.

First Quarter Fiscal Year 2025 Summary Results

 Three Months Ended July 31,
$ in millions, except per share data  2024   2023 
Revenue$11.3  $14.6 
Gross Profit1$7.5  $9.8 
Gross Margin (%)1 66%  67%
Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders$(0.3) $(0.6)
Earnings (Loss) per Share Available to Common Stockholders$(0.01) $(0.03)
EBITDA2$1.0  $1.3 
Adjusted EBITDA2$0.4  $1.9 

1 GAAP gross profit calculation includes marketing and promotional costs, instructional costs and services, and amortization expense of $0.5 million and $0.5 million for the three months ended July 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

2 Non-GAAP financial measures. See reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures under "Non-GAAPFinancial Measures" starting on page 4.

“Over the past year, AGI has successfully addressed its key regulatory challenges, including the removal of Aspen University’s show cause directive by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) and AU’s transition off the HCM2 financial aid payment method with the Department of Education,” said Michael Mathews, Chairman and CEO of AGI. “Furthermore, we recently took steps to further reduce our operating expenses, and we restructured our debt, positioning the company to achieve positive cash flow and positive EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA. These measures collectively strengthen our liquidity and position us for sustained financial stability, enabling AGI to reinvest in marketing and drive student enrollment growth by the end of fiscal year 2025.”

Mr. Mathews continued, “Following the completion of AU’s BSN Pre-licensure program teach-out in September 2024, our focus has shifted to positioning the company to expand enrollment in our traditional post-licensure nursing programs, with particular concentration on USU’s MSN-FNP program, now our highest LTV program at $17,820 per enrollment. With over a million RNs expected to exit the profession by 2030 due to retirement or burnout, and healthcare demand steadily increasing, addressing the need for FNP’s remains a critical priority.”

Fiscal Q1 2025 Financial and Operational Results (compared to Fiscal Q1 2024)

Revenue decreased 23% to $11.3 million compared to $14.6 million. The following table presents the Company’s revenue, both per subsidiary and total:

 Three Months Ended July 31,
  2024  $ Change % Change  2023 
AU$4,791,904  $(2,931,021)  (38)% $7,722,925 
USU 6,536,933   (380,014)  (5)%  6,916,947 
Revenue$11,328,837  $(3,311,035)  (23)% $14,639,872 

Aspen University (AU) revenue decreased by $2.9 million or 38%, with the Phoenix BSN Pre-Licensure program accounting for $1.45 million of the decrease. The active student body at AU decreased from 6,001 at July 31, 2023 to 4,145 at July 31, 2024 due to the continued maintenance level of marketing spend.

United States University (USU) revenue decreased 5% due primarily to a modest active student body decrease in USU's MSN-FNP program, the USU degree program with the highest concentration of students. The active student body at USU decreased from 2,590 at July 31, 2023 to 2,477 at July 31, 2024 due to the continued maintenance level of marketing spend.

GAAP gross profit decreased 23% to $7.5 million compared to $9.8 million, primarily due to lower revenue. Gross margin was 66% compared to 67%. AU gross margin was 61% versus 62% of AU revenue, and USU gross margin was 71% versus 72% of USU revenue.

AU instructional costs and services represented 31% of AU revenue, and USU instructional costs and services represented 26% of USU revenue. AU marketing and promotional costs represented 2% of AU revenue, while USU marketing and promotional costs represented 1% of USU revenue.

The following tables present the Company’s net income (loss) available to common stockholders, both per subsidiary and total:

 Three Months Ended July 31, 2024
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
Net (loss) income available to common stockholders$(269,016) $(1,584,916) $(491,022) $1,806,922 
Net loss per share available to common stockholders$(0.01)      

 Three Months Ended July 31, 2023
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
Net (loss) income available to common stockholders$(639,438) $(3,805,601) $646,376  $2,519,787 
Net loss per share available to common stockholders$(0.03)      

The following tables present the Company’s Non-GAAP measures, both per subsidiary and total. See reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures under “Non-GAAPFinancial Measures” starting on page 4.

 Three Months Ended July 31, 2024
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
EBITDA$1,039,102  $(1,018,946) $112,814  $1,945,234 
EBITDA Margin 9%  NM   2%  30%
Adjusted EBITDA 447,615   (1,635,054)  (99,794)  2,182,463 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 4%  NM   (2)%  33%
NM – Not meaningful
 Three Months Ended July 31, 2023
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
EBITDA$1,344,405  $(2,738,712) $1,427,102  $2,656,015 
EBITDA Margin 9%  NM   18%  38%
Adjusted EBITDA 1,881,854   (2,691,840)  1,685,160   2,888,534 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 13%  NM   22%  42%


