American Public University System (APUS) Joins Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) to Help Develop Tomorrow's Business Leaders
American Public University System (APUS) has joined the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF), a national organization connecting business and higher education executives to shape the future of learning and work. The partnership aims to strengthen the digital workforce through quality higher education.
APUS, with 92% working adult students, partners with over 300 businesses, associations, and government agencies to develop programs for employee retention, recruitment, and upskilling. The university recently launched TuitionWise in summer 2024, a program helping eligible participants minimize student debt when combined with employer tuition-assistance benefits. Employees at companies offering $5,250 annual education assistance can potentially take six undergraduate or four graduate courses without personal tuition costs.
Il Sistema Universitario Pubblico Americano (APUS) ha aderito al Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF), un'organizzazione nazionale che collega dirigenti del mondo degli affari e dell'istruzione superiore per plasmare il futuro dell'apprendimento e del lavoro. L'obiettivo della partnership è rafforzare la forza lavoro digitale attraverso un'istruzione superiore di qualità.
APUS, con il 92% degli studenti adulti lavoratori, collabora con oltre 300 aziende, associazioni e agenzie governative per sviluppare programmi per la retention, il reclutamento e l'aggiornamento delle competenze dei dipendenti. L'università ha recentemente lanciato TuitionWise nell'estate del 2024, un programma che aiuta i partecipanti idonei a ridurre il debito studentesco quando combinato con i benefici di assistenza per le tasse scolastiche offerti dai datori di lavoro. I dipendenti delle aziende che offrono assistenza all'istruzione annuale di $5,250 possono potenzialmente seguire sei corsi di laurea triennale o quattro corsi di laurea magistrale senza costi personali per le tasse scolastiche.
El Sistema Universitario Público Americano (APUS) se ha unido al Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF), una organización nacional que conecta a ejecutivos de negocios y de educación superior para dar forma al futuro del aprendizaje y el trabajo. La asociación tiene como objetivo fortalecer la fuerza laboral digital a través de una educación superior de calidad.
APUS, con un 92% de estudiantes adultos que trabajan, colabora con más de 300 empresas, asociaciones y agencias gubernamentales para desarrollar programas de retención, reclutamiento y actualización de habilidades para los empleados. La universidad lanzó recientemente TuitionWise en el verano de 2024, un programa que ayuda a los participantes elegibles a minimizar la deuda estudiantil cuando se combina con los beneficios de asistencia para matrícula de los empleadores. Los empleados de las empresas que ofrecen asistencia educativa anual de $5,250 pueden potencialmente tomar seis cursos de pregrado o cuatro de posgrado sin costos personales de matrícula.
미국 공립대학교 시스템(APUS)가 비즈니스-고등교육 포럼(BHEF)에 가입했습니다. 이 국가 조직은 비즈니스와 고등 교육 경영진을 연결하여 학습과 일의 미래를 형성하는 데 기여하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 양질의 고등 교육을 통해 디지털 인력을 강화하는 것입니다.
APUS는 92%의 직장인 학생을 보유하고 있으며, 300개 이상의 기업, 협회 및 정부 기관과 협력하여 직원 유지, 채용 및 기술 향상을 위한 프로그램을 개발하고 있습니다. 이 대학은 2024년 여름에 TuitionWise를 새롭게 시작했으며, 이는 적격 참가자가 고용주의 학비 지원 혜택과 결합하여 학생 부채를 최소화하는 데 도움을 주는 프로그램입니다. 연간 $5,250의 교육 지원을 제공하는 회사의 직원들은 개인 학비 비용 없이 최대 6개의 학부 과정 또는 4개의 대학원 과정을 수강할 수 있습니다.
Le Système Universitaire Public Américain (APUS) a rejoint le Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF), une organisation nationale qui relie des dirigeants d'entreprises et d'éducation supérieure pour façonner l'avenir de l'apprentissage et du travail. L'objectif de ce partenariat est de renforcer la main-d'œuvre numérique grâce à une éducation supérieure de qualité.
APUS, avec 92% d'étudiants adultes en activité, collabore avec plus de 300 entreprises, associations et agences gouvernementales pour développer des programmes de rétention, de recrutement et de perfectionnement des compétences pour les employés. L'université a récemment lancé TuitionWise à l'été 2024, un programme qui aide les participants éligibles à minimiser leur dette étudiante lorsqu'il est combiné avec les avantages d'assistance à la scolarité offerts par les employeurs. Les employés des entreprises offrant une aide à l'éducation annuelle de 5 250 $ peuvent potentiellement suivre six cours de premier cycle ou quatre cours de deuxième cycle sans frais de scolarité personnels.
