Aquestive Therapeutics Spotlights its Innovative Epinephrine Delivery Pipeline at Virtual Investor Day

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Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST) hosted a virtual investor day highlighting its Adrenaverse™ epinephrine prodrug platform, focusing on two key products: Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film and AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel. The company announced:

1. Completion of enrollment in the oral allergen challenge study for Anaphylm™
2. Plans to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) for Anaphylm™ in Q1 2025
3. Development strategy for AQST-108 to treat Alopecia areata
4. Completion of the first human clinical study for AQST-108

Aquestive aims to hold a pre-NDA meeting with the FDA in Q4 2024 for Anaphylm™ and plans a full product launch, if approved, by end of 2025 or Q1 2026. For AQST-108, the company expects to hold a pre-IND meeting with the FDA in Q1 2025 and commence a Phase 2 study in H2 2025.

Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST) ha ospitato un giorno virtuale per gli investitori evidenziando la sua piattaforma prodrug di epinefrina Adrenaverse™, concentrandosi su due prodotti chiave: Anaphylm™ (epinefrina) Film Sublinguale e AQST-108 (epinefrina) Gel Topico. L'azienda ha annunciato:

1. Completamento dell'arruolamento nello studio di sfida agli allergeni orali per Anaphylm™
2. Piani per presentare una Nuova Richiesta di Farmaco (NDA) per Anaphylm™ nel Q1 2025
3. Strategia di sviluppo per AQST-108 per trattare l'Alopecia areata
4. Completamento del primo studio clinico su esseri umani per AQST-108

Aquestive punta a tenere un incontro pre-NDA con la FDA nel Q4 2024 per Anaphylm™ e prevede un lancio completo del prodotto, se approvato, entro la fine del 2025 o nel Q1 2026. Per AQST-108, l'azienda si aspetta di tenere un incontro pre-IND con la FDA nel Q1 2025 e di avviare uno studio di Fase 2 nel secondo semestre del 2025.

Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST) celebró un día virtual para inversores destacando su plataforma prodrug de epinefrina Adrenaverse™, centrándose en dos productos clave: Anaphylm™ (epinefrina) película sublingual y AQST-108 (epinefrina) gel tópico. La empresa anunció:

1. Finalización de la inscripción en el estudio de desafío con alérgenos orales para Anaphylm™
2. Planes para presentar una nueva solicitud de medicamento (NDA) para Anaphylm™ en el Q1 de 2025
3. Estrategia de desarrollo para AQST-108 para tratar la alopecia areata
4. Finalización del primer estudio clínico en humanos para AQST-108

Aquestive tiene como objetivo realizar una reunión previa a la NDA con la FDA en el Q4 de 2024 para Anaphylm™ y planea un lanzamiento completo del producto, si es aprobado, para finales de 2025 o en el Q1 de 2026. Para AQST-108, la empresa espera celebrar una reunión previa a la IND con la FDA en el Q1 de 2025 y comenzar un estudio de Fase 2 en el segundo semestre de 2025.

Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST)는 Adrenaverse™ 에피네프린 프로드럭 플랫폼을 강조하는 가상 투자자 데이를 개최하며, 두 가지 주요 제품: Anaphylm™ (에피네프린) 설하 필름AQST-108 (에피네프린) 국소 젤에 집중했습니다. 이 회사는 다음과 같은 발표를 했습니다:

1. Anaphylm™에 대한 구강 알레르겐 도전 연구의 등록 완료
2. 2025년 1분기에 Anaphylm™에 대한 새로운 의약품 신청(NDA) 제출 계획
3. 탈모성 알로페시아 치료를 위한 AQST-108의 개발 전략
4. AQST-108에 대한 첫 번째 인체 임상 연구 완료

