Q1 2025 Insurance Labor Market Study Results Reflect Ongoing Stability

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The latest U.S. Insurance Labor Market Study by The Jacobson Group and Aon plc (NYSE: AON) reveals continued stability in the insurance employment sector. 88% of respondents plan to increase or maintain staff size in 2025, with 55% specifically planning to increase staff - a 3-point rise from both July and January 2024 studies.

Key findings include:

  • 74% of companies expect revenue growth in the next 12 months
  • 75% of carriers expect hybrid work schedules
  • Technology, underwriting, and claims roles are in highest demand
  • Actuarial, executive, and analytics positions remain hardest to fill
  • Industry employment projected to increase by 1.08% over next 12 months

The study indicates companies are prioritizing experienced staff recruitment over entry-level positions, emphasizing the importance of strong career development and competitive compensation programs for talent retention.

Il recente Studio sul Mercato del Lavoro Assicurativo negli Stati Uniti, condotto da The Jacobson Group e Aon plc (NYSE: AON), rivela una continua stabilità nel settore dell'occupazione assicurativa. Il 88% degli intervistati prevede di aumentare o mantenere la dimensione del personale nel 2025, con il 55% che intende specificamente incrementare il personale, un aumento di 3 punti rispetto ai studi di luglio e gennaio 2024.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Il 74% delle aziende prevede una crescita dei ricavi nei prossimi 12 mesi
  • Il 75% delle compagnie si aspetta orari di lavoro ibridi
  • I ruoli in tecnologia, underwriting e gestione dei sinistri sono i più richiesti
  • Le posizioni attuariali, esecutive e analitiche rimangono le più difficili da coprire
  • Si prevede un aumento dell'occupazione nel settore dell'1,08% nei prossimi 12 mesi

Lo studio indica che le aziende stanno dando priorità al reclutamento di personale esperto rispetto alle posizioni entry-level, sottolineando l'importanza di un forte sviluppo professionale e di programmi di compenso competitivi per la retention dei talenti.

El último Estudio del Mercado Laboral de Seguros de EE.UU., realizado por The Jacobson Group y Aon plc (NYSE: AON), revela una estabilidad continua en el sector del empleo en seguros. El 88% de los encuestados planea aumentar o mantener el tamaño del personal en 2025, con un 55% que planea específicamente aumentar el personal, un aumento de 3 puntos en comparación con los estudios de julio y enero de 2024.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 74% de las empresas espera un crecimiento de ingresos en los próximos 12 meses
  • El 75% de las aseguradoras espera horarios de trabajo híbridos
  • Los roles en tecnología, suscripción y gestión de reclamaciones están en mayor demanda
  • Las posiciones actuariales, ejecutivas y analíticas siguen siendo las más difíciles de cubrir
  • Se proyecta un aumento del empleo en la industria del 1.08% en los próximos 12 meses

El estudio indica que las empresas están priorizando la contratación de personal experimentado sobre las posiciones de nivel inicial, enfatizando la importancia de un sólido desarrollo profesional y programas de compensación competitivos para la retención del talento.

제이콥슨 그룹과 Aon plc (NYSE: AON)가 실시한 최신 미국 보험 노동 시장 연구는 보험 고용 부문의 지속적인 안정성을 보여줍니다. 응답자의 88%가 2025년에 직원 수를 늘리거나 유지할 계획입니다, 이 중 55%는 특히 직원을 늘릴 계획이며, 이는 2024년 1월과 7월 연구에 비해 3포인트 증가한 수치입니다.

주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 74%의 기업이 향후 12개월 내에 수익 성장을 예상합니다
  • 75%의 보험사가 하이브리드 근무 일정을 예상합니다
  • 기술, 언더라이팅 및 클레임 역할이 가장 수요가 많습니다
  • 계리, 경영 및 분석 직위는 여전히 채우기 가장 어려운 직위입니다
  • 산업 고용은 향후 12개월 동안 1.08% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다

이 연구는 기업들이 신입 직위보다 경험이 풍부한 직원 채용을 우선시하고 있으며, 인재 유지를 위한 강력한 경력 개발 및 경쟁력 있는 보상 프로그램의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.

La dernière étude sur le marché de l'emploi dans le secteur de l'assurance aux États-Unis, réalisée par The Jacobson Group et Aon plc (NYSE: AON), révèle une stabilité continue dans le secteur de l'emploi en assurance. 88 % des répondants prévoient d'augmenter ou de maintenir la taille de leur personnel en 2025, avec 55 % qui prévoient spécifiquement d'augmenter le personnel, soit une augmentation de 3 points par rapport aux études de juillet et janvier 2024.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 74 % des entreprises s'attendent à une croissance des revenus au cours des 12 prochains mois
  • 75 % des assureurs s'attendent à des horaires de travail hybrides
  • Les rôles en technologie, souscription et gestion des sinistres sont les plus demandés
  • Les postes actuariels, exécutifs et analytiques restent les plus difficiles à pourvoir
  • L'emploi dans l'industrie devrait augmenter de 1,08 % au cours des 12 prochains mois

L'étude indique que les entreprises privilégient le recrutement de personnel expérimenté par rapport aux postes de débutants, soulignant l'importance d'un développement professionnel solide et de programmes de compensation compétitifs pour la fidélisation des talents.

