Aris Water Solutions, Inc. Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

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Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) has published its 2023 Sustainability Report, showcasing its leadership in enhancing water sustainability. Key highlights include:

  • 9% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate
  • 8% increase in produced water recycled volumes, saving nearly 5 billion gallons of groundwater
  • 13% decrease in Scope 1 emissions through asset electrification
  • ExxonMobil joined the Joint Industry Project for treating produced water
  • Selected by the Department of Energy for field-based testing of treated water for irrigation
  • Board comprised of 44% women and/or minorities
  • 73% of employees are women and/or minorities

The report demonstrates Aris's commitment to safety, sustainability, and diversity in the water treatment industry.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando la sua leadership nel miglioramento della sostenibilità idrica. I punti salienti includono:

  • Riduzione del 9% nel Tasso Totale degli Incidenti Registrabili
  • Aumento dell'8% nei volumi di acqua prodotta riciclata, risparmiando quasi 5 miliardi di galloni di acqua sotterranea
  • Riduzione del 13% nelle emissioni di Scope 1 attraverso l'elettrificazione degli asset
  • ExxonMobil ha aderito al Progetto Industriale Congiunto per il trattamento delle acque prodotte
  • Selezionata dal Dipartimento dell'Energia per test sul campo dell'acqua trattata per irrigazione
  • Consiglio composto dal 44% da donne e/o minoranze
  • Il 73% dei dipendenti sono donne e/o minoranze

Il rapporto dimostra l'impegno di Aris per la sicurezza, la sostenibilità e la diversità nell'industria del trattamento delle acque.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, destacando su liderazgo en la mejora de la sostenibilidad del agua. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Reducción del 9% en la Tasa Total de Incidentes Registrables
  • Aumento del 8% en los volúmenes de agua producida reciclada, ahorrando casi 5 mil millones de galones de agua subterránea
  • Disminución del 13% en las emisiones de Alcance 1 mediante la electrificación de activos
  • ExxonMobil se unió al Proyecto Industrial Conjunto para el tratamiento del agua producida
  • Seleccionado por el Departamento de Energía para pruebas en campo del agua tratada para riego
  • Consejo compuesto por el 44% de mujeres y/o minorías
  • El 73% de los empleados son mujeres y/o minorías

El informe demuestra el compromiso de Aris con la seguridad, la sostenibilidad y la diversidad en la industria del tratamiento de aguas.

아리스 워터 솔루션즈, Inc.(NYSE: ARIS)는 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 수자원 지속 가능성을 증진하는 데 있어 리더십을 보여주었습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 총 기록 가능한 사고율 9% 감소
  • 생산된 물 재활용량 8% 증가, 거의 50억 갤런의 지하수 절약
  • 자산 전기화로 Scope 1 배출량 13% 감소
  • 엑슨모빌이 생산된 물 처리 공동 산업 프로젝트에 참여
  • 농업용으로 처리된 물의 현장 테스트를 위해 에너지부에 의해 선정됨
  • 이사회의 44%가 여성 및/또는 소수민족으로 구성됨
  • 직원의 73%가 여성 및/또는 소수민족임

이 보고서는 아리스가 수자원 처리 산업에서의 안전성, 지속 가능성 및 다양성에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) a publié son Rapport de durabilité 2023, montrant son leadership dans l'amélioration de la durabilité de l'eau. Les points clés incluent :

  • Réduction de 9 % du Taux d'incidents enregistrables total
  • Augmentation de 8 % des volumes d'eau produite recyclée, économisant près de 5 milliards de gallons d'eau souterraine
  • Diminution de 13 % des émissions de Scope 1 grâce à l'électrification des actifs
  • ExxonMobil a rejoint le projet industriel conjoint pour le traitement des eaux produites
  • Sélectionné par le Département de l'Énergie pour des tests sur le terrain de l'eau traitée pour l'irrigation
  • Conseil composé de 44 % de femmes et/ou de minorités
  • 73 % des employés sont des femmes et/ou des minorités

Le rapport démontre l'engagement d'Aris en matière de sécurité, de durabilité et de diversité dans l'industrie du traitement de l'eau.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) hat ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht und zeigt damit ihre Führungsrolle bei der Verbesserung der Wassernachhaltigkeit. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • 9% Reduzierung der Gesamtzahl der registrierten Vorfälle
  • 8% Anstieg des recycelten Produktionswassers, was fast 5 Milliarden Gallonen Grundwasser spart
  • 13% Rückgang der Scope-1-Emissionen durch Elektrifizierung von Vermögenswerten
  • ExxonMobil hat sich dem gemeinsamen Industrieprojekt zur Behandlung von Produktionswasser angeschlossen
  • Von der Energieministerium für Feldtests von behandeltem Wasser zur Bewässerung ausgewählt
  • Der Vorstand besteht zu 44% aus Frauen und/oder Minderheiten
  • 73% der Mitarbeiter sind Frauen und/oder Minderheiten

Der Bericht zeigt Aris' Engagement für Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Vielfalt in der Wasseraufbereitungsindustrie.

