CX360, Inc. Supports FCC Ruling to Require Georouting for Wireless Calls to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

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CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), a conversational AI pioneer, supports the FCC's decision to require georouting for wireless calls to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This regulation enables localized care while maintaining the Lifeline's centralized routing system. Mosaicx provides the intelligent routing technology that supports both georouting and routing of calls, ensuring specialized crisis care for diverse communities.

Rebecca Jones, president of Mosaicx, expressed gratitude for the FCC's decision, emphasizing its commitment to quickly implementing georouting benefits for help seekers. Mosaicx's partnership with Vibrant Emotional Health, the 988 Lifeline network administrator, continues to advance the accessibility and efficiency of this vital resource.

CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), un pioniere nell'intelligenza artificiale conversazionale, sostiene la decisione della FCC di richiedere il georouting per le chiamate wireless verso il 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Questa regolamentazione consente una cura localizzata mantenendo il sistema di routing centralizzato della Lifeline. Mosaicx fornisce la tecnologia di routing intelligente che supporta sia il georouting che il routing delle chiamate, garantendo cure specializzate per le diverse comunità in crisi.

Rebecca Jones, presidente di Mosaicx, ha espresso gratitudine per la decisione della FCC, sottolineando l'impegno nell'implementare rapidamente i benefici del georouting per coloro che cercano aiuto. La partnership di Mosaicx con Vibrant Emotional Health, l'amministratore della rete del 988 Lifeline, continua a migliorare l'accessibilità e l'efficienza di questa risorsa vitale.

CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), un pionero en inteligencia artificial conversacional, apoya la decisión de la FCC de requerir georuteo para llamadas inalámbricas al 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Esta regulación permite atención localizada mientras se mantiene el sistema de enrutamiento centralizado de la Lifeline. Mosaicx proporciona la tecnología de enrutamiento inteligente que apoya tanto el georuteo como el enrutamiento de llamadas, asegurando atención especializada en crisis para diversas comunidades.

Rebecca Jones, presidenta de Mosaicx, expresó su agradecimiento por la decisión de la FCC, enfatizando su compromiso de implementar rápidamente los beneficios del georuteo para quienes buscan ayuda. La asociación de Mosaicx con Vibrant Emotional Health, el administrador de la red del 988 Lifeline, sigue avanzando en la accesibilidad y eficiencia de este recurso vital.

CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), 대화형 인공지능의 선구자로서, FCC의 결정을 지지하며 988 자살 및 위기 라이프라인에 대한 무선 전화의 지오라우팅을 요구합니다. 이 규제는 라이프라인의 중앙 집중식 라우팅 시스템을 유지하면서 지역화된 치료를 가능하게 합니다. Mosaicx는 지오라우팅과 전화 라우팅을 모두 지원하는 지능형 라우팅 기술을 제공하여 다양한 커뮤니티에 전문적인 위기 관리를 보장합니다.

Mosaicx의 회장인 레베카 존스는 FCC의 결정에 감사를 표하며, 도움이 필요한 사람들을 위한 지오라우팅 혜택을 신속하게 시행하겠다는 약속을 강조했습니다. Mosaicx와 Vibrant Emotional Health 간의 파트너십은 988 라이프라인 네트워크 관리자와의 협력을 통해 이 중요한 자원의 접근성과 효율성을 더욱 발전시키고 있습니다.

CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), pionnier de l'IA conversationnelle, soutient la décision de la FCC d'exiger le géoroutage des appels sans fil vers le 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Ce règlement permet des soins localisés tout en maintenant le système de routage centralisé de la Lifeline. Mosaicx fournit la technologie de routage intelligent qui prend en charge à la fois le géoroutage et le routage des appels, garantissant des soins de crise spécialisés pour diverses communautés.

