American Public University System (APUS) Champions Academic Research Globally

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American Public University System (APUS) celebrates significant academic research advancements, showcasing groundbreaking projects and impactful global collaborations in 2024.

APUS faculty secured grants for 19 recent projects (12 domestic and seven international) with multidisciplinary impacts across North America, Europe, and Asia. In 2024, approximately 50 students participated in faculty-led research, exemplifying the University's dedication to experiential learning. These projects were part of the competitive faculty research grants fully funded by APUS.

Key projects include:

  • Dr. Daniel Diaz’s ethnographic study on Nahuatl-speaking communities in Mexico.
  • Dr. Kelly Chinners Reiss and Dr. Daniela Messina’s WaterTAP project, addressing drinking water quality and public health.
  • Dr. Melissa Schnyder’s research on Indigenous food sovereignty through the restoration of traditional Hawaiian fishponds.
  • The APUS Analog Research Group (AARG) completed its fifth analog mission to the Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH).
  • Dr. Kristin Drexler, Dr. Michelle Watts, and Anthony Caole’s COVID-19 research in Kodiak, Alaska.

APUS is committed to fostering ongoing research that bridges disciplines, cultures, and borders to drive innovation and academic excellence.

Il Sistema Universitario Pubblico Americano (APUS) celebra significativi progressi nella ricerca accademica, presentando progetti all'avanguardia e collaborazioni globali impattanti nel 2024.

Il personale docente di APUS ha ottenuto finanziamenti per 19 progetti recenti (12 nazionali e sette internazionali) con impatti multidisciplinari in Nord America, Europa e Asia. Nel 2024, circa 50 studenti hanno partecipato a ricerche guidate dai docenti, esemplificando la dedizione dell'Università all'apprendimento esperienziale. Questi progetti facevano parte di sovvenzioni competitive per la ricerca docente completamente finanziate da APUS.

I progetti chiave includono:

  • Lo studio etnografico del Dr. Daniel Diaz sulle comunità di lingua nahuatl in Messico.
  • Il progetto WaterTAP della Dr.ssa Kelly Chinners Reiss e della Dr.ssa Daniela Messina, che affronta la qualità dell'acqua potabile e la salute pubblica.
  • La ricerca della Dr.ssa Melissa Schnyder sulla sovranità alimentare indigena attraverso il ripristino dei tradizionali stagni per pesci hawaiani.
  • Il Gruppo di Ricerca Analogica APUS (AARG) ha completato la sua quinta missione analogica all'Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH).
  • La ricerca sul COVID-19 del Dr. Kristin Drexler, della Dr.ssa Michelle Watts e di Anthony Caole a Kodiak, Alaska.

APUS è impegnata a promuovere una ricerca continua che colleghi discipline, culture e confini per stimolare l'innovazione e l'eccellenza accademica.

El Sistema Universitario Público Americano (APUS) celebra avances significativos en la investigación académica, presentando proyectos innovadores y colaboraciones globales impactantes en 2024.

El profesorado de APUS aseguró financiamiento para 19 proyectos recientes (12 nacionales y siete internacionales) con impactos multidisciplinarios en América del Norte, Europa y Asia. En 2024, aproximadamente 50 estudiantes participaron en investigaciones lideradas por profesores, ejemplificando el compromiso de la Universidad con el aprendizaje experiencial. Estos proyectos formaron parte de las subvenciones competitivas de investigación docente completamente financiadas por APUS.

Los proyectos clave incluyen:

  • El estudio etnográfico del Dr. Daniel Diaz sobre comunidades de habla nahuatl en México.
  • El proyecto WaterTAP de la Dra. Kelly Chinners Reiss y la Dra. Daniela Messina, que aborda la calidad del agua potable y la salud pública.
  • La investigación de la Dra. Melissa Schnyder sobre la soberanía alimentaria indígena a través de la restauración de estanques tradicionales hawaianos.
  • El Grupo de Investigación Análoga de APUS (AARG) completó su quinta misión análoga en el Hábitat Análogo Inflable Lunar y Marciano (ILMAH).
  • La investigación sobre COVID-19 del Dr. Kristin Drexler, la Dra. Michelle Watts y Anthony Caole en Kodiak, Alaska.

APUS está comprometida a fomentar una investigación continua que una disciplinas, culturas y fronteras para impulsar la innovación y la excelencia académica.

미국 공립 대학 시스템(APUS)은 2024년에 중요한 학술 연구의 발전을 기념하며, 혁신적인 프로젝트와 영향력 있는 글로벌 협업을 선보입니다.