Das American Public University System (APUS) hat sich dem Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) angeschlossen, einer nationalen Organisation, die Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft und Hochschulbildung verbindet, um die Zukunft von Lernen und Arbeit zu gestalten. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die digitale Arbeitskräfte durch qualitativ hochwertige Hochschulbildung zu stärken.
APUS, mit 92% berufstätigen Erwachsenen als Studierenden, arbeitet mit über 300 Unternehmen, Verbänden und Regierungsbehörden zusammen, um Programme zur Mitarbeiterbindung, Rekrutierung und Weiterbildung zu entwickeln. Die Universität hat kürzlich TuitionWise im Sommer 2024 gestartet, ein Programm, das berechtigten Teilnehmern hilft, die Studienschulden zu minimieren, wenn es mit den Bildungszuschüssen der Arbeitgeber kombiniert wird. Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen, die jährlich $5,250 an Bildungshilfe anbieten, können potenziell sechs Bachelor- oder vier Masterkurse ohne persönliche Studiengebühren belegen.
- Partnership with BHEF enhances corporate relationships and program development opportunities
- Large network of 300+ business partnerships indicates strong B2B presence
- High working adult student percentage (92%) shows strong position in professional education market
- TuitionWise program potentially eliminates out-of-pocket costs for students
- None.
BHEF and APUS Share Common Goals to Solve Talent Gaps in Digital Economy
"APUS is continuing to reimagine how we educate the workforce of tomorrow, and we are honored to partner with BHEF to advance this key initiative," said Nuno Fernandes, APUS President. "Both BHEF and our University share a common goal of strengthening a digital workforce through the power of high-quality, relevant higher education."
APUS continues to build and expand strategic partnerships with innovative business organizations that aim to attract, develop, and retain top talent while collaborating on program development. The University's tailored, affordable online programs are designed to upskill workers and solve for strategic business needs.
"BHEF aims to create change at scale together with higher education and business leaders, nationally and regionally," said Kristen Fox, CEO, Business-Higher Education Forum. "Together, we are building a future where higher education and business work more closely to develop a highly skilled, adaptable workforce that fuels ongoing economic growth and empowers individuals to thrive."
BHEF – which counts numerous Fortune 500 firms and their executives as members – empowers collaborations that deliver accelerated, effective solutions to address talent gaps in education and the workforce. The organization translates its nationally recognized frameworks, thought leadership, and executive network into regional collaborations between its business and academic members that build durable degree programs, curricula, and work-based learning in high-demand fields.
The APUS TuitionWise program, launched in summer 2024, caters to companies that invest in their employees' education. TuitionWise helps lower the potential costs for eligible participants incurring student debt by offering the possibility of no out-of-pocket tuition costs when combined with their employer's tuition-assistance benefits1.
For example, it's possible for employees at companies offering a
About the Business-Higher Education Forum
The Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) is a national network that connects pioneering corporate and higher education leaders to co-develop solutions that address talent gaps. BHEF empowers and catalyzes collaborations that deliver accelerated, inclusive, and effective solutions across education and work. The organization has impacted more than 200,000 workers and learners through partnerships with more than 300 companies resulting in hundreds of new pathways and programs for students.
About American Public University System
American Public University System (APUS) delivers affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant higher education. With a rich, 33-year history and vibrant community of over 149,000 alumni from more than 80 countries, APUS is recognized for its innovative approach to online learning2. APUS is in the top
APUS, which includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU), is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the
1This program is available to eligible participants only. No out-of-pocket tuition cost may be possible through the use of an employer's tuition assistance benefit, combined with an APUS partner grant. Some programs also may include in-person activities, such as practicums or labs, and other fees, which may result in additional costs to eligible participants.
2 APUS has been honored with the Online Learning Consortium's Gomory Award for Quality Online Education and is a five-time recipient of the consortium's Effective Practice Award
3Ranking based on 20-year net present value (NPV)
American Public University System, American Public University, and American Military University are not affiliated with American University or the
Frank Tutalo | Frank Avery |
AVP, Public Relations, APUS | Managing Director, Business-Higher Education Forum |
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SOURCE American Public University System
What benefits does APUS's TuitionWise program offer to employees?
How many business partnerships does APUS currently maintain?
What percentage of APUS students are working adults?