Die neueste Studie zum Arbeitsmarkt der US-Versicherungsbranche von The Jacobson Group und Aon plc (NYSE: AON) zeigt eine anhaltende Stabilität im Versicherungsbeschäftigungssektor. 88% der Befragten planen, die Mitarbeiterzahl im Jahr 2025 zu erhöhen oder beizubehalten, wobei 55% speziell planen, das Personal zu erhöhen – ein Anstieg um 3 Punkte im Vergleich zu den Studien von Juli und Januar 2024.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • 74% der Unternehmen erwarten ein Umsatzwachstum in den nächsten 12 Monaten
  • 75% der Versicherer erwarten hybride Arbeitszeitmodelle
  • Die Nachfrage nach Technologie-, Underwriting- und Schadensbearbeitungsrollen ist am höchsten
  • Aktuarielle, leitende und analytische Positionen sind nach wie vor am schwersten zu besetzen
  • Die Beschäftigung in der Branche wird in den nächsten 12 Monaten voraussichtlich um 1,08% steigen

Die Studie zeigt, dass Unternehmen die Rekrutierung erfahrener Mitarbeiter gegenüber Einstiegspositionen priorisieren und die Bedeutung einer starken beruflichen Entwicklung sowie wettbewerbsfähiger Vergütungsprogramme für die Bindung von Talenten betonen.

  • 88% of carriers plan to maintain or increase staff
  • 55% plan to increase staff, up 3 points from previous studies
  • 74% expect revenue growth in next 12 months
  • 1.08% projected industry employment growth
  • Revenue growth expectations down 3 points from January 2024
  • Recruiting difficulty increased in 6 of 11 job categories
  • Continued challenges in filling key positions (actuarial, executive, analytics)

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The latest iteration of the Semi-Annual U.S. Insurance Labor Market Study, conducted by The Jacobson Group, the leading provider of talent to the insurance industry, and Aon plc (NYSE: AON), a leading global professional services firm, found 88% of respondents intend to increase or maintain staff size in 2025.

“Employment expectations remain relatively similar to last year,” said Jeffrey Blair, senior vice president of executive search and business development at The Jacobson Group. “Despite a slight spike in the industry's unemployment rate, turnover has slowed since last January and carriers continue to anticipate moderate growth as they move through the next 12 months.”

“More companies expect to focus recruiting efforts on experienced staff, rather than hiring entry-level positions,” added Jeff Rieder, partner and head of Strategy and Technology Group Performance Benchmarking at Aon. “It remains critical for organizations to maintain strong career development and competitive compensation programs to retain and develop talent.”

Some of the study’s key findings include the following:

  • In the next 12 months, 55% of insurance carriers plan to increase staff, which is 3 points higher than reported in both the July and January 2024 studies. Thirty-three percent plan to maintain their current staff size.
  • Technology, underwriting and claims roles are the industry’s greatest need.
  • Seventy-four percent of companies expect to grow revenue during the next 12 months; this is 3 points lower than the January 2024 study.
  • During the next six months, 75% of carriers expect most employees to work a hybrid schedule. Just 3% require employees in the office every day.
  • Compared to January 2024, recruiting difficulty has increased in six of 11 categories. Actuarial, executive and analytics roles remain the most challenging to fill.
  • If carriers follow through on their plans, the industry will see a 1.08% increase in employment during the next 12 months.

For more highlights and commentary, download the full results summary and view the recorded webcast here.

The insurance labor market study has been conducted semi-annually since 2009. Collecting revenue and hiring projections from carriers across all sectors of the industry, it provides a valuable look at the insurance labor market outlook and hiring trends.

The study’s next iteration will occur in July 2025. To be notified when it opens, follow this link.

About The Jacobson Group:
The Jacobson Group is the leading provider of talent to the insurance industry. For more than 50 years, Jacobson has been connecting insurance organizations with professionals at all levels across all industry verticals. Jacobson provides insurance talent solutions to support virtually any human capital need. We offer executive search services and comprehensive staffing solutions, including professional recruiting, temporary staffing and interim experts.

Follow The Jacobson Group on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.

About Aon:
Aon plc (NYSE: AON) exists to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. Through actionable analytic insight, globally integrated Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise, and locally relevant solutions, our colleagues provide clients in over 120 countries with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that help protect and grow their businesses.

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The Jacobson Group

Whitney Stephens

+1 (312) 628-0376

Aon plc

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Source: The Jacobson Group


What is the projected employment growth rate for insurance carriers according to AON's Q1 2025 study?

The study projects a 1.08% increase in insurance industry employment over the next 12 months.

Which job roles are most in demand according to AON's insurance labor market study?

Technology, underwriting, and claims roles are identified as the industry's greatest staffing needs.

What percentage of insurance companies plan to increase staff in 2025?

55% of insurance carriers plan to increase staff, up 3 points from both July and January 2024 studies.

How many insurance companies expect revenue growth in 2025?

74% of companies expect revenue growth during the next 12 months, down 3 points from January 2024.

What are the most difficult insurance positions to fill according to the AON study?

Actuarial, executive, and analytics roles remain the most challenging positions to fill.

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