APUS 교수진은 북미, 유럽, 아시아 전역에서 다학제적 영향을 미치는 19개의 최근 프로젝트 (국내 12개, 국제 7개)에 대한 보조금을 확보했습니다. 2024년에는 약 50명의 학생이 교수 주도의 연구에 참여하여 대학의 체험 학습에 대한 헌신을 보여주었습니다. 이 프로젝트들은 APUS가 전액 지원하는 경쟁적인 교수 연구 보조금의 일환이었습니다.

주요 프로젝트에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 다니엘 디아즈 박사의 멕시코 나와틀어를 사용하는 공동체에 대한 민족지적 연구.
  • 켈리 치너스 리스 박사와 다니엘라 메시나 박사의 수돗물 품질과 공공 건강을 다루는 WaterTAP 프로젝트.
  • 멜리사 슈나이더 박사의 전통 하와이 어업 연못 복원을 통한 원주율 식량 주권 연구.
  • APUS 아날로그 연구 그룹(AARG)이 Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH)에 대한 다섯 번째 아날로그 미션을 완료했습니다.
  • 크리스틴 드렉슬러 박사, 미셸 와츠 박사, 앤서니 카올의 알래스카 코디악에서의 COVID-19 연구.

APUS는 혁신과 학문적 우수성을 촉진하기 위해 학문, 문화 및 국경을 연결하는 지속적인 연구를 촉진하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

Le Système Universitaire Public Américain (APUS) célèbre des avancées significatives dans la recherche académique, mettant en avant des projets novateurs et des collaborations mondiales impactantes en 2024.

Le corps professoral d'APUS a obtenu des subventions pour 19 projets récents (12 nationaux et sept internationaux) ayant des impacts multidisciplinaires à travers l'Amérique du Nord, l'Europe et l'Asie. En 2024, environ 50 étudiants ont participé à des recherches dirigées par des enseignants, illustrant l'engagement de l'Université envers l'apprentissage expérientiel. Ces projets faisaient partie des subventions de recherche compétitives entièrement financées par APUS.

Les projets clés comprennent :

  • L'étude ethnographique du Dr. Daniel Diaz sur les communautés de langue nahuatl au Mexique.
  • Le projet WaterTAP de la Dr. Kelly Chinners Reiss et de la Dr. Daniela Messina, qui traite de la qualité de l'eau potable et de la santé publique.
  • La recherche de la Dr. Melissa Schnyder sur la souveraineté alimentaire indigène à travers la restauration des étangs traditionnels hawaïens.
  • Le Groupe de Recherche Analogique d'APUS (AARG) a terminé sa cinquième mission analogique à l'Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH).
  • La recherche sur le COVID-19 du Dr. Kristin Drexler, de la Dr. Michelle Watts et d'Anthony Caole à Kodiak, en Alaska.

APUS s'engage à favoriser une recherche continue qui relie les disciplines, les cultures et les frontières pour stimuler l'innovation et l'excellence académique.

Das American Public University System (APUS) feiert bedeutende Fortschritte in der akademischen Forschung und präsentiert bahnbrechende Projekte sowie wirkungsvolle globale Kooperationen im Jahr 2024.

Die Fakultät von APUS sicherte sich Fördermittel für 19 aktuelle Projekte (12 national und sieben international) mit multidisziplinären Auswirkungen in Nordamerika, Europa und Asien. Im Jahr 2024 nahmen etwa 50 Studierende an von der Fakultät geleiteten Forschungsprojekten teil, was das Engagement der Universität für erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen verdeutlicht. Diese Projekte waren Teil der wettbewerbsfähigen Forschungsstipendien, die vollständig von APUS finanziert wurden.

Wichtige Projekte sind:

  • Die ethnografische Studie von Dr. Daniel Diaz über nahuatl-sprechende Gemeinschaften in Mexiko.
  • Das WaterTAP-Projekt von Dr. Kelly Chinners Reiss und Dr. Daniela Messina, das die Qualität des Trinkwassers und die öffentliche Gesundheit behandelt.
  • Die Forschung von Dr. Melissa Schnyder zur indigenen Ernährungssouveränität durch die Wiederherstellung traditioneller hawaiianischer Fischteiche.
  • Die APUS Analog Research Group (AARG) hat ihre fünfte Analogmission im Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH) abgeschlossen.
  • Die COVID-19-Forschung von Dr. Kristin Drexler, Dr. Michelle Watts und Anthony Caole in Kodiak, Alaska.

APUS verpflichtet sich, kontinuierliche Forschung zu fördern, die Disziplinen, Kulturen und Grenzen überbrückt, um Innovation und akademische Exzellenz voranzutreiben.

