Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology Joins American Oncology Network
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), established in 1977, has joined the American Oncology Network (AON), a rapidly growing network of community-based oncology practices.
This partnership will enable FWMOH to expand its patient-focused services and continue providing high-quality, compassionate care. Dr. Praveen Kollipara, president of FWMOH, highlighted that this collaboration comes at an exciting time as FWMOH has recently added leading gynecologic oncologists and expanded its presence in Peru and Warsaw.
FWMOH operates nine locations across northeastern Indiana with 16 Board-certified medical oncologists and two Board-certified gynecologic oncologists, Dr. Iwona Podzielinski and Dr. Scott Goodrich. Dr. Podzielinski emphasized that this partnership will strengthen their ability to offer cutting-edge treatments while maintaining a patient-centered approach.
FWMOH provides comprehensive cancer care services, including laboratory services, PET/CT imaging, oral and IV infusion treatments, clinical trials, survivorship programs, and patient support. The clinics feature private exam rooms and on-site infusion suites for patient comfort.
AON’s CEO, Todd Schonherz, and CMO, Stephen Fred Divers, MD, expressed their excitement about the partnership, noting the alignment with AON’s mission to expand access to high-quality, patient-first cancer care nationwide.
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), fondata nel 1977, si è unita alla American Oncology Network (AON), una rete in rapida crescita di pratiche oncologiche basate nella comunità.
Questa collaborazione consentirà a FWMOH di ampliare i suoi servizi incentrati sui pazienti e di continuare a fornire un'assistenza di alta qualità e compassionevole. Il Dr. Praveen Kollipara, presidente di FWMOH, ha sottolineato che questa unione arriva in un momento entusiasmante, poiché FWMOH ha recentemente aggiunto oncologi ginecologici di spicco e ha ampliato la sua presenza in Perù e Varsavia.
FWMOH opera in nove sedi nel nord-est dell'Indiana con 16 oncologi medici certificati dal Consiglio e due oncologi ginecologici certificati, il Dr. Iwona Podzielinski e il Dr. Scott Goodrich. La Dr.ssa Podzielinski ha enfatizzato che questa partnership rafforzerà la loro capacità di offrire trattamenti all'avanguardia mantenendo un approccio incentrato sul paziente.
FWMOH fornisce servizi completi di assistenza oncologica, tra cui servizi di laboratorio, imaging PET/CT, trattamenti per via orale e infusioni IV, studi clinici, programmi di sopravvivenza e supporto ai pazienti. Le cliniche dispongono di sale esame private e suite per infusioni in loco per il comfort dei pazienti.
Il CEO di AON, Todd Schonherz, e il CMO, Stephen Fred Divers, MD, hanno espresso il loro entusiasmo per la partnership, notando l'allineamento con la missione di AON di espandere l'accesso a cure oncologiche di alta qualità e incentrate sul paziente a livello nazionale.
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), establecida en 1977, se ha unido a la American Oncology Network (AON), una red de rápido crecimiento de prácticas oncológicas comunitarias.
Esta asociación permitirá a FWMOH expandir sus servicios centrados en el paciente y seguir brindando atención compasiva y de alta calidad. El Dr. Praveen Kollipara, presidente de FWMOH, destacó que esta colaboración llega en un momento emocionante, ya que FWMOH ha agregado recientemente oncólogos ginecológicos líderes y ha ampliado su presencia en Perú y Varsovia.
FWMOH opera en nueve ubicaciones en el noreste de Indiana con 16 oncólogos médicos certificados por la junta y dos oncólogos ginecológicos certificados, la Dra. Iwona Podzielinski y el Dr. Scott Goodrich. La Dra. Podzielinski enfatizó que esta asociación fortalecerá su capacidad de ofrecer tratamientos de vanguardia mientras mantienen un enfoque centrado en el paciente.
FWMOH ofrece servicios integrales de atención del cáncer, incluidos servicios de laboratorio, imágenes PET/CT, tratamientos orales e infusiones IV, ensayos clínicos, programas de supervivencia y apoyo al paciente. Las clínicas cuentan con salas de examen privadas y suites de infusión en el lugar para mayor comodidad del paciente.
El CEO de AON, Todd Schonherz, y el CMO, Stephen Fred Divers, MD, expresaron su entusiasmo por la asociación, señalando la alineación con la misión de AON de expandir el acceso a atención oncológica de alta calidad y centrada en el paciente a nivel nacional.
포트웨인 의학 종양학 및 혈액학(FWMOH), 1977년에 설립되어, 미국 종양 네트워크(AON)에 합류하게 되었습니다. 이는 지역 사회 기반의 종양학 진료 네트워크로 빠르게 성장하고 있습니다.
이번 파트너십은 FWMOH가 환자 중심의 서비스를 확장하고 고품질의 자비로운 진료를 제공할 수 있게 할 것입니다. FWMOH의 회장인 프라빈 콜리파 박사는 이 협력이 FWMOH가 최근에 선도적인 부인과 종양학자들을 영입하고 페루와 바르샤바에서의 입지를 확대하는 등 흥미로운 시점에 이뤄진 것이라고 강조했습니다.
