ArcBest Announces Retirement and Succession of Chief Innovation Officer and President of ArcBest Technologies

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ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB) has announced the retirement of Michael Newcity, chief innovation officer and president of ArcBest Technologies, effective December 2024. Dennis Anderson, currently chief strategy officer, will succeed Newcity while continuing to lead ArcBest's strategy, marketing, and customer experience functions.

Newcity, who joined the company in 1993, has been instrumental in advancing enterprise initiatives in business intelligence, strategy management, and digital transformation. Under his leadership, ArcBest reimagined its technology and innovation functions, making them an integral pillar of the company's strategy.

Anderson, who joined ArcBest 21 years ago, has progressed through various roles, including chief customer officer. His appointment underscores ArcBest's robust succession planning. The company remains committed to its strategic direction and is well-positioned for growth during this transition and beyond.

ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB) ha annunciato il ritiro di Michael Newcity, Chief Innovation Officer e presidente di ArcBest Technologies, a partire da dicembre 2024. Dennis Anderson, attuale Chief Strategy Officer, succederà a Newcity continuando a guidare le funzioni di strategia, marketing ed esperienza del cliente di ArcBest.

Newcity, che è entrato nell'azienda nel 1993, è stato determinante nell'avanzare le iniziative aziendali in intelligenza artificiale, gestione delle strategie e trasformazione digitale. Sotto la sua guida, ArcBest ha ridefinito le proprie funzioni tecnologiche e d'innovazione, rendendole un pilastro fondamentale della strategia aziendale.

Anderson, che è entrato in ArcBest 21 anni fa, ha progredito attraverso vari ruoli, incluso quello di Chief Customer Officer. La sua nomina sottolinea il solido piano di successione di ArcBest. L'azienda rimane impegnata nella sua direzione strategica ed è ben posizionata per la crescita durante questa transizione e oltre.

ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB) ha anunciado la jubilación de Michael Newcity, director de innovación y presidente de ArcBest Technologies, efectiva desde diciembre de 2024. Dennis Anderson, actual director de estrategia, sucederá a Newcity mientras continúa liderando las funciones de estrategia, marketing y experiencia del cliente de ArcBest.

Newcity, quien se unió a la empresa en 1993, ha sido fundamental en el avance de las iniciativas empresariales en inteligencia empresarial, gestión de estrategias y transformación digital. Bajo su liderazgo, ArcBest reinventó sus funciones tecnológicas e innovadoras, convirtiéndolas en un pilar integral de la estrategia de la empresa.

Anderson, quien se unió a ArcBest hace 21 años, ha progresado en varios roles, incluyendo el de director de atención al cliente. Su nombramiento subraya la robusta planificación sucesoria de ArcBest. La empresa sigue comprometida con su dirección estratégica y está bien posicionada para el crecimiento durante esta transición y más allá.

ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB)는 ArcBest Technologies의 최고 혁신 책임자인 Michael Newcity의 은퇴를 발표했습니다. 그의 은퇴는 2024년 12월부터 유효합니다. 현재 최고 전략 책임자인 Dennis Anderson이 Newcity를 이어받아 ArcBest의 전략, 마케팅 및 고객 경험 기능을 계속 이끌 것입니다.

1993년에 회사에 합류한 Newcity는 비즈니스 인텔리전스, 전략 관리 및 디지털 혁신의 기업 이니셔티브를 발전시키는 데 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 그의 리더십 아래 ArcBest는 기술 및 혁신 기능을 재구상하여 회사 전략의 핵심 기둥으로 만들었습니다.

Anderson은 21년 전 ArcBest에 합류한 이후 다양한 역할을 거쳐 최고 고객 책임자로 성장했습니다. 그의 임명은 ArcBest의 강력한 후계 계획을 강조합니다. 회사는 전략적 방향에 대한 헌신을 유지하고 있으며, 이번 전환기 및 그 이후의 성장에 적절히 대비하고 있습니다.

ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB) a annoncé la retraite de Michael Newcity, directeur de l'innovation et président d'ArcBest Technologies, effective à partir de décembre 2024. Dennis Anderson, actuellement directeur de la stratégie, succédera à Newcity tout en continuant à diriger les fonctions de stratégie, de marketing et d'expérience client d'ArcBest.

Newcity, qui a rejoint l'entreprise en 1993, a joué un rôle essentiel dans l'avancement des initiatives d'entreprise en intelligence d'affaires, gestion stratégique et transformation numérique. Sous sa direction, ArcBest a réinventé ses fonctions technologiques et d'innovation, en en faisant un pilier intégral de la stratégie de l'entreprise.

Anderson, qui a rejoint ArcBest il y a 21 ans, a progressé à travers divers rôles, y compris celui de directeur de la clientèle. Sa nomination souligne la solide planification de la succession d'ArcBest. L'entreprise demeure engagée dans sa direction stratégique et est bien positionnée pour croître durant cette transition et au-delà.

ArcBest (Nasdaq: ARCB) hat den Rücktritt von Michael Newcity, Chief Innovation Officer und Präsident von ArcBest Technologies, bekannt gegeben. Sein Rücktritt tritt im Dezember 2024 in Kraft. Dennis Anderson, derzeit Chief Strategy Officer, wird Newcity nachfolgen und weiterhin die Strategiefunktionen, das Marketing und die Kundenbetreuung von ArcBest leiten.