  • APUS faculty secured grants for 19 projects with multidisciplinary impacts across three continents.
  • Approximately 50 students participated in faculty-led research in 2024, demonstrating APUS’s commitment to experiential learning.
  • The WaterTAP project distributed over 700 water testing kits, addressing drinking water quality and public health.
  • None.

Innovative Faculty Research Grants and 19 Applied Learning Projects with 50 Students Help Drive the University's Global Digital Journey

CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., Feb. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- American Public University System (APUS) proudly celebrates significant academic research advancements, showcasing groundbreaking projects and impactful global collaborations in 2024. APUS faculty have secured grants for 19 recent projects (12 domestic and seven international projects across three continents) with multidisciplinary impacts across North America, Europe, and Asia, reinforcing the University's commitment to academic excellence and cross-cultural research.

In 2024 alone, approximately 50 students participated in faculty-led research through data collection, analysis, and other key activities, exemplifying the University's dedication to experiential learning. These projects were part of the competitive faculty research grants that are fully funded by APUS.

"APUS is proud to support a range of research experiences that advance academic inquiry while addressing real-world challenges," said Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, APUS Provost. "Through faculty and student collaboration, we are making meaningful contributions to local and global communities."

Recent Research Highlights

Dr. Daniel Diaz – Listen to Our Voices
Dr. Diaz's ethnographic study explores the cultural and linguistic richness of Nahuatl-speaking communities in Mexico. His project develops instructional materials to preserve Indigenous linguistic diversity and promote inclusivity.

Dr. Kelly Chinners Reiss and Dr. Daniela Messina – WaterTAP
WaterTAP addresses drinking water quality and public health by distributing more than 700 water testing kits. Recognized at an Association of Advancing Participatory Sciences annual conference, the project empowers student participants to become science and data-savvy with a resource they rely on daily.

Dr. Melissa Schnyder – Native Fishpond Restoration in Hawaii
Dr. Schnyder's research examines Indigenous food sovereignty through the restoration of traditional Hawaiian fishponds. Her work highlights sustainable, place-based food systems and environmental stewardship rooted in cultural heritage.

APUS Analog Research Group (AARG)

The student-led AARG, created in fall 2020 and overseen by faculty advisor Dr. Kristen Miller, has completed several notable research missions and successfully completed its fifth analog mission to the Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH) in October. The focus was for four students to research plant growth in regolith, fatigue, and communication systems. In January, AARG sent a team to Florida's Jules Verne Lodge to study venous gas emboli and conduct outreach.

Dr. Kristin Drexler, Dr. Michelle Watts, and Anthony Caole, Student, Doctor of Global Security – COVID-19 Research in Kodiak, Alaska
In summer 2024, researchers traveled to Kodiak, Alaska, to study Indigenous communities' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike other areas, Kodiak did not implement official lockdowns. The team conducted interviews to understand how the pandemic affected these communities and to document their unique experiences.

APUS is committed to fostering ongoing research that bridges disciplines, cultures, and borders to drive innovation and academic excellence with students top of mind. As part of the University's global digital journey, the school intends to continue expanding opportunities for faculty-led student research both locally and globally.

About American Public University System
American Public University System (APUS) delivers affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant higher education. With a rich, 33-year history and vibrant community of over 149,000 alumni from more than 80 countries, APUS is recognized for its innovative approach to online learning1. APUS is in the top 11% for students' return on educational investment, compared to 4,500 colleges and universities nationwide, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2022)2.

APUS, which includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU), is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. APUS is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information, visit

1 APUS has been honored with the online Learning Consortium's Gomory Award for Quality Online Education and is a five-time recipient of the consortium's Effective Practice Award

2 Ranking based on 20-year net present value (NPV)

American Public University System, American Public University, and American Military University are not affiliated with American University or the U.S. Military.

Meg Sheeley
Manager, Public Relations, APUS


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SOURCE American Public University System


What recent projects have APUS faculty secured grants for?

APUS faculty secured grants for 19 projects, including 12 domestic and seven international, spanning North America, Europe, and Asia.

How many students participated in APUS faculty-led research in 2024?

Approximately 50 students participated in faculty-led research in 2024.

What is the focus of Dr. Daniel Diaz's research?

Dr. Daniel Diaz's research focuses on the cultural and linguistic richness of Nahuatl-speaking communities in Mexico.

What does the WaterTAP project address?

The WaterTAP project addresses drinking water quality and public health by distributing over 700 water testing kits.

What is the APUS Analog Research Group (AARG) known for?

The APUS Analog Research Group (AARG) is known for completing several research missions, including its fifth analog mission to the Inflatable Lunar and Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH).

What did APUS researchers study in Kodiak, Alaska?

APUS researchers studied Indigenous communities' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kodiak, Alaska.

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