FWMOH는 인디애나 북동부에 아홉 개의 지점을 운영하고 있으며, 16명의 이사회 인증 의료 종양학자와 부인과 종양학자인 이보나 포디젤린스키 박사와 스콧 구드리치 박사가 있습니다. 포디젤린스키 박사는 이 파트너십이 환자 중심의 접근 방식을 유지하면서最先端의 치료를 제공할 수 있는 능력을 강화할 것이라고 강조했습니다.
FWMOH는 종합 암 치료 서비스를 제공하며, 여기에는 실험실 서비스, PET/CT 영상 촬영, 경구 및 IV 주입 치료, 임상 시험, 생존 프로그램 및 환자 지원이 포함됩니다. 클리닉은 환자의 편안함을 위해 개인 진료실과 현장 주입실을 갖추고 있습니다.
AON의 CEO인 토드 숀허즈와 CMO인 스티븐 프레드 다이버스 MD는 협력에 대한 흥분을 표현하며, AON의 미션이 고품질의 환자 우선 암 치료 접근을 전국적으로 확장하는 것과 일치한다고 언급했습니다.
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), fondée en 1977, a rejoint le American Oncology Network (AON), un réseau en pleine expansion de pratiques oncologiques communautaires.
Ce partenariat permettra à FWMOH d'étendre ses services axés sur le patient et de continuer à fournir des soins compatissants et de haute qualité. Le Dr Praveen Kollipara, président de FWMOH, a souligné que cette collaboration intervient à un moment passionnant, car FWMOH a récemment ajouté des oncologues gynécologiques de premier plan et élargi sa présence au Pérou et à Varsovie.
FWMOH exploite neuf sites dans le nord-est de l'Indiana avec 16 oncologues médicaux certifiés par le conseil et deux oncologues gynécologiques certifiés, le Dr Iwona Podzielinski et le Dr Scott Goodrich. La Dr Podzielinski a souligné que ce partenariat renforcera leur capacité à offrir des traitements de pointe tout en maintenant une approche centrée sur le patient.
FWMOH fournit des services complets de soins contre le cancer, y compris des services de laboratoire, des imageries PET/CT, des traitements oraux et des infusions IV, des essais cliniques, des programmes de survie et du soutien aux patients. Les cliniques disposent de salles d'examen privées et de suites d'infusion sur place pour le confort des patients.
Le PDG d'AON, Todd Schonherz, et le CMO, Stephen Fred Divers, MD, ont exprimé leur enthousiasme face à ce partenariat, notant l'alignement avec la mission d'AON d'élargir l'accès à des soins oncologiques de haute qualité et centrés sur le patient à l'échelle nationale.
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), 1977 gegründet, hat sich dem American Oncology Network (AON) angeschlossen, einem schnell wachsenden Netzwerk von gemeindebasierten Onkologiepraxen.
Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es FWMOH, seine patientenorientierten Dienstleistungen zu erweitern und weiterhin hochwertige, einfühlsame Versorgung anzubieten. Dr. Praveen Kollipara, Präsident von FWMOH, hob hervor, dass diese Zusammenarbeit zu einem aufregenden Zeitpunkt kommt, da FWMOH kürzlich führende gynäkologische Onkologen hinzugefügt und seine Präsenz in Peru und Warschau ausgebaut hat.
FWMOH betreibt neun Standorte in Nordost-Indiana mit 16 vom Vorstand zertifizierten medizinischen Onkologen und zwei vom Vorstand zertifizierten gynäkologischen Onkologen, Dr. Iwona Podzielinski und Dr. Scott Goodrich. Dr. Podzielinski betonte, dass diese Partnerschaft ihre Fähigkeit stärken wird, modernste Behandlungen anzubieten und gleichzeitig einen patientenorientierten Ansatz beizubehalten.
FWMOH bietet umfassende Krebsbehandlungsdienste an, einschließlich Laborleistungen, PET/CT-Bildgebung, orale und IV-Infusionstherapien, klinische Studien, Überlebensprogramme und Patientenunterstützung. Die Kliniken verfügen über private Untersuchungsräume und vor Ort gelegene Infusionsräume für den Komfort der Patienten.
Der CEO von AON, Todd Schonherz, und CMO Stephen Fred Divers, MD, drückten ihre Begeisterung über die Partnerschaft aus, wobei sie auf die Übereinstimmung mit der Mission von AON hinwiesen, den Zugang zu hochwertiger, patientenpriorisierter Krebsversorgung landesweit zu erweitern.
- FWMOH's partnership with AON facilitates expansion of patient-focused services.
- Addition of leading gynecologic oncologists enhances FWMOH's service offerings.
- FWMOH’s nine locations and experienced staff strengthen AON's network.
- Comprehensive cancer care services and cutting-edge treatments offered by FWMOH.
- None.