The Fiscal Q1 2025 ending unrestricted cash balance of approximately $1.3 million resulted from the timing of financial aid payments received from the Department of Education (DOE). The following three factors will help improve cash flow in the second half of Fiscal 2025. First, effective August 16, 2024, AU transitioned from the Heightened Cash Monitoring 2 (HCM2) to the Heightened Cash Monitoring 1 (HCM1) method of receiving student financial aid payments from the DOE. This transition allows AU to disburse student financial aid using institutional funds and immediately draw down reimbursement by submitting disbursement records, eliminating payment delays and resulting in more consistent unrestricted cash balances. Second, we renegotiated the 15% Senior Secured Debentures in November 2024, reducing ongoing principal payments and changing the timing of principal payments from monthly to quarterly. Finally, the Company initiated a fourth restructuring in the fourth quarter of calendar 2024, projected to reduce annual operating expenses by over $1.5 million.

Cost reductions associated with the four restructuring plans and other corporate cost reductions were implemented to ensure that the company will have sufficient cash to meet its working capital needs for the next 12 months.

Operating Metrics

New Student Enrollments

On a Company-wide basis, new student enrollments were down 19% year-over-year, but increased 3% sequentially. New student enrollments at AU decreased 34% year-over-year and at USU increased 5% year-over-year. The year-over-year company-wide decrease in new student enrollments is primarily the result of the on-going maintenance level of marketing spend. We anticipate we will increase marketing spend in late Fiscal 2025 to a level necessary to provide enrollments needed to grow the student body and increase positive operating cash flow.

New student enrollments for the past five quarters are shown below:

 Q1'24 Q2'24 Q3'24 Q4'24 Q1'25
AU626 808 473 427 413
USU389 548 325 370 410
Total1,015 1,356 798 797 823

Total Active Student Body

Total active student body for the past five quarters is shown below:

 Q1'24 Q2'24 Q3'24 Q4'24 Q1'25
AU6,001 5,679 5,146 4,559 4,145
USU2,590 2,733 2,503 2,489 2,477
Total8,591 8,412 7,649 7,048 6,622

Nursing Students

Nursing student body for the past five quarters are shown below:

 Q1'24 Q2'24 Q3'24 Q4'24 Q1'25
AU4,766 4,470 4,032 3,526 3,198
USU2,349 2,432 2,270 2,262 2,254
Total7,115 6,902 6,302 5,788 5,452

Non-GAAP – Financial Measures

This press release includes both financial measures in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, as well as non-GAAP financial measures. Generally, a non-GAAP financial measure is a numerical measure of a company’s performance, financial position or cash flows that either excludes or includes amounts that are not normally included or excluded in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed as supplemental to and should not be considered as alternatives to net income (loss), operating income (loss), and cash flow from operating activities, liquidity or any other financial measures. They may not be indicative of the historical operating results of AGI nor are they intended to be predictive of potential future results. Investors should not consider non-GAAP financial measures in isolation or as substitutes for performance measures calculated in accordance with GAAP.

Our management uses and relies on EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA Margin and Adjusted Gross Profit, which are non-GAAP financial measures. We believe that management, analysts and shareholders benefit from referring to the following non-GAAP financial measures to evaluate and assess our core operating results from period-to-period after removing the impact of items that affect comparability. Our management recognizes that the non-GAAP financial measures have inherent limitations because of the excluded items described below.

We have included a reconciliation of our non-GAAP financial measures to the most comparable financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. We believe that providing the non-GAAP financial measures, together with the reconciliation to GAAP, helps investors make comparisons between AGI and other companies. In making any comparisons to other companies, investors need to be aware that companies use different non-GAAP measures to evaluate their financial performance. Investors should pay close attention to the specific definition being used and to the reconciliation between such measure and the corresponding GAAP measure provided by each company.

AGI defines Adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA excluding: (1) bad debt expense; (2) stock-based compensation; (3) severance; and (4) non-recurring charges. The following table presents a reconciliation of net loss to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA and of net income (loss) margin to Adjusted EBITDA Margin:

 Three Months Ended July 31,
  2024   2023 
Net loss$(127,864) $(639,438)
Interest expense, net 347,170   936,460 
Taxes (208)  84,171 
Depreciation and amortization 820,004   963,212 
EBITDA 1,039,102   1,344,405 
Bad debt expense 450,000   450,000 
Stock-based compensation 210,091   87,449 
Severance 50,707    
Non-recurring charges - Other (1,302,285)   
Adjusted EBITDA$447,615  $1,881,854 
Net loss Margin (1)%  (4)%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 1 4%  13%


1 Adjusted EBITDA Margin is defined as Adjusted EBITDA divided by revenue. Adjusted EBITDA margin has certain limitations in that it does not take into account the impact on our consolidated statement of operations of certain expenses.