Aquestive는 2024년 4분기에 Anaphylm™에 대한 FDA와의 사전 NDA 회의를 개최하고, 승인이 이루어질 경우 2025년 말 또는 2026년 1분기에 전체 제품 출시를 계획하고 있습니다. AQST-108에 대해서는 2025년 1분기에 FDA와의 사전 IND 회의를 개최하고, 2025년 하반기에 2상 연구를 시작할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST) a organisé une journée d'investisseurs virtuelle mettant en avant sa plateforme prodrug d'épinéphrine Adrenaverse™, en se concentrant sur deux produits clés : Anaphylm™ (épinéphrine) film sublingual et AQST-108 (épinéphrine) gel topique. L'entreprise a annoncé :

1. Achèvement de l'enrôlement dans l'étude de défi des allergènes oraux pour Anaphylm™
2. Plans de soumettre une Demande de Nouveau Médicament (NDA) pour Anaphylm™ au premier trimestre de 2025
3. Stratégie de développement pour AQST-108 pour traiter l'alopécie areata
4. Achèvement de la première étude clinique sur l'homme pour AQST-108

Aquestive prévoit de tenir une réunion pré-NDA avec la FDA au quatrième trimestre de 2024 pour Anaphylm™ et envisage un lancement complet du produit, si approuvé, d'ici fin 2025 ou au premier trimestre de 2026. Pour AQST-108, l'entreprise s'attend à tenir une réunion pré-IND avec la FDA au premier trimestre de 2025 et à commencer une étude de phase 2 au deuxième semestre de 2025.

Aquestive Therapeutics (NASDAQ: AQST) veranstaltete einen virtuellen Investorentag, um seine Adrenaverse™ Epinephrin Prodrug-Plattform hervorzuheben, wobei der Fokus auf zwei Hauptprodukten lag: Anaphylm™ (Epinephrin) Sublinguale Folie und AQST-108 (Epinephrin) Topisches Gel. Das Unternehmen gab Folgendes bekannt:

1. Abschluss der Rekrutierung in der oralen Allergen-Herausforderungsstudie für Anaphylm™
2. Pläne zur Einreichung eines neuen Arzneimittelantrags (NDA) für Anaphylm™ im 1. Quartal 2025
3. Entwicklungsstrategie für AQST-108 zur Behandlung von Alopecia areata
4. Abschluss der ersten klinischen Studie mit Menschen für AQST-108

Aquestive plant, im 4. Quartal 2024 ein Pre-NDA-Meeting mit der FDA für Anaphylm™ abzuhalten und plant, eine vollständige Produkteinführung, sofern genehmigt, bis Ende 2025 oder im 1. Quartal 2026 durchzuführen. Für AQST-108 erwartet das Unternehmen, im 1. Quartal 2025 ein Pre-IND-Meeting mit der FDA abzuhalten und im 2. Halbjahr 2025 mit einer Phase-2-Studie zu beginnen.

  • Completed enrollment in oral allergen challenge study for Anaphylm™
  • On track for pre-NDA meeting with FDA in Q4 2024 for Anaphylm™
  • Planning NDA submission for Anaphylm™ in Q1 2025
  • Completed first human clinical study for AQST-108 with positive safety profile
  • Expanding pipeline with AQST-108 for Alopecia areata treatment
  • Anaphylm™ product launch not expected until late 2025 or early 2026
  • AQST-108 still in early stages with Phase 2 study not commencing until H2 2025


The completion of enrollment in Aquestive's oral allergen challenge study for Anaphylm™ is a significant milestone. This progress keeps the company on track for its pre-NDA meeting with the FDA in Q4 2024 and potential NDA submission in Q1 2025. If approved, a full product launch could occur by late 2025 or early 2026.

The development of AQST-108 for Alopecia areata represents a strategic expansion of Aquestive's pipeline. With 6.7 million potential patients in the U.S., this move could open up a substantial market opportunity. The successful completion of the first human clinical study, showing good safety and local tolerability, is encouraging.

However, investors should note that both Anaphylm™ and AQST-108 are still in development stages. While progress is positive, regulatory approvals and successful commercialization are not guaranteed. The company's $448 million market cap suggests investors are pricing in some success, but risks remain.

Aquestive's Adrenaverse™ epinephrine prodrug platform shows promise in addressing limitations of current epinephrine delivery methods. The ability to achieve absorption and provide sustained local exposure without systemic exposure could be a significant advancement in treating various conditions.