FORT WAYNE, Ind., Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH), a trusted name in northeastern Indiana cancer care since 1977, is proud to announce it has joined American Oncology Network (AON), one of the nation’s fastest-growing networks of community-based oncology practices.
This partnership enables FWMOH to expand its patient-focused services while continuing the high-quality, compassionate care that has been a hallmark of the practice for nearly five decades.
“We are thrilled to join American Oncology Network,” said Dr. Praveen Kollipara, a Board-certified medical oncologist and president of FWMOH. “This partnership comes at an exciting time for FWMOH. We’ve recently added the leading gynecologic oncologists in northeastern Indiana and expanded our presence in Peru and Warsaw. With AON’s support, we will pursue additional growth initiatives and innovations to enhance care for more patients in the region.”
FWMOH operates nine locations across northeastern Indiana and is staffed by 16 Board-certified medical oncologists and two Board-certified gynecologic oncologists, Dr. Iwona Podzielinski and Dr. Scott Goodrich, who joined AON as Fort Wayne Gynecologic Oncology, a division of FWMOH, in November in anticipation of the FWMOH/AON partnership.
“We are excited to join FWMOH as its gynecologic oncology division,” said Dr. Podzielinski. “FWMOH and AON share a deep commitment to delivering innovative, high-quality, and personalized cancer care in a community setting. This partnership strengthens our ability to offer cutting-edge treatments while maintaining the patient-centered approach our patients trust. We look forward to the expanded services this collaboration will bring, enhancing convenience and improving outcomes for the patients we serve.”
FWMOH offers comprehensive cancer care, including laboratory services, PET/CT imaging, diverse oral and IV infusion treatment options, clinical trials, survivorship programs, and patient support – all delivered close to home to reduce travel burdens for patients and their families. FWMOH clinics feature private exam rooms and on-site infusion suites designed for patient comfort and privacy during treatment.
“We are pleased to welcome Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology to the American Oncology Network,” said AON’s chief executive officer Todd Schonherz. “FWMOH is ASCO certified and has an exceptional reputation for delivering patient-centered, community-based care. Their team brings extensive expertise and shares AON’s commitment to individualized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. This partnership aligns with AON’s mission to expand access to high-quality, patient-first cancer care in local communities nationwide. We look forward to the expertise FWMOH providers bring to our network.”
“On behalf of AON, I am thrilled to welcome the FWMOH team to the network,” said Stephen “Fred” Divers, MD, AON’s chief medical officer. “The FWMOH team has delivered exceptional care in northeastern Indiana for decades, and I am confident that our patients – and our team – will benefit immensely from their expertise and commitment to providing quality, patient-centered care in a community-based setting.”
FWMOH providers are now accepting new patients. For more information about AON, visit To learn more about Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology, visit
About Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology
Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology (FWMOH) provides state-of-the-art cancer and blood disorder treatments through a team of dedicated healthcare providers serving northeastern Indiana. Since 1977, FWMOH has cared for thousands of patients, treating more than 40 types of cancer – from bladder to bone, pancreatic to prostate – as well as blood disorders such as hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).
FWMOH’s experienced physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and clinical support staff work collaboratively to deliver the high-quality oncologic and hematologic care informed by cutting-edge research and decades of experience. The team emphasizes compassionate, patient-centered care that respects the needs of the whole person.
The following Board-certified physicians are accepting appointments at FWMOH: Farrukh M. Adhami, MD; Sunil Babu, MD; Matthew L. Carr, MD; Shalini Chitneni, MD; Michael Epstein, MD; Gary G. Gize, MD; Ryan Gonzales, MD; Praveen Kollipara, MD; Yasolatha Nalamolu, MD; Screenivasa R. Nattam, MD; Dolly Rosa Quispe, MD; Steven N. Rhinehart, MD; Ahad Sadiq, MD; Naga Vutukuri, MD; Richard Zhang, MD; and David M. Zimmerman, MD. FWMOH’s gynecologic oncologists include Dr. Iwona Podzielinski and Dr. Scott Goodrich.
Learn more at
About American Oncology Network
American Oncology Network (AON) is an alliance of physicians and seasoned healthcare leaders partnering to ensure the long-term success and viability of community oncology and other specialties. Founded in 2018, AON’s rapidly expanding network represents more than 290 providers practicing across 21 states. AON pioneers innovative healthcare solutions through its physician-led model, fostering value-based care that improves patient outcomes while reducing costs and expanding access to quality care. AON equips its network physicians with the tools they need to thrive independently while providing comprehensive support, integrated revenue-diversifying ancillary services, and practice management expertise, enabling physicians to focus on what matters most – providing the highest standard of care for every patient. AON is committed to promoting health equity by addressing disparities in cancer care and ensuring that all patients have access to the care they need to achieve optimal health outcomes. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, AON is shaping the future of community oncology. For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

What does the FWMOH and AON partnership mean for patients?
How many locations does FWMOH operate?
Who are the newly added gynecologic oncologists at FWMOH?
What comprehensive cancer care services does FWMOH provide?
How does the partnership with AON benefit FWMOH?