The following tables present a reconciliation of Net income (loss) to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA and of Net loss margin to Adjusted EBITDA margin by subsidiary:

 Three Months Ended July 31, 2024
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
Net income (loss)$(127,864) $(1,443,764) $(491,022) $1,806,922 
Interest expense, net 347,170   347,170       
Taxes (208)  92      (300)
Depreciation and amortization 820,004   77,556   603,836   138,612 
EBITDA 1,039,102   (1,018,946)  112,814   1,945,234 
Bad debt expense 450,000      225,000   225,000 
Stock-based compensation 210,091   201,754   6,865   1,472 
Severance 50,707   3,125   36,825   10,757 
Non-recurring charges - Other (1,302,285)  (820,987)  (481,298)   
Adjusted EBITDA$447,615  $(1,635,054) $(99,794) $2,182,463 
Net income (loss) Margin (1)%  NM   (10)%  28%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 4%  NM   (2)%  33%

NM - Not meaningful

 Three Months Ended July 31, 2023
 Consolidated AGI Corporate AU USU
Net income (loss)$(639,438) $(3,805,601) $646,376  $2,519,787 
Interest expense, net 936,460   936,481   (6)  (15)
Taxes 84,171   54,766   19,425   9,980 
Depreciation and amortization 963,212   75,642   761,307   126,263 
EBITDA 1,344,405   (2,738,712)  1,427,102   2,656,015 
Bad debt expense 450,000      225,000   225,000 
Stock-based compensation 87,449   46,872   33,058   7,519 
Adjusted EBITDA$1,881,854  $(2,691,840) $1,685,160  $2,888,534 
Net income (loss) Margin (4)%  NM   8%  36%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 13%  NM   22%  42%

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 including the impact of our operating and debt restructurings and expected positive operating cash flow and positive EBITDA and future growth. The words “believe,” “may,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “should,” “plan,” “could,” “target,” “potential,” “is likely,” “will,” “expect” and similar expressions, as they relate to us, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. The results anticipated by any or all of these forward-looking statements might not occur. Important factors, uncertainties and risks that may cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the impact from our last restructuring plan. our ability to sublease our remaining leases other than our executive offices and necessary space used by AU and USU, the continued high demand for nurses for our new programs and in general, student attrition, national and local economic factors including the labor market shortages, competition from other online universities including the competitive impact from the trend of major non-profit universities using online education , the effectiveness of our future marketing and the impact of any Federal Reserve interest rate changes on the economy. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as the result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Aspen Group, Inc.

Aspen Group, Inc. is an education technology holding company that leverages its infrastructure and expertise to allow its two universities, Aspen University and United States University, to deliver on the vision of making college affordable again.

Investor Relations Contact

Kim Rogers
Managing Director
Hayden IR

GAAP Financial Statements

 July 31, 2024 April 30, 2024
Current assets:   
Cash and cash equivalents$1,308,843  $1,531,425 
Restricted cash 1,088,002   1,088,002 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $5,005,236 and $4,560,378, respectively 18,738,129   19,686,527 
Prepaid expenses 508,752   502,751 
Other current assets 1,417,092   1,785,621 
Total current assets 23,060,818   24,594,326 
Property and equipment:   
Computer equipment and hardware 888,566   886,152 
Furniture and fixtures 1,974,271   1,974,271 
Leasehold improvements 6,553,314   6,553,314 
Instructional equipment 529,299   529,299 
Software 9,072,488   8,784,996 
  19,017,938   18,728,032 
Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization (10,331,034)  (9,542,520)
Total property and equipment, net 8,686,904   9,185,512 
Goodwill 5,011,432   5,011,432 
Intangible assets, net 7,900,000   7,900,000 
Courseware and accreditation, net 353,065   363,975 
Long-term contractual accounts receivable 17,550,272   17,533,030 
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net 9,598,303   10,639,838 
Deposits and other assets 699,470   718,888 
Total assets$72,860,264  $75,947,001 


 July 31, 2024 April 30, 2024
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity   
Current liabilities:   
Accounts payable$2,115,294  $2,311,360 
Accrued expenses 3,099,740   2,880,478 
Advances on tuition 2,300,046   2,030,501 
Deferred tuition 3,344,645   4,881,546 
Due to students 2,419,963   2,558,492 
Current portion of long-term debt 2,915,863   2,284,264 
Operating lease obligations, current portion 2,264,213   2,608,534 
Other current liabilities 488,991   86,495 
Total current liabilities 18,948,755   19,641,670 
Long-term debt, net 5,994,907   6,776,506 
Operating lease obligations, less current portion 14,259,290   14,999,687 
Put warrants liabilities 1,143,606   1,964,593 
Other long-term liabilities 287,930   287,930 
Total liabilities 40,634,488   43,670,386 
Commitments and contingencies   
Stockholders’ equity:   
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value; 1,000,000 shares authorized, 10,000 issued and 10,000 outstanding at July 31, 2024 and April 30, 2024 10   10 
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 85,000,000 shares authorized, 25,932,255 issued and 25,932,255 outstanding at July 31, 2024   
25,701,603 issued and 25,701,603 outstanding at April 30, 2024 25,932   25,702 
Additional paid-in capital 121,997,843   121,921,048 
Accumulated deficit (89,798,009)  (89,670,145)
Total stockholders’ equity 32,225,776   32,276,615 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity$72,860,264  $75,947,001 

