Associated Bank Launches New Deposit Vertical

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Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) has announced the launch of a new Specialty Deposits and Payment Solutions national vertical, appointing Rick Bruhn as senior vice president and head of this division. Bruhn, with over 20 years of financial services experience, will be responsible for:

  • Building the new business vertical
  • Driving the specialty deposits and payment solutions strategy
  • Aligning with the bank's growth goals
  • Driving new client acquisition
  • Helping fund overall enterprise growth

This appointment is part of Associated's Phase 2 strategy to expand corporate and commercial banking capabilities and boost deposit and treasury management revenue. Bruhn's expertise is expected to accelerate this strategic initiative.

Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) ha annunciato il lancio di un nuovo verticale nazionale di Depositi Speciali e Soluzioni di Pagamento, nominando Rick Bruhn come vicepresidente senior e responsabile di questa divisione. Bruhn, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore dei servizi finanziari, sarà responsabile per:

  • Creare il nuovo verticale di business
  • Guidare la strategia dei depositi speciali e delle soluzioni di pagamento
  • Allinearsi agli obiettivi di crescita della banca
  • Puntare ad acquisire nuovi clienti
  • Supportare la crescita complessiva dell’impresa

Questa nomina fa parte della strategia Fase 2 di Associated per espandere le capacità di banking corporate e commerciale e aumentare le entrate da depositi e gestione della tesoreria. Si prevede che l'expertise di Bruhn acceleri questa iniziativa strategica.

Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo vertical nacional de Depósitos Especiales y Soluciones de Pago, nombrando a Rick Bruhn como vicepresidente sénior y jefe de esta división. Bruhn, con más de 20 años de experiencia en servicios financieros, será responsable de:

  • Construir el nuevo vertical de negocios
  • Impulsar la estrategia de depósitos especiales y soluciones de pago
  • Alinearse con los objetivos de crecimiento del banco
  • Impulsar la adquisición de nuevos clientes
  • Ayudar a financiar el crecimiento general de la empresa

Esta nombramiento es parte de la estrategia Fase 2 de Associated para expandir las capacidades bancarias corporativas y comerciales y aumentar los ingresos por depósitos y gestión de tesorería. Se espera que la experiencia de Bruhn acelere esta iniciativa estratégica.

Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB)는 새로운 특수 예금 및 결제 솔루션의 국가 수직 조직을 출범한다고 발표하며 Rick Bruhn을 수석 부사장 겸 이 부서의 책임자로 임명했습니다. Bruhn은 금융 서비스 분야에서 20년 이상의 경력을 보유하고 있으며, 다음과 같은 책임을 집니다:

  • 새로운 비즈니스 수직 조직 구축
  • 특수 예금 및 결제 솔루션 전략 추진
  • 은행의 성장 목표와의 정렬
  • 신규 고객 확보 추진
  • 전체 기업 성장 지원

이번 임명은 Associated의 2단계 전략의 일환으로, 기업 및 상업 은행 기능을 확장하고 예금 및 자산 관리 수익을 증가시키기 위한 것입니다. Bruhn의 전문성이 이 전략적 이니셔티브를 가속화할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) a annoncé le lancement d'un nouveau vertical national de Dépôts Spéciaux et de Solutions de Paiement, nommant Rick Bruhn au poste de vice-président senior et responsable de cette division. Bruhn, fort de plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans les services financiers, sera responsable de :

  • Construire le nouveau secteur d'activité
  • Conduire la stratégie des dépôts spéciaux et des solutions de paiement
  • Aligner les objectifs de croissance de la banque
  • Favoriser l'acquisition de nouveaux clients
  • Aider à financer la croissance globale de l'entreprise

Cette nomination s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Phase 2 d’Associated pour développer les capacités de banque d'entreprise et commerciale et accroître les revenus issus des dépôts et de la gestion de trésorerie. L'expertise de Bruhn est censée accélérer cette initiative stratégique.

Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) hat die Einführung eines neuen nationalen Bereichs für Spezialeinlagen und Zahlungslösungen bekannt gegeben und Rick Bruhn zum Senior Vice President und Leiter dieser Abteilung ernannt. Bruhn, der über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich verfügt, wird verantwortlich sein für:

  • Den neuen Geschäftsbereich aufzubauen
  • Die Strategie für Spezialeinlagen und Zahlungslösungen voranzutreiben
  • Mit den Wachstumszielen der Bank in Einklang zu bringen
  • Die Akquise neuer Kunden voranzutreiben
  • Die gesamte Unternehmensentwicklung zu unterstützen

Diese Ernennung ist Teil der Phase-2-Strategie von Associated, die Fähigkeiten im Firmen- und Handelsbanking auszubauen und die Einnahmen aus Einlagen und Treasury-Management zu steigern. Bruhns Fachwissen wird erwartet, um diese strategische Initiative zu beschleunigen.

  • Launch of new Specialty Deposits and Payment Solutions vertical
  • Appointment of experienced industry expert Rick Bruhn as SVP
  • Potential for new client acquisition and enterprise growth
  • Alignment with bank's strategic growth goals
  • Expansion of corporate and commercial banking capabilities
  • None.

Rick Bruhn joins bank as senior vice president and head of Specialty Deposits and Payment Solutions

MILWAUKEE, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) (Associated) Rick Bruhn has joined Associated Bank as senior vice president and head of the Specialty Deposit and Payment Solutions national vertical. Bruhn is responsible for collaborating with internal and external partners to build this new business vertical within the bank. In addition, he is responsible for driving the specialty deposits and payment solutions strategy and team that aligns with the bank's growth goals by driving new client acquisition and helping fund the growth of the overall enterprise.

A leading industry expert, Bruhn brings more than 20 years of financial services experience and was most recently at U.S. Bank where he spent the past 18 years leading several deposit focused strategies including title and escrow, 1031 exchange, HOA property management and fintech. His leadership and expertise will help Associated accelerate Phase 2 of our strategy of building out corporate and commercial banking capabilities and driving deposit and treasury management revenue.

"We are excited to have Rick join the Associated Bank team as his collaborative style and extensive experience fits perfectly with our culture," said John Utz, executive vice president, head of corporate banking. "His career progression is a testament to his exceptional leadership, strategic thinking, and ability to deliver results. We look forward to his expertise as he drives new products and solutions and expands our client base."

Bruhn holds a bachelor's degree in economics, finance and accounting from Wright State University and is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE: ASB) has total assets of $41 billion and is the largest bank holding company based in Wisconsin. Headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Associated is a leading Midwest banking franchise, offering a full range of financial products and services from nearly 200 banking locations serving more than 100 communities throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota. The company also operates loan production offices in Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio and Texas. Associated Bank, N.A. is an Equal Housing Lender, Equal Opportunity Lender and Member FDIC. More information about Associated Banc-Corp is available at

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SOURCE Associated Banc-Corp


What new business vertical has Associated Bank (ASB) launched?

Associated Bank (ASB) has launched a new Specialty Deposits and Payment Solutions national vertical.

Who has been appointed to lead Associated Bank's (ASB) new Specialty Deposits vertical?

Rick Bruhn has been appointed as senior vice president and head of the Specialty Deposits and Payment Solutions national vertical at Associated Bank (ASB).

What is the strategic goal behind Associated Bank's (ASB) new Specialty Deposits vertical?

The new vertical aligns with Associated Bank's (ASB) Phase 2 strategy to expand corporate and commercial banking capabilities and drive deposit and treasury management revenue growth.

What is Rick Bruhn's professional background before joining Associated Bank (ASB)?

Rick Bruhn has over 20 years of financial services experience and was previously at U.S. Bank for 18 years, leading several deposit-focused strategies.

Associated Banc-Corp


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