  • None.
  • None.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) (“Aris,” “Aris Water,” or the “Company”) announced today the publication of its 2023 Sustainability Report, which details how Aris continues to build upon its recognized leadership in enhancing water sustainability in its areas of operation.

“We are pleased to publish our third annual Sustainability Report which highlights our industry leadership in the development of sustainable water treatment and technology,” said Amanda Brock, President and CEO of Aris. “Alongside our key customers, we are actively piloting and implementing technologies to extract additional value from wastewater by transforming it into a valuable resource for the water-scarce areas in which we operate. We are committed to upholding a safe, dynamic and rewarding place to work, governed by an independent and well qualified Board, to create sustainable growth that benefits all of our employees and stakeholders.”

Highlights from the 2023 Sustainability Report include:

  • Continued focus on health and safety including a 9% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate and a 100% reduction in Days Away Restricted or Transferred1
  • 8% annual increase in produced water recycled volumes, reducing the extraction and use of groundwater from Permian Basin aquifers by nearly 5 billion gallons in 20231
  • 13% decrease in Scope 1 emissions primarily through continued electrification of our assets1
  • In 2023, ExxonMobil joined our Joint Industry Project (“JIP”) with Chevron and ConocoPhillips; the JIP is progressing through pilot testing of differentiated technologies to treat produced water for beneficial reuse in the Permian Basin
  • Selected by the Department of Energy for field-based testing of treated produced water for irrigation of non-consumptive agriculture
  • Majority independent Board of Directors comprised of 44% women and/or minorities1
  • Commitment to diversity and inclusion; 73% of all employees are women and/or minorities1

The Report also includes tables providing supplementary data for Company energy usage, emissions, water intensity, safety, diversity, human capital management, and board composition.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the Company based on management’s experience, expectations and perception of historical trends, current conditions, current plans, anticipated future developments, expected financings, technology developments, regulatory frameworks and other factors believed to be appropriate. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in its forward-looking statements are reasonable and are based on reasonable assumptions, no assurance can be given that these assumptions are accurate or that any of these expectations will be achieved (in full or at all) or will prove to have been correct. Moreover, such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. These include the risk factors and other information discussed or referenced in the Report under the heading “Cautionary Statements” as well as in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Information on the Company’s website is not part of this press release.

About Aris Water Solutions, Inc.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS) is a leading, growth-oriented environmental infrastructure and solutions company that directly helps its customers reduce their water and carbon footprints. Aris Water delivers full-cycle water handling and recycling solutions that increase the sustainability of energy company operations. Its integrated pipelines and related infrastructure create long-term value by delivering high-capacity, comprehensive produced water management, recycling and supply solutions to operators in the core areas of the Permian Basin. Additional information is available on our website,

1 Percentages are calculated using the change from 2023 to 2022. Reporting year 2022 refers to the period from 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022.

Reporting year 2023 refers to the period from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023.

David Tuerff

Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations

(281) 501-3070

Source: Aris Water Solutions, Inc.


What are the key achievements in Aris Water Solutions' 2023 Sustainability Report?

Aris Water Solutions (NYSE: ARIS) reported a 9% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate, 8% increase in recycled water volumes, 13% decrease in Scope 1 emissions, and progress in their Joint Industry Project for treating produced water in the Permian Basin.

How much groundwater did Aris Water Solutions save in 2023?

According to their 2023 Sustainability Report, Aris Water Solutions (NYSE: ARIS) reduced the extraction and use of groundwater from Permian Basin aquifers by nearly 5 billion gallons in 2023 through increased recycling of produced water.

What is the composition of Aris Water Solutions' Board of Directors in 2023?

As reported in their 2023 Sustainability Report, Aris Water Solutions (NYSE: ARIS) has a majority independent Board of Directors, with 44% of the board comprised of women and/or minorities.

What new partnership did Aris Water Solutions announce in their 2023 report?

Aris Water Solutions (NYSE: ARIS) announced that ExxonMobil joined their Joint Industry Project in 2023, alongside existing partners Chevron and ConocoPhillips, to progress pilot testing of technologies for treating produced water in the Permian Basin.

What government project was Aris Water Solutions selected for in 2023?

According to their 2023 Sustainability Report, Aris Water Solutions (NYSE: ARIS) was selected by the Department of Energy for field-based testing of treated produced water for irrigation of non-consumptive agriculture.

Aris Water Solutions, Inc.


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