For Anaphylm™, the completion of the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) challenge study enrollment is crucial. This study will provide important data for the FDA submission. The potential for a sublingual film delivery of epinephrine could offer a more convenient and potentially faster-acting alternative to current auto-injectors for anaphylaxis.

AQST-108's development for Alopecia areata is intriguing. The topical gel formulation, if successful, could provide a novel treatment option for this autoimmune condition. The planned Phase 2 study will be a critical step in assessing its efficacy in supporting immune privilege in hair follicles.

While these developments are promising, it's important to note that both products are still in clinical development stages and face regulatory hurdles before potential commercialization.

  • Announces completion of enrollment in its oral allergen challenge study for the development of its late-stage pipeline program, Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film
  • Outlines the development strategy for the Company’s next pipeline product candidate, AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel for the treatment of Alopecia areata
  • Holds virtual investor day

WARREN, N.J., Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: AQST) (“Aquestive” or the “Company”), a pharmaceutical company advancing medicines to bring meaningful improvement to patients' lives through innovative science and delivery technologies, today hosted a virtual investor day highlighting the Company’s pipeline inclusive of Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film and AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel, both product candidates emerging from the Company’s Adrenaverse™ epinephrine prodrug platform. The event included presentations by members of the Aquestive management team and by distinguished key opinion leader J. David Farrar, PhD, Associate Professor, Immunology/Molecular Biology, UT Southwestern Medical Center.

“Our pipeline is progressing, and we are excited about the next chapter for growth. We recently submitted our pre-NDA meeting request to the FDA for Anaphylm and are on track to report topline data from our oral allergy challenge study in the coming weeks,” remarked Daniel Barber, President and Chief Executive Officer of Aquestive. “This is an exciting time for the Company and for our stakeholders, most importantly the patients we seek to help. As our next step for the Adrenaverse platform, we will focus on developing AQST-108 for the treatment Alopecia areata, based on our candidate’s differentiated therapeutic profile and significant unmet need in this indication.”

“Epinephrine plays a critical role in immune suppression but, until now, its role has been limited due to issues in the absorption and conversion of epinephrine,” said Carl Kraus, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Aquestive. “Our Adrenaverse platform has demonstrated the ability to harness the therapeutic potential of epinephrine through highly differentiated prodrug formulations, which can achieve absorption, provide sustained local exposure and avoid systemic exposure. The platform makes it possible to deliver epinephrine locally across mucosal surfaces and the skin and, therefore, we believe that it has the potential to yield multiple product candidates focused on treating a range of diseases. AQST-108 for the treatment of Alopecia areata is a natural next step in the evolution of this platform.”

Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film
Aquestive outlined today that it has completed enrollment in its remaining supportive study for Anaphylm, the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) challenge study, which is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024 following the completion of dosing. The Company remains on track to hold the pre-New Drug Application (NDA) meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the fourth quarter of 2024 as it has recently submitted a meeting request letter to the FDA. Aquestive remains focused on completing an NDA submission with the FDA in the first quarter of 2025 and initiating a full product launch of Anaphylm, if approved by the FDA, at the end of 2025 or in the first quarter of 2026.

AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel
The Company completed its first human clinical study for AQST-108. The two-part study was designed to assess the safety and local tolerability of AQST-108. Part 1 was designed as a single ascending dose escalation study to assess the safety and pharmacokinetics of five different dose levels. The 1.0% dose of AQST-108 was chosen based on the highest dose found with no appreciable transdermal absorption in order to move into the Part 2 study of the development program. In Part 2, three formulations based on excipient variations were evaluated in twelve healthy subjects. In Parts 1 and 2, no serious adverse events or topical adverse events were observed. In Part 2, the calculated percentage of AQST-108 observed in the skin remained consistent across all studied formulations and zero post dose AQST-108 concentrations in plasma were observed.