Newcity, der 1993 in das Unternehmen eintrat, war maßgeblich daran beteiligt, Unternehmensinitiativen in Business Intelligence, Strategiemanagement und digitaler Transformation voranzutreiben. Unter seiner Leitung hat ArcBest seine Technologie- und Innovationsfunktionen neu gestaltet, sodass sie ein integraler Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie wurden.

Anderson, der vor 21 Jahren zu ArcBest kam, hat sich durch verschiedene Positionen bis hin zum Chief Customer Officer entwickelt. Seine Ernennung unterstreicht die robuste Nachfolgeplanung von ArcBest. Das Unternehmen bleibt seiner strategischen Ausrichtung verpflichtet und ist gut aufgestellt für weiteres Wachstum während dieses Übergangs und darüber hinaus.

  • Smooth leadership transition with a well-planned succession strategy
  • Continued focus on innovation and technology as integral parts of company strategy
  • Appointment of an experienced internal candidate (Dennis Anderson) as successor
  • None.


FORT SMITH, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ArcBest® (Nasdaq: ARCB), a leader in supply chain logistics, announced today that Michael Newcity, chief innovation officer and president of ArcBest Technologies, will retire in December 2024 after a career of over 30 years with the company. Dennis Anderson, currently chief strategy officer, will succeed Newcity while continuing to lead ArcBest’s strategy, marketing and customer experience functions.

Newcity has served as chief innovation officer at ArcBest since 2015. A champion of innovation, he has been instrumental in advancing enterprise initiatives in business intelligence, strategy management and digital transformation. Newcity joined the company in 1993 as a programmer and rose through various management roles, including chief financial officer and chief information officer before transitioning into his current leadership role in innovation and technology.

“Michael has made significant contributions to ArcBest in his time with our company. His creative spirit and forward-thinking approach have been valuable as ArcBest transformed into a leading logistics company,” said Judy R. McReynolds, ArcBest chairman and CEO. “Despite a rapidly changing environment, Michael has kept ArcBest at the leading edge of technology, from operationalizing the use of AI and advanced analytics to overseeing the development and commercialization of disruptive technologies like Vaux, our groundbreaking, patented freight movement system. I thank Michael for his service to our company and wish him, his wife and their family the very best.”

Under Newcity’s leadership, ArcBest reimagined its technology and innovation functions, making them an integral pillar of the company’s strategy. Across the enterprise, ArcBest manages an active portfolio of transformative initiatives that are tightly aligned with its strategy to deliver growth and efficiency through innovation.

“I am so fortunate to have spent over 30 years at ArcBest. This is an incredible organization, full of people who are inventive, smart and driven to disrupt our industry and provide our customers with solutions that transform their supply chains,” Newcity said. “It has been an honor to serve as chief innovation officer of ArcBest and president of ArcBest Technologies. I have been truly blessed to work with Judy and the entire ArcBest team.”

Dennis Anderson’s appointment as Newcity’s successor underscores ArcBest’s robust succession planning. Anderson joined the organization 21 years ago as a pricing analyst and progressed through the organization moving into strategic planning, becoming chief customer officer in 2020 and most recently serving as chief strategy officer. A strong customer advocate, his leadership and expertise have been vital in advancing ArcBest’s strategy management efforts.

“It has been a privilege to collaborate closely with Michael and his team for years, finding ways to better serve our customers’ evolving needs. I’m excited to build upon the powerful foundation they established and continue driving growth, efficiency and innovation at ArcBest,” said Anderson. “It is an honor to have a front-row seat as ArcBest leads the way in revolutionizing our industry.”

Technology and innovation are critical enablers to driving positive change for ArcBest through improved systems and customer-facing solutions and platforms. ArcBest remains committed to its strategic direction and is well-positioned for growth during this transition and beyond.


ArcBest® (Nasdaq: ARCB) is a multibillion-dollar integrated logistics company that helps keep the global supply chain moving. Founded in 1923 and now with 15,000 employees across 250 campuses and service centers, the company is a logistics powerhouse, using its technology, expertise and scale to connect shippers with the solutions they need – from ground, air and ocean transportation to fully managed supply chains. ArcBest has a long history of innovation that is enriched by deep customer relationships. With a commitment to helping customers navigate supply chain challenges now and in the future, the company is developing ground-breaking technology like Vaux™, one of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2023. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Autumnn Mahar


Investor Relations Contact:

Amy Mendenhall


Source: ArcBest


When will Michael Newcity retire from ArcBest (ARCB)?

Michael Newcity will retire from ArcBest (ARCB) in December 2024.

Who will succeed Michael Newcity as chief innovation officer at ArcBest (ARCB)?

Dennis Anderson, currently chief strategy officer, will succeed Michael Newcity as chief innovation officer at ArcBest (ARCB).

What key initiatives did Michael Newcity lead at ArcBest (ARCB)?

Michael Newcity led initiatives in business intelligence, strategy management, digital transformation, and oversaw the development of Vaux, a patented freight movement system at ArcBest (ARCB).

How long has Dennis Anderson been with ArcBest (ARCB)?

Dennis Anderson has been with ArcBest (ARCB) for 21 years, starting as a pricing analyst and progressing through various roles.

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