American Public University System's Esports Program Earns Specialized Accreditation from the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA)
American Public University System (APUS) has achieved a significant milestone as its Bachelor of Science in Esports Program becomes the first of its kind in the United States to receive specialized accreditation from the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). The accreditation, valid through February 2030, also extends to APUS's Bachelor and Master of Science in Sports Management programs.
The Esports program, launched in March 2022, offers comprehensive education in both business and coaching aspects, including event management, player development, media production, and marketing. COSMA recently expanded its scope to include Esports Management programs, making APUS the first to meet their accreditation standards.
Il Sistema Universitario Pubblico Americano (APUS) ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo, poiché il suo Corso di Laurea in Scienze degli Esports è diventato il primo del suo genere negli Stati Uniti a ricevere l'accreditamento specialistico dalla Commissione per l'Accreditamento della Gestione Sportiva (COSMA). L'accreditamento, valido fino a febbraio 2030, si estende anche ai corsi di Laurea e Master in Scienze della Gestione Sportiva di APUS.
Il programma di Esports, lanciato a marzo 2022, offre un'educazione completa sia negli aspetti aziendali che in quelli di coaching, inclusi la gestione degli eventi, lo sviluppo dei giocatori, la produzione multimediale e il marketing. COSMA ha recentemente ampliato il proprio ambito per includere i programmi di Gestione degli Esports, rendendo APUS il primo a soddisfare i loro standard di accreditamento.
El Sistema Universitario Público Americano (APUS) ha alcanzado un hito significativo, ya que su Licenciatura en Ciencias en Programas de Esports se convierte en la primera de su tipo en los Estados Unidos en recibir la acreditación especializada de la Comisión de Acreditación en Gestión Deportiva (COSMA). La acreditación, válida hasta febrero de 2030, también se extiende a los programas de Licenciatura y Maestría en Ciencias en Gestión Deportiva de APUS.
El programa de Esports, lanzado en marzo de 2022, ofrece una educación integral en aspectos tanto empresariales como de entrenamiento, incluyendo la gestión de eventos, el desarrollo de jugadores, la producción de medios y el marketing. COSMA recientemente amplió su alcance para incluir programas de Gestión de Esports, convirtiendo a APUS en el primero en cumplir con sus estándares de acreditación.
미국 공립 대학 시스템 (APUS)는 e스포츠 프로그램의 이학사가 미국에서 최초로 스포츠 관리 인증 위원회 (COSMA)로부터 전문 인증을 받으며 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 인증은 2030년 2월까지 유효하며, APUS의 스포츠 관리 학사 및 석사 프로그램에도 적용됩니다.
2022년 3월에 시작된 e스포츠 프로그램은 이벤트 관리, 선수 개발, 미디어 제작 및 마케팅을 포함한 비즈니스와 코칭 측면에서 포괄적인 교육을 제공합니다. COSMA는 최근 e스포츠 관리 프로그램을 포함하도록 범위를 확대하여 APUS가 그들의 인증 기준을 충족한 첫 번째 기관이 되었습니다.
Le Système Universitaire Public Américain (APUS) a atteint un jalon significatif, car son Bachelor of Science en Esports devient le premier de son genre aux États-Unis à recevoir une accréditation spécialisée de la Commission d'Accréditation en Gestion Sportive (COSMA). L'accréditation, valable jusqu'en février 2030, s'étend également aux programmes de Bachelor et de Master en Gestion Sportive d'APUS.
Le programme d'Esports, lancé en mars 2022, offre une éducation complète tant dans les aspects commerciaux que de coaching, y compris la gestion d'événements, le développement des joueurs, la production médiatique et le marketing. COSMA a récemment élargi son champ d'application pour inclure les programmes de Gestion des Esports, faisant d'APUS le premier à répondre à leurs normes d'accréditation.
Das Amerikanische Öffentliche Universitätssystem (APUS) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, da sein Bachelor of Science in Esports Programm das erste seiner Art in den Vereinigten Staaten ist, das eine spezialisierte Akkreditierung von der Kommission für Sportmanagement-Akkreditierung (COSMA) erhalten hat. Die Akkreditierung ist bis Februar 2030 gültig und gilt auch für die Bachelor- und Master-Programme in Sportmanagement von APUS.
Das Esports-Programm, das im März 2022 gestartet wurde, bietet eine umfassende Ausbildung in sowohl geschäftlichen als auch Coaching-Aspekten, einschließlich Eventmanagement, Spielerentwicklung, Medienproduktion und Marketing. COSMA hat kürzlich seinen Geltungsbereich erweitert, um Programme im Bereich Esports-Management einzubeziehen, wodurch APUS das erste ist, das die Akkreditierungsstandards erfüllt.
- First U.S. Esports program to receive COSMA specialized accreditation
- Accreditation validates program quality and innovation
- Three APUS sports management programs now hold COSMA accreditation
- None.
The University's Esports Program is the First of its Kind in
The accreditation status is valid through February 2030 for this newly accredited program, as well as the University's other two related programs, the Bachelor of Science in Sports Management, and the Master of Science in Sports Management.
"We are proud to be the first Esports program in
APUS' Esports program, which has been offered since March 2022, provides students with knowledge about esports from both a business and coaching perspective. This includes event and facility management, player performance and development, media and production, plus sales, marketing, and sponsorships.
"COSMA recently adjusted its scope of accreditation to include Esports Management programs, and we are excited that APUS is the first program to organize itself in compliance with our accreditation principles," said Heather Alderman, Executive Director, COSMA. "The University has given its program a great start toward excellence in sport management education."
COSMA, the only organization that offers discipline-specific sport management accreditation, is a specialized accrediting body that recognizes and promotes excellence in sport management education. It is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
"This accreditation demonstrates the maturation and high quality of our Esports program," said Dr. Brian Freeland, Dean of the School of Health Sciences at APUS. "We are truly grateful for all our faculty and staff members who help our Esports program stand out. I congratulate them all."
Visit here for more information on the Esports program.
For more info on the University's Sports Management programs, visit: and
About American Public University System
American Public University System (APUS) delivers affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant higher education. With a rich, 33-year history and vibrant community of over 153,000 alumni from more than 80 countries, APUS is recognized for its innovative approach to online learning1.
APUS is in the top
APUS, which includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU), is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the
1 APUS has been honored with the Online Learning Consortium's Gomory Award for Quality Online Education and is a five-time recipient of the consortium's Effective Practice Award
2 Ranking based on 20-year net present value (NPV)
American Public University System, American Public University, and American Military University are not affiliated with American University or the
Frank Tutalo
AVP, Public Relations, APUS
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