Aquestive unveiled in the event its plan to develop AQST-108 for the treatment of Alopecia areata, which impacts as many as 6.7 million people in United States. AQST-108, a topically delivered adrenergic agonist prodrug, has the potential to support immune privilege in the hair follicle. The Company outlined the design of its planned Phase 2 study to assess the safety and efficacy of AQST-108 in mild to moderate Alopecia areata patients. The Company expects to hold a pre-Investigational New Drug (IND) meeting with the FDA in the first quarter of 2025 and to commence the Phase 2 study in the second half of 2025, pending alignment with the FDA.

The Investor Day webcast and accompanying written presentation (including discussion on the planned clinical and regulatory pathway and potential commercial opportunity) may be accessed through the Events & Presentations page in the Investors section of the Company's website at The webcast will be archived for 30 days.

About Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film
Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film is a polymer matrix-based epinephrine prodrug product candidate. Anaphylm is similar in size to a postage stamp, weighs less than an ounce, and begins to dissolve on contact. No water or swallowing is required for administration. The packaging for Anaphylm is thinner and smaller than an average credit card, can be carried in a pocket, and is designed to withstand weather excursions such as exposure to rain and/or sunlight. The Anaphylm trade name for AQST-109 has been conditionally approved by the FDA. Final approval of the Anaphylm proprietary name is conditioned on FDA approval of the product candidate.

About AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel
AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel is a topically delivered adrenergic agonist prodrug gel product candidate. Aquestive completed a first in human study for AQST-108 that measured the amount of epinephrine that remained on the skin or was found in circulation over time after the application of the gel and without any serious or topical adverse events. AQST-108 is based on Aquestive’s Adrenaverse™ platform that contains a library of over twenty epinephrine prodrug product candidates intended to control absorption and conversion rates across a variety of possible dosage forms and delivery sites.

About Aquestive Therapeutics
Aquestive is a pharmaceutical company advancing medicines to bring meaningful improvement to patients' lives through innovative science and delivery technologies. We are developing orally administered products to deliver complex molecules, providing novel alternatives to invasive and inconvenient standard of care therapies. Aquestive has five commercialized products marketed by its licensees in the U.S. and around the world and is the exclusive manufacturer of these licensed products. The Company also collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to bring new molecules to market using proprietary, best-in-class technologies, like PharmFilm®, and has proven drug development and commercialization capabilities. Aquestive is advancing a late-stage proprietary product candidate for the treatment of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, and an earlier stage epinephrine prodrug topical gel for various dermatology conditions including Alopecia areata. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statement
Certain statements in this press release include “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” or the negative of those terms, and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the advancement and related timing of our product candidate Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film through clinical development and approval by the FDA, including the timing of submission of supporting and pediatric clinical studies, holding a pre-NDA meeting with the FDA and filing the NDA for Anaphylm with the FDA, and the following launch of Anaphylm, if approved by the FDA; that the results of the Company’s clinical studies for Anaphylm are sufficient to support submission of the NDA for approval of Anaphylm by the FDA; the advancement, growth and related timing of our Adrenaverse™ pipeline of epinephrine prodrug product candidates, including AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel (and potential alternative indications), through clinical development including design and timing of clinical studies including those necessary to support the targeted indication of Alopecia areata for AQST-108, and holding a pre-IND meeting with the FDA, and the following launch of AQST-108, if approved by the FDA; the potential indications and potential benefits our products and product candidates could bring to patients; and business strategies, market opportunities, and other statements that are not historical facts.