 Three Months Ended July 31,
  2024   2023 
 (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Revenue$11,328,837  $14,639,872 
Operating expenses:   
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below) 3,347,225   4,392,855 
General and administrative 7,327,334   8,470,878 
Bad debt expense 450,000   450,000 
Depreciation and amortization 820,004   963,212 
Total operating expenses 11,944,563   14,276,945 
Operating (loss) income (615,726)  362,927 
Other income (expense):   
Interest expense (347,170)  (936,481)
Change in fair value of put warrant liability 820,987    
Other income, net 13,837   18,287 
Total other income (expense), net 487,654   (918,194)
Loss before income taxes (128,072)  (555,267)
Income tax (benefit) expense (208)  84,171 
Net loss (127,864)  (639,438)
Dividends attributable to preferred stock (141,152)   
Net loss available to common stockholders$(269,016) $(639,438)
Net loss per share - basic and diluted available to common stockholders$(0.01) $(0.03)
Weighted average number of common stock outstanding - basic and diluted 25,929,218   25,567,351 

 Three Months Ended July 31,
  2024   2023 
 (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Cash flows from operating activities:   
Net loss$(127,864) $(639,438)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:   
Bad debt expense 450,000   450,000 
Depreciation and amortization 820,004   963,212 
Stock-based compensation 151,341   87,449 
Change in fair value of put warrant liability (820,987)   
Amortization of warrant-based cost 7,000   7,000 
Amortization of debt issuance costs    73,174 
Amortization of debt discounts    77,208 
Non-cash lease benefit (124,499)  (196,720)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:   
Accounts receivable 481,156   (2,915,225)
Prepaid expenses (6,001)  (34,123)
Other current assets 368,529   (3,210,237)
Deposits and other assets 19,418   (571,014)
Accounts payable (196,066)  180,041 
Accrued expenses 219,262   214,859 
Due to students (138,529)  186,030 
Advances on tuition and deferred tuition (1,267,356)  812,637 
Other current liabilities 402,496   (88,317)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 237,904   (4,603,464)
Cash flows from investing activities:   
Purchases of courseware and accreditation (20,580)  (28,020)
Purchases of property and equipment (289,906)  (291,632)
Net cash used in investing activities (310,486)  (319,652)
Cash flows from financing activities:   
Repayment of portion of 15% Senior Secured Debentures (150,000)   
Proceeds from 15% Senior Secured Debentures, net of original issuance discount and fees    10,451,080 
Repayment of 2018 Credit Facility    (5,000,000)
Payments of debt issuance costs    (195,661)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities$(150,000) $5,255,419 


 Three Months Ended July 31,
  2024   2023 
 (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Net (decrease) increase in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash$(222,582) $332,303 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period 2,619,427   5,724,467 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period$2,396,845  $6,056,770 
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:   
Cash paid for interest$345,413  $671,031 
Cash (refunded) paid for income taxes$(208) $59,172 
Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing and financing activities:   
Accrued dividends$141,152  $ 
Relative fair value of warrants issued as part of the 15% Senior Secured Debentures$  $154,000 

The following table provides a reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash reported within the accompanying consolidated balance sheet to the total amounts shown in the accompanying unaudited consolidated statements of cash flows:

 July 31,
  2024   2023 
 (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Cash and cash equivalents$1,308,843  $217,370 
Restricted cash 1,088,002   5,839,400 
Total cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash$2,396,845  $6,056,770 


What was Aspen Group's (ASPU) revenue in Q1 fiscal 2025?

Aspen Group reported revenue of $11.3 million in Q1 fiscal 2025, representing a 23% decrease from $14.6 million in the same period last year.

How much did Aspen Group (ASPU) reduce its net loss in Q1 fiscal 2025?

Aspen Group reduced its net loss to $0.3 million ($0.01 per share) in Q1 fiscal 2025, compared to a net loss of $0.6 million ($0.03 per share) in Q1 fiscal 2024.

What was ASPU's total active student body count in Q1 fiscal 2025?

Aspen Group's total active student body was 6,622 in Q1 fiscal 2025, down from 8,591 in the same period last year.

How much annual cost savings does ASPU expect from its restructuring?

Aspen Group expects to reduce annual operating expenses by over $1.5 million through its fourth restructuring plan implemented in Q4 calendar 2024.
Aspen Group


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