Rebecca Jones, présidente de Mosaicx, a exprimé sa gratitude pour la décision de la FCC, soulignant son engagement à mettre en œuvre rapidement les avantages du géoroutage pour les personnes en quête d'aide. Le partenariat de Mosaicx avec Vibrant Emotional Health, l'administrateur du réseau 988 Lifeline, continue de faire progresser l'accessibilité et l'efficacité de cette ressource vitale.

CX360, Inc. (Mosaicx), ein Pionier der konversationalen KI, unterstützt die Entscheidung der FCC, Georouting für Drahtlosanrufe zur 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline zu verlangen. Diese Regelung ermöglicht lokale Betreuung, während das zentrale Routing-System der Lifeline beibehalten wird. Mosaicx bietet die intelligente Routing-Technologie, die sowohl Georouting als auch das Routing von Anrufen unterstützt und spezialisierte Krisenbetreuung für unterschiedliche Gemeinschaften sicherstellt.

Rebecca Jones, Präsidentin von Mosaicx, äußerte Dank für die Entscheidung der FCC und betonte ihr Engagement, die Vorteile des Georoutings schnell für Hilfesuchende umzusetzen. Die Partnerschaft von Mosaicx mit Vibrant Emotional Health, dem Administrator des 988 Lifeline Netzwerks, trägt weiterhin zur Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit und Effizienz dieser wichtigen Ressource bei.

  • FCC decision supports Mosaicx's intelligent routing technology for the 988 Lifeline
  • Mosaicx's partnership with Vibrant Emotional Health advances accessibility of crisis resources
  • None.

Decision to uphold centralized routing system underscores the 988 Lifeline’s mission to deliver a consistently high standard of mental health and crisis care

OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CX360, Inc. (“Mosaicx”), a conversational AI pioneer, applauds today’s decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt a new regulation requiring georouting for wireless calls to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This decision enables help seekers to receive localized care, maintains the 988 Lifeline’s centralized routing system and promotes a uniform standard of care for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

Mosaicx provides the intelligent routing technology that supports both georouting and routing of calls from all help seekers, ensuring specialized crisis care and resources for diverse communities, including at-risk groups such as veterans, Spanish speakers and members of the LGBTQI+ community.

“We’re grateful to the FCC for making this crucial decision to better help individuals in crisis,” said Rebecca Jones, president of Mosaicx. “This decision highlights the FCC’s commitment to ensuring help seekers receive the benefits of georouting as quickly as possible. We applaud them for recognizing the importance of maintaining the centralized structure of the 988 Lifeline to support this effort.”

Mosaicx’ ongoing partnership with Vibrant Emotional Health, the 988 Lifeline network administrator, continues to advance the accessibility, responsibility and efficiency of this vital resource.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Text or call 988 or visit for 24/7 support.

To learn more about Mosaicx and its involvement in advancing the 988 Lifeline, visit

About Mosaicx

Mosaicx is a cloud-based solution that uses conversational AI, machine learning and natural language processing technologies to automate interactions with customers and employees. Its IVA technology delivers fast, easy, personalized service through industry-leading voice recognition and digital messaging capabilities, creating positive interactions that drive improved customer and employee satisfaction. Mosaicx is a part of West Technology Group, LLC, controlled by affiliates of certain funds managed by Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE: APO).

Mosaicx Media Contact
AnnMarie Carson
206-282-4923 ext. 119


What is the FCC's new regulation for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?

The FCC has adopted a new regulation requiring georouting for wireless calls to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This enables help seekers to receive localized care while maintaining the Lifeline's centralized routing system.

How does Mosaicx support the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?

Mosaicx provides intelligent routing technology that supports both georouting and routing of calls for the 988 Lifeline, ensuring specialized crisis care and resources for diverse communities, including at-risk groups such as veterans, Spanish speakers, and LGBTQI+ individuals.

Who is the network administrator for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?

Vibrant Emotional Health is the network administrator for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Mosaicx partners with Vibrant Emotional Health to advance the accessibility, responsibility, and efficiency of this vital resource.

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