These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks associated with our development work, including any delays or changes to the timing, cost and success of our product development activities and clinical trials and plans, including those relating to Anaphylm (including for pediatric patients), AQST-108, and the Company's other product candidates; risk of delays in advancement of the regulatory approval process through the FDA of our product candidates, including the filing of the respective NDAs, including for Anaphylm and AQST-108, or the failure to receive FDA approval at all of any of these product candidates; risk of the Company’s ability to generate sufficient clinical data for approval of our product candidates, including with respect to our pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic comparability submission for FDA approval of Anaphylm; risk of the Company’s ability to address the FDA’s comments on the Company’s clinical trials and other concerns identified in the FDA Type C meeting minutes for Anaphylm, including the risk that the FDA may require additional clinical studies for approval of Anaphylm; risk of the success of any competing products; risks and uncertainties inherent in commercializing a new product (including technology risks, financial risks, market risks and implementation risks and regulatory limitations); risk of sufficient capital and cash resources, including sufficient access to available debt and equity financing, including under our ATM facility and the Lincoln Park Purchase Agreement, and revenues from operations, to satisfy all of our short-term and longer-term liquidity and cash requirements and other cash needs, at the times and in the amounts needed, including to fund commercialization activities relating to fund future clinical development and commercial activities for our product candidates, including Anaphylm and AQST-108, should these product candidates be approved by the FDA; risk of eroding market share for Suboxone® and risk as a sunsetting product, which accounts for the substantial part of our current operating revenue; risk of default of our debt instruments; risks related to the outsourcing of certain sales, marketing and other operational and staff functions to third parties; risk of the rate and degree of market acceptance in the U.S. of Anaphylm and AQST-108 and our other product candidates, should these product candidates be approved by the FDA, and for our licensed products in the U.S. and abroad; risk of the success of any competing products including generics; risk of the size and growth of our product markets; risk of compliance with all FDA and other governmental and customer requirements for our manufacturing facilities; risks associated with intellectual property rights and infringement claims relating to our products; risk that our patent applications for our product candidates, including for Anaphylm and AQST-108, will not be timely issued, or issued at all, by the PTO; risk of unexpected patent developments; risk of legislation and regulatory actions and changes in laws or regulations affecting our business including relating to our products and products candidates and product pricing, reimbursement or access therefor; risk of loss of significant customers; risks related to claims and legal proceedings against Aquestive including patent infringement, securities, business torts, investigative, product safety or efficacy and antitrust litigation matters; risk of product recalls and withdrawals; risks related to any disruptions in our information technology networks and systems, including the impact of cybersecurity attacks; risk of increased cybersecurity attacks and data accessibility disruptions due to remote working arrangements; risk of adverse developments affecting the financial services industry; risks related to inflation and rising interest rates; risks related to the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic and other pandemic diseases on our business, including with respect to our clinical trials and the site initiation, patient enrollment and timing and adequacy of those clinical trials, regulatory submissions and regulatory reviews and approvals of our product candidates, availability of pharmaceutical ingredients and other raw materials used in our products and product candidates, supply chain, manufacture and distribution of our products and product candidates; risks and uncertainties related to general economic, political (including the Ukraine and Israel wars and other acts of war and terrorism), business, industry, regulatory, financial and market conditions and other unusual items; and other uncertainties affecting us including those described in the "Risk Factors" section and in other sections included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Given those uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. All subsequent forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements or outlook or guidance after the date of this press release whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.

PharmFilm® and the Aquestive logo are registered trademarks of Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. All other registered trademarks referenced in this press release are the property of their respective owners.

Investor Inquiries
ICR Westwicke
Stephanie Carrington


What are the main products in Aquestive Therapeutics' (AQST) epinephrine delivery pipeline?

Aquestive Therapeutics' main products in the epinephrine delivery pipeline are Anaphylm™ (epinephrine) Sublingual Film and AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel, both emerging from their Adrenaverse™ epinephrine prodrug platform.

When does Aquestive Therapeutics (AQST) plan to submit the New Drug Application for Anaphylm™?

Aquestive Therapeutics plans to submit the New Drug Application (NDA) for Anaphylm™ to the FDA in the first quarter of 2025.

What is the target indication for AQST-108 in Aquestive Therapeutics' (AQST) pipeline?

Aquestive Therapeutics is developing AQST-108 (epinephrine) Topical Gel for the treatment of Alopecia areata, which affects up to 6.7 million people in the United States.

When does Aquestive Therapeutics (AQST) expect to launch Anaphylm™ if approved by the FDA?

Aquestive Therapeutics expects to initiate a full product launch of Anaphylm™, if approved by the FDA, at the end of 2025 or in the first quarter of 2026.